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Beau of the Fifth Column Predicts a Future R Talking Point

luxintenebris jokingly says...

recall, moons ago, the GOP discovered illegals, that were being caught then deported, were getting physicals and vaccinated for various diseases. they tried to play it up like beau said in this video.

'...US government spending money, giving healthcare, treating illegals better than their own citizens...' (oh, the irony of it all)

what they ignored was that almost all those stopped at the border had zero vaccinations, thus presented a signified risk of carrying a contagious disease. even if they didn't, they might return again (imagine that) and spread, say measles, when they got jobs in hotels, kitchens, or meat processing plants.

they did it to prevent illnesses from being carried into the US.

almost like keeping Americans healthy is a sound - cheaper than being overrun by disease - strategic defensive plan.

understandable why they 'missed' that part of the story.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Let’s hope so. He knows what he’s doing. If Obama is really pulling the strings then I assume you won’t be insulting Biden anymore since he’s not really in charge, right? Derp.

I disagree, but ok, kill off “conservative” media and we’ll get rid of the half that’s all lies, media issues solved. Just get rid of all opinion programming and channels masquerading as news and the effect is the same.

But to be sure, they didn’t cause all the division, but they did help Trump exploit and amplify it by misdirecting republicans so thoroughly that pederastic vampire cabals that get political power and youth through infant blood cocktails and the fictional recreational use of adrenochrome sounds real and reasonable to half of them... (ridiculously taking fantasy scenes from Clockwork Orange and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas as factual accounts, recreational use has never happened and the few clinical studies indicated it causes Schizophrenia and other obvious mental disorders) idiotic they convinced conservatives a foreign president who has been dead over 8 years actively interfered in the last deceptive they gladly and knowingly repeated the lies Trump fed them about election fraud as if they were fact to the point they were sued for billions in damages their lies caused American companies while not reporting that every agency tasked with election security contradicted their specious and spurious claims....with evidence to back them up unlike the claims of fraud.
Without the division right wing nut job conspiracy theories (and those who believe, repeat, and amplify them) have done, yes, America would be rocking. Sadly, you and your ilk have not returned to reality yet....tens of millions of you are just waiting for Q to tell them why reality is wrong and they’re correct.

bobknight33 said:


Back to that hack. Rest assured I'm sure the is pulling Biden strings.

National division is the fault of the media. They are the great dividers of American. IF only they wold push truth instead of 1/2 truth America would be rocking.

Biden Has A Lot To Boast About In New Covid Relief Bill

StukaFox says...

Yeah -- just raise the rates like they did in December of '18. That ended REAL well and it was only 1% and some talk of 3%.

I'm all in favor of stupid money and the Robinhood muppets getting a taste of what a real bear market is like, but once this shit gets rolling, I have no idea how to stop it -- and neither does the Fed.

TangledThorns said:

Hooray for inflation!

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So...what aboutism is all you’ve got?...and you use examples of things your people did? You’ve lost your tiny little mind.

I, for one, was right here calling out the Boogaloo boys, militias, and proud boys for arsons, shootings, and bombings they committed in the name of BLM. Caught and admitted by dozens of y’all.

Stop the lies, bob. Not a single person identified is ANTIFA, they are all Trumptards like you, willing to make up any bullshit excuses to avoid responsibility for their terroristic riot and failed coup. So stupid, bold faced liar. You have no evidence, no proof, only lies and deflection, and a stupid lie that makes your ilk so stupid and weak they will follow their sworn enemies, hipster twig boys, into treasonous terrorism at the first opportunity.

Yes, planned by Trump. “Come Jan 6. It’s going to be wild.” “Gotta stop the steal. Cannot allow them to certify Biden or you’ll lose your country.” And in other speeches leading up to the Trump Coup attempt, “BLM and ANTIFA will come to your town, rape your women, and burn your homes. You’ve got to stop them. We won and they stole it from you.”

