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spaceisbig says...

via Google Translate:

if the police passes by, yes! yes
I then stop only at times, yes! yes
ne of the box from participating Ziese, yes! yes
and harmless to play on schematic f, yes! yes
they have been drinking, yes! yes
The police asked me, yes! yes
I scream out loud, no, yes! yes
I'm thirsty animal, yes! yes
they have taken drugs, yes! yes
but since I have an idea, yes! yes
home on the couch, yes! yes
I'm all there, yes! yes

a policeman with elf-Ohrn, yes
with these elves Ohrn what he writes on ..
a policeman with elf-Ohrn
with these elves Ohrn what he writes on ..

my name is Garfield, yes! yes
I've always been there, yes! yes
and now I'm here, yes! yes
and you are there, yes! yes
we are both there, yes! yes
together in the universe, yes! yes
together with the police, yes! yes
I tell him what he of sage, yes! yes
eucalyptus and menthol, yes! yes
I am innocent, yes! yes
manitu like, yes! yes
that's the killa, yeah! yes

a policeman with patterns on it, yes
with these patterns on it, he looks good ..
one policeman, with patterns on it yes
with these patterns on it, he looks good ..

`I'll help arrested, yes! yes
I just stick it there, yes! yes
shiva help me, help me to goa, yes! yes
psytrance help me, yes! yes
goa goa goa mpu, yes! yes
u u u u u goa-dwarf, yes! yes
goa goa goa mpu, yes! yes
u u u u u hara rama, yes! yes
suddenly lit me a pig, indeed! yes
in your face in, yes! yes
far too bright the sunshine, yes! yes
I hurry up to the eyes, yes! yes

a policeman with a laser sword, yes
laser sword with which he writes on this .. ahh
with a police laser sword
laser sword with which he writes on this ..

a smile comes from the heart high, yes! yes
yes by a ridiculously tuenchamun,! yes
ick bin tuenchamun, yes! yes
tut tut tut tut, yes! yes
I stick, yes! yes
I stick with doing nothing, yes! yes
tut tut tuenchamun, yes! yes
I've found it, yes! yes
Last night in the car, yes! yes
since I'm looking at you, yes! yes
I need urgent help, yes! yes
in the car always runs goa, yes! yes

cop off with one claw, yes
with these claws turn what he stands for ..
a policeman, so off with claws
cling to it with this, even what he stands for ..

Parchim gibts ne police, yes! yes
I only go driving times, yes! yes
mentally I'm already there, yes! yes
moon by the time the liquid shiva, yes! yes
of the full moon up to the Baltic Sea, indeed! yes
of the reeperbahn back home, yeah! yes
in the hall eingepennt shit, yes! yes
the problem in the system, yes! yes
is the system, yes! yes
the system is the problem, yes! yes
the system has no egg, yes! yes
the system is in the system, yes! yes
I have no problem, yes! yes
I'm schizophrenic, yes! yes
I am the system, yes! yes

a policeman standing there with his parents
with his parents (because) he wants to go home ..
one policeman stands with his parents since aaahhh ...
uuuhhh with his parents ... He wants to house ..

I'm strapped in, yes! yes
I weggeknallt I am, yes! yes
I have a crush me, yes! yes
I'm not there, yes! yes
ick'm uh .. mirage, yes! yes
all the stupid pig, indeed! yes
All the boring pigs, yes! yes
walk on a leash, yes! yes
boring all the pigs, yes! yes
hear no goa, yes! ahh ..
goa goa .. hhh, ahh ..
hare hare rama, yes! a..
hare hare goa, yes! aahh ..
hare hare rama, yes! ahh
goa goa hare,

Stephen Colbert does It Gets Better video. Does it real.

messenger says...

Amazingly, I had almost this same interaction when I was 12:

Kid: You're queer!
Me: <reflecting> Yep.
Kid: I said you're fucking queeeeeer!
Me: Yes, I am queer.
Kid: Really?
Me: Yes, really.
Kid: You are actually really queer?
Me: Yes. I really am.
Kid: Oh. OK. I didn't know. <walks away>

The kicker is that when I was 12, I thought "queer" just meant "weird", which I was happy to identify with. It wasn't until high school that I learned it also meant "gay", and I had a good laugh about that incident.

Marlita Hill - the 'Nigger' Speech

Encumberance says...

