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Art Sale - Anyone want to buy a Banksy?

chingalera says...

The nature of the game of experts and critiques schooled or otherwise in the realm of art, is that even if these are 'replicas' or forgeries that some smugly fart-sniffer will STILL spend bank on the gamble-I hope that's Banksy is disguise, say what you will about the artist, the guys' a genius guerrilla marketing enigma-

rich_magnet said:

Well, being stencils, they're all, strictly speaking, copies.

I'm curious about the catch - are they real banksys? Is that Banksy in disguise?

Art Sale - Anyone want to buy a Banksy?

Siouxsie & The Banshees - Israel [HD]

chingalera says...

Little orphans in the snow
With nowhere to call a home
Start their singing, singing
Waiting through the summertime
To thaw your hearts in wintertime
That's why they're singing, singing

Waiting for a sign
To turn blood into wine
The sweet taste in your mouth
Turned bitter in its glass

Israel, in Israel
Israel, in Israel

Shattered fragments of the past
Meet in veins on the stained glass
Like the lifeline in your palm
Red and green reflects the scene
Of a long forgotten dream
There were princes and there were kings

Now hidden in disguise
Cheap wrappings of lies
Keep your heart alive
With a song from inside

Even though we're all alone
We are never on our own
When we're singing, singing

There's a man who's looking in
And he smiles a toothless grin
Because he's singing, singing
See some people shine with glee
But their song is jealousy
Their hate is clanging, maddening

In Israel
Will they sing Happy Noel
In Israel, in Israel
Israel, in Israel
In Israel
Will they sing Happy Noel

siftbot said:

The thumbnail image for this video has been updated - thumbnail added by oritteropo.

Being a slut is fun for everyone...

braschlosan says...

I feel like your white knighting misses the point of comedy. The reason its funny is that we are laughing at those men who'd actually have these types of beliefs.
I will give an example (relating sexism to racism). If I'm a white guy with a mexican and black friend and we can make fun of each other with some racist joke that means we've moved on and those who are actual racists no longer have power over us.

It is my STRONG opinion that those of us who can laugh at a video like this are NOT mysogynistic, and those who have a problem with it are secretly hiding a sexist mindset of their own (even if its disguised as feminism or equality).

marinara said:

IMHO, we need a invocation to flag misogynistic and debased humor like this.

derogatory stuff like this forms landmines (in effect) for the unsuspecting female sifter.
it's not that i want to ban strip-clubs... just want to keep them out of church.


MSNBC PSA - All Your Kids Are Belong to Us

blankfist says...

@Yogi, sure, I'm all for educating kids and helping people out, but this is collectivist speak. Let's break down what she says [emphasis mine]...

"We've never invested as much in public education as we should have."

I'd argue we've invested a lot, we just don't see the return because of whatever reason. I could cite references all day long that we, as taxpayers, pay more per child in public schools on average than parents pay per child for private schools.

"We've always had kind of a private notion of children."
"We haven't had a very collective notion of 'these are our children'."
"So part of it is we've got to kind of break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities."

That's scary language she's using. I'm all for giving opportunity and resources to kids to help them. And I do think that's what communities should feel compelled to do, but there's a difference between that and what I'm getting from her little soapbox diatribe. I hear, instead, a message of control disguised as opportunity. Words matter. Words have meaning. And this is nothing short of propaganda, in my opinion.

Bigger Pizzas: A Capitalist Case for Health Care Reform

Trancecoach says...

He is right -- you need innovation to create things and then competition to bring prices down, but then arrives at some strange conclusions and inconsistencies. (All the while sounding like he is on crack.)

He makes a case for government giving money to entrepreneurs. Isn't that the "partnership system" that we have now? The mix of giving "public" money to "private" entrepreneurs?

His "solutions" require omniscient central planning to know who to give money to.

It's kind of sad the level of audience he is addressing his ideas to.
MTV meets pop-econ.

Basically he is advocating, like in the other video, a form of crony capitalism here. And the "problem" is that we don't have enough of it. So we should be giving more money to cronies because it doesn't matter if their "pizzas" get bigger, their "success" will "trickle down" to the rest of us and everyone will have a bigger pizza even if it's nowhere near as big as that of the wealthy entrepreneurs. A dog chasing its tail.

It's a weird sort of crony capitalism, though, because you give money to everyone and then one or two of those will build successful businesses and employ everyone else who didn't do as much with the money that was given to them. That's a kind of circular and it's not realistic to think that a couple of entrepreneurs will make up for all the money "given" to everyone else, and the resulting inflation and the myriad of problems therein.

I think he is trying to appeal to both left and right wingers, but it seems rather incoherent, a fact he may be trying to disguise with the fast pace and choppy editing, i.e., a video version of "fast-tlking" (i.e., swindling) to prevent any real and careful analysis of what he says.

I think there's more useful information in the videos this guy produces, but alas, they're not as "zany" as these...

Apple Creating Technology To Help Cops Hide Police Brutality

chingalera says...

@kevingrr, Thank You. I have been decrying the schlock of TYT as long as these embeds started appearing on the VS maybe 4 years ago?? The lapdog fanatics here clam the fuck up whenever I suggest their being duped-out of the meat of what's news as they trade the protein of meaning for smarmy, snipeish, sub-standard infotainment that strokes their programmed sensibilities.

Compare TYT to Fox News, simply insert banter that "feels" and "sounds" better to the critical-thinking-challenged ineffectual and, "Voila, let's call it bad drugs disguised as political commentary."

What Bears Do in the Woods

Man Cut in Half - Illusion Prank

bareboards2 says...

To me, I can see that his actual legs are in the pants. He probably has some physical anomaly of normal length torso with shorter legs. It seems to me he is leaning the right - probably has a seat built into the "pants" on a frame so he can sit while leaning. Also, his upper body is disguised by his shirt in a frame, so you can't see the lean. I think.

Way cool illusion.

Bruti79 said:

I'm trying to figure out the gimmick. If it's happening live, then he has some amazing props and is clever. Off the top of my head though, scripted reaction and he's doing some visual effects with some body parts wrapped in green. But, I just can't figure out the exact mechanics of it.

Black Christians = Uncle Toms

chingalera says...

@MilkmanDan-Pretty sure the most effective squelching of the rise of the Nation of Islam and the push for conversion from the slave-master's religion was achieved by the CIA, (insert covertly shadowed organizations within the labyrinth here) pumping high-grade opiates into the ghettos of all major United States cities-Fast-forward to 1980, and crack cocaine takes what's left of a effectual black population on a path to self-actualization down the road leading right back to the master's plantation.

That the black activism of the 60's scared the holy shit outta the control apparatus is best evidenced in the assassination of MLK, Malcolm X, (many, many others) and the string of cocksuckers disguised as presidents to follow Eisenhower, a legacy which continues to become more farcical with each movement of the second-hand on yer grandpa's pocket-watch.

The Ghost Army

Jinx says...

The royal engineers made whole tank battalions out of these in North Africa. They also disguised their real tanks as trucks.

Anyway, I kind of want a giant inflatable tank in my garden just for the google maps satellite view.

Man of Steel Trailer #3

BANNED TED Talks Graham Hancock on Consciousness Emergence

BicycleRepairMan says...

Look, I'm NOT saying we shouldn't look into this drug to see how it affects the brain, all that is interesting stuff, sure. I'm just saying we should approach it with the appropriate context which involves scientifically indisputable knowledge about the brain's (and all other biological material's) origin.

Its like this: suppose you find a cave somewhere on earth and it seems to be really deep: by all means, explore the cave, but if your theory is that the cave exits on mars on the other end, you aren't thinking straight, and your not taking into consideration what we already know. That's not how planets work.

I'm all with you on investigating the drug, I'm just calling bullshit on all the supernatural/spiritual hogwash being disguised as science.

PHJF (Member Profile)

Disguised Jeff Gordon Takes Car Sale Person For A Test Drive

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