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Television Code PSA '67 National Association of Broadcasters

BSR (Member Profile)

A Scary Time

bcglorf says...

Not sure that's the analogy you want to go for, what with the counter being to describe how we behave once we grow up...

You are describing women as powerless and perpetual victims, which I think is offensive to women. You then basically say that two wrongs make a right because victims should be allowed to create new victims if it helps them...

Reasonable people disagree with you. If that puts me in the 'wrong' camp, and means I deserve ridicule and attack, you're the problem, not me.

BSR said:

When an infant or child needs something but can't or doesn't know how to communicate it's needs, they will make their problem your problem. They do this by crying or acting out until they get what they need, be it a diaper change or a glass of water or just a hug.

Women have been trying to communicate for eons with little results. Now they are making their problem, your problem.

You may be able to look to them for bravery if that's what you're lacking.

notarobot (Member Profile)

The House Centipede is Fast, Furious, and Just So Extra

Digitalfiend jokingly says...

Unless you've had one of these skitter across the floor at warp speed while you're watching a horror movie at night, you don't know what you're saying!

But yeah, these things apparently have voracious appetites. Come to think of it, I don't think I saw many spiders at my dad's house growing up...these guys probably got them all lol.

jmd said:

I think I could easily handle these over spiders... sorry spiders you guys were born scary.

Bob Schneider: Swimming in the Sea by Robert Rodriguez

Liberal Democrat wants To have Confirmation Brett Kavanaugh

bobknight33 says...

Loosing has consequences. Trump is POTUS -- grow up, he won !

newtboy said:

"The president is a lame duck president. He shouldn't be allowed to stack the court before he leaves. This appointment belongs to the next president."
-all Republicans during Obama's last court appointment hearings

Nut Milking EXPOSED!

JiggaJonson says...

Think about news stories of people putting their babies on vegan diets.

People are genuinely confused and think "nut milk = just as good as regular milk" vegan "meat" should be good enough for my baby to grow up healthy.

The mistakes like this are tragic, and simply refining the definitions so a doctor can say "Your baby needs X, not Y," is what's taking place.

It may seem trivial, but there are pleanty of examples of people who seem confused enough

Cat Pee

Fairbs says...

I had a buddy growing up that had a cat that would do it and I'm pretty sure they didn't train it; they had another cat that didn't do it

my cat poops in the closet occasionally which is annoying

newtboy said:

There was a device on shark tank that was a toilet litter box that you put in the bowl to teach your cat to go there, then once they get it you just remove the pan. Knowing that, I'm hard pressed to believe that the cat just taught itself.

Battle Royale: The Best Teen Movie

Can I have my rims back?

bcglorf says...

I live 2 hours out of Winnipeg.

Without seeing anything about the location of the video, not even seeing it was in Canada, my first thought on seeing this was "Hey, that looks like Winnipeg"

Funny as the politeness is, this is just sad to me.

Winnipeg has a reputation for being one of the most racist places in Canada. As often as not when someone in the province hears about a crime near them, you'll hear them guess the description of the suspect will include "native in appearance". Sadder still, it's because as my instinct hit while watching the video, it too often ends up being the case.

Canada has a huge race relations problem. Our native population is grossly over represented in the prison system, which you can talk about now. The fact that stems from them being grossly over represented in committing crimes is NOT supposed to be talked about. Which means you nobody gets to talk about the roots of WHY that over representation exists, let alone talking about solutions to the awful conditions that aboriginal youth are disproportionately growing up in.

ChaosEngine said:

Canada, where even the criminals respond to a polite request.

How to Deal with the Police - Parents Explain

ChaosEngine says...

This is really awful. Thinking back on all the shit I did when I was a kid makes me so glad I didn't grow up as a black kid in the US. I would be dead.

Side note: Is that first dude carrying a gun? WTF? Who wears a fucking gun to an interview?

Also, if you want to have any hope left for humanity... don't read the YouTube comments.

11 Year Old Naomi Wadler's Speech At The March for our Lives

bobknight33 says...

Just like indoctrination of the Nazi youth .. brainwash the kids and you have them for life. They will grow up wanting to ban all guns.
Must be a
She might not be a Tool but she is being used as one.

Just worried about girls and woman. Kinda of sexist .

Just school shootings? What we don't care about inner city shootings of which represent some 95% of all shootings.

Considering its slew of liberal funders, it’s hard to see March for Our Lives as anything more than just another gun control group bought and paid for by the professional Left.

The Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant | CGP Grey

ChaosEngine says...

*quality stuff from Grey as usual.

I’m starting to think that significantly extending human life span might be the only way we actually grow up as a species and stop thinking so short term. Problems like climate change, overpopulation and automation will be things that we actually have to deal with, instead of just letting the next generation worry about it.


PeuptyPants (Member Profile)

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