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Hadokening Meme - Best Practices

Little girl gives herself a haircut

Lann says...

My older brother did that to my hair several times when I was a little. I kept wanting mine cut every time my brothers and cousin's were getting theirs buzzed off so he was only trying to help.

2:30am at a 7-11 near Disney World - 1987

chingalera says...

Everyone coming into the store is still buzzed from the Disney experience as well-Different crowd if these boys tried that at the 7-11 @ Harrison and Bay in Oakland after a Public Enemy show...

Is California Becoming A Police State?

chingalera says...

I know my enemies and my friends and allies. I also have become quite deft at disengaging a potentially hind-brained copper from his predictable, robotic license.

My general rule of thumb is polite, courteous, etc.-Keep the robot's heart-rate down, make them feel in control, cooperate.

Sometimes this does not work, especially the further out of the city you travel, constables and sheriffs necks tend to be redder...This is Texas, you must remember and while the pigs of Tennessee, Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia, Carolinas (deep south) are much worse, you still have to factor in asshole-redneck-douchebag.

In the event I get no quarter from a cop who's simply human garbage, I let rip with my assessment, this after I already know I'm going to jail. Every time this has happened incidentally, was for unpaid parking tickets, and once for possession of an oz. of weed, which the prick searched my vehicle about 30 mins. for before he found it....A total piece of shit, this assessed after an attempt at a conversation with the asshole-The cunt risked my life with his driving as well, breaking all speed limits to get me downtown to county, probably because I would not stop verbally assaulting him from the backseat...He deserved all I had and more, the buzz-killing prick who was "JUST DOING HIS JOB."

Here's to all the people who scream "TROLL" whenever someone leaves one remark on a post without returning for a "discussion" (perhaps that's all that one felt needed said to make a simple point?)

@shatterdose "Who typically freaks out? People that are guilty or crazy"-That sounds like a willing herd animal using broad generalizations in favor of a police state.

@arekin-Agreed-I am not implying that I would have handled this scenario any differently-

@bmacs27-All relevant and valid observations-Our distrust, fear and derision of cops in the U.S. comes from conditioning-The so-called, "war on drugs" has been the bane of law enforcement since prohibition, that and CORRUPTION from top to bottom-

@moopysnooze THANK YOU!!?? How much more WILL the cattle take, eh??

arekin said:

And you don't think that this creates more harm than good. If you live with an adversarial relationship with your local police then you have to expect them to treat you in the same fashion. This "authority corrupts" attitude will only lead to it doing so. In my work I deal with people daily. The people who start giving me shit right away are going to get no favors from me. They are going to get the bare minimum of me doing my job and are probably going to be less happy with the experience. The people who are polite and nice get every effort I have to help them. And I don't know what hell hole of a town you live in, but most cops are just trying to get to the end of the day, just like everyone else. I would love to see a case by case scenario where you can provide evidence of a personal experience where a cop abused authority for personal gain. I'd wager that your experience of corrupt cops lies more in the realm of "he turned on his lights to run a red light" and nothing of actual abuses (no running red lights with your lights on is not an abuse of authority).

Unmanned Craft Flying Nightly Over Quincy Massachusetts

Gutspiller says...

A buzzing squirrel that flies nightly over an entire city? This is even better.

News at 11.

Yogi said:

No pictures, no video, only eyewitness reports and the FAA saying "Nothing there." Yeah ok rock solid.

Eyewitness reports = Nothing in my book, might as well have been a squirrel.

Crazy Lady Doesn't Like Skateboarding, or Little Bastards

Confucius says...

Lulz....since when can you legally confiscate anything anywhere even if its on your property? (BTW she was a building manager not an owner)

But sir...i didn't steal their wallet. I CONFISCATED it. Carry on then....

You're lucky you were able to bully those laser-pointer KIDS into giving you their pointer. They could have easily told you to buzz-off. Then What? Then you could have either awkwardly sat back down or you could have been the 'crazy lady' in a movie theatre.

The only legal thing to do is have a chat and if that doesn't work, call the authorities.

ChaosEngine said:

She wasn't stealing it, she confiscated it while they were engaged in something they were explicitly told not to do... ON HER PROPERTY.

A few years ago, I went to see Inception at the cinema and some little scumbags kept shining a laser pointer at the screen. After about 30 mins I figured out who it was, walked up to them, and told them to give it to me, or there would be trouble. They did, I gave it back to them after the movie. Was I stealing?

"They might have been within their rights to beat her senseless until she let them go."

No, they wouldn't have. Not even close. She wasn't holding them against their will, she took their board. By your rationale, a student would be entitled to beat a teacher senseless if they took the cell phone off them in class.

Frankly, fuck them. She asked them to leave and they deliberately set out to provoke her. They're cowardly little shits and they can count themselves lucky if they don't get in trouble.

edit: upvote, because as @spawnflagger says, I hope they get nailed because of this.

Cargo Plane Falls Out Of The Sky

KId WIth Hate For CISPA

Plane crash scene from the movie "Flight"

Arkaium says...

I already knew Zemeckis could do a crash scene well from Cast Away, but dayum. Now I want to see this.

Also, while I recognize HOW he lands the plane is a spoiler, and that this is likely the most memorable scene in the entire film, I'd challenge that the trailers kind of already ruin the inverted thing anyways. I didn't see anything here I wasn't expecting, I just never got around to seeing this one because buzz was mixed.

I love how many of Zemeckis' films don't feature a main antagonist. Forrest Gump, Cast Away, Flight... he seems to really enjoy atypical storytelling.

Battlestar Galactica Opening Credits: Friends Style

Dawkins Bitchslaps anti science cynic

Stringbean - Hillbilly Fever

Niagara - Not Just The Falls: Filmed By Drone Chopper

chingalera says...

Return to this breathtaking video again in 6 years with its brilliant colors and inspiring musical accompaniment once the skies above every major city in the world are buzzing with these puppies (outfitted with all-manner of state-of-the-art-up-in-your-shit technology), and re-elect the reptile you sleepwalked into office four years prior.

Enjoy the relative freedom we have enjoyed for some time now, and visit Beautiful Niagara Falls!

(Message paid for the cabal to re-elect Michael Bloomberg or he will buy another campaign.)

Billy Joel - Sings to the piano accompaniment of student

Help Wanted (Sift Talk Post)

chingalera says...

I personally know the queen-like member with admin-like powers gained through tenure on a site still going hard from back in the D & D days, first green-screen PC's days-All text generated scenarios-she's so much a pillar there, that if she failed to log-on at least once a week, the com-log would be replete with half the forum buzzing with tales of her glory and the other half crying, "I can't make a decision until she logs on again!"

Women of the internet have the capacity to wield extraordinary influence beyond their mere sex-appeal as a repose from the mundane, testosterone-gone-awry fare crowding the place...

I apologize if my above previous comments in any way might have influenced some insane decision any woman on this site may be about to make-I exercise my rights under mischief, to plead the Bart Simpson defense in this situation....

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Beggar's Canyon