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Deepwater Horizon Blowout Animation

greatgooglymoogly says...

I would imagine checking the function of the BOP would be standard procedure after it is built or prior to putting in the field. I don't imagine it was mis-wired on the rig itself. The video seems to say that wouldn't have mattered anyway because the previously unknown problem causing the pipe to buckle.

Dutch Police Use Trained Eagles to Disable Illegal Drones

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

BMW Concept Bike

eric3579 says...

Look Mutter, nein helmut!

“The vision vehicle will act with foresight and is able to protect the rider at any time,” says Heinrich. Driver assistance features will continually monitor the environment, the route, the speed, the angle of lean, and myriad other factors, intervening to ensure the rider can’t crash. Gyroscopes keep the bike upright when stationary, so you can’t even fall when stopped. BMW’s roughly an eternity from actually telling riders to ditch traditional safety gear, but things like traction control, hill start assist, and antilock brakes are already making it harder to kill yourself on two wheels.

Payback said:

I like how its technology gets rid of the need for a helmut.

Attack on Titan - live action trailer

Indoor Synchronized Skydiving - Prepare to be Blown Away

Formula 1 Plane Racing - Takeoff Accident

Payback says...

It's too bad someone hasn't developed some sort of way of communicating with people that doesn't require flags. Maybe some sort of... I don't now, kinda like a telephone, but without wires... that'd be cool... you could broadcast to everyone "PLANE ON RUNWAY!!! SHUT DOWN!!!"

I know, pie-in-the-sky wishes...

The New iPhone is Just Worse

Jinx says...

They claim the headphone jack was a roadblock to water resistance and that they have used the space for more important things. I'm...not convinced.

The cynical me thinks its just apple trying to undermine the 3.5mm jack with their proprietary overpriced shit. The less cynical part of me sees it as a continuation of their minimalist design philosophy. This is a company that would give you just one button to control your computer with if they could (whether it makes sense or not). Also, aesthetically it is more in line with their sort of "magic box" thing - they don't want you to see it as a machine with working parts and the familiar 3.5mm jack kind of breaks that illusion.

I go through a lot of headphones every year. The point of failure is almost always the wire or the connection at either end, so while I know I'd lose those earpods or w/e the fuck they are calling them in a heartbeat, and I do love the ubiquity of the 3.5mm jack, I must admit I do quite like the idea of not having the wire.

Januari said:

Just seems like it was a 'fix' to something that was in no way a problem.

Man Chops Down Tree To Steal Bike

Are You Ready To Be Outpaced By Machines? Quantum Computing

quentin tarrantino talks about reservoir dogs 1992

dingens (Member Profile)

The Animated Adventures of Firefly Teaser

Jinx says...

I loved Firefly, truly I did. Sure, The Wire and I had longer together but with Firefly...Firefly always felt like we left something unfinished. But, you know, I'm beginning to feel like I can let Firefly go now. I've accepted that in this life some truly beautiful things will be cut short - and that stings like a mother, but its _O.K_ because we were privileged to share those fleeting moments, and we still have our memories and the DVD box set.

ps. True Story, my current employer revealed to me that I became his first choice for the job after I correctly identified an idly muttered Firefly quotation. (two by two, hands of blue).

pps. Did anybody else watch Castle purely because it was easy to imagine Castle was Mal in an alternate universe. Well, maybe not purely - Stana Katic is very easy on the eye, but it was like, maybe 75% of the reason.

Helicopter Balances On Rail To Drop Doctor At Car Accident

transmorpher says...

Not to take anything away from the pilot, but the EC-135s have some amazing flyby-wire in there that makes this a lot safer than in helicopters without it. Still amazing and dangerous, nevertheless.

First Few Minutes of Beautiful Indie Game INSIDE

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