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Competition is for Losers: Natural Monopolies Aren't Forced

Yogi says...

Why yes it certainly does seem like hyperbole when you fail to read everything I said. I also said this "You do not get that kind of money without the help of others, exploiting others, doing illegal shit, or basically being a fucking thief." Bodies of course being hyperbolic (sometimes, not in the case of Oil Barons) and also metaphorical.

I don't think I have to address Zuckerbergs thievery it's pretty well documented that he had to pay people off to avoid lengthy court cases. It's pretty obvious he isn't Self Made in any way.

Bill Gates well a lot of people have plenty of stories about him stealing things and doing shit that's very sketchy but how about we ignore that. Let's go to the fact that he developed (stole) programs to run on something that was made from public funds by the military. Computers are completely anti-free market, they come from and were created by massive intervention in the market.

If you use a computer and the internet you're basically supporting socialism and betraying the free market.

lantern53 said:

You mean like Zuckerberg or Gates?

Where are the bodies?

hyperbole, agenda driven

Competition is for Losers: Natural Monopolies Aren't Forced

Yogi says...

There's no such thing as a self made billionaire. You do not get that kind of money without the help of others, exploiting others, doing illegal shit, or basically being a fucking thief.

You can look at any billionaire and their past will be littered with the bodies of other people. The point is it's just way too much money for someone to make on their own legitimately.

Trancecoach said:

As a self-made billionaire, I'd say he's a fairly successful businessman. While the video may not do his thesis justice, the article and the book are far more comprehensive. Thiel is basically saying go for the blue ocean and not to compete in the ref one.

The Face Thief (Animated Short Film)

pensword says...

Hmm...face thief is time or the loss of memory. The woman is trying to ensure the man can remember her face, her personhood, their shared memories, their past. Maybe the face thief is HIS act of forgetting. Almost like the animation serves as a metaphor for, what, Alzheimer or something? But he finally remembers at the end.

I'd give it 3/5

Purse snatcher gets his ass kicked by a skinny girl

newtboy says...

Another fine example of why we could use an *instant-karma channel.
I only wish she had disarmed the second thief and made them both bite the curb until the cops got there.
This should be a commercial for her Dojo.

Anonymous - #OpFerguson

bobknight33 says...

An unarmed thief got shot.

Should we be sad that this young criminal career was cut short?

He was told to get out of the street, he did not do so. He did not respect authority. Then went to the officer's car and grabbed him through the window and was shot.... I believe Brown thought the cop knew he had just committed a STRONG ARMED ROBBERY just a few minutes earlier and that's why he reached inside the window to grab the policeman. No one would grab someone and try to pull them into the car - especially not a policeman - Brown reached inside the police car and grabbed the officer. He was shot. Case closed.

Alien Isolation on Oculus Rift - Andrew Freaks Out

JustSaying says...

Have you ever been to Shalebridge Cradle? I nearly shat my pants.

Thief 3 was very flawed but that one level was a masterpiece of suspense.

Payback said:

No game has honestly frightened me since System Shock 2.


chingalera (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

*allthingsdoggy - Sausage thief!

(edit to put in the vs embed)

Missing Andy - Dave

alien_concept says...

I'm dirty Suzanna
I've got problems with grammar

So boy where's your manners
Come buy me a slammer

She said how you doing
Welcome to Canning Town
I ain't got much money
And I talk real funny
Now let me in the back of your van

Now then I've had a couple of drinks
But you look a bit of alright
and I put your bands sticker on me Primark knickers
and I think that might have broken the ice

And she told me her brother was a thief
A dead cockney for knocking out coppers teeth
Her mum stayed home washing all the pots and pans
And when her old man came home he knocked her round
And she told me her mother was on meph
Her daddy used to run with the ICF
I like getting out now then to catch a breath and meet a bloke or two
And that's when she said

I'm dirty Suzanna
I've got problems with grammar
Some say it's my stammer
But it's not not my fault
So boy where's your manners
Come buy me a slammer
And you'll get laid
And I will call you Dave
Yeah I will call you Dave
Even though your name is Steve

She said that her last fella
He was a proper upmarket guy
Said he took her to the races
And all the nice places like Nandos and TGI

She reached for her sambuca
As I notice her tattoo
It was a love heart with Steve
It was written down her sleeve
Yeah my last bloke was called Dave too

She told me she struggled with her speech
And ducked a lot of school to go hang out on the street
She tried so hard even *spoke of therapy*
No matter what she tried said it never worked for me
She told me she never had no friends
I've made a few acquaintances by opening her legs
I think it were me we could probably go the length and have a sprog or two
And that's when she said

I'm dirty Suzanna
I've got problems with grammar
Some say it's my stammer
But it's not not my fault
So boy where's your manners
Come buy me a slammer
And you'll get laid
And I will call you Dave
Yeah I will call you Dave
Even though your name is Steve

She said lets go out
Lets go out to the cinema
There's a Vue in Beckton or Dagenham
And it really ain't that far
You can bring the big van
I'll bring the condoms and we can
Fuck all through the night
That's why they call me dirty Suzanne
And if I should have a baby
We'll get a council flat
Or maybe get a council house
Nah, you need three kids for that
You can take me shopping to Lakeside if we're flash
And we'll have all we need
Child Benefits and that

I'm dirty Suzanna
I've got problems with grammar
Some say it's my stammer
But it's not not my fault

I'm dirty Suzanna
I've got problems with grammar
Some say it's my stammer
But it's not not my fault
So boy where's your manners
Come buy me a slammer
And you'll get laid
And I will call you Dave I'm dirty Suzanna
I've got problems with grammar

Questions for Statists

chingalera says...

"Over time, we're going to see what works and what doesn't and things will generally settle down"
Illusion and confabulation.

