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male atheists have questions for SJW's

modulous says...

1. I *AM* an LGBTQ person, I don't speak for them, but I am one voice.
I tend to avoid harassing people.

2. No.

3. a) Both. They aren't mutually exclusive. I want women to be equal and I want legal protections in place to maintain this. This is not secret information.
b) They do.

4. Question 3b) suggests women should be responsible for their safety. Question 4 seems to criticize the notion of being responsible for your own safety. Glad to see unified thought in this. The answer is I expected random bouts of mockery, judgement, and violence. You know, the other 95% of my life.

5. Because shitting on a group that seeks to change culture to react similarly to loss of black life as it does for white lives, while pointing out where society fails to meet this standard is pretty charactersticly racist.
Also I don't say that "Kill all white people" is not racist.

6. Yes. Did you know that the permanence of objects, the transmission of ideas and culture and systems of law are based on events in the past? That by studying history we can understand how humans work in a unique way, that knowing that say, there was a WWI may help us understand the conditions under which WWII occurred and that this knowledge may help us decide what to do in the aftermath of WWII to avoid a recurrence?
That if a group has historically had problems, many of those problems have probably been inherited along with consequences of the problems (such as poverty, strongly inherited social trait). Yes. Linear time,human affairs, culture. They are all things that exist.

7. Yes, I have many examples of people doing this. Mostly this is due to short lifespan. But there are many manchildren in our culture, who seem to think that other people asserting boundaries is immature.

8. There are programs designed to help boost male education dropout rate. If you 'fight' for 'improvements in the fairness of social order ' to help achieve this, you are a Social Justice Warrior, and so you could just have asked yourself.
Also, American bias? Pretty sure this is not a global stat...

9. Because one focusses on correcting the inequalities between the sexes and was born at a time when women didn't have proper property rights, voting rights etc etc, and so it was primarily focussed on uplifting women and so the name 'feminism'. Egalitarianism on the other hand, is the general pursuit. Many feminists are egalitarian, but not all. Hence different words. English, motherfucker....

10. Nothing, as I am not.

11. No, my grandparents were being enslaved in eastern Europe by the far left and right (but more the right, let's be honest).

Seriously though, I don't remember the liberal protests of "Not all ISIS".

12. Ingroup outgroup hatred and distrust is a universal human trait. Race seems to provoke instinctive group psychology in humans, presumably from evolving in racially separate groups.

13. The phrase is intended to deflate 'Black Lives Matter' whose point is that society seems to disagree, in practice, with this. There's only one realistic motivation to undermining the attempts to equalize how the lives of different races are treated socially.
It's also designed to be perfectly innocuous outside of this context so that white people can totally believe they aren't being dicks by saying it.

14. My social justice fighting is almost always done in secret. I hate the limelight, and I hate endlessly seeking credit for doing the right thing. So I try to keep it to a minimum while also raising consciousness about issues where I can.
Hey wait, did you fall for the bias that the big public figures are representative in all ways of the group? HAHAHAHA! Noob.
Wait, did a man voicing a cartoon kangaroo wearing an Islamic headdress, superimposed on video footage of a woman in a gym grinding her hips tell me to stop trying show off how awesome I am and and to get real?

15. No, they are both not capable of giving consent. Sounds like you have had a bitter experience. Sorry to hear that.

16. I spent two decades trying to change myself. I tortured myself into a deep suicidal insanity. When I stopped that, and when society had changed in response to my and others plights being publicised sympathetically I felt happy and comfortable with myself.
You would prefer millions in silent minorities living through personal hells if the alternative means you have to learn better manners? What a dick.

17. Sure. It's also OK if you say 'nigga' in the context of asking this question. But I'm white and English. You should ask some black Americans if your usage causes unintended messages to be sent. I'd certainly avoid placing joyful emphasis, especially through increased volume, on the word.

18. Ah, you've confused a mixture of ideas and notions within a group as a contradiction of group idealogy. Whoops. I don't understand gender identity. I get gender, but I never felt membership in any group. That's how I feel, and have since the 1990s. The internet has allowed disparate and rare individuals to form groups, and some of these groups are people with different opinions about how they feel about gender and they are very excited to meet people other people with idiosyncratic views as they had previously been alone with their eccentric perspective.

