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newtboy says...

Make no mistake, he was forced into reading this prepared teleprompter statement by his own party after days of absolutely refusing to denounce them without equivocation. When he's speaking his mind, off the cuff, he outright supports them. They know it, we know it, white supremacists know it, he didn't mean it one whit, and he didn't follow through with any actions against white supremacists, but he did support legislation making it legal to run over peaceful protesters.
Don't forget how many "white power" videos, clips, tweets, etc that Trump has retweeted, supported, quoted, and cheered on. Too many to count, from more white supremacist sites than I knew existed. Always on the side of the fascist racists every single time, Bobski.
All racist organizations are pro Trump, they know who supports them and who doesn't. They've never used a Biden quote as their slogans, and they've never shown Biden support.

Nice try, Bobby, but fail. It doesn't count if everyone in congress on both sides and >85% of Americans are talking about removing him if he can't denounce white supremacists.

He's completely incapable of saying it now, or of calling for peace during and after the election. "Stand by" is an order to be ready to commit violence, and nothing else. He could not denounce white supremacy as a mindset nor could he denounce the terroristic proud boys by name. Republicans no longer have the spine to denounce him, so he's now prepared for unfettered support of racism and racists as he proved in the debate....and afterwards.

Trump vs Biden crowd

newtboy says...

@bobknight33, don't you think it's funny that he has to put masks on the crowd behind him so he LOOKS responsible in video clips, but tells the crowd not to wear them? No, you're so cocksprung you think huge crowds without masks are good, and social distancing with PPE is bad, lying about the danger causing over 180000 of the deaths in America or more by having no plan besides drink bleach is good, following medical guidelines is bad.
Again, funny how things that kill Americans and drain the treasury are good to you, things that would save American lives and the economy are bad....kinda like you're an enemy of America, bobski.
Every time Trump holds a rally there's a spike in cases and it extends the shutdown another week+. I bet he has 30+ planned, which will translate into tens of thousands more infected. Obese is a preexisting condition that makes it worse, and on average his crowd is morbidly obese....but as long as you vote first, he doesn't care if you die.

Failed every time he, that's YOU trump. Never won an election, ever.

Fox News Confirms Trump Called Vets "Suckers" and "Losers"

newtboy says...

Here, since you're incapable of even looking....

Wouldn't it be nice if you supported someone who wasn't so despised by all news media and only supported by sycophantic opinion?
Wouldn't it be great if you had someone who, when they denied the disgusting, disrespectful, anti American statements was at least minimally believable?
Because Fox won't post the clip doesn't mean it doesn't exist, they often hide their own reporting and replace it with opinion because they fear Trump sending his crazy murderers and stalkers after their personnel?
Fortunately it went out and others recorded it, not hard to find took me 4 seconds...

You won't get whistleblowers against Trump coming out publicly, consider the threats the last whistleblower endured, any Trump whistleblower, it's a career ender even though retaliation is illegal, and the start of a life of fear because anyone anywhere might be the next right wing assassin attempting to murder your wife because you spoke up against the moronic messiah.

Wouldn't it be great if there weren't direct evidence of nearly everything he's accused of, (not the shit you made up)?

Trump hates blacks-definitely, undeniably, historically, on tape, video, and in business and investigatory documents going back at least 50 years without pause. Only the blind won't see it.
Trump hates women-if they don't serve his ego, definitely
Trump hates Gays-yep, as long as it makes him palatable to his base for certain
Trump hates military- definitely, thinks they're dumb because he doesn't understand service to anyone but himself
Trump hates poor people- absolutely unless they're stroking his ego and handing over their cash for his frauds
Trump hates everyone.- everyone who won't stroke his insecure ego, yes he does
Trump raped more woman- 24 is a lot, more than who?
Trump watches other men F his wife and J Off.- You made that claim up, that was Falwell
Trump raped little boys- you made that up, but maybe
Trump raped little girls- almost a certainty, his best friend did on Trump's properties for years and years after being prosecuted and convicted, with Trump's knowledge
Trump has perverted sex dungeon in secrete side room in WH and many on this properties.- infinitely more likely than the one your ilk claim Clinton had. Trump's bestie could have given him pointers on the dungeon
Trump and Putin lies- yes, Trump and Putin lie constantly, often coordinated lies. I guess you don't believe the Republican created intelligence report that said clearly most of the impeachment charges were correct and every Trump administration witness lied under oath, eh?
Trump and China lies- Trump has certainly lied about China, but not really in collusion with them, but not for lack of trying both privately and on tv. The Chinese simply don't trust him, so aren't hitching their wagons to him.
Another investigation by Adam Schiff- if he waits until the facilitating republicans are out of the Senate and there's a chance of prosecution, not the prosecution working directly with the defendant like the first impeachment, then it's time to get Schiffty

