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Man shows impressive barehanded grip on South African cliff

VideoHasBeenSifted says...

A well rehearsed climb I assure you. A properly positioned camera to give the perception of great height. Most likely just a warm-up routine with no supportive gear. This is only about 100 ft from base and a pro-climber would not be exhausted by this. Classic view whoring. The overhang was route was specifically chosen so he could have something hang-off of. Another example of a low-achiever recklessly putting themselves in harms way so they can talk about adventure and achievement. Emergency workers are sickened by this. You are not suddenly "cool", "interesting", or respected by this.

Dog Walks Up Stairs Like Human

Remove Coke Can from Coke

Fun Music with Cups, Coffee Break

McKenna Denson Testimony in Joseph Bishop Mormon Church

This Cyclist Took Back the Bike Lane on the Brooklyn Bridge

New Rule: I, Q | Real Time with Bill Maher

StukaFox says...

Let me get this straight -- some guy trolled 4chan's /pol/ with the most improbable story since that one about a loving god watching over all of us, and Trump supporters sucked it down like it was so many gouts of hot Russian jizz?

I'll answer my own question: yes.

An internet troll on a 4chan -- the site dedicated to stale memes, cam-whoring and Zootopia porn (not that I'd know anything about the latter) -- triggered the stumbling, bumbling collection of idiots who attend Trump rallies like the mouth-breather's version of Triumph of the Will into believing they were the recipients of ULTRA-TOP-SECRET information. Now these people believe they're a movement, and they're going to vote (and hopefully stop there before gunfire is involved) based on this delusion.

Didn't we used to point and laugh at people for shit like this?

What they don't know (muh-ha-ha!) is that this is actually a scheme to identify potential candidates for a new reality show called 'Gullible Island', which will be a cross between Lord of the Flies and Idiocracy. Contestants will be fed a constant stream of conspiracy theories ("Democrats don't want you to know that cyanide is tasty") and then left to their own devices -- at which point the rest of us will turn off the TV and breathe a huge sigh of relief while await Trump 2020: 20 years for treason and 20 years for collusion.

The Sex Robot Revolution Is Here (Sort Of) - Jim Jefferies

Leftists Will Carry Out Targeted Killings Of Republicans

ChaosEngine jokingly says...

Let me get this straight. He thinks the American left... a group so disorganised it can't even win the presidency with a majority of votes (see also: "piss up in a brewery", or "get laid in a whore house").... he thinks THOSE GUYS are going to carry out assassinations?


I WISH they had their shit together that much.

Bill Burr: This is like the Oscars for Prostitutes

notarobot says...

Wait a sec... maybe Bill figured out he was getting whore'd out sell sugar, and that's why he made the prostitute joke at the beginning?


notarobot said:

What the fuck is this? An interview with Burr sponsored by Kellogg's, and General Mills, and Pepsi? (Yes, Pepsi owns Quaker Oats.)

Was Bill told that he was going to be in a Big Sugar ad for breakfast cereal masquerading as an interview?

I hope he was paid for appearing in that *commercial.

Why the Oscars love method actors.

kir_mokum says...

soooo, what was the point? hollywood is made up of whores who use method acting as a cash grab but method acting actually helps generate some of the most memorable performances? don't tell me water is also wet?!!!

Emotional support Peacock turned away by United Airlines

ulysses1904 says...

I'm starting a social media campaign to hurt the airline financially because they didn't provide a gluten-free organic lactose-free vegan low-fat meal option for my service rhino. And then I overheard two flight attendants sounding annoyed with my demands so I published the home phone number of the airline CEO. Fucking attention-whores.

Ever read Stephen King's book "The Cell", where people's brains are damaged by cell phones? Look for it in the non-fiction section.

Chris Hedges On F On Fascism In The Age Of Trump (Nov. 2017)

bobknight33 says...

I did not "blindly support the bankrupting idiot baby"
I supported the best candidate. Did Hillary really bring to the table a clear agenda superior to Trumps? She really did not have a platform. So was there really a choice?

I do not say nor believe we are in dire straits as yo say. Slipping morality for sure .

I never admitted that he is unqualified. He is doing a good job considering such division of both parties and animosity for Republican since he is not a party insider.

Hollywood agenda-- most Americans don't really want nor desire the stuff that is being pushed out.
Americans want quality story lines not slutting whoring worshiping shows just to fill time slots.

Do you have kids?
I do, 11 and 13 I can not watch some 60% of shows because they are inappropriate -- I'm not saying go back to Leave it to Beaver shit but do we really need sexualized content of some form on darn near every show?

Most shows incorporate some kind of violence, sexual innuendo, murder etc. Do we as a society need this day in day out?

You argue that Trump lies... and your upset? Is he is the only politician to lie. When hasn't a POTUS lied? There are 2 profession that are allow to lie. Politicians and cops.

As for the rest of biased commentary I just leave it for what is
and are entitled to.

newtboy said:

Bob, I wholeheartedly disagree with your assessments, but it begs the question....if you thought the nation was in such dire straits, why did you so blindly support the bankrupting idiot baby that's made it exponentially worse while creating and reinforcing so many divisions, making it nearly impossible for Americans to work together while also obliterating our international leadership positions?

You now admit he's not qualified to lead (never was), but you put him in the most important position of responsibility and leadership you want to blame his utter failings on previous administrations, not his constant lies and total ineptitude that you zealously defended and excused!? No sir, blame yourself.

