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"Um.. You're doing it wrong." LMFAHS Gym Fails

Asmo says...

Typical click bait vids these days, you never actually get the softcore porn... /eyeroll

And yeah, these fucking spotters are awful, there are quite a few people lucky to still have a working throat or a non-flailed chest in there...

00Scud00 said:

I always wonder how many people just waltz into a gym on any given day and start working with equipment without any idea how it even works. The woman in the thumbnail however, no matter what she's doing, it can't possibly be wrong, at least not from where I'm sitting.

Ted Cruz Responds to Harry Reid on illeagles

Man ties bike to tree to catch unsuspecting would-be thieves

Man Schools New York State Trooper On The Law !

yellowc says...

Why does it matter if he's specifically doing it to bait them? It doesn't change what they should know and how they should behave, there is a clear example with the sergeant, it's night and day.

hazmat22 said:

I feel like I've seen videos on here of this same guy before, or someone incredibly similar who goes around filming buildings of police type organizations.

He's always well within his rights and well versed in them, but I do feel he's doing it specifically to cause trouble and film it. I applaud his interest in civil liberties, but I'm not sure doing this advances the overall cause or awareness much.

Man Schools New York State Trooper On The Law !

Lawdeedaw says...

I can agree up until the cameraman proves he was a flaming dick when he spoke like a flaming dick to the supervisor. The bait didn't work, and you could tell the troll was raging inside. Last little jabs he could make were pathetic.

Oxen_Morale said:

Yes, but the first officer did seem to have the bully attitude. I think the filmer did his job well. Supervisor was excellent. Hopefully the 1st officer won't go on a ticket tirade to vent off some steam. He looked pretty pissed when he left but he did hold his tongue well.

Teen arrested by 9 cops for jaywalking

ulysses1904 says...

I've had it, after using it for 22 years the internet has become so freakin stale. Same old lazy know-it-all spectators who couldn't walk a mile in their own shoes, much less anybody else's. The predictable drama queen cliches about revolution and fascism and cop trolling and "he's just a kid" and race baiting and "I'm the face of the oppressed" and all the fake controversy and forced celebrities and all the shit-eating selfies. This clumsy new interface on Videosift made me realize it takes more mouse clicks just to read the same old crap. It's been fun.

EEVBlog - Hobbyist Arrested For Bringing Homemade Clock

newtboy says...

My guess is it at least says his intentions were NOT to show off the engineering he had done by creating a clock...since he didn't create a clock.
If he wasn't proud of his engineering skills and showing them off (which he can't possibly have been doing if he just took the case off a clock, right?), what are we left with?
Again, I'll say I hope all the offers he's received dry up as/if it becomes evident what actually happened. It's certainly turning out different from the way the story was portrayed in the beginning, and daily is looking more like an intentional baiting incident rather than an instance of negative profiling.

NicoleBee said:

It seemed to be made clear quite quickly that the clock parts were largely if not entirely stock, and from the look of it I would agree with that. That is mostly what's being seized on right now. I don't know what that means about his intentions, and really, from the guessing and assumptions one way or another, it does not seem that anyone else does either. I guess we'll find out.

Was he circuit bending? Was he simply putting an old clock in a new case? Did he fix it? Was he trying to provoke a reaction? Time will tell. I'll leave the speculation alone, because it's getting pretty ugly.

EEVBlog - Hobbyist Arrested For Bringing Homemade Clock

newtboy says...

After hearing more of the story, it is seeming more and more like this probably was a fishing expedition for 'racial and/or religious injustice'.
He was, reportedly, repeatedly asked by numerous teachers to put his clock away, as it would make some people nervous (and already had), instead he continued to take it to class after class until one teacher (in an English class, his 4th class?) insisted on an explanation about what he was showing around the class, and he steadfastly refused to give any at all.
He could not have intentionally made himself any more suspicious without putting a ski mask on, IMO. I hope all these offers dry up if it becomes more clear this was all intentional on the student's (parent's?) part. I sure don't want to see that kind of baiting behavior rewarded.

EDIT: As a side note, any clock with an alarm could actually be a bomb...or at least a trigger. My brother was suspended in the 80's for an altoids tin with a battery, mercury switch, and buzzer. When you picked it up it buzzed, and inside was a note saying "boom, this was a bomb, you just died"....he played 'gottcha' at the time (kind of a spy vs spy game played at schools back then, where you had an assignation target and someone else targeted you) and that was his best way of 'killing' his opponents. It was also proper to suspend him for bringing that totally safe device to school then, IMO.

Zawash (Member Profile)

A Killer whale uses a bait fish to hunt a BIRD!

Heron Uses A Bait To Catch Fish

A Killer whale uses a bait fish to hunt a BIRD!

Strongbad freaks out about the death of Flash

Gutspiller says...

I read an article a few weeks back, when FireFox did their auto-off flash. Had a quote from the creator of Newgrounds. Said he couldn't count how many times he's heard flash was dying.

Everyone saying flash is "dead" is just click baiting. "Dying" is even a stretch.

rich_magnet said:

I've been waiting for someone to lend legitimacy to the myth that flash is, in fact, dead and/or dying. If Brin and Page can't do it, maybe Strong Bad can.

Can LSD Make You a Billionaire?

Great White with the munchies

ChaosEngine says...

Have to say I'm not a fan of shark feed dives (where the shark is lured in with bait). It teaches the shark to associate humans with food.

Now I don't really mind if a shark snacks on a few humans (too many of the damn things on the planet anyway), but when they inevitably do, other idiot humans get upset about it and decide the solution is to kill the sharks.

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