Fake news like Fox. Funny, they went from the onlytrusted source to fake news the instant they actually investigated a Trump story instead of just repeating Trump's denial.

Trump picked a fight with the media before being elected so he could convince dunces that they're just all mad at him and willing to throw away their career by outright lying about him for no reason. Only a true idiot falls for that. Sadly that's at least 1/4 of Americans....definitely you believe it.

It is a Trump story, and he is lying as usual. Otherwise your tag would be erased.

bobknight33 said:

Sound like he has the smoking gun. Lets see it.

Yet not 1 FOX new clip confirming YTY.

Yet not 1 clip from any news source.


2 more months of lies from secrete source or Anti Trumpers,"close aids" etc etc etc.

Trump hates blacks
Trump hates women
Trump hates Gays
Trump hates military
Trump hates poor people
Trump hates everyone.
Trump raped more woman
Trump watches other men F his wife and J Off.
Trump raped little boys
Trump raped little girls
Trump has perverted sex dungeon in secrete side room in WH and many on this properties.
Trump and Putin lies
Trump and China lies
Another investigation by Adam Schiff

Fake news has no choice but to super dump on Trump next 2 months because they know he will win by a land slide and they need to stop it by all means necessary.

Fox News Confirms Trump Called Vets "Suckers" and "Losers"

bobknight33 says...

Sound like he has the smoking gun. Lets see it.

Yet not 1 FOX new clip confirming YTY.

Yet not 1 clip from any news source.


2 more months of lies from secrete source or Anti Trumpers,"close aids" etc etc etc.

Trump hates blacks
Trump hates women
Trump hates Gays
Trump hates military
Trump hates poor people
Trump hates everyone.
Trump raped more woman
Trump watches other men F his wife and J Off.
Trump raped little boys
Trump raped little girls
Trump has perverted sex dungeon in secrete side room in WH and many on this properties.
Trump and Putin lies
Trump and China lies
Another investigation by Adam Schiff

Fake news has no choice but to super dump on Trump next 2 months because they know he will win by a land slide and they need to stop it by all means necessary.

The Chaotic Pendulum

TheFreak says...

I'd call it a complex pendulum. Except that it seems to fall to a static state within seconds, right after he cuts the video in each clip.

Mark 38 Machine Gun Hits Small Boat Targets

Mordhaus says...

Yet we are still at war in Afghanistan and policing other middle eastern countries. Sometimes all it takes is a few people with the will to not submit.

I know I would not live long in such a fight, I'm too old and I am disabled. But as long as we have the right to own semi automatic rifles with high capacity clips, we still can pay lip service to an armed public that can dismantle a tyrannical government. Take that away and you basically remove even the slightest chance that we as a people can challenge the government.

newtboy said:

True, but the argument itself suggests the rogue government would have a military we need to protect ourselves from with said rifles.

The public might have access to nearly equivalent rifles, but not the funds to buy those in great numbers. How many people do you know with a .50 caliber and the skills to use it?
Then there's all the weaponry you can't have. Grenades. Mortars. Armored armed vehicles. Drones. Navy guns. Missiles. I R scanning and other optical tech. Training. There's a lot more to the military than rifles.

With high tech warfare, guerrilla tactics should be far less effective than Vietnam, and Americans don't seem up to suicide bombing as a main tactic. It could sting them, but I don't think it could last like Red Dawn.

Once again, I'm pro gun, I have guns, I just think it's ludicrous to think they could fight the military. I'd be lucky to get a second shot off.

White supremacist Kenosha County Sheriff david beth

Mordhaus says...

I didn't buy anything. There are multiple videos that aren't being shown on most news sites.

Youtube is banning them as fast as they get posted.

