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Dear Trump Supporters

Asmo says...

Sure, but this wasn't an advocacy to vote video, it was an advocacy to stop using differences as an excuse not to talk to other people, ie. encouraging bi-partisanship.

These guys went to bait a reaction, expecting people to go apeshit over Muslims who were supposedly supporting Trump. They didn't, they were willing to talk, be inclusive etc.

So it's possible to put aside differences when people reach common ground, right? Advocating voting for Trump or Clinton is pointless, or even comparing them, is pointless. Either way, things will not get better.

aaronfr said:

But he never once mentioned Clinton. He did make a comparison to Sanders, but I'm assuming that's not one of the two "turds" you were talking about.

Also, there was no advocacy to vote one way or the other. The message was clear - do not be fooled by this man and this system. Do not direct your anger towards the ill-defined other in an easy scapegoating attempt to make yourself feel better.

Badass 9 Year Old Completes Navy Seal Obstacle Course

newtboy says...

Oh. I was going to be right there with you on this...because it didn't read like clickbait to me....BUT...there was no video of her completing the course, or on it at all. I think that's why it's being called clickbait.

It should have said 'the badass 9 year old that completed navy seal obstacle course', because the title as is clearly falsely implies that the video is of her on the course. I'm guessing that you copied the title, but YT titles are often click bait.
What this video was wasn't worth watching, but seeing her compete on the hard core adult course might be.

Gratefulmom said:

Really Sagemind? Clickbait how is this click bait? This one was much shorter, but I happened to like it better than the others, it gave just enough info, but still got the story told..where is the click bait there? I believe the words click bait are being used to generally around here....:(

Badass 9 Year Old Completes Navy Seal Obstacle Course

Gratefulmom says...

Really Sagemind? Clickbait how is this click bait? This one was much shorter, but I happened to like it better than the others, it gave just enough info, but still got the story told..where is the click bait there? I believe the words click bait are being used to generally around here....:(

Sagemind said:

The story is great - But i Cannot bring myself to vote-up one of these Clickbait "Now This" videos when there are so many actual videos about her. These things are just awful.

I'm voting to filter out the poor quality videos
Try this one:

Steal this phone!

nanrod says...

It's only entrapment if government agents induce someone to commit a crime they wouldn't otherwise be inclined to commit. In most jurisdictions courts have ruled that simply leaving something available, such as a bait car, is not entrapment.

Dumdeedum said:

So, uhh, entrapment & assault?

Gratefulmom (Member Profile)

Sagemind says...

I agree that you didn't intend to use the click-bait title.
You used the YouTube name - Their title was a click-bait title (unfortunately.)

"British Farmer's Son Shocks Meat Farmer Dad with this video"

---At no point did his son(?), not mentioned in the video, shock his dad.
There was no shocking being done at all. The old guy was not shocked in any way. From the sounds of the poem, the dad wasn't even a meat farmer as he's clearly not a meat eater. Most likely a dairy farmer? It was merely an old guy voicing a cool poem. (which was well done, by the way.) ---

See how the title sensationalizes the video and causes invite to watch a video that clearly doesn't describe the video at all?

Anyway, I was merely inviting you to see the comments already being made, bringing it to your attention.

hoping you have a great day

Gratefulmom said:

I did not intend this as click bait...I am saddened to think it was taken as such

British Farmer's Son Shocks Meat Farmer Dad with this video

British Farmer's Son Shocks Meat Farmer Dad with this video

It Was Just A Regular Flight, Until These Old Men Blew Every

Sagemind says...

Egads! Stop with the click-bait titles - These types of titles make me want to scrape my eyes out, bang my head against the wall and then refuse to visit the page!

Galantis - Peanut Butter Jelly

Is There A Pimple Cure?

MilkmanDan says...

Interesting. I think I got through puberty with an average or slightly below average level of acne / pimples. But my (rather large) nose is a goddamn pimple factory that refuses to subside with age. Still going strong halfway through my 30's. Not usually large / overly noticeable pimples, but small ones pretty much all the time.