19. If white men are too privileged then the society is not my notion of equal.

20. After rejecting the premise as nonsensical. In as much as I want rules to govern social interactions that take into consideration the diversity of humanity as best as possible, I recognize those same rules will govern my behaviour.

21. Women can choose how to present themselves. Video Game creators choose how to present women in their art. I can suggest that the art routinely portrays women as helpless sex devices, while supporting women who wish to do so for themselves.

22. You DO that? I've never even had the notion. I just sort of listen and digest and try to see if gaps can reasonably be filled with pre-existent knowledge or logical inferrences and then I compare and contrast that with my own differring opinion and I consider why someone might have come to their ideas. Assuming they aren't stupid I try to understand as best I can and present to them my perspective from their perspective. I don't sing, or plug in headphones or have an imaginary rock concert.

23. I have done no such thing. Look, here I am listening to you. You have all been asking questions that have easy answers to if you looked outside your bubble of fighting a handful of twitter and youtube users thinking these people represent the entirety of things and seeking only to destroy them with your arguments rather than understanding the ideas themselves.

24. Reverse Racism is where white guys are systematically (and often deliberately) disadvantaged - such as the complaints against Affirmative Action. I'm sure your buddies can fill you in on the details. The liberal SJWs you hate tend to roll their eyes when they hear it too. Strange you should ask.

25. No. I've never seen the list. I just use whatever pronouns people feel comfortable with. Typically I only need to know three to get by in life, same as most other English speakers.

26. I'm the audience motherfucker, and so are you. That's how it works.

27. I don't do those things, but yes, I have considered the notion of concept saturation in discourse. Have you considered the idea that people vary in their identification of problems, based on a number of factors. Some people are trigger happy and this may be a legitimate problem. Since you are aware of this, you also have a duty to try to overcome the saturation biases.
Similarly, if you keep using the word 'fucking', motherfucker, you'll find it loses its impact quite quickly. See this post motherfucker. Probably why you needed to add the crash zoom for impact. You could have achieved more impact with less sarcasm and and a more surprising fuck.

Black Lives Matter Less - Vlogbrothers

modulous says...

Your comment suggests that black people are intrinsically more likely to kill cops, by virtue of their race.

This is racist.

Congratulations on being a racist.

The statistics, presented as you presented them, are incomplete and misleading. Congratualations on propagating racist propaganda. A stellar job sir, neither the Third Reich nor ISIS could have done it without agents, unwitting or otherwise, like you.

Perhaps if you would heed to the message of the video: Listen. It would do you well?

Perhaps you might consider that instead of it being caused by something simple like race and sex, that instead we might consider a vicious circle of cops being disproportionally aggressive to black men, resulting in black men being more aggressive in response, leading to further aggressive actions by the police etc. When you look at the vicious circle and realize that if we're blaming a 'race' it was the white guys that actually started this vicious circle, regardless of which race is acting most poorly today.

Perhaps, if you consider that social problems are complex, just for a moment, you might start discussing with nuance rather than contextually limited statistics.

bobknight33 said:

A police officer is 18 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a cop.

Over the last decade, black males made up 40 percent of all cop killers, even though they're six percent of the population.

Heather Mac Donald Book: The War on Cops.

Racism in UK -- Rapper Akala

newtboy says...

I understand your point and mostly agree, but not completely.
First, I'll totally disagree with the proposition that white culture is the least a culture, it may be one of the most racist, and as individuals we certainly aren't the least. (yes, I do understand you said it for the sake of argument, not as a claim you're making, but still, I disagree with the suggestion that it might be true)
Secondly, racism from the black community towards white people does effect many white people significantly.
I, as an 18 year old white male, lived in East Palo Alto in the late 80's when it was called the murder capital of the US and was over 95% 'minorities'. I was often confronted just for being there, and on more than one occasion was attacked/chased for being a white guy in "their neighborhood" (clearly it wasn't theirs or they would have know I lived there). Granted, the racism I experienced was not systemic (except when the police assumed I was there to buy drugs and repeatedly harassed me for being the wrong color in the neighborhood), and not a daily occurrence, but it happened way more than once, and I didn't go out of my way to let it effect me. I went out of my way to ignore it.

