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Everything Wrong With Batman Begins

ant says...

BB isn't my favorite Batman movie, but still better than the previous ones beside the first movie with Jack Nicolson. I loved both TDK movies.

Incompetent ATF Agent Confiscates 30 Airsoft Guns

chingalera says...

Those little yellow airsoft bb's hurt more irritatingly than those paint balls do, and they leave teensy bruises (more-so on gals) that look as if you had fallen asleep and woke up to find that you'd been attacked by woodpeckers.

Incompetent ATF Agent Confiscates 30 Airsoft Guns

aimpoint says...

Honor system mostly especially in wider open area environments. Smaller fields and indoor fields may have a match coordinator also serve as an "acting" ref.

From experience, the orange tip is a massive grey zone, with enforcement very arbitrary. That's probably why the owner was able to get by before, but suddenly not able to now. I used to keep an orange ribbon around so that any time law enforcement of any type showed up, I would wrap around the end of my barrels so it would "technically" comply, just in case.

As for the internals, to give an idea of how different they are, theres usually two "barrels" to the gun, the outer cosmetic barrel and the inner proper barrel. To say that airsoft weapons can be easily chambered to fire real bullets is like saying you can get them to fire out of a metal pipe. The upper and lower receiver internals are, for electric, a mechanical gearbox that has more in common with an RC car than a firearm. Gas is even more "different" as all its doing is pressing a button on the magazine to release the gas and launch the BB.

All of this doesn't even touch upon the fact that ATF defines the firearm portion of a real weapon to be the lower receiver and not the upper receiver. Thats where generally the firearm bits that do most of the real work are. So to say that an airsoft gun could be converted from the shell of an airsoft rifle would conflict with that lower receiver policy.

By the way, in the airsoft community, "any kid, any parent, any adult going out of the house with this..." would usually get you kicked off the establishment for doing something that stupid. Gunbags, fucking gunbags.

spawnflagger said:

Any sifters do AIRSOFT?
I've done paintball before, just wondering how airsoft is different. Do you just use the honor system as far as being hit?


The Simpsons - Breaking Bad Couch Gag

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Love that song. Such a great choice for BB.

Vice Magazine on HBO

The Internet circa 1995. Dial up, Pentiums, Giant CRTs, FTP

artician says...

I recall it being:

Load "*" ,8 ,1

Probably only for that which was the sole app on the disk. Man, just typing that made me nostalgic.

That aside, I really miss the era of the BBS. Back before corporations and government stuck their dirty cocks in such a wonderful (albeit slow) world of user-created socialism. Share and share alike, and if someone caught you with a virus, you cursed just as much as you marveled at their engineering ingenuity.

probie said:


Can't believe I remember that all these years.

Wait...yes I can:
LOAD "$",8

Fabrizio Paterlini - Veloma (lost cosmonaut mix) video

Hidden Camera turned on a Texas Diner with gay family

chingalera says...

Wow. (Insert random U.S. City Here).

Ever been to Gresham Oregon? Rhode Island? How about Greeley, Colorado?? Why in FUCK is the state of Texas associated with inane, civilly and socially retarded folks with you BB?
Not the first time your labels reflect a rather insular world view.

Try making a simple list, of allll the things you associate with a particular region of the planet good and bad and when you get to Texas, try on your world without it having never been here-

Kennedy might still be alive if it weren't for Johnson, eh?? "Goddamn feral Texans!!"

Analog digital clock

TimeLAX: LA in spectacular Time-Lapse

PZ Myers - A Despairing Perspective on American Education

The many wonders of light art photography

Puppy Determined To Get On Treadmill

Payback says...

First off, the treadmill is healthy for the dog, and burns off energy, making the easier to control let alone giving him "something to do". Some people just don't have the time to exercise their dog for the hour or so every day like every dog NEEDS to, no matter what the breed. You have 7 acres of squirrels? Good for you! There's a lot of people who live in condos and apartments where taking the dog for a walk is more dangerous to this dog AND handler than this pit probably is to anyone else.

Your statistics aren't complete...

There are more "vicious" attacks on people by Shepherds worldwide then there are actual pitbull dogs. THAT'S a statistic too.

Dogs can be looked at like guns.

Chihuahua = Ether gas BB gun
Jack Russell = .22 target pistol
Shepherd = .308 bolt action hunting rifle
Pitbull - AK47

If the gun is taken care of, and used properly, it won't suddenly take off and kill a seeing eye dog any more than a properly cared for pitbull.

A10anis said:

Is the owner lazy or does he/she just want to build up the muscles on an already intimidating fighting dog. ALL fighting dog breeds should be banned. And before you say; "It's the owner who makes them vicious, they are really cuddly, cute and so friendly," look at the figures on attacks by these breeds on adults/kids/dogs. Look at all the sickening videos.The latest statistic is the number of seeing eye dogs being attacked. There are 5 of these dogs in my area and ALL are a problem to people and other dogs. Their owners want them for the wrong reasons, reasons that are obvious. Of course any dog can be made violent, but these breeds have innate aggression, unpredictability, terrific strength and sheer tenacity. In the wrong hands they are lethal and, be honest, it is usually the wrong hands who own them. I have had three German Shepherds and currently have a Tamaskan (mighty Wolf) so please don't tell me I am anti-dog.

Bowser Wants Guns: Guns don't kill – Mario does.

Best/Worst Entertainment of 2012 Thread (Cinema Talk Post)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Radio: My favorite discovery of 2012 is "Radio Lab", a story telling show reminiscent of another favorite, 'This American Life', but with a much more sophisticated sound design. All episodes are available for free in the podcast section of iTunes.

Music: I fell in love with the New Orleans second line scene after Issy and I paid a visit to the crescent city this year. We saw the 'Rebirth Brass Band' live and had a great time. We also had a mini-meetup at the show with @dotdude. New Orleans music culture is like no other.

Music: Louis Cole & Genevieve Artadi: Highly unique and energetic electro-acoustic music. Hard to explain.

Music: Austin Texas band 'The Black Angels' - Dark, bluesy rock obviously influenced by the Doors. To be honest, I'm not crazy about blues rock or the Doors, but 'The Black Angels' manage to meld these influences into something I really dig.

Music: UK band, 'Metronomy'. Their sound is eclectic, hooky and heavily influenced by all the cool British 80's bands I loved as a kid. Goes down easy. Works in the background as well as the fore.

Movies: Django and Looper were the two films that captivated me from start to finish. Both films by gifted auteurs, one at the top of his game, the other on the rise. Great writing. Great Directing. Great performances.

Horror movies: The Cabin in the Woods (A clever and absurd meta-horror mashup) and the The Lady in Black (A classic, classy ghost story) both satisfied. It's nice that there were a couple of diamonds in sea of Paranormal-Activity-esque-found-footage detritus.

TV: same stuff that everyone else likes - BB, GoT, DoAb and Sherlock. I also got into Always Sunny in Philadelphia this year - very dark, very funny.

Books: Started a bunch, finished very few. Nothing to recommend. "Checklist Manifesto" is pretty interesting so far - it's about how the brain functions (or fails to function) in the information-dense present.

Games: 'Xcom' was a worthy update of the original. Loved all the detailed micro/macro strategy. 'Journey' was beautiful and fairly moving for a videogame.

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