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Maddow: Time for the right to leave the bubble

Man Prays For His Wife's Recovery. Crucifix Takes Payment

alien_concept (Member Profile)

On couch:UK Weird Nickname Culture (Is Ashton in makeup?)

Breaking Bad - Final Scene of Season 5 Episode 8

Deano says...


Logically it was always a possible plot development but given BB fans know the show well and this episode was only just broadcast, renaming the submission is very sensible.

Personally I would stay away from sifting a hot potato like this but each to their own.

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Cat/Kat/Kitty/Kitteh/Feline/Pussy Reads a Book

kymbos (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

I was too lazy to go back and verify the spelling -- which I still struggle with even after all these years....

The sifter. I think that is a noble and uplifting label!

If there is any way to unkill your original, I will gladly transfer these votes to you. Because you are, indeed, The Sifter.

For all that, I do accede to your demand for payment for the (non-existent to me) slight.

Name your vid! If I have the point, it shall be yours!

In reply to this comment by kymbos:
"The sifter" killed it? How dehumanising. You owe me a promote, BB.

Louis CK - Schindlers List.

"Erektion verbergen"-- How to hide a German Boner

What we have here ... (Sift Talk Post)

japan builds its first real mech - kuratas

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'japan, mech, Suidobashi Heavy Industry, hi powered bb gun, mobility' to 'japan, mech, Suidobashi Heavy Industry, hi powered bb gun, mobility, kuratas' - edited by lucky760

bareboards2 has a shiny new Crown!! (Happy Talk Post)

bareboards2 has a shiny new Crown!! (Happy Talk Post)

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