kir_mokum said:

even if modern western [white] culture is the least racist, the problems seem to stem from the fact that it is the dominant culture. so whatever racism there is, it's magnified significantly.

for example: the internet often likes to claim that black american culture is way more racist than white american culture. assuming this to be true, look at how little an effect this has. black communities, groups, event, whatever organization can be as racist as they want and we as white people essentially laugh it off as being funny or ignore it or use it as political leverage. it doesn't effect us unless we go out of our way to let it effect us.

then look at the reverse, assuming white culture is the least racist. it categorically devastates communities, groups, generations, events, etc. even after decades of us collectively and actively trying to not be racist, systemic or otherwise.

Houston Helicopter Officer Lands and Tackles Suspect

Visually Stunning Slackline

Khufu says...

I'm not sure I understand the rules of this world... do the trees go purple when there is music? Or when the Asian guy says they do? Or is it when the white guy is in the zone?

Woman Accuses White Male of Stealing Her Cultural Hairstyle

newtboy says...

Um......but one person's 'mistake' is wrongly verbally attacking a student over something she's absolutely wrong about and is none of her business anyway, and taking her ignorant outrage to the level of assault and battery repeatedly against multiple parties.
The other person's 'mistake' is wearing a hairstyle you don't like.
And it's the SECOND person you wanted to lambast and deride, while completely ignoring the former?

Can you not see how ridiculous that looks to those not sharing your minority, prejudiced view on white guys with dreads (that view apparently born from you attending too many Phish concerts)?

I think the only outrage came from you. No one is calling for her head, or saying she needs to be taught a lesson, or is even all that upset about it, they're simply stating the likely outcome(s) of being caught on video acting that fact the person you snidely replied to actually said he felt sorry for her because of the likely terrible outcome for her, not that she needs to be taught a lesson.
It was you that started the 'white dudes with dreads are the lamest of lame' and 'hope there's a nice view on your high horse' kind of insulting outraged smugness. If someone disagreeing with you and saying so is picking up 'pitchforks', boy howdy are you in the wrong place. ;-)

Imagoamin said:

"Value the fact we're mad about college kids arguing or you're wrong!"

Look man, they're both dumb. But I'm not getting all worked up and thinking someone needs to be taught a lesson over this. They're college kids making mistakes. Put down your pitchfork before you hurt yourself.

Hollywood Whitewashing: Last Week Tonight, Feb2016

MilkmanDan says...

I find a lot of these complaints to be pretty silly. Particularly the roles of 40+ years ago, like John Wayne as Genghis Khan, etc.

And The Last Samurai is awesome. OK, Tom Cruise (white guy) is the main character -- because he is a lens through which an American audience can reflect on the respect that he gains for the real (Japanese) samurai. All the roles that the script/plot dictates should be played by Japanese people are. I'd even argue that the title doesn't refer to Tom Cruise's Nathan Algren, but rather to the whole group of samurai (notice how the word can be plural or singular) led by Ken Watanabe's Katsumoto.

There are some (plenty of?) legit gripes about "whitewashing" movies, but accusing movies like the The Last Samurai of it (when they are actually doing things exactly right and making a movie FULL of non-white roles played by non-white people) seems counterproductive to the argument...

how social justice warriors are problematic

Jinx says...

What exactly is valid about gamergate...?

