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Bill Maher Calls BS On Tom Brokaw

chingalera says...

Ch Ch Chingalera comes outta the wood works channeling choggie and calls BS On Cenk Uyguuur and his brand of pontificous diversion disguised as some analgesic vegetable lozenge that so many walking-aneurisms seem to fawn over........Fuck him AND fuck Tom Brokaw

Cenks a douchebag, and his editorializing sucks balls and follows a well-scripted formula...he sucks at what he does..dirty work for assholes.-

Lucky Guy Escapes Strange Accident

How Could Assange Escape the Ecuadorian Embassy?

Yogi says...

>> ^Boise_Lib:

>> ^dag:
Oh yes! I would love to see some classy, clever spy stuff like this. I bet MI6 has the whole place bugged though.>> ^Deano:
I'm thinking of the end of The Thomas Crown Affair with Pierce Brosnan. Have a load of Assange lookalikes turn up and swarm the area, make several hoax "omg I saw a terrorist" calls and in the confusion Assange walks out disguised as a black guy (I saw that in Silver Streak with Gene Wilder).

That's my thought also.
With bugs everywhere, satellites, and CCTV cameras on every corner (to keep citizens "safe"). There is little chance an old style clock and dagger escape would work.

Some of the ideas aren't bad though...the thing is if they get tons of information you can use it against them until they don't trust the information they're getting. Also if push came to shove they would lock down the airport until they got a handle on the situation. The best thing they could do is distract like they're going to the airport and go to a small airport to charter a small plane to another nation who wouldn't turn him over, or at least to Europe where he could more easily disappear. Or maybe even use a boat to get to Europe. Just simply cover of darkness changing your hair sort of stuff could work and with communication and GPS these days he could be picked up and moved really efficiently.

I really wish I was a part of the group trying to get him out though, that would be soo much fun.

How Could Assange Escape the Ecuadorian Embassy?

Boise_Lib says...

>> ^dag:

Oh yes! I would love to see some classy, clever spy stuff like this. I bet MI6 has the whole place bugged though.>> ^Deano:
I'm thinking of the end of The Thomas Crown Affair with Pierce Brosnan. Have a load of Assange lookalikes turn up and swarm the area, make several hoax "omg I saw a terrorist" calls and in the confusion Assange walks out disguised as a black guy (I saw that in Silver Streak with Gene Wilder).

That's my thought also.
With bugs everywhere, satellites, and CCTV cameras on every corner (to keep citizens "safe"). There is little chance an old style clock and dagger escape would work.

How Could Assange Escape the Ecuadorian Embassy?

Deano says...

Another problem might be that being disguised as a black person doesn't reduce your chances of arrest...

>> ^dag:

Oh yes! I would love to see some classy, clever spy stuff like this. I bet MI6 has the whole place bugged though.>> ^Deano:
I'm thinking of the end of The Thomas Crown Affair with Pierce Brosnan. Have a load of Assange lookalikes turn up and swarm the area, make several hoax "omg I saw a terrorist" calls and in the confusion Assange walks out disguised as a black guy (I saw that in Silver Streak with Gene Wilder).

How Could Assange Escape the Ecuadorian Embassy?

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Oh yes! I would love to see some classy, clever spy stuff like this. I bet MI6 has the whole place bugged though.>> ^Deano:

I'm thinking of the end of The Thomas Crown Affair with Pierce Brosnan. Have a load of Assange lookalikes turn up and swarm the area, make several hoax "omg I saw a terrorist" calls and in the confusion Assange walks out disguised as a black guy (I saw that in Silver Streak with Gene Wilder).

How Could Assange Escape the Ecuadorian Embassy?

Deano says...

I'm thinking of the end of The Thomas Crown Affair with Pierce Brosnan. Have a load of Assange lookalikes turn up and swarm the area, make several hoax "omg I saw a terrorist" calls and in the confusion Assange walks out disguised as a black guy (I saw that in Silver Streak with Gene Wilder).

Shameless product placement on TV

Porksandwich says...

Chuck and the Subway stuff was because Subway basically kept that show on the air through at least one and maybe two cancellations.

Subway I believe also saved Community, they were funny with it in some ways, but still lots of "Subway" mentions.

I really can't fault those when they actually keep the show on the air that would have otherwise been canceled. Though, yes they do go overboard.

What I am getting tired of is EVERY show using the GPS, Phone answer, etc features on cars and then explaining it to other characters in the show for a sizable amount of time. This has been happening more and more. They do it with phones too, but I swear the car ones are like cut and paste...not disguised at all or deviated from much at all on a show by show basis.

Prometheus: a Spoiler-free Mini-review (Scifi Talk Post)

Deano says...

>> ^Ryjkyj:

On the "Alien" release in 1979:
"Critical reaction to the film was initially mixed. Some critics who were not usually favorable towards science fiction, such as Barry Norman of the BBC's Film series, were positive about the film's merits. Others, however, were not: Reviews by Variety, Sight and Sound, Vincent Canby and Leonard Maltin were mixed or negative. A review by Time Out said the film was an "empty bag of tricks whose production values and expensive trickery cannot disguise imaginative poverty"."

Well they were wrong. Though I don't see why those criticisms should not be directed at this effort. Having just seen it I'm disappointed that my low expectations were met.

For a guy who claims to base his films in logic, Scott has a lot of illogical things going on. No tension, poor characters, dodgy dialogue at times and an overall plot that simply explains a few things in the lead up to the first film.

Also for a two hour film it's paced very quickly and for the first time in my life I am tempted to conclude this is purposely geared to the attention span of the Facebook generation.

Jesus H Christ Explains Everything

xxovercastxx says...


Eve was tempted by Satan, not a talking snake.
Why isn't this mentioned in the original text?

How and why did people suddenly realize the serpent was actually Satan a few thousand years later?

Why didn't God recognize Satan in the form of a serpent? It seems God's omniscience was on the fritz that day; he didn't know where Adam was hiding, didn't know he and Eve had eaten the fruit and apparently had no idea Satan was sneaking around the garden disguised as a serpent.

If God did recognize Satan, why did he punish all serpents to crawl on their bellies and eat dust and all that? And why did they continue to do business together for the next few thousand years until the Fall? If Satan was just doing his original job (tempting humans), why was he punished at all?

What was required was a man who lived a perfect, sinless life in total obedience to God.
Why was this required? Why can't God just change the rules if that's what he wants? Why does he need to jump through all these hoops?

People are not saved by taking the sacraments. That is a catholic ritual.
...and a Protestant ritual, and a Greek Orthodox ritual.

Prometheus: a Spoiler-free Mini-review (Scifi Talk Post)

Ryjkyj says...

On the "Alien" release in 1979:

"Critical reaction to the film was initially mixed. Some critics who were not usually favorable towards science fiction, such as Barry Norman of the BBC's Film series, were positive about the film's merits. Others, however, were not: Reviews by Variety, Sight and Sound, Vincent Canby and Leonard Maltin were mixed or negative. A review by Time Out said the film was an "empty bag of tricks whose production values and expensive trickery cannot disguise imaginative poverty"."


Dumb Homophobic Christian Takes Stupid to New Depths

KnivesOut says...

@spoco2 @messenger @bareboards2 I think this is a great discussion.

I'm a SharePoint Consultant and Software Engineer from North Carolina, but I'll be honest, I disguise my accent when I'm speaking with clients, if only because it sounds strange to my ears to say "Let's talk about your information architecture" with a drawl. I'm also not truly a native, having only lived here since high school.

That said, I deal with locals on a daily basis who are both highly technical and very southern. Accent just doesn't equate to intelligence. A better metric would be whether they go to church on Wednesday night (although some of the finest software engineers I've worked with have also been devoutly religious, so w/e.)

In North Carolina we have centers of civilization, usually areas surrounding the I40 corridor, and then we have the boonies. I would invite you to come to Chapel Hill or Durham on a Friday afternoon and have some drinks on the patio.

Skrillex ~ Rock n Roll (Will Take You to the Mountain)

How to Act Human-James Lipton's advice to Rmoney

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