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2020 Remixed | A moving video/song from events of 2020

2020 Remixed | A moving video/song from events of 2020

eric3579 says...

Really enjoyed how he used the audio from many of the clips to make the music. Well done. *promote the shit show that was 2020 coming to an end (lookin' at you Trump). However, I don't see the first half of 2021 being better (thanks covid).

19-Year-Old TikToker Realizes She Lost Her Sense of Taste

Khufu says...

Ya, I looked at that part of the video again and while I stand my my overall impression, it's not her fault, it's the way the news has cut a clip of her talking about how she can't taste chocolate with a voice-over of her learning to "take the virus seriously."

robbersdog49 said:

That's not what she says at all. It was the thing that alerted her to the fact that she has the virus so it's something she talks about. And I'm sure it's a pretty jarring symptom. But to think that means it's the only thing that's worrying her is not justified. I'm sure she's worried about all sorts of things. She's reacting properly, got tested, she's isolating.

She's doing everything right and putting the message out there for others to do the same. Why did you feel the need to take her out of context to try to belittle her?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

D'oh. That's not smoke you're eating, it's Biden's dust.

This nonsense has already been investigated by the Secretary of state who's investigators watched the entire video, not just a <90 second clip, and found it to be perfectly normal processing of ballots under supervision, not hidden suitcases brought in after supervisors left. More right wing nutjobs misrepresenting the facts.
More fake news for president poopy pants.


Don't you ever get tired of repeating lies?

Btw, how did you like Trump advisor and convict Flynn calling for martial law and a military coup? Remember, anything you support today is totally fair game for Biden, no matter how unconstitutional or destructive.

bobknight33 said:

No evidence???.. Lots of smoke


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

I've decided to change my tune about this. How would you like to make some money bob? I got $1,000 that says Joe Biden will be in the white house on Jan 20th 2021
Make an account and let me know, ill trade info with you and make that bet immediately. Think about it, you can be a very rich man with how well Donald Trump is doing. I'll give you 100 to 1 odds, think about that! I'll probably be paying you off for the next 50 years!


bobknight33 said:

Biden Under performed Hillary Clinton In Every City...Except Four.

Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia.”

An election analyst, noted that these “the vote even exceeded the number of registered voters.”

Trump won the largest non-white vote share for a Republican presidential candidate in 60 years. So much forTrumpers being racists.

Trump still needs a Hail Mary to pull this off.

Da Som Nu For Alltid


moonsammy says...

It seems, based on the trailer from three fucking years ago that there's either a 3rd video yet to be released or two very brief clips of President's Friend (Male) that didn't make the cut for the two final videos.

I'm confused as to why they sat on these for so long, as the trailer certainly makes it look like they were nearly done already.

Can't use emojis in video submissions? (Wtf Talk Post)

ant says...

Yeah, even Sift Talk cropped out my texts. for its video description that I tried to copy and paste in here and in my video submissions.

lucky760 said:

@ant Looks like the body of your ST post got truncated.

You should be able to include emojis in the body of video posts.

If you included any in a video and they're not getting rendered as emoji, please link me there and I'll take a look!



Traffic Stop

drradon says...

you are free to guess, and will certainly be wrong...

Bad acts by members of one group don't justify worse acts by the opposing group. That road leads to genocide...

And the Republicans didn't "pack" the supreme court - they exercised the authority that the Constitution and Senate rules afforded them - no less so than the Democrats used their authority and rights to trash every supreme court nominee that has been put forth by Republican administrations. If you want to play hardball, you won't get much sympathy from me when you complain that the opposition elects to play hardball too...

Happy to see this clip disappear...

newtboy said:

Since it's exactly what the right promised to do, and the reason they broke all norms and precedents to pack the supreme court with anti choice judges, I don't understand your misplaced dismissiveness.
Shall I guess which side of the issue you stand on?

"WTF has Trump done for you,.."

newtboy says...

Aaaaahahahaha!!!!!! A clip from the primaries!?! Bwaaaahahahaha!

She's still getting >9 black votes for every one Trump gets.

Seems they didn't forget how Trump says he sees murderers, rapists, muggers, and terroristic thugs that all deserve the death penalty.

Don't you ever get tired of embarrassing yourself? Such a child.

bobknight33 said:

Black Americans Aren't Going To Forget This.

Joe Biden admits he is involved in voter fraud.

newtboy says...

So desperate, little Bobby.
Just sad and desperate.
This is the best you got? Time to go home then....or into hiding, Putin doesn't like to lose, and he might blame you. Your trolling hasn't been up to snuff all year.

Pretty damn sad when all you can come up with is making fun of overcoming a speech impediment and pretending he didn't mean anti-voter-fraud organization....and I bet we would see he actually corrected it if the clip was 3 seconds longer.

Sorry sunshine. You reek of desperation as you grasp at straws and strawmen.

Gonna leave this here for you, sweetheart.

Buttigieg Shuts Down Loaded Fox Question

newtboy says...

LOL. You realize you're using edited Fox clips, right? The channel you just said isn't trustworthy....the channel that in court argued they are so biased and untrustworthy that no sane person would believe them?
You realize you had to go back to LAST YEAR to find a clip of even them trying to cheerlead for Trump, right? I know you don't want 2020 to count, just ignore it, but so sorry, it happened, and Trump's lack of leadership erased and reversed any minor gains he had made (minor gains made at a much slower rate than under Biden/Obama).

Sorry Bob, nobody is going to ignore the multiple disasters trump caused in 2020, and most despised Trump in 2019 for being a liar, fraud, tax cheat, rapist, and blatant pedophile.

bobknight33 said:

MEGA Job maker.

Next 4 years will be even better.

Best of Marshall Zhukov in "The Death of Stalin"

Deported F**king Vets - Klepper

my15minutes says...

hi! what'd you do today? me? oh, nothing. made some coffee, watched this clip, donated $59 to the charity there, stared into the middle distance for about 3 hours, then posted it here!

so yeah, it's just gratuitous. take a pass.
you're being firehosed.
one month left. hang in there.

Presidential Debate "Will you shut up man.."

newtboy says...

Make no mistake, he was forced into reading this prepared teleprompter statement by his own party after days of absolutely refusing to denounce them without equivocation. When he's speaking his mind, off the cuff, he outright supports them. They know it, we know it, white supremacists know it, he didn't mean it one whit, and didn't follow through with action either, but he did support legislation making it legal to run over peaceful protesters.
Don't forget how many "white power" videos, clips, tweets, etc that Trump has retweeted, supported, quoted, and cheered on. Too many to count, from too many white supremacist groups, more sites than I knew existed. Always on the side of the fascist racists every single time, Bobski.
All racist organizations are pro Trump, they know who supports them and who doesn't. They've never used a Biden quote as their slogans, and they've never shown Biden support.

Nice try, Bobby, but fail. It doesn't count if everyone in congress on both sides and >85% of Americans are talking about removing him if he can't denounce white supremacists.

He's completely incapable of saying it now, or of calling for peace during and after the election. "Stand by" is an order to be ready to commit violence, and nothing else. He could not denounce white supremacy as a mindset nor could he denounce the terroristic proud boys by name. Republicans no longer have the spine to denounce him, so he's now prepared for unfettered support of racism and racists as he proved in the debate and afterwards.

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