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Tank Restorers Discover Gold Bars Hidden in ex Iraqi Tank

AeroMechanical says...

Where do you get a scale that has stones for a unit? I want one of those.

Also, I wouldn't have reported it. Too much hassle. I'm sure there is gold involved in a tank's construction somewhere. So, you know, it's just a component.

It's probably stamped. Probably belongs to a Kuwaiti bank. Nah, too much hassle.

"One word says it all. Asian"

coolhund says...

A comment from Youtube:
"So, this horrible and blatant act of racism happened to occur to a former ACLU civil liberties counselor who majored in Critical Race Studies -- described as a major aimed at "naming one's own reality" by "using narrative to illuminate and explore experiences of racial oppression." Isn't it ironic and unfortunate that this would happen to her of all people?

What's also a little ironic is that Ms. Suh not only received these texts from a "Tami," but also happens to have a Facebook friend named "Tami" who posts on Facebook about "Tiny House Listings" -- a house rental service.

Speaking of which, it's kind of interesting that Tami showed up as "Tami" on Ms. Suh's phone, rather than as a phone number, isn't it? And there's a photo for Tami too. That means Tami is saved as a contact. It's a little odd for some random Airbnb host that Ms. Suh never met in-person to be a contact with a photo on her phone, isn't it?

Interestingly, if you look at Facebook-friend "Tami's" photos, they're all sort of artistic, colorful photos of inanimate objects -- just like Tami's photo in the texts.

If I didn't know better, I would almost, almost think that this stilted, formal, perfect little racist exchange between house-renter Tami and critical race studies major Ms. Suh, and the passionately tearful speech in the rain that followed -- why was she making speeches in the rain anyway? -- was, in fact, a carefully constructed "narrative" that Ms. Suh conspired to create with her Facebook-friend Tami.

But hey, that couldn't be right, could it?"


Glass bottom pool with a view!

Xaielao says...

Considering the number of shoddy construction worker shit posted daily on Reddit, I probably wouldn't use it. Maybe if nobody else was in the pool but during a big party where it's obviously overloaded.. that's a death trap.

So there's this construction site...

transmorpher says...

Idiots, the thief and the construction workers.

-Jumping onto of a moving vehicle
-Punching the windscreen(not possible to break with your hand).
-Holding on the car as it continues to gain serious speed
-RAMMING SAID VEHICLE (causing $$$$ damage to your own car)while your colleague is still hanging onto the front.

For what? a $200 bit of machinery? Not even worth the damage you'd do to your hand from punching the windscreen (considering you're a construction worker and your income relies on working hands!) let alone the potential brain damage, disability or death if you come off the bonnet.

I'm also not sure how the law would interpret ramming a car off the road, or flipping it, or squishing it against other cars and causing more collateral than the tool is worth (which you'd have to do to make it stop), just to stop a petty thief. And honestly if you damaged my car to stop a thief, you'd be paying for my car.

Do these people think they are living in an action movie? I know the Terminator jumped onto a car and punched through the windscreen, but they used a hydraulic ram and hid it with special fx.


Would love to see how this ends though cause I'd be very surprised if everything /everyone was fine.

So there's this construction site...

ant says...

"Some construction workers catch a thief trying to steal a drill from a job site in Dallas. A chase and shenanigans ensue."

A drill? I wonder what type of drill it was that was worth stealing.

Payback (Member Profile)

Disaster That Changed Engineering: Hyatt Regency Collapse

Payback says...

"Disaster that changed engineering"

Didn't change engineering at all, I'd say it changed construction regulations, but not engineering. Whomever changed the plans did it half-assed. It's not engineering's fault, it's the engineer's.

50 Days of Trump - Jonathan Pie

This Is How You Sell A Refrigerator

mxxcon says...

While it's true that today's consumerism is much heavier reliant on planned/forced obsolescence, it is also a survival bias to say "they don't build them like they used to".

Old stuff that lasts for a very long time lasts that long because it was originally constructed well. So 99% badly manufactured stuff disappears and gets replaced.
Is there no high quality products that were manufactured to be that 1% either by choice or by luck?

