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enoch (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your comment on Cops Tazer Horse Thief, Then Beat And Kick Over 50 Times has just received enough votes from the community to earn you 1 Power Point. Thank you for your quality contribution to VideoSift.

Cops Tazer Horse Thief, Then Beat And Kick Over 50 Times

newtboy jokingly says...

Some people will believe anything they want to believe, and refuse to see anything that contradicts that belief, even when it's right in front of them.
I can see hands behind the "thief's" back even AFTER being kicked in the head and balls.

dannym3141 said:

If it were left to the moderates - and you are not one, you are the other extreme - then change would never happen, because no one would be angry enough. How far would the abuse have to go, how rife would it have to be, before you got angry enough to try and change it? During the height of racism in america, you would have wondered why the million man march was necessary given that you never had any problems on your traffic stops.

I have read comments from newt praising the actions of the police when they act in ways which deserve praise.

Yet you - you never seem to rule out that a beating is unacceptable. You always add the caveat "maybe he wasn't putting his hands behind his back," (or similar) but in the same breath claim that you've never been in that situation. Perhaps if you had, you would understand that the human survival instinct is not something that can be turned off when you are being attacked.

Do you honestly, even in your closeted, warped and twisted mind, think that you can kick and punch someone in the face UNTIL they put their hands behind their back? You are excusing them on the basis that they make an impossible demand and the demand is not met.

Your guarantee is worthless, on what authority do you make it!? You have a pathetically ignorant world view in which if it works for you, it works for everyone - damn the evidence, and damn those who it doesn't work for. If your traffic stops went without a hitch, then all these videos of psychopaths in uniform are outliers and don't need to be dealt with. You're an excuse maker and an apologist for violent, dangerous individuals who are given exceptional power which they abuse.

Unless some people get angry about it, nothing will change, because people like you will always find a justification for them, and that's more reason to get angry.

The Westerner (1940) -- We Hang Horse Thieves

newtboy (Member Profile)

Horse pursuit police brutal beating

Horse pursuit police brutal beating

Horse pursuit police brutal beating

Horse pursuit police brutal beating

Driver Beaten And Tazed As St Louis Police Shut Off Dashcam

newtboy jokingly says...

Is that what you tell victims?...'Looks like the violent thief went too far, yet all this could have been prevented by simple compliance with the intruders getting stabbed was YOUR fault, no point looking at or for the stabber.'

You'll just never accept that officers are to blame for anything, no matter how obvious their crime may be.

The saying as I've heard it is "Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind".
Cops are now reaping that whirlwind...and they don't like it....yet you claim it's the wind's fault.

lantern53 said:

Looks like the cops went too far.

Yet all of this could have been prevented by simple compliance with a police officer's orders.

So if you reap the wind, expect the whirlwind.

Smarter Every Day - Facebook Freebooting

newtboy says...

Please return all the money you made during your career...your work product is not meat, so has no value and is worthless, so you are a thief for taking money for it. You may send the check directly to the sift and I'm sure Dag will give me my cut for making the suggestion.
Thank you

As an aside...I must guess you won't be coming back to the sift, because our chosen topics of discussion are not always up to your standards (which must be quite low, you made a career out of creating worthless, valueless flashing good bye. ;-)

billybussey said:

Wow, you guys at videosift are not nearly as smart as I thought.

Videos are flashing lights. They are not meat. You deserve no money for it. Advertising cannot be compared to food.

You are all focusing on the wrong shit by far.

I've made flashing lights for money my whole career. They do not have value. They are worthless.

Please start arguing the deeper points or I'm not coming to this site anymore.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Glen Campbell - I'm Not Gonna Miss You

nanrod says...

Alzheimer's is really an insidious thief in the night. It can steal a loved one away almost before you know there is anything wrong. A couple of Christmas's ago my mother came up to me and said "You really remind me of one of my sons." I knew she was becoming very forgetful but this blew me away. She's in a care facility now and on a good day recognizes me as one of those nice young people who visit her. My father passed away on July 29 and I think the realization that she no longer knew who he was in some way allowed him to just let go. This video touched me in ways I didn't think I was capable of. and brought out emotions I thought I had successfully suppressed.

How To Break NINE Laptops In Order To Steal Just ONE!!

Thief Helps Herself to a Handful of Cash

Thief Helps Herself to a Handful of Cash

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