The pre-riot was planned to end minutes after the certification started to ensure the senate and VP would be there when the attack started....20 minutes walking distance or less away with instructions to walk there and stop them. Stop them or you’ve lost your country. That’s exactly what they did, in the only way possible.

The fact is Trump was planning this in October when he repeated “the only way I can lose is if they cheat and steal the election”. He never stopped telling his morons they were cheated and their country is lost if they don’t use extreme methods to overturn a certified election, and on the 6th told them if they don’t stop the certification, it’s over, they lose the country and freedom and become slaves to BLM and ANTIFA. The only possible way to stop it was by force, months too late to stop it by voting, which many of those fucktards didn’t do anyway because Trump convinced them it was rigged so why bother.

Impeachment will fail because Republicans put party and one person above the country, constitution, democracy, truth, and reason, not because Trump didn’t incite a riot, not because he didn’t ignore his duty to stop the riot he instigated.

Trump has divided more Americans than any group or person in history, getting your ilk to turn on the media in favor of pure baseless propaganda is only one part of Trump’s plan to divide America....his most successful plan. This is straight out of the dictators handbook.

When will you learn that the liar who tried a violent coup is not a patriot anymore than the magamorons who attacked the country on the 6th at his direction and with his blessing?

Can you explain why it took him >4 hours to tell his followers to stop the attack and leave...but not until he knew the targets had been evacuated? Can you explain why, as he watched his mob hunting elected officials on live TV, he tweeted that Pence was a traitor? Can you explain why, if they weren’t there at his direction, they all said they were? Can you explain why, if they weren’t following his directions, they did leave immediately when he told them to? Can you explain why, as he watched the capitol and police overrun and violently attacked for hours, he never called the national guard or other backup in? (That alone is a gross dereliction of duty even if you convince yourself he has no culpability for creating the vote fraud lie, ramping it up for months enraging his base, and holding a stop the steal rally on the day of certification minutes away from congress ending by sending the seething armed group there with his promise to March with them to stop the certification....that alone is a violation of his oath of office, that alone is impeachable.)

Edit: Can you explain why Trump refused to pay respects to the officer his Magaterrorists murdered trying to save Trump’s job?


bobknight33 said:

Where were you last 4 years asking for peace from the BLM, ANTIFA riots, burning looting, killings?

The Capitol incident was bad, Why as ANTIFA members dressed as trump supporters there? What were their role? Invoke incite, participate, encourage.

This incident was planed weeks before Trump speech even started. Also the incident started shortly Trump started his speech and that crowd was 20+ minutes away from the Capitol.

Fact is Media wants to hand this on Trump.
Impeachment will fail, Again!

When will you learn that the Media has divided Americans more than any other group or person.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Mordhaus says...

I haven't watched the hearings. To me it's still a case of bread and circuses. They can't convict, so all of this is just an attempt to burn these images into a voting publics mind that forgets events longer than 6 months ago. This won't even be remembered by the average person by the next votes in 2022. Just like most people don't recall the riots that were sort of incited by liberals in 2017 prior to and during the inauguration. Admittedly, they didn't storm congress, but they did break into buildings, burn cars, and injure people.

Did Trump probably intend for violence? Probably, but proving his thoughts are going to take a lot more than words he used. Thankfully we haven't started putting people away for thoughtcrimes yet or I would be fucked.

newtboy said:

Watching the opening statements today, it seems there are far more than one example of former officials being tried for impeachment after leaving office, including one tried by the founding fathers themselves with unanimous consent, solidifying the notion that their intent was to allow trying former officials constitutionally even though they could not remove them since they were already out of office, but they could bar them from holding any office in the future.
When the people who wrote the constitution interpret it that way, I think that’s game over. No one knows their intent better than they did, and their actions of trying a senator, one who had already been removed from office, in an impeachment trial is unambiguous, more so when you read what they wrote about it.