A government is a simple creation really, it uses force to achieve the end goal which is control, not unlike a rapist or a thief-The antithesis of liberty in the example of say, the American government works because force is used by an immoral core of liars and thieves to achieve goals that benefit the few rather than the whole of society. Examples of just how fucked things are at face value VooDooV, why bother to cite the examples that are glaringly obvious to anyone who at their core, is a moral and free individual...pointless and insulting to anyone who can think.

Mind you, infrastructure and social safety nets enhance freedom, but what should the end-goal be? To enhance the moral framework of a society, which has surely not been done so far with the American form of government, on the contrary, we see the fabric of what makes a society prosper and maintain a fairness for all being eroded to serve the interests of a few, through force and control...through civil liberties being chipped-away at through surveillance and more prisons, more laws, more fines and punishments for more people, etc. Deficit spending pays debt forward to further enslave the recipients of services like roads and social welfare programs, higher education, etc. The freedom to make poor choices at a micro and macro level is what the current government is all about, getting worse every year.

Urban sprawl will continue as folks with pipe-dreams tout more green, less energy usage, cleaner burning cars and factories, etc. One 'problem' is addressed by creating one for another somewhere else.

Ever listen to Buckminster Fuller's idea of a 'green' or 'energy efficient society'? It doesn't use ANY of the current models of societal structure, it pretty much SCRAPS them all for a trans-formative way of moving forward. The old models are shit if they accomplish them through force and control of human activity. YOU don't live in a democratic system, in case you have been asleep for your entire life, democracy is only a fucking word, a concept not unlike any 'ism' created by humans in the past 3000-7000 years.

The financial structure of the United States is inherently evil. It can not be made fair and moral for everyone, it wasn't designed to. It is designed to serve the few at the top, with enforcers and regulators at the bottom-tier of their system. The government is NOT inherently evil but it has been hijacked by cunts.

Just because you think you know how politicians should perform, does not make it happen that way. Sane health care system? Nope. Maybe for the privileged classes-What they hand the masses is complete shit. National debt? Foreign policy? How would YOU do it? Then that's probably saner than the way it's being run, innit? Government is not needed for ANY of these aspects of a civil and moral society to function. All it takes is moral and sane judgement and agreement at solutions and for folks to voluntarily subscribe to these actions, without force, without police, without armies, etc.

Many more examples too many to pontificate upon, many variables of systems, all of which could function to afford everyone freedom and liberty, WITHOUT a government. The government is a construct just like everything else man creates-It takes willing humans to make them either function efficiently, or to scrap them for something new and improved.

I'm no libertarian, no anarchist, just a practical human being.
There are more reasons for scrapping the world system of government than there are for maintaining them, you simply refuse to see any other way THAN systems of government.

Mankind can self-govern if it does so with a formidable and sound moral compass...Is mankind doing that? It can also make the entire planet it's playground if it chooses to do so...Is mankind doing this??

Wes Anderson - The Grand Budapest Hotel (Trailer)

poolcleaner says...

The only Wes Anderson movie that I would pick over a Wes Anderson movie, for the sets and color matching alone, would be Peter Greenaway's The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, And Her Lover. He's a much bigger weirdo freak though, so you gotta get over that.

Yogi said:

This guy Wes Anderson knows how to make the best Wes Anderson movies I've ever seen.

Employee at Publix Follows Kids Around the Store

artician says...

Definitely not limited to race, but minorities and people who we've been trained to see as lower-income/lower class get this treatment much more.
It makes me rage, that corporations have effectively conditioned their employees that everyone is a suspected thief, and to be militant in their attempt to expose someone.
Some people need help, some people need care, and some people are sick of living in a society where we have plenty, kept behind an invisible wall of enterprise, but trained every day to want it.

enoch (Member Profile)

Ice Cube - Who's The Mack

chingalera says...

*promote the washed-out hack
mack-daddys' back
with his punk beats
Hoein'-out to Hollywood Jump Street;
Slingin' sit-com crack like a chump thief
"Are We There Yet?" ,I don't know Uncle Tommy, you tell me?!

Come a long way since the N W A,
Now you makin' all yas' Compton brothers nervous,
and your tinsel-town time looks like community service,
to the white man;
Kissin' his nutsack
Took a promissin' career , went and showed it your buttcrack;
Turnin' niggas into stereo-typical, thug-smack
If your granny was alive you'd be feelin' a BITCH SLAP!

Tell us what you've done for the Black community;
Given niggas nothing more than some pimp-ass immunity,
from thinkin' too hard about from whence they came
from playin' any better at the white man's game
from stayin' Afrocentric and adjustiin' the game,
helpin' all the righteous brothers to a dose of the same, you're LAME!
and your rhymes, all the same
Played-pentameter-same, house-nigga blame-game...

Many may freestyle, the few deal in truth.

Arkansas inmate escape . Sees an opportunity, and takes it .

Scathing Critique of Reaction to Trayvon Martin Verdict

bobknight33 says...

Your right but in Zimmerman neighborhood there have been break in by young black men. Hence young black thiefs' set the precedent for Martin to be followed.

If it were young white kids doing the break ins then Zimmerman would have followed them.

Its been later found but not allowed in the trial ( rightly so) that Martin had burgles tools and pot items in his locker, Woman's Jewelery. Also the pictures of him smoking pot and the gun photo on his phone and apparently he took a Swing at a bus driver.

In the end Martin is a young man embarking on his criminal carer and decided to teach Zimmerman a lesson and lost.

00Scud00 said:

I'm not a betting man, but even I would bet that if Martin was a white kid instead of a black kid then none of this would have happened in the first place. In a perfect world the color of a someone's skin should not make a difference, but in this world it means you don't belong in this nice neighborhood and are probably a thief.

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