>> ^bareboards2:

Thank you for your response.
However, it does show that your original comment wasn't quite accurate, yes? "Nigger has never bothered me in any form." That isn't quite true, is it? Sounds like you had to go on a journey to where that statement is NOW true -- you didn't start out there, correct?
I am so glad that you got to a place that poor Burd hasn't yet -- that assholes can't hurt you with words. Sounds like your parents did a good job of helping you get some skills in dealing with the assholes of this world.
Thanks again. You are seriously cool.

>> ^Encumberance:
>> ^bareboards2:
Are you black? Just so I can have context for your statement?
Also -- how old are you? That is additional context for your statement....
>> ^Encumberance:
She is funny. Nigger has never bothered me in any form. Tho the hypocrisy around its use it pretty dam funny. Then again words only have the power you give them.

Yes I am and I just turned 34. I grew up with people hating me for my race and it really got to me when I was little. Then as I got older I saw that people cant hurt you with words if you don't let them. My parents feel the same way and grew up in the south with a lot of hate going around.


Thank you for your response.
However, it does show that your original comment wasn't quite accurate, yes? "Nigger has never bothered me in any form." That isn't quite true, is it? Sounds like you had to go on a journey to where that statement is NOW true -- you didn't start out there, correct?
I am so glad that you got to a place that poor Burd hasn't yet -- that assholes can't hurt you with words. Sounds like your parents did a good job of helping you get some skills in dealing with the assholes of this world.
Thanks again. You are seriously cool.

>> ^Encumberance:
>> ^bareboards2:
Are you black? Just so I can have context for your statement?
Also -- how old are you? That is additional context for your statement....
>> ^Encumberance:
She is funny. Nigger has never bothered me in any form. Tho the hypocrisy around its use it pretty dam funny. Then again words only have the power you give them.

Yes I am and I just turned 34. I grew up with people hating me for my race and it really got to me when I was little. Then as I got older I saw that people cant hurt you with words if you don't let them. My parents feel the same way and grew up in the south with a lot of hate going around.

Valid point "never" was a bad choice in wording.

Marlita Hill - the 'Nigger' Speech

bareboards2 says...

Thank you for your response.

However, it does show that your original comment wasn't quite accurate, yes? "Nigger has never bothered me in any form." That isn't quite true, is it? Sounds like you had to go on a journey to where that statement is NOW true -- you didn't start out there, correct?

I am so glad that you got to a place that poor Burd hasn't yet -- that assholes can't hurt you with words. Sounds like your parents did a good job of helping you get some skills in dealing with the assholes of this world.

Thanks again. You are seriously cool.

>> ^Encumberance:

>> ^bareboards2:
Are you black? Just so I can have context for your statement?
Also -- how old are you? That is additional context for your statement....
>> ^Encumberance:
She is funny. Nigger has never bothered me in any form. Tho the hypocrisy around its use it pretty dam funny. Then again words only have the power you give them.

Yes I am and I just turned 34. I grew up with people hating me for my race and it really got to me when I was little. Then as I got older I saw that people cant hurt you with words if you don't let them. My parents feel the same way and grew up in the south with a lot of hate going around.

Marlita Hill - the 'Nigger' Speech

Encumberance says...

>> ^bareboards2:

Are you black? Just so I can have context for your statement?
Also -- how old are you? That is additional context for your statement....
>> ^Encumberance:
She is funny. Nigger has never bothered me in any form. Tho the hypocrisy around its use it pretty dam funny. Then again words only have the power you give them.

Yes I am and I just turned 34. I grew up with people hating me for my race and it really got to me when I was little. Then as I got older I saw that people cant hurt you with words if you don't let them. My parents feel the same way and grew up in the south with a lot of hate going around.

They do things different in Russia -- here, they medicate

bareboards2 says...

I have changed the title, the tags and the description to reflect your clearly more astute reading of the situation. It isn't near as titillating a story, however I think it is an infinitely more fascinating one.

>> ^shuac:

Being the study of human nature that I am, here's my guess: the kid being felt up is a big troublemaker in class. He's a real problem for the teacher, in fact you can see a little bit of it in the vid. He's such a troublemaker that the only way she can be certain he's behaving is if she's got her hand on him as a constant reminder that "yes, I am here and I know when you're fucking up."
That's my guess. Got a better one? Please share.

