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shagen454 says...

Give a fuck whatchya heard
Yeah fuck whatchya heard
Fore this real shit kicked your whole click to the curb
What, what...
But you don't hear me though

Run up bitch ta da death get gripped my steeze is ballin' out
Of control whatchyou know 'bout bubblin'
Hustle bones comin' out my mouth

Hustle bones comin' out my mouth [repeat]

That hot lic a shot
Never not strapped
Wit a Glock tongue cocked
Run it back
That knock a cop off unconscious Molotov
Cocktailin' sound bomb a snitch
Flat line of chalk drawn round the clock
Too many marks dropped ta count the stiffs

Stuck on the fence
How does it feel
It don't make sense
Nothing is

That rip you a new one trick I'm the true one,
And only never know me never will no son
Leave ya laid out ta fade out
Show a cunt the door
Hit and run
Hustle bones comin' out my mouth

Hustle bones comin' out my mouth [repeat]

That can't wait ta blast
Blood stained knuckle brass gives a fuck sick wit it flav on
That ex con
Hard to da bone
Darkness from the zone
Mastered and pushed far beyond

Eons beyond the line never crossed,
By dem punks livin' soft while I ride that bomb
Dr. Strangelove
Into the sun
Look no hands megatons
Rode like man we can't lose
No shit, no shit

That hit it till it drip wit
Da blood of the raw way
It was fore dem forgot
Why doin' dirt, make slang sound tough gong original
fuck da wrong way
Only one real way to work
That shit out da
Beat street spit
Über freaked heat lit
Hell flame to your brain
Blood thirst
What what...
Run it back, run it

Run up bitch ta da death get gripped my steeze is ballin' out
Of control whatchyou know 'bout bubblin'
Hustle bones comin' out my mouth

Hustle bones comin' out my mouth [repeat]

Criminal intent anti-legal ill
Thief in da night peel your life back spin the wheel

Run it back, run it

Classic DOS games roundup, circa 1995

shagen454 says...

I was 13/14, games back then were magical. Anytime I was on a plane or in the car I was reading PC Gamer or CGM drooling over the demos (or shareware!), ads, previews and reviews. Remember those days? When information on gaming was largely through print?! I still remember those Dark Forces previews, I could have shot a load. PC gaming at that point really was fucking cutting edge.

1997 & 1998 also hold a special flame in gaming for me - 1997: Ultima Online (actually learned HTML and had a website for UO cuz I was a NERD), Fallout, GTA, Age of Empires, Dungeon Keeper, Quake II, Myth (incredible multiplayer component probably even still).

1998: Starcraft, Half-Life, Baldur's Gate, Thief, Grim Fandango, Fallout 2, Tribes, THIEF, Unreal, Commandos.... so many innovative games back then. Now we just build on them over and over and over again

How To Crack An Electronic Safe With A Magnet And A Sock

spawnflagger says...

To be fair, that is a Hugh Jass rare-earth (neodymium) magnet, that costs $40 more than the safe (quick search example- $173 vs. safe $134), and not likely that a casual thief would have it on hand. Good for a locksmith to invest in though.

I would like to see them test progressively smaller magnets, to see what the smallest is that would still do the trick.

How To Crack An Electronic Safe With A Magnet And A Sock

Payback says...

I owned a car stereo install shop for about 15 years. People would come to me and ask how to make sure their car didn't get stolen. Every time, I'd tell them, "sell it and take the bus".

The object of car "security" is to make the thief go on to lower hanging fruit. If someone wants your "you've-paid-huge-money-to-make-virtually-impregnable" '86 Civic, they'll wait for you to approach it, put a knife to your throat (this being in Canada) and take your keys. To quote W.O.P.R. "The only winning move is not to play."

newtboy said:

I agree.
I only consider mine a fire safe...same with hotel safes. They are better than nothing, but not at all secure. For security, I would use the hotel office safe or bank safety deposit box. Anything less is just a deterrent.

How we Deal with Thieves in Denmark

NOW It Makes Sense Why Preachers Need Private Jets

JustSaying says...

Everybody call these guys conmen. They're not. To con somebody you actually have to make up a lie, you have to be creative and convincing. These guys are neither, they just take from people who gave up on thinking altogether.
They're as much conmen as a guy who takes candy from a baby is a master thief.