Anyway. These people who can see all privilege except their own, who make mountains out of every molehill, who can't seem to understand nuance, martyrs without a cause... wait - I've forgotten which side of this retarded bullshit I am I talking about. The only people I can think of who whine more about nothing of real consequence than those misguided campaigner types...are those misguided campaigner types. Could you get any more #1stworldproblem than white guys complaining about integrity in games journalism? (please do enlighten me if there is something more to that besides that charade)

Honestly enoch. I don't know you, but you still mystify me completely. I can't reconcile the person who watches and posts these videos with the one who has responded to comments with respect, and even sometimes concession. How do you watch these things without your brain cells forming a puddle around your feet? Are there people who abuse political correctness? Yes, of course - people will and do abuse the best things in life. Like trust or love or welfare or selfies or god knows what else. Is the answer to brand all of these are evil tools of oppression? or, you know, to take a more, err, nuanced position and accept that a few entitled fucks doesn't invalidate occupy, or feminism, or black lives matter etc etc.

gamergate is still retarded though. That shit invalidates itself

I'm rambling. I wish I was a better at this.

naked ape-rages against the syrian refugee crisis in germany

scheherazade says...

I think the crux is the sense of right and wrong. A victim in Europe has the authorities on her side, whereas a victim in extremely conservative societies has the authorities against her side. (Not just in Islam - there's a lot of slut-shaming that goes on in super churchy crowds).

I'm not sure of the specific distribution of circumstances either. I haven't heard of any European rapes perpetrated specifically as an attack/punishment for perceived improper/unacceptable dress or social norms.
I think people in the west look at the motivations differently. Not sure if the varying motivations/circumstances make much (if any) difference to the victims - although at least one circumstance is a tad safer (eg. such as, what do you do if someone runs by and rips off your hijab - in one society, you could get raped and sent to jail if someone sees you like that... in the other society, nothing.).

Regarding the video, the guy is telling it how it is... but without any sense of scope. Yeah, these things happened. But, there are millions of immigrants, it's not as if all of them participated. It also omits rape and mistreatment that anti-immigrant natives have done to immigrants (which, likewise, it's not as if all anti-immigrant natives participated).
This is all an exercise in branding. You might as well say that white people are thieves because a white guy robbed a 7-11, or all gun owners are dangerous because a dude shot up a place.


ChaosEngine said:

I presume you have evidence to back all that up (ignoring the fact that rape rates are higher in the west to start with)?

Conan's Apocalyptic "Fallout 4" Cold Open

Dumdeedum says...

"Promotional Consideration Furnished By Bethesda Softworks LLC".

It's an ad. It's a shame because I love the Fallout games, even now they're just Elder Scrolls With Guns, but I hate how marketing seeps into everything. I fully expect all the White Guy Explains Science channels to do Fallout-themed episodes in the next week or two.

vintage Colt 45 commercial with red foxx

newtboy says...

Ahhhhh. Ok.
Since he was drinking WITH the rich white guy, I saw it as he was late for a meeting, not a delivery. Race didn't enter into it for me...but I see your point...

...unless you mean it's kinda racist because he's kinda which case...bravo.

enoch said:

i think it was the whole-black man racing like crazy to deliver a cold beverage to a rich white dude,and then apologizing for being late.

Racist Sinks

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: LGBT Discrimination

Asmo says...

Likely because race discrimination is something that lost acceptance generally a long time ago, and LGBTetc discrimination is still quasi-acceptable. I'd say that anyone who lives through a period of acceptance of the previously unacceptable experiences the dissonance between the old way of thinking vs the new.

Think about the reaction to a white guy calling someone a nigger in public vs a faggot (depending on where they do it of course). One would get a much stronger reaction than the other despite the fact they they are both offensive.

And I do tend to agree with the general cut of your post, I'd guess that most people would see discrimination against race as black and white (no pun intended), ie. it's not allowed under any circumstances, whereas discrimination re: sexuality is more of a grey (or rainbow) area.

Ultimately though, it's not like refusing to serve a disorderly customer, or refusing to employ a convicted felon. Those people are judged by the choices they make, not by who they are in the core of their being.

I really hate big government and PC bullshit, but I'm a huge fan of equality for all in the hopes of getting to a place where you don't need to legislate acceptance of people for who they are, it's just a default setting. But since that's usually a generational change, if a government is going to have anti-discrimination legislation that means anything, it should actually be across the board.

MilkmanDan said:

But I do still feel conflicted about it. Even though I know I shouldn't.

Ladybeard/Ladybaby- Nipon Manju

10,000 piece epic Minifig scale LEGO Millennium Falcon

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