They do things different in Russia -- here, they medicate

bareboards2 says...

I agree with you 100%. You can see it in the last few moments -- he blurts something out and she immediately puts her hand on his head and he quiets down.

I didn't notice that until I watched it a second time. How did you get so smart?

>> ^shuac:

Being the study of human nature that I am, here's my guess: the kid being felt up is a big troublemaker in class. He's a real problem for the teacher, in fact you can see a little bit of it in the vid. He's such a troublemaker that the only way she can be certain he's behaving is if she's got her hand on him as a constant reminder that "yes, I am here and I know when you're fucking up."
That's my guess. Got a better one? Please share.

They do things different in Russia -- here, they medicate

shuac says...

Being the study of human nature that I am, here's my guess: the kid being felt up is a big troublemaker in class. He's a real problem for the teacher, in fact you can see a little bit of it in the vid. He's such a troublemaker that the only way she can be certain he's behaving is if she's got her hand on him as a constant reminder that "yes, I am here and I know when you're fucking up."

That's my guess. Got a better one? Please share.

New York Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage!

ForgedReality says...

Wait, let's analyze this comment...

If someone is intelligent.... They believe in a god.

And yet, god only exists BECAUSE of the LACK OF KNOWLEDGE humans possessed when they invented gods as a means of explaining that which they did not understand.

But then you could argue that that does not necessarily mean they weren't intelligent, just ignorant or uninformed.

Okay, but then let's take the typical argument from religionists when confronted about their beliefs and why they believe the way they do: "BECAUSE THE BIBLE SAYS SO!"

Oh, okay, so you believe everything you read. That's not very intelligent, or at least it's not very SMART. The bible was written hundreds of years ago, and has since been translated and re-translated to and from dozens of different languages. Individuals and groups in power throughout different points in history have taken it upon themselves to modify the bible, adding and omitting pieces here and there to suit their agenda. They knew that gullible sheep, unable to think for themselves, are easily swayed by religion, and what better way to control a populace than by attacking their very basis for the way they live their lives?

Additionally, if one is intelligent, and they believe in ancient myths, obviously they're going to be some of the greatest minds the world has ever known, right? That's why all the geniuses of the world are devout Christians or whatever religion you want to name, right? WRONG.

NASA is not run by rocket scientists who go to church on Sunday. Great inventors and genius-level individuals such as Stephen Hawking are not religious specifically BECAUSE they are intelligent. They are able to think for themselves, not be told what to think.

Of course, religion and science are completely unrelated topics, and one does not have to be non-secular in order to be a scientist, but typically, the two mindsets would conflict, as religionists base their beliefs off of emotion and other irrational concepts. Scientists use a thought process, experimentation, and ruling out possibilities in order to come to conclusions and figure out FACTS about the universe around us. There are scientists who believe in the possibility of a god, but it takes a different form than that of some all-seeing being that created everything. I'll never try to explain that to you, though, as you're too blinded by foolish nonsense that has been force-fed to you since childhood.

I will leave you with this though: Adam and Eve. Here's some fruit. I'm going to tempt you with it, and then create a snake to TALK to you and tell you you should eat some of it, and THEN I'm gunna come back and be all "OH SHIT WHAT THE FUCK?! I SMITE THEE FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!" just to fuck with humanity. Wow. You worship a pretty evil, and vindictive force. Why would you want to do that? The fucker's up there just fucking with us like a little kid with a magnifying glass over an ant hill. Jesus christ, you must really enjoy misery. I'll take the reality of humanity surviving on our own acquiescence and compassion over that bullshit any day!

But please, continue. I can do this all night!

>> ^shinyblurry:

If you were intelligent you would know there is a God..also, those who know all but lack within are utterly lacking.
>> ^ForgedReality:
>> ^shinyblurry:
What are you, 13?
>> ^ForgedReality:

If you don't have GOD in your life... The second someone brings fucking religion into anything as their basis for opinion, I immediately disregard them as irrelevant, brainwashed filth, and ignore everything else they have to say.

Why yes, yes I am. I am also sane and ten times more intelligent than you, sir. Thanks for playing!
Go read your little book of lies and get the hell off the internet.
edit - Oh, and by the way, my first comment here, the one that you just quoted was not directed at you, it was directed at the idiot bitch in the video, so kindly shut the fuck up. Thank you.

