Video tag cloud - a quantitative/qualitative research

I did a little research on the Video tag cloud of Videosift as I think tagging is an important tool to categorize content but also to see trends in what is popular on this site.

Please add your observations/ideas. And let's draw some conclusions.
edit: poetry ahead

Tag size order

1. comedy funny music
4. animation
5. 80s
6. commercial
7. rock
8. classic
9. ad
10. live
11. music video tv
13. 70s
14. parody iraq
16. japan
17. dance war cat
20. bush
21. car
22. video
23. science
24. simpsons
25. movie japanese
27. documentary dog
30. wtf cool 60s
33. cartoon bbc
35. trailer religion cute guitar
39. news art
41. fight amazing song
44. wow history
46. awesome
47. 50s 90s baby beautiful beer british canada cats christmas crash crazy drugs family guy film fire football french fun game hilarious hiphop horror interview jazz kids love magic mashup movies nature nintendo of ouch piano police politics pop prank punk rap robot ronpaul sex short show snl soccer space spoof standup starwars technology the water weird

Thematic order

50s 60s 70s 80s 90s
british canada french iraq japan japanese space water
-meta video
short trailer video movie movies film interview live ad commercial mashup show classic
animation art cartoon hip hop punk rap jazz rock pop song mashup music music video dance documentary prank film comedy parody spoof standup horror short trailer show game piano guitar interview movie movies magic star wars snl nintendo
soccer football game
-family life
cat cats baby dog kids family guy love christmas fight car drugs sex beer simpsons
religion politics ron paul bush fight news interview history fire police fight war crash drugs sex bbc
amazing awesome beautiful commercial cool crazy cute classic ouch weird wow wtf hilarious magic horror fun funny
crash robot science technology car
history interview science documentary
nature dog cat cats
bbc simpsons snl ron paul bush star wars nintendo family guy
-disconnected tags because of space
of, the, “short film”, “live music”

Tags named after channel

80s, animation, art, british, canada, comedy, commercial, hip hop, history, horror, kids, music, nature, parody, politics, religion, science, standup, wtf

Double tags

Japan/Japanese, cat/cats, movie/movies

There’s a differently named channel

film/movie(s) (cinema), fun/funny/hilarious (comedy), cat(s)/dog (catsanddogs), horror (horrorshow), classic (vintage), space (spacy)

Missing tags

united states/american, uk
(and a lot more)

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