Here is one:

This is from Newsweek( who had access to the videos:

How the Kenosha shootings unfolded
In the wake of the shootings, several videos appeared on social media showing the moments before, during and after the first shooting took place.

In one video, Rittenhouse is seen being chased into a parking lot by several people while still armed with his gun.

One man then fires a gun into the air from several feet away from the 17-year-old before several others shots are fired.

In another clip from a different angle, one man seen chasing Rittenhouse appears to lunge at the 17-year-old before the suspect fires at least four times.

A body, later identified as Rosenbaum, is then seen on the ground and is assisted by another male. Rittenhouse appears to make a call on a cellphone before fleeing.

It is unclear why the 17-year-old was being chased in the first place. The parking lot is reportedly around several blocks away from the area he previously claimed to be protecting with the other armed men.

Later on, Rittenhouse is filmed being chased by more people down a residential street. He is seen stumbling and falling to the ground.

One person appears to stomp on him on the ground, before the 17-year-old fires twice, hitting Huber in the stomach and another man, Gaige Grosskreutz, who was carrying a handgun, in the arm.

According to the criminal complaint, an eyewitness video shows Rosenbaum chasing Rittenhouse and throwing what was ultimately determined to be a plastic bag at the suspect, not an incendiary device.

"Rosenbaum appears to be unarmed for the duration of this video," the document adds.

In response to Parkinson's tweet, New York Times columnist Jamelle Bosuie noted: "I have been seeing this everywhere on here. It is an explicit argument that if someone is trying to stop you after you killed someone, you can continue shooting and killing in 'self-defense.'

Parkinson added: "Why leave out during the 2nd shooting, after Rittenhouse trips, he was jumped by several men, including another armed protester, attacked by a skateboard—prior to firing more shots?"

The man holding the skateboard was Rittenberg's alleged second victim Huber, who died after being shot in the chest.

***You'll notice that even some of their videos were removed/banned***

I'm not saying the kid was in the right 100%. He definitely committed the crime of being under aged with a firearm. He shouldn't have listened to right wing calls to go defend property in a different state.

What we have is a kid who heard people shooting, got scared, a 'protester' threw what he thought was an incendiary device at him and he shot that person. He then tried to flee to the police line and you can read what else happened.

Here is the tweet that shows the survivor wishes he had just mag dumped his glock into the teen:

Gaige Grosskreutz, 26. Hes a member of the People’s Revolution Movement. He has numerous encounters with the police but I couldn't find a felony. This was his biggest charge: Go Armed with Firearm While Intoxicated, a class A misdemeanor, Wisconsin Statutes 941.20(1)(b).

Anthony Huber. (for some reason it wont link, you can type his name in to see all, but here is one specific one
Online arrest records show Huber was arrested several times on battery, drugs and other charges. He also had a case from 2012 where he was convicted of domestic abuse strangulation and suffocation and false imprisonment with a dangerous weapon, both felonies. Other charges – for second-degree recklessly endangering safety, battery, and disorderly conduct – were dismissed but read in.

Joseph Rosenbaum.
Rosenbaum had an open criminal case on battery, disorderly conduct and domestic abuse charges, according to the Wisconsin Circuit Court website. (

As far as right wing people showing up and pretending to be Antifa, I suppose anything is possible. But most of all these looting and rioting things have been going on since all this shit broke loose months ago. I doubt very much that all of these 'peaceful protestors' are RW loonies. Clearly the 3 that were shot in Kenosha weren't and they were all part of the groups rioting...I mean 'protesting.

There are more videos if you want to find them. Shoot me, N Rosenbaum is seen attacking and throwing something at Kyle. You can see a gun fired as well by someone else. Videos show them chasing a fleeing person, who at that point is being attacked by them. Skater boi was beating him prone with a skateboard. 'Medic' Grosskreutz was carrying a fully fucking loaded Glock 17 and grabbing Kyle's rifle.

You know I don't make up shit like Bob does. But I do look in multiple places to find out what I can before I say something. Like I said, the kid fucked up, but I 100% believe in his mind he was defending himself and trying to reach the police for help.

newtboy said:

Sorry, you seem to have bought the right wing antifa lie. Where did you get this explanation?