We shall see if today’s senate cares more about constitutional obligations or blind loyalty to an individual. It’s a forgone conclusion that they won’t convict out of blind loyalty, but exposing the criminality they’re going to excuse still serves a purpose.

Edit: one purpose it serves is setting precedent....if this president can attempt to stop the peaceful (or not peaceful) transfer of power to the president elect by instructing a rabid armed violence prone crowd to “stop the steal” “you can’t let them certify Biden or your country is lost” “fight hard” “I’ll be there with you” without a single repercussion, so can the next one....and now the perpetrators know many of the weak points thanks to this disorganized coup attempt. Republicans should be terrified of that, enough to send a message by convicting. If they don’t, they invite every president that loses an election to attempt a January coup, precedent will protect them, so they would be obligated to try.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Watching the opening statements today, it seems there are far more than one example of former officials being tried for impeachment after leaving office, including one tried by the founding fathers themselves with unanimous consent, solidifying the notion that their intent was to allow trying former officials constitutionally even though they could not remove them since they were already out of office, but they could bar them from holding any office in the future.
When the people who wrote the constitution interpret it that way, I think that’s game over. No one knows their intent better than they did, and their actions of trying a senator, one who had already been removed from office, in an impeachment trial is unambiguous, more so when you read what they wrote about it.

We shall see if today’s senate cares more about constitutional obligations or blind loyalty to an individual. It’s a forgone conclusion that they won’t convict out of blind loyalty, but exposing the criminality they’re going to excuse still serves a purpose.

Edit: one purpose it serves is setting precedent....if this president can attempt to stop the peaceful (or not peaceful) transfer of power to the president elect by instructing a rabid armed violence prone crowd to “stop the steal” “you can’t let them certify Biden or your country is lost” “fight hard” “I’ll be there with you” without a single repercussion, so can the next one....and now the perpetrators know many of the weak points thanks to this disorganized coup attempt. Republicans should be terrified of that, enough to send a message by convicting. If they don’t, they invite every president that loses an election to attempt a January coup, precedent will protect them, so they would be obligated to try.

newtboy said:

There we absolutely agree.
Precedent usually decides how law is interpreted, but not always. One similar case is not exactly overwhelming.
And no, even with a few Republicans they don't have the votes. I think that's a travesty for America and Republicans but that's just, like, my opinion, man. There's always the slim hope that some are so sick of him they break party lines, but I'm not holding my breath.
I wish they could just use a simple majority vote to bar him from politics including fund raising and move along, along with many of his family members that were just as culpable if not more, but that's not the reality I live in.

Squirrel jumps on UPS delivery man

luxintenebris jokingly says...

i surmise another theory.

red (its nickname) is voting blue, mistaken UPS for USPS - squirrels scan too fast (do the same): misread - and was making sure his absentee ballot had arrived.

red reckoned the blunder then rapidly retreated.

or maybe the order from 'nest, birdbath and beyond' was due.

no. the owner/tenant likely feeds the damn thing and its gotten bold. the females here do the same. live in fear that if COVID doesn't get me, rabies or bubonic plague will. they approach any departure like rodent paparazzi (not really much of a differential from the 'regular' paparazzi). the kid left a toy van 'neath a tree; immediately thought the bastards were changing tactics. NO! it's not paranoia! you saw want they did to that USPS guy!

((((they watch from the trees!!!))))

BSR said:

Damn Squirrel. Probably voted for Trump.

Boston Dynamics | Spots got an arm!

mysdrial says...

What they don't tell you is that, now that Spot has an arm, they did all the camera work too...after eliminating the unnecessary and wasteful human component of Boston Dynamics.

Brokers MANIPULATING MARKET to save hedge fund billionaires

StukaFox says...

Sorry to be the little grey raincloud on this Hate The Hedges party, but you might want to understand the implications of what just happened

Y'know that fund that's getting all attention, Melvin Capital? Yeah, fuck them, right? Fuckin' shorters all shortin' and shit -- they played, they paid!

There's a reason they were bailed out and with all due haste.

