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Subway Thoughts - Eye To Eye

BjÓ§rk - French Kissing Sand Monsters


peter12 says...

It's a bit simplistic and hyperbolic, don't you think @bobknight33.
Life - like cooking - is more complex than it seems

Google's Buzz sucked. So they developed something new that worked -- g+.
Apple's Newton sucked. So they developed something new that worked -- ipad.
Why people demand to get rid of the government when something goes wrong?

I'm sure schools run by local communities would work well in most cases. But then there would be another problems: comparability of degrees, curriculum (e.g. Creationism vs. Evolutionism etc.)

Ruby Rhod's Evening Show - The Fifth Element

Ninja Woman

Bizarre Standoff Between LAPD & Nitrous Junkie & Balloons

chingalera says...

How many fat, uniformed, fucks does it take to drag a man buzzed on whippets out of his car in L.A.?
Forty to fifty-five fat fucking fucks!

The inert, party-gas is still legal y'know-Hope the guy gets off-

Best Birthday Surprise Ever!!

Trout says...

Yeah it's funny and all. Sort of.

I just watched the original. The kid is actually delighted at getting a giant "monster truck" poster. You know, the kind of oversized car crusher with huge wheels that they show off at county fair tractor pulls.

I have kids this age. And looking at this kid - buzz cut, track pants, burly dad with a Steelers jersey - I can't help but cringe when I think what his Monday morning will be like at his likely rural U.S. public middle school. If I had to make an educated guess, he's going to get bullied. For weeks.

So down vote for me. De-viral this one. And it's not that funny anyway.

TYT - 5 Shot at "Gun Appreciation Day" Celebrations

Viola da gamba - Nima Ben David

grinter says...

I don't understand why viols aren't more popular.
They imbue that great impression of being overwhelmed when they buzz non-linearly at high amplitudes.
Violins sound so whiny by comparison - like their tears are a plea for attention rather than emotion which has utterly possessed the body. . 2¢

Oregon Woman Finds Letter from Notorious Chinese Labor Camp

aaronfr says...

Well now you are just moving the goal post. You said that being poor in the First World was better than living like 90% of the rest of the world, which I roundly refuted (with numbers and everything). I never made the claim that being impoverished in the First World was equivalent with being a victim of slave labour.

I also would never encourage someone to imagine that their life is worse than it is (the definition of the 'first world problems' meme). Rather, I was encouraging people to have some empathy for those that do find themselves impoverished in the First World instead of simply looking down on them and saying 'Could be worse, look at those poor bastards in China, so could you please stop whining now. It's killing my buzz.'

Victimization and psychological immaturity might be the cause of some people's poverty (or at least inability to escape it) but I think societal immaturity and economic Darwinism should carry more of that burden.

chilaxe said:


No, being lower-class in the first-world isn't like being a Chinese slave.

Encouraging people to pretend they're Chinese slaves instead of developing the psychological maturity needed to get anywhere in life makes poverty worse.

You're free to do that, but the world would be happier with less poverty.

Iron Man Arc Reactor Proposal

Joe Scarborough finally gets it -- Sandy Hook brings it home

chingalera says...

The buzz surrounding this event seems to be headed down the road that led to further firearms on the ban list.

The Miasma from Chicago has always been in favor of gun control measures which do nothing to address causes but minimally treat symptoms and the whims of those who would control humans by eliminating choices along with personal responsibility. He's discussing it right now using fake tears and more than a few examples of the retarded logic that dystopiafurtdy here posted above. It's insulting both to my intelligence and sensibilities to be addressed by a U.S. President, like a blind child with down syndrome.

Cerberus Capital Management, a New York-based investment firm that that owns the largest U.S. gun maker Freedom Group (Bushmaster, Remington) is poised to sell, while stocks in Sturm, Ruger & Company has increased more than 700 percent (Smith and Wesson, 253% ) since Obama was elected in 2009. Not very wise stewards of those pensions for teachers, California!.....The same retarded ban on firearms in California happened back when I lived in San Francisco. One lone gunman walks into the 101 California Street building and kills a few peeps with a variety of guns and "BOOM!", people who don't know how to use a shovel properly, acting on emotions and severely compromised common sense,support bans on a whole spattering of guns, ammo, etc., because on-accounta it was so horrible and was apparently the gun's fault Now SOH Feinstein is at it again, another fractured piece of out-of-touch, privileged human pieces of garbage appealing to emotions rather than reason, and playing the game she was placed in position to play.

