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How to Tell a Realistic Fictional Language from Gibberish

ChaosEngine says...

Surprised he didn’t talk more about Tolkien. The lord of the rings was basically just an excuse for Tolkien to play with languages.

Also, I love hearing Jason Momoa talk about Dothraki. He clearly enjoyed it and his description (fozzy bear being assaulted by Jabba the Hutt) is brilliant.

How to Tell a Realistic Fictional Language from Gibberish

Khruangbin: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

MilkmanDan says...

"Khruangbin" means "airplane" in Thai (literally "machine" khruang + "fly" bin, "flying machine"). So, I assumed it was a Thai band when I saw the name (or that it was in another language and coincidentally like the word in Thai). Interesting that they were inspired by Thai music, which pretty much verifies the origin of the name...

Post-viewing edit:
There's definitely some connections to Thai Country/Folk "Lookthung" music in there, but plenty of other influences also. First song sounded Surf-y to me. I dig the bass in all of 'em.

In a German tornado

Family Guy S16E18: Millenials -- Who are they?

Family Guy S16E18: Millenials -- Who are they?

00Scud00 says...

Yeah definitely hacked, I don't remember what else I used back then. I guess I only remember things if it involves foul language.

ant said:

Ah, I remember ProCom in DOS and Windows. Was that a hacked version to do that? I also used Qmodem, Windows' Terminal (ew), etc. I miss the good old days!

Family Guy S16E18: Millenials -- Who are they?

00Scud00 says...

Back in the day I used to use ProCom software with my modem and got a copy that turned it into ProFuck that turned all the language into something filthy. Ah to be young and easily amused again.

ant said:

My cyberfriend changed all "cloud" to "butt". Heh.

Neural Network Prototyping On the Go

psycop says...

There are quite a few different languages which can all be compiled down to something that can be run on a system like this. On the whole though the system isn't writing code itself.

Imagine you have a magical problem solving machine with a fixed input, all sorts of switches and levers, and an output. You chose the shape and the size of the machine but you don't chose where to set the levers or which switches to set.

The machine learning process works by having lots and lots of examples of good inputs and matching correct outputs known as a training set. It starts with all the levers and switches set randomly. Each time it makes a guess it looks how far it was from the right answer given from the training set and sees how it could change its settings to get a little closer to the right answer next time.

Given enough time and computing power it can fine tune the settings to get to the point where it's very accurate for a wide variety of complex problems.

Jeff Goldblum Making Noises

lucky760 says...

Little know fact is that he actually didn't make any noises in The Fly or Earth Girls Are Easy. He was trying something different for those roles and he just stuck with using intelligible language.

Thanks for the quality!

newtboy said:

What?! Nothing from 'The Fly"?! No "Earth Girls are Easy"?!
Still *quality

Close call for Korean traffic cop

Sarzy says...

Are you sure this is Korea? The guy on the radio doesn't sound like he's speaking in Korean to me (though I don't speak it, or any other language other than English, so I could certainly be wrong).

Should we impose an English videos only rule? (Asia Talk Post)

Fantomas says...

If they're already ignoring rules they'll likely ignore any language rules too, so the problem remains.

It might be best to downvote and move on, as these aren't the sort of videos that should be on the sift anyway.

Post Tension Failure Florida Bridge Collapse Eng. Explained

spawnflagger says...

note to anyone trying to learn English as a second language - do NOT try to talk like this guy!

(he's great though, and the explanation is logical. we'll see what extra details come from it)

A New View of the Moon

shinyblurry says...

Psalm 19:1-4

The heavens declare the glory of God;
And the firmament shows His handiwork.
Day unto day utters speech,
And night unto night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech nor language
Where their voice is not heard.
Their line has gone out through all the earth,
And their words to the end of the world.

Motorcycle Helps Rider Recover Runaway Horse

Basics of Share Market in Hindi

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