my15minutes US

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Real Name: Owen
Birthdate: June 13th, 1971 (53 years old)
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Member Since: May 30, 2007
Email: my15min at gmail dot com
Favorite Sift: Shadow Puppets - animation by Chuck Gamble
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Last Power Points used: February 20, 2015
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Comments to my15minutes

moodonia says...

Hey! Thanks a million for the promote! Love the song, I thought I noticed the sound of a CD ending at the end of the vid, guessing someone put the CD audio over the TV video? What magic these people are capable of!

In reply to this comment by my15minutes:
it'd be nice to know this would escape your queue in a timely manner, but i know how music can get strangely ignored here, so have a *siftysnack

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