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"It's not news, it's CNN"

chingalera says...

The same place everyone else does-He simply refuses to be fooled by bullshit disguised as truth. CNN is a spin-doctor for the criminals who have cornered the market on mind-control.

Fairbs said:

And you get your news from???

"Whitening" a black family in France

9547bis says...

After looking up the title on Youtube ("Dans la peau d'un Noir"), it turned out to be a documentary from 2007 where two French families, one black one white, "switched" their skin colors to experiment with discrimination (or its sudden absence, as the case may be). Its Wikipedia page mention John Howard Griffin's "Black Like Me" as an inspiration.

Additional note which I feel obliged to mention for American viewers: there were no minstrel shows, and so there is no concept of "blackface", in Europe. Of course disguising yourself into some sort of racial stereotype would bring the same type of reaction as anywhere else (or so I hope), but just changing your skin tone would not be considered offensive in itself.

Street Harassment Of Women In New York - An Art Project

Engels says...

There's just two different ways of saying 'smile'. One's a seemingly avuncular and friendly 'cheer up' and the other's the one these women are talking about, the one that says 'I want you as a sex object, how dare you have an expression on your face other than that which please me?'

Misogynists get away with it for the very reason you are all here defending men's right to tell a total fucking stranger across the damned street to have a specific facial expression. When you say it you want them to not look so down so that YOUR world has more color. It shows no sympathy for whatever the stranger's going through. Its pigheaded ignorant, but not misogynistic, just self centered, but its also a disguise for those who treat women like shit.

Sarzy (Member Profile)

If You've Never Had It Vietnamese Coffee Is Glorious

BoneRemake says...


.. someone else had subnmitted this college grade coffee video?

maybe it should of had some Anne Lennox or Alanis Moresett music to cream the top.

Didn't get it, the video is not about coffee it is just an art film disguised as a how to. I came into this with a How to in mind.

Superman with a GoPro

chingalera says...

Like the comic books of old leaving-out the subtle nuances of physics like whiplash, shock, or the smartest guy on the planet taking the word of a traumatized (or in this case, apparently love-struck-and-with-full-faculties building superintendent) hottie over a quick-fly-back and a glance through with x-ray eyeballs to maybe, make sure the gal was correct?!

Never could stand the inconsistencies of DC's bread-and-butter character, who seems to like his flesh-and-blood human male counterparts, becomes more dim-witted and effeminate with each passing year. Still at the Daily Planet for the day job? C'mon Superman, really?! You should at the very least have a gig with naval intelligence, I hear-tell they still issue the birth-control glasses you so effectively use for that awe-inspiring disguise.

iaui said:

"Oh, you mean that burning, exploding building I just fell out of? No, Superman, there's no one else in there. Yes, I'm absolutely sure of that. No need to think anything more of it. And yes, I'm normally this calm when I'm blown out of skyrises."

David Mitchell on Atheism

chingalera says...

So voodoovoovoo, may I offer-up an armchair analysis of why you feel the need to justify anything regarding your take on the subject?

In particular, this statement:

"I *am* opposed to every single depiction of a creator that humanity has come up with so far. petty, fear-based, eternal punishment for finite crimes, constant inconsistencies in their rules, ok with slavery, and absolutely shitty morals."

I would surmise from this opener, that you may resemble a victim of the fallacy contained in this statement considering your penchant for using this website as a platform to recruit similar folks of your ilk to validate your current position within this chaotic world, any individual's perception of the same resembling a constant flux and ever-changing.

Might I know where to attend services and pay tithes to afford myself of the bounty of wisdom to be derived form your observations disguised as a statement of purpose?

Church of the Videosift perhaps??

Already a member having paid my dues thank you. I'm sure you have a bar down the street from your flat and a certainty exists there that they would appreciate you drinking alone less often and perhaps helping with the gas bill.

My advice?? Become a hack writer and create your own weekly gathering of like-minded patrons who might afford you the luxury of the proselytizing quest you're compelled to pursue here.

Jesus the Nazarene spoke of a disease regarding a similar affliction quite simply and eloquently, in a similar sentiment...

"And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward."-Matthew 6:5

I'm sorry if I'm a dick about your current take on why you're here feeling you have to explain yourself, but from what you've described you simply are at this point in your experience, not able to conjure a god or system that does not fit into the models you have created for yourself. Kinna like my stance that anything created by men for other men is doomed to fail and already sucks.

Morality? Often relative to your dealings with those of opinions other than your own...

Make your own way, and you become the absurd creator-god perhaps?? Stranger shit has happened after all, over, and over, and over until the cessation of observation.

Voiceover Fun

chingalera says...