Most people caught shooting or committing arson were dressed as antifa but were in fact right wingers, largely boogaloos boys, who's plan is to commit crimes and blame antifa and BLM in hopes of sparking a civil (and race) war. Nearly 100% of shootings and fully 100% of attempted bombings fit that model.

Because someone wears a black facemask is no indication they support antifa. If they're armed, it's a near guarantee they are anti antifa.

1) the kid came from out of state with armed friends intent on confronting unarmed protesters with guns, you don't do this to protect a random gas station, you do this in hopes of shooting someone.
2) he sure didn't look like he had been sprayed as he ran from the murder he just committed, hands were on his weapon or above his head, not covering his face like a sprayed person.
3) white pedophile? Explain would you know...because he had a 17 year old girlfriend?
4) white guy in a crowd of black men shouting "nigger"?! Doesn't sound right, and I haven't heard it in any videos, but are you saying that excuses the militia boy shooting him and others?
5) gunshot from Antifa?!? Now I know you're duped by right wing media. Antifa is pretty hard to identify unless you're dishonest and just call any black mask wearing person antifa. Also, what evidence is there of this single gunshot from the BLM crowd?
6) he was NOT running to police lines, he was running past them. He didn't stop at them and say "btw, I just shot at least 3 people and maybe more when I just shot into the crowd.", he just walked on by, still carrying the smoking gun.
7) again, where are you getting this info?

8 ) in short, a cowardly murderer who crossed state lines heavily armed who shouldn't have been there but went looking for trouble, started a fight, murdered another man, ran away armed pointing his gun at many uninvolved bystanders, shot and killed those trying to stop an armed murderer (should have emptied that glok if it existed) so he shot one, murdered another and fled the scene, the city, and the state without ever reporting that he had shot at least three people and killed at least two.

I hope he gets sentenced to life in prison, his dad too if they went together, he went heavily armed to a protest hoping to shoot some liberals, he did, now he wants to use the fact that some citizens tried to disarm and citizens arrest him after he shot someone in the head as an excuse for both murders and the other shootings?! And you buy it?!?

I'm so extremely disappointed you would buy such obvious self serving slant where the out of state multiple murderer who travelled armed looking for conflict is the victim.
That's totally asinine. I have much higher expectations for you.

Again, references for these claims please.

Here Lies Donald Trump

luxintenebris says...

it'll be okay

don will get a vacation
while joe will have to work

just think, no more scary ramps , helicopters messing w/his hair , no more 'wtf are you doing!" from military generals , hiding in basements'll be like he was never the potus! no one, but the courts , will care he's not there.

so go enjoy the last days of the orange haze.

vegas will take bets if you think it's in the bag. bet what you can lose. (only clip could find that worked)

bobknight33 said:

You can dream that Biden will win 2020.

Funny that the fake news has Biden up by 2 digits.

A Biden win will never happen.

Trump landslide, unless Dems get away with rigged mail in votes.

Trump Rushes Back to Fox After Disastrous Axios Interview

newtboy says...

I like that the first try was "Yo-Semite" and the second was "Yo-Semen-ite" conflating his two favorite activities...being racist and raw dogging porn stars while his wife is pregnant. It sure sounded like he thinks Old Faithful is in Yosemite. Who else thinks he believes it's Jellystone instead of Yellowstone national park?

Enthusiasm gap?! WTF is that? He knows that no matter how enthusiastic they might be, they can only vote once...right? Probably not, I bet at least once before the election we will see him suggesting it's ok for his supporters to try to vote twice, especially when he finds out it's not illegal for him to suggest, just immoral and anti-American, neither of which is a problem for him.

Come on @bobknight33, don't you want to shout about how Biden has dementia? Don't you want to call calling Trump out for not having the ability to speak, remember names, and understand graphs fake news followed by a clip of Biden flubbing some words?

Fleetwood Mac Albatross 1969.10.09 Pop & Blues Festival '69

vil says...


So first I thought this was a really short video.

Then I googled and found out how little video material from that era exists.

I found a great clip of Oh Well, live, in the middle of that.

Then I googled that Danny Kirwan died two years ago.

Only then I noticed Peter Green died.

And then I "remembered" the lick from Oh Well as the Formula 1 intro from before The Chain.

Then I Googled it.

Then I realized that it wasnt.