Here's the issue: they were VERY good at the shorting game. So good that they actually had to turn away business. They made money like horses makes shit. When clients couldn't get in at Melvin, they went elsewhere. That opened the door to a lot of other firms basically mirroring exactly what MC was doing, which included shorting the fuck outta GME.

Fuck those guys too, right? It's their money, so why should I care?

Let's go back a few year, shall we, to the glorious chapter in finance and economics that was the 2008 Crash. Remember when Paulson lost his shit because he realized that in about 36 hours, the basic system called Western Capitalism was going to shit the bed; the bedroom; the whole house and pretty much every surface above the ocean within a planetary radius? This is sorta like that. Only worse.

The thing about short squeezes is that the losses can be infinite, and that's exactly why WallStreetBets did what they did. They knew if they bought and held -- diamond hands -- the stock would have to rise as the shorters had to cover their bets. Melvin Capital and a shit-ton of other, smaller firms had to do that and ran out of liquidity long before GME was even at $50. For every share of stock they shorted, they need to cough up another share at a higher value -- and they HAD to actually have the higher-priced share.

And here's where things get VERY ugly.

Shorting GME was such a sure thing that a huge number of shorts were placed. In fact, more shares of GME were shorted than actually existed. Oops. But hey, SURE THING, BABY and what's the worst that can happen?

Yeeeah, y'see where this is going now?

So these firms, not only are they broke, they don't have the shares, either. They need to come up with shares, pronto, at any price, because contractual obligations are a motherfucker in the finance world. But again, more shorts than there are shares and the people who have the shares, WSB and 4chan's /biz/, aren't letting them go. The longer they hold, the higher the price will go as short after short faces having to cough up the shares they borrowed.

A lot of people are about to lose a LOT of money -- the kinda losses that have so many zeros attached that looking at the number bores the eyes.

Back to 2008: the reason the whole world almost started Mad Max LARPing back then is that a narrow number of highly-important financial institutions were a wee bit thin on liquidity because they were having to pay it out by the boatload. That's bad. What would be better is if risk were more distributed, and how could that little plan POSSIBLY go wrong? Maybe a Black Swan event involving a huge amount of money that needs to be paid out by all of them due to this annoying bird.

That's where we are now, but no one even remotely knows what that figure is going to be. Again, (potentially) infinite losses multiplied by 150% times the number of shares actually available, multiplied by the dogshit risk factor on the loans and the leveraged payouts -- your best case scenario might be a loss of about $500 billion. Someone has to come up with that money, be it the Fed or other banks/investors, but that latter group has to come up with the money themselves, which is generally accomplished by selling profitable holdings. We all know what happens when a lot of people have to sell, right?

I always wanted to live in interesting times, thus proving what an utter fuckwit I am.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


So that's a great big "no, I still can't name a single one, but I'll keep claiming they were there and in charge". Typical, can't back up your lie (I was going to call it a specious claim, but that implies it's plausible but wrong....your claim isn't even plausible) but won't ever admit you're wrong, no matter how stupid and baseless the lie.

Yeah, no evidence must mean it's been magically erased from the entire internet, not that it never existed anywhere but extreme right wing propaganda sites that put forth liar's opinions as facts. Of course, I'm not going to bother with your propaganda site, it's probably hosting viruses like most far right propaganda sites, and it clearly isn't worth reading based on the title and source.
The Gateway Pundit is an American far-right[8] news and opinion website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.

Let me ask, what was that former fbi agent doing there. Answer, infiltrating the capitol and trying to overthrow the government for Trump. You really think anyone is going to buy his baseless excuse that all those hundreds of unmasked and identified Trumpists smashing into the capitol, and the thousands outside murdering police on camera were really busloads of masked antifa, I guess in mission impossible masks that facial ID software identifies as Trumpist individuals.

Or is your claim that the thousands of Trumpists were led by a small group of black masked anarchists they want to kill who told them the same thing Trump told