Bait Bike-Prank

Buttle says...

So the only white bike thief somehow just rides off scot free. And none of the black ones say even one word.

Fakety fake fake.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Pastor Dewey Smith On Homosexuality And Hypocrisy

Yossarian says...

Except of course you're not born a drunk, or a thief or an adulterer.

bobknight33 said:

The dude is right.
All sin is equal in GODS eye.
Gay marrage or adultery or a drunkard or a thief are all the same.
The courts have only legalize one of these. Still does not make it right.

Pastor Dewey Smith On Homosexuality And Hypocrisy

bobknight33 says...

The dude is right.
All sin is equal in GODS eye.
Gay marrage or adultery or a drunkard or a thief are all the same.
The courts have only legalize one of these. Still does not make it right.

Fail Forward : Deus Ex - Human Revolution

00Scud00 says...

Interesting talk, but I think he puts way too much stock in the idea that going in guns (or rats) blazing is always the more satisfying approach. Back in the old days of Thief many people prided themselves on ghosting through levels and leaving as little evidence of their passing as possible.
I tend to stealth my way through most games were stealth is a viable option and I have never felt cheated because I didn't use some of the more action oriented systems. In Deus Ex I don't think I ever bothered with that social enhancer augment.

Adam Jensen's "I didn't ask for this" attitude actually seems pretty reasonable to me, what little of his life we saw before his accident seemed pretty happy and he didn't seem like the type to sit around thinking "If only I had a cool cyborg body". This seems more like the player is projecting their own insecurities.

And I could easily see a future where prosthetic limbs were more than just for rich people. Technology advances and becomes cheaper, cellphones used to be carried by rich assholes on Wallstreet, now every asshole has one. And not every prosthetic is going to turn you into Superman either, all a cybernetic leg needs to do is allow you to walk and run like a person with a normal leg, leaping tall buildings with a single bound is not a required feature. So most of those repressed cyber citizens are probably not sporting mil-spec hardware.

The sharp-eyed bus passenger

JustSaying says...

Easy, the bus guy entered sneak mode, pressed the use button to pickpocket once the biker was close enough. While he looked through the biker's inventory and took probably his gold and maybe some necklaces and rings, he accidentally took the keys. Upon realising his mistake he tried to reverse-pickpocket the keys, got the wrong button and droppen them instead. To gain something from the whole botched thing, the bus dude told the biker in the hope to level his speech skill.
He probably just playing some Thief Guild mission now, forging some ledgers. Unless he's with the Dark Brotherhood. Then he tried to poison the biker.

Deray McKesson: Eloquent, Focused Smackdown of Wolf Blitzer

ChaosEngine says...

What brand of racism? Well, thanks to the amazing technology of the sift, let's do a little search..... oh look.
"Slavery is irrelevant to the plight of the black man today."

"If Blacks did not commit more crimes than other groups then women would not be clutching their purses and other demographic groups would not be as afraid."

"Your right but in Zimmerman neighborhood there have been break in by young black men. Hence young black thiefs' set the precedent for Martin to be followed." Hey, crap grammar into the bargain too!

"Funny how you don't hear jack what Black pastors protest against GAY marriage" Racism and homophobia.... bonus!

"And you wonder why blacks are still call the n word."

No, you're a fucking beacon of racial harmony and enlightenment.

You're goddamn right I'm angry. Being angry is the correct response to this. And no, I don't need any "anger management" bullshit, because I control my anger and channel it into doing useful things.

bobknight33 said:

@lantern53 summed it up well enough.

"Nobody said black people suck except for the voice in your head."

What kind of " brand of racism " are you referring to?

If you need I could suggest some Anger management course for you.
you will also get your Anger Certificate to hand on the wall.

Bike thief.

ant says...

Thief has been caught." in YouTube's video description.

newtboy said:

It sucks ass he got away. They should take the video to local middle/high schools and compare to yearbook photos, I bet they would find him quickly. Unfortunately, they still probably wouldn't prosecute him...but might actually prosecute the person who tackled him for child abuse, because people are idiots and care about the wrong things almost every time.

Ice Cream Bandit Steals Treats From Sleeping Gas Station Guy

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