Then I remembered a conversation I had with someone 40 years ago who heard Oh Well and said "this is the music from F1" and I explained that no, that is another song by the same band but its not the same band anymore.

Somehow what gets stuck in your head becomes potato mash at some point. Or its just me.

It was itself the theme to "25 years of rock" a few years later.

Peter gave everything away because of drug induced mental problems, not that much of a good role model. At least he made it out of the 70s alive.

How it Starts

WmGn says...

I think that the scare voice trivializes what's taking place. It could be much stronger to just show us the clips, perhaps alongside those of other crackdowns around the world - e.g. Tiananmen in 1989, Hong Kong more recently, etc.

Time to review user ratings? (Internet Talk Post)

eric3579 says...

Would be great if there were additional sites we could grab videos from. The more the merrier.

Personally would not want to see a cap on length of videos. John Olivers Last Week Tonight clips generally run over twenty minutes.

Mordhaus said:

Would be nice to be able to embed tik tok and twitter vids. A lot of the time I have to look for ages or wait a week or two for someone to post a youtube version of the content.

Another suggestion would be to put a cap on video length. I am not usually going to watch a video over 20 minutes long, which means I can't vote on it.

Joe Biden Burns Out In His Corvette Stingray

newtboy says...

You can't find any clips of a virile or "with it" Trump, no matter how far back you look. Show me one clip of Trump running, the only thing close I recall is a photo of him playing tennis, beet red, obese, incredibly out of shape, and looking seconds from death....from 2000. Jesus Christ, he was barely older than I am today in that picture, and he looked like a sickly 75 back then.
Biden, just need to look at yesterday, or any recent clip, he's the same as 4 years ago, virile and with it, coherent, rational, and fit for his age.

I don't believe for a second you were ever ok with Biden. You miraculously don't see (or at least don't comment on) the rapid decline Trump has suffered, after starting well behind Biden in mental and physical health, but you imply Biden is a gibbering fool on his death bed, all evidence notwithstanding.

But I think you are a sock puppet for a Russian troll so I can easily discount your opinion as anti American.

Jesusismypilot said:

I love how people are trying so hard to show how virile and with it VP Biden is by showing old clips of him doing manly things. Sadly, it only shows how far mentally he has fallen so quickly. This appears to be from Oct of '16. I feel badly for the guy, Joe has always been ok with me.

Joe Biden Burns Out In His Corvette Stingray

Jesusismypilot says...

I love how people are trying so hard to show how virile and with it VP Biden is by showing old clips of him doing manly things. Sadly, it only shows how far mentally he has fallen so quickly. This appears to be from Oct of '16. I feel badly for the guy, Joe has always been ok with me.

Free Speech Considered Support for Nazism

newtboy says...

Reading comprehension, not a strong suit?

They didn't just reference Amerika, and didn't just host it's editor/creator, they actively supplied it with the personal information of artists that had discovered the secret alt-right agenda and publicized it.

I'm not interested enough in the Canada thing to investigate, I've spent hours on this extensive discussion, I have no need to spark another discussion on another politicized topic today just to fight over every statement and act, but I'm fairly convinced the video clip she showed included the actual promotion of violence and hatred, not just a person who is well known in certain circles for promoting them. If that's against the rules, it's against the rules. Even in the unlikely event it did just include her innocuously, if she is a well known alt-right extremist provocateur and it's against the rules to discuss extremists and their views, then it's against the rules. I find that silly and unproductive, but institutions have a right to be silly. Like Malcolm X, some people don't need their positions verbalized, their image alone can get their message across because it's so well known.

bcglorf said:

I did read that one, admittedly with reluctance because I've found the independent can be a lot more opinion than fact(ala msnbc/fox). The article mostly states Mr. Osborne accuses the gallery of many things, by far the worst is association with the website "Amerika" which I'm not familiar with, but unless it is so vile that even referencing it when discussing ideologies is 'bad' it didn't seem enough to make the gallery into witches, errr nazis.

For the Canadian incident, the full debate she showed a clip from is here:

I'm afraid it's an hour long, but I don't know which 'clip' she would have been playing, although it was debate between Mattes and Peterson.

Lindsay Shepherd was the TA involved, this is the full audio recording of the meeting she was pulled into with 3 full staff and faculty to 'discuss' how her action of playing the video was wrong:

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