As to the "agenda", those Hollywood values (you know, honesty, inclusion, diversity, freedom to be who you are, personal liberties, anti corporate personhood,...) are shared by a VAST majority of Americans....they are American values.
Why am I not surprised you don't get that?

As to their debasement, that starts with lies...lies like the ones you defend and applaud, like Trump lying about the tax plan because, as you privately said, if he told the truth he couldn't have passed a tax plan that benefits the wealthy like himself immensely and hurts the people who can least afford it while bankrupting the treasury as a set up to kill programs for the poor. You defended that lie privately....are you too ashamed to do so publicly?

Jeff Sessions Tells Prosecutors:Prosecute Drugs More Harshly

RFlagg says...

For a party that says it is all about state rights over a large federal government... they sure seem to love to contradict themselves. "Know how you made weed legal? Yeah, we're undoing that, state rights don't apply... but if you want to make it so that family that has a kid with bone cancer can't afford their insurance or treatment, then fill free to let that kid die, we're not going to force you to keep pre-existing conditions covered affordably... if they wanted that kid to live, they should have had better jobs... and certainly don't have to make men pay for pre-natal care, but make sure those women pay for men's Viagra, because men have to get their fuck on, any women who does is just a whore." And they are also the "moral" party... Christ...

School's Out

enoch says...

how the holy FUCK did you see this as a democrat fucking over blacks issue?

this is about classism,this is about racism,this is about rich vs poor.

now 50 or 60 years ago,maybe you could have made that case..ah..who am i kidding,republicans were racist as FUCK back than,and they had no shame about it!

though they do like to trot out lincoln,and the little party that could,that DID pass some legislation that any american can look back and go "yeah,remember when republicans were principled and fought for individual rights".

but come on,let's have a little bit of honesty here shall we?

trying to claim republicans are the party of lincoln NOW,is like me saying that i am part of the german nobility,because my great great great ../takes a breath..great grandfather was a baron.

70 years ago,around the time of this mans childhood,if you were a southern were most likely a racist,and if you were a southern republican?
you were most likely a racist.

have,and ARE the democrats fucking over the black folk?
yes..yes they are.
have,and ARE the republicans fucking over the black folk?
yes..yes they are.

because you see bob,and i don't think you have fully comprehended the shift that has been going on in america for the past 40 years,but the american people are starting to understand...the reality has slowly crept into their psyche..and they are starting to "get it".took some time,but they are finally beginning to understand.

we saw the first rumblings with the tea party.
then we saw a nation become swept up in obama's 'hope and change" to only get "more of the same".
we saw it with the occupy movement.
and we saw it with the election of this countries most talented used car saleman,who can weave bullshit into gold.

you see bob,
back in the day,when we were younger,black folk were the poor and lived on the other side of town.
and while liberals would do their hand-wringing over the plight of the black folk,they sure didn't want those black folk in their neighborhood.
and conservatives would complain that the black man was lazy,and needed to get a job..but NOT no can get your work,you know..over there.

and now here we are in 2017,and the people of america who have been told for decades that they are the middle class.they are the heart that beats the blood of this nation,the backbone by which america attains her know....white people.

but these very same americans,who are patriotic,and love their country.they have believed in the ideals of america all their lives.well...they started to really examine their lives and their supposed place as the "middle class",and they realized that they weren't middle class.

they were poor.
working poor,but still poor.

and they finally understood something the black folk have known for pretty much our entire history.

it was never black vs white.
nor republican vs democrat.
it wasn't even liberal vs conservative.

it was rich vs poor,and those hard working,blue collar workers,people of modest means,finally realized that they had gotten their clock cleaned by an ultra rich elite,and they never even saw it coming.

too busy watching american idol,and keeping up with the kardashians,and dazzled by their new Iphone,while playing farmville on facebook.

you want to still delude yourself that this is the land of opportunity?
have it man...doesn't make it true.
you want to still believe that the middle class in this country are the backbone of this nation?
go ahead,some still believe as you do,but the rest of us?
we finally realized the middle class is dead.they are gone.
you want to believe that rich folk respect you for your hard work,and tenacity to forge a life for yourself?

i worked for multi-millionaires,and i can tell you what they think of you.
to them you are an idiot.
you are not worth their time,nor attention and most certainly not worth giving any respect,but they will demand respect from you.

because in their mind bob,they are better than you,they will ALWAYS be better than you.

and many americans finally got that very important lesson.

the people who own,and run pretty much everything that has any actual not give a FUCK about you.

but they won't actually come out and say that,and they certainly do not want americans talking about inequality,class or elitism.

which is why they pay their little shill whores handsomely to divert the conversation away from classism,and focus on things like:racism,republican vs democrat,or liberal vs conservative.

but the real issue is classism.
your basic feudalism going back to the dark ages.
at least the black folk KNEW they were slaves,peasants but people like you bob?
you thought you were part of the club didn't ya?

it really is impressive just how long america's poltical and wealthy elite were able to convince such a large portion of the population (mostly white of course,gullible fucks that we are) that somehow they mattered,they were part of the club,and when things got a little squirelly?

well,they just blamed the immigrants,of course.

but the simple,and hard truth is this bob.
you are part of the peasant class,just like the rest of us.

and the sooner you come to this very simple truth,the sooner you can stop cheerleading for rich,billionaire motherfuckers who do not give a rats ass about you,or your family bob.

welcome to the family bob.
and i am sorry for your loss.

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