>> ^shinyblurry:

If you were intelligent you would know there is a God..also, those who know all but lack within are utterly lacking.
>> ^ForgedReality:
>> ^shinyblurry:
What are you, 13?
>> ^ForgedReality:

If you don't have GOD in your life... The second someone brings fucking religion into anything as their basis for opinion, I immediately disregard them as irrelevant, brainwashed filth, and ignore everything else they have to say.

Why yes, yes I am. I am also sane and ten times more intelligent than you, sir. Thanks for playing!
Go read your little book of lies and get the hell off the internet.
edit - Oh, and by the way, my first comment here, the one that you just quoted was not directed at you, it was directed at the idiot bitch in the video, so kindly shut the fuck up. Thank you.

New York Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage!

shinyblurry says...

If you were intelligent you would know there is a God..also, those who know all but lack within are utterly lacking.

>> ^ForgedReality:
>> ^shinyblurry:
What are you, 13?
>> ^ForgedReality:
If you don't have GOD in your life... The second someone brings fucking religion into anything as their basis for opinion, I immediately disregard them as irrelevant, brainwashed filth, and ignore everything else they have to say.

Why yes, yes I am. I am also sane and ten times more intelligent than you, sir. Thanks for playing!
Go read your little book of lies and get the hell off the internet.
edit - Oh, and by the way, my first comment here, the one that you just quoted was not directed at you, it was directed at the idiot bitch in the video, so kindly shut the fuck up. Thank you.

New York Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage!

ForgedReality says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

What are you, 13?
>> ^ForgedReality:
If you don't have GOD in your life... The second someone brings fucking religion into anything as their basis for opinion, I immediately disregard them as irrelevant, brainwashed filth, and ignore everything else they have to say.

Why yes, yes I am. I am also sane and ten times more intelligent than you, sir. Thanks for playing!

Go read your little book of lies and get the hell off the internet.

edit - Oh, and by the way, my first comment here, the one that you just quoted was not directed at you, it was directed at the idiot bitch in the video, so kindly shut the fuck up. Thank you.

CNN: Christians Are Hypocrites

Cop Smashes a Handcuffed Girl's Face Into A Concrete Wall

bareboards2 says...

Just do what they say and you should be fine. DON'T ARGUE. DON'T RESIST.

Keep your hands in sight at all times, preferably away from your sides. If they start yelling, drop whatever is in your hands. Do NOT put your hands in your pockets to get your wallet. And for pity's sake, drop your cell phone if they start yelling. Let it break. It can be replaced.

Are you a person of color? You are more at risk, especially in the South and in certain high crime urban areas.

Tug your forelock. Swallow your pride. Get mad later not in front of the cop.

A friend of mine was stopped by the highway patrol late at night in rural Texas. He is white, middle class, driving a big fancy Buick. He made the conscious choice to keep his hands on the steering wheel at 10 and 2 so the cop could see them and not be nervous.

You don't want the cop to get nervous. That is when most bad things happen.

Practice saying "yes sir" and "yes ma'am". You'll be fine.

>> ^conan:

I'll be visiting the states soon and as strange as it sounds one of my major concerns is police. not being a native speaker i am afraid somewhat that if being stopped confusion might arise and there are various clips here that show us what confused US police officers like to do. ironically i'm not really afraid of street crime since i can choose where to go, but police officers? they are everywhere. maybe watching these clips while planning the trip is not a good idea.

On civility, name calling and the Sift (Fear Talk Post)

blankfist says...

>> ^dag:

For someone who is otherwise such a proponent of democratic principles and liberty I'm surprised that you would rather concentrate disciplinary powers in one person's hands.
And, yes, yes - I am the site owner so I could always come down and blow it all away, so we're just playing. I know. But, there would be a lot more social pressure on me not to interfere, if decisions were meted out fairly without favorotism by the Sift public in some kind of system.
I think I've shown my willingness to let self-rule flourish. And honestly, I'm fascinated by the idea of balancing technology and people to make a more equitable, self-managing community. (even if it's just in our little online niche)

I understand this is a site with rules, and when I voluntarily come here I agree to those rules. So, liberty has little to do with it. And I despise direct democracy especially when administering justice. Democracy has its place, but this isn't one of them.

We don't have an epidemic of rule breakers on here who are also steadfast members. Leave the policing of spammers to the community. Leave the policing of members to the admins.

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