Dipshits?? No, same intentional, systematic plans like the Brady Bill and the National Assault Weapons Ban, a knee-jerk, and well-timed coup on individual rights relative to protecting oneself and family.

How about for STARTERS, "Anyone ever treated for mental illness or prescribed anti-psychotic or psychotropic drugs for the treatment of the same, can't even be around anyone with guns, much less purchase them. That would stop MOST of these random acts of carnage.

I won't even begin to mention in detail the amount of illegal firearms on the banned lists-to-date that are in the hands of drug dealers, pimps, gang members, etc. and the insanity of THAT subset of society, COPS, and SOLDIERS being the only people with that kind of monopoly on firepower. Fuck that shit. Time is nigh to becoming a criminal or expatriate.


xxovercastxx says...

So opt out of the full body scan and get groped by a stranger instead. I'm not sure that sounds like freedom to me. I want a third option: get on the plane and take my chances.

Bermas is generally a crazy jackass, but he's mostly on point here. Why is he spouting off marketing buzz to the cops, though? "We're going to be on Alex Jones! We're the most popular alternative news site in the country!" As if the sheriff is going to say, "Fuck, really? We were going to arrest you but if you're going to be on Alex Jones, I guess this is all good."

Los Super Elegantes - Fla & Flu

Introvert or Extrovert - Often Misunderstood - What are you?

Jinx says...

Haha, I actually tried that for a little while because yeah, it bothered me how insincere the whole thing can be and I hate doing that whole dance. Thing is if you unload fully on your partner then it puts them in an awkward postion because they feel they have to reciprocate your full disclosure when perhaps they don't trust you sufficiently. At least thats the way I see it (and its why I stopped being a dick to people who were just trying to be polite )

The worst small talk? 1st year of university. You meet a lot of new people which I was mostly fine with. What bothered me endlessly was the same few questions. Where are you from. What course are you on etc etc. Maybe its selfish of me, but first I got bored of asking them and then I got bored of answering. Eventually I started asking people what their favorite flavour of icecream was (lemon sorbet btw) just to, you know, break routine. I guess you might call it an ice(cream)breaker and tbh, it worked quite well. Oh, and if somebody answers vanilla then you need to keep that person close. They are the best kinds of people (and there aren't very many vanillas). Maybe I don't really have a problem with small talk, I just have a problem with boring small talk

Interesting to note that "How do you do?" is traditionally reciprocated with another "How do you do?". I mean, its seems totally absurd, its almost like the question is rhetorical - it certainly doesn't expect an answer. Its just a polite courtesy and to do anything but show the same courtesy back would be considered rude - how self absorbed of you to actually answer! The conversation might evem bloom into discourse on the state of the weather (the last refuge of the unimaginative .

Oh, and it kind of is stupid though SveNitoR. Don't worry, I don't consider myself stupid or somehow broken in this regard, but I really can't see how anxiety serves any purpose. Obsessing over the tiny details of a conversation only serves to make me look stiff and robotic, like some sort of psychopath trying to remember how to smile with their eyes. I've heard theories that the reason alcohol is so embedded in our society is because on some level we actually sort of need it to overcome this inhibition. Unfortunately I don't drink, although I have found a sort of vicarious empathy - I inherit the same hibition if I am with people who are a bit buzzed, just none of the memory loss (a blessing ang a curse). Anyway, thats quite tangental. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm quite comfortable being an introvert and while anxiety certainly bothers me and stresses me out more than I'd like I don't let it paralyse me.

schlub said:

I hate small-talk primarily because the people who use it don't actually give a shit what you think or what you have to say. When trying to talk to these people I find that they have absolutely no substance and are incapable of having an actual conversation.

Next time someone asks "Hey, how's it going" or "how are you", etc.. try answering by telling them how things are actually going... note how they have nothing to say in response and how quickly they want to stop talking to you. And I don't mean tell them something creepy. All you have to do is say things are well (or any response that honest and isn't as empty-headed as their question) and you'll see just how much they don't care and can't continue the conversation.

Some people enjoy smalltalk because that's as deep as they get personality-wise.

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