^ If he'd care to, I'd discuss my problem with his tactics at length, but as you can see eric, he's already decided just how he's willing to avoid discussion, and simply deride me publically.

I take offense, and as politely as I am able to at any time, voice my consternation with the dysfunction and hate directed at me personally.

Swirly??-That's like sticking someone's head in a toilet and holding them down while you flush it, right? One usually needs a few like-minded buddies to help with such a move...

I'd call his new favorite word for me a bully-tactic cloaked in an insult, disguised as a free-ticket to absolution. But hey, I'm the asshole here so, it couldn't be anyone but me, right??

Why sir, did not you yourself second his ban of this violator of the sift's rules eric, if it's not simply to call-attention to what you perceive as hate directed at chicco??

Maybe get a room, discuss it amongst yourselves??

The greatest piece of filmmaking you'll see this week

EMPIRE says...

Nicely shot and all, but there are several cuts in this. it absolutely is not a single shot.

There is a cut at around 2:50 mark, when the camera moves up to the helicopter, and then back down.

There is at least another one, very well disguised to be honest, at around the 4:25 mark when they move between the sheets hanging in the clothes line.

There could be more, but I noticed at least these two on a first viewing.

Obama scolds O'Reilly. Good for him.

chingalera says...

Bottom-line real shit for any brain-dead motherfucker out there who's still got Obama's back or is, 'tooting his horn', or wants a few minutes in the purple-room to suck his balls?:

He signs an executive order which reads that he can detain an American for any fucking reason, then, is authorized to disappear their ass to Guantanamo (still open), some bunker in Poland, or fuck, under the fucking White House if he just wants to rub salt in awound, and NO ONE, No judge, no family members, no entire state protesting, can do a mo-the-r fucking thing about it...

An evil, lying fuck-stick of a charlatan disguised as a leader, and anyone still drunk on the kool-aids' a complicit buffoon.

Why run to Russia and be prepared to keep on running?? Ask Snowden, or at the very least, listen to what he's fucking saying kids....

Fuuuuck people, read some fucking books!

How the Media Failed Women in 2013

Lawdeedaw says...

To accent that point--the character in the video is under disguise but we all "know" its a man because men are rapists.

vadeosaft said:

I kinda feel like portraying men as rapists is a pretty big way that the media fails men?

Admittedly, there's surely some room for debate as to whether the video you described portrays men or women as worse, but I think we can agree it doesn't do either any favors. The man in the video is portrayed as self-centered, inconsiderate, and generally a pretty shitty person. The women are definitely portrayed poorly as well, but I'm not convinced that the way they're portrayed is substantially worse than the way the man is portrayed.

Why is everyone more concerned about the portrayal of the women in that video, when the portrayal of the man is completely disgusting as well? I think both should be equally concerning.

Right Wing Media Needs a Science Class

chingalera says...

ALL-wingjob media needs semantics and critical-thinking lessons with a view to righteous, unfiltered, dissemination of information.

The "with us right now is a panel of agenda-motivated fuckheads disguised as experts' scenario that exist today and is represented in some of the most, traditionally-voted-for-on-band-wagon-drugs on THIS site, can dry-hump a spruce tree.

But this won't happen. The purpose by design of media is to saturate your minds with diversion after 'I-feel-passionate-about-this-subject' bullshit, is nothing but their usurping your mind to involve yourself in shit that matters-not in the grand scheme of the ass-raping you.

Actually, "Meg" is short for something else - Family Guy

Thor's Flight - Stan's Rants

heathen says...

Oh, everyone smells it. They just don't mention it - just like his Clark Kent pair of glasses "disguise" and the fact he wears his underwear on the outside.

"Is it a bird, is it a plane ... what the hell is that smell?"
"Dude! He just saved your life, cut him some slack."

ant said:

And people don't seem to smell it?

Adele masturbates - Ushi Hirosaki interview

chingalera says...

No entr0py, it's piss-poor comedy.
Yeah well, regardless of Van Djik's dull-ass schtick (see Borat) "CRY RACISM" has become a very effective tool used to distract and divert attention from the meat of any issue an, "easy-out" if you will, for haters disguised as humanitarians. Have you yourself entr0py, been a victim of or suffered the disgust of others with race having been a factor or catalyst?

In the U.S. anyway, the racism card is thrown-around nowadays mostly by out-of-touch, agenda-oriented white people and angry, ignorant minorities. It was thrown at me by certain assholes on this site in the past and it cost me my account. Fuck racism in this context-It's a goddamn illusion perpetrated through ignorance and ego.

entr0py said:

Wow, that's so racist. In case you're wondering who the white lady in the wig is:

Kind of hard to care about the scripted masturbation slip when confronted with that.

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