I do have one complaint about the video though -- their discussion of the subject at hand is pretty much precisely 3 minutes long, then immediately followed by 38 seconds worth of shilling for Gates Foundation stuff. That may very well be a good cause, and maybe this isn't a paid advertisement for it, but it definitely falls into the category of bait and switch that is getting WAY too common in YT videos.

A) Make that segue clear, don't rush over it to try to hide it and then pretend like nobody will notice.

B) Announce clearly if you are shilling for it because you think it is a good cause, because you are getting paid or otherwise having your back scratched, or both.

C) It is a *bit* cheeky to have the ratio of content vs "special message" as low as 3 minutes vs 40 seconds.

Black hostility towards white people

newtboy says...

What's with these race baiting videos trying to sell racist books from BK lately?
Yes. Black people CAN be racist too.
It's pretty ridiculous to attempt to extrapolate from there that ALL black people are therefore racist, and so racism is not an issue. It's also ridiculous to purport, as the book seems to, that all anger stemming from 'racism' is feigned anger designed to seize power from poor put-upon whitey.
Even if I could agree with the premise, and I don't in any way, shape, or form, I would still downvote because the video is simply a disgusting display of racism being used as a *commercial for a racist book, and I find that unappealing in the extreme.

Black mob violence. The First Lady explains it all

bobknight33 says...

No race baiting here just a bunch of thugs beating a guy for no reason.

Yes they were black. Yes they were a mob.

So to make you happy..
I need to post a black burning a white?
A black dragging a white?
I need to see a black hang a white?
Is what you need for PROOF for injustice?
I'm sure all those things have been done.

Feel the sting as you hide behind your social blinders.
Black people can't be racist. Liberals tell me that.

Hey, don't make the black kids angry.
I SAY in the name of equality:

newtboy said:

What the hell kind of ridiculous, race baiting, near slanderous, BS commercial for a racist's book was that?!?
Really, 'black mob violence' doesn't get much worse than that? I didn't see any chains attaching him to a pickup truck and dragging him to death. I didn't see him doused with gas and lit on fire. I didn't see him strung up from the nearest tree. If that's the limit of 'black mob violence', they have one hell of a long way to go to reach 'white mob violence' level. They aren't in the same league. I note they didn't explain events at all, and I note that BK conflates them with Black Lives Matter...but why?
Conflating a gang of thugs with the First Lady's speech about racism is about as infantile and disingenuous as it gets.
Happy to downvote this racist propaganda.

Black mob violence. The First Lady explains it all

newtboy says...

What the hell kind of ridiculous, race baiting, near slanderous, BS commercial for a racist's book was that?!?
Really, 'black mob violence' doesn't get much worse than that? I didn't see any chains attaching him to a pickup truck and dragging him to death. I didn't see him doused with gas and lit on fire. I didn't see him strung up from the nearest tree. If that's the limit of 'black mob violence', they have one hell of a long way to go to reach 'white mob violence' level. They aren't in the same league. I note they didn't explain events at all, and I note that BK conflates them with Black Lives Matter...but why?
Conflating a gang of thugs with the First Lady's speech about racism is about as infantile and disingenuous as it gets.
Happy to downvote this racist propaganda.

Top 10 Products Banned on Amazon

shang says...

look up at my original post. I said this video was click bait, as I found everything the video listed as "banned"

then gorillaman mentioned i'd probably get crazy recommendations now Which I do, at least until my recent searches overwrite these lookups.

there's isis paraphernalia also I bet some Amazon webmaster is thinking wtf? a rape game, nazi, confederate, italian, japanese, isis, christian extremist ? /mindmelts

newtboy said:

What have you been buying that you get Nazi paraphernalia and rape games recommended?!?

George Lucas Explains Why He Had To Break Up With Star Wars

LukinStone says...

Wow...I'd seen all the headlines about this, purposefully avoided most Star Wars commentary as it seems pretty weakly considered and nearly always click-bait.

Seems like the "white slavers" comment wasn't anything as serious as the hype-mill spun it. It's almost a throwaway joke that you can tell doesn't really land. I think Lucas seems humble and wise in this clip.

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