If the statement "they don't build them like they used to" was true, cities would be 100% ancient buildings and we'd still be driving Model Ts.

This video talks about it much more eloquently:

bobknight33 said:

My grand parents fridge was well over 30 years st still working strong when they died. Same for their freezer unit in the basement. 30+ years old. Today's unit cheep plastics keeps you reburying one every 10 years.

Did not know that GE made these.

Repo Gone Wrong

Oroville Spillway Damage, Rebar?, Oroville Dam 2-27-17

Fairbs says...

' Someone should really go to jail for this dangerous, certain to fail construction, but the contractors are probably no longer living, so who?'

I suggest trump

The World Is Slowly Running Out Of Sand

lilricky2515 says...

Seriously? Beach sand has been moving since day one. It leaves the beaches by the water, it gets deposited by the water. The Core of Engineers is just trying to control that cycle. No construction companies are pulling sand from Miami Beach. #Fakenews

shagen454 (Member Profile)

poolcleaner says...

I will follow you, Namor! First, let me use my Quantum Bands to wreak havoc and sink the entire west coast of the United States into the Pacific. And with the help of the Fantastic Four and the more agreeable Deviants, shield the land mass from all harm and construct that utopia: Atlantis 5.

Yeah, the other Atlantises were blown up and or phased out of time and space, but i have high hopes for A5. Better than liberal hubs named after Mesopotamian cities! Death to the Night Watch and beware gov't telepaths...

shagen454 said:

I understand what you are saying I would say though that in the past, a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away- media in this country was a bit more "journalistic". Able to take multiple views and be the devil's advocate, if need be. Now everything is streamlined and slimmed down with an agenda set by their corporate sponsors and shareholders. It wasn't ALWAYS like this in the very specific way that it is now.

I think I abstracted my point, sure - Trump would be great for capitalism and business and I do understand why many asshats think "in the box" for that sort of utopian status quo bullshit. Unfortunately, we're no longer in the 50's & 60's... we have MANY issues that demand progressive answers.

Welp, my friends - soon we might just have to join a Snorkel Colony. Thanks Trump, alt-right-wingers & capitalism! I always wanted to go back to my roots in the ocean! Death to the Night Watch and beware gov't telepaths.

Video from the Future, Trump's wall completed

MilkmanDan says...

One of the more sensible things Trump has talked about doing is to repair and expand infrastructure. The wall could fall under that heading, and potentially even be a semi-positive thing (at least sections of it).

Big public works and infrastructure projects helped bring the US out of the Great Depression. Big public works and infrastructure projects helped prevent an economic crash after WW2 finished and soldiers returned home.

The wall is somewhat racist/bigoted in motivation, but illegal immigration is a real issue with real, tangible, negative effects. Building or attempting to build the wall would/will create jobs. Manning, maintaining, and watching the wall would/will create more jobs. And while the wall couldn't ever prevent all or even most illegal immigration, it could make it harder or less convenient enough to encourage going through the correct channels and procedures to come in legally instead. Which would be a good thing. Overall, I think a project like the wall could have much greater long-term value than something like the TSA, which is a colossal waste of money that produces ZERO real benefits.

However, realistically I doubt that much will actually happen with the wall. Not very much will actually get built, and any that does will probably NOT be maintained by whoever the next president is. So, long-term benefits are likely nil. Obviously, I'd prefer that Trump spend more money on building/repairing infrastructure that actually will have long-term benefits -- the interstate system, dams and flood prevention systems, etc. But there is some potential for construction on the wall to actually be a good thing, even if it is never completed and/or maintained.

Video from the Future, Trump's wall completed

MaxWilder says...

No, the next president will halt construction immediately, assuming the construction ever actually starts, which it most likely will not.

cosmovitelli said:

Except Trump will be long gone by the time the thing is done, it'll be the president after next who'll be looking at a giant rotting concrete mess with a monthly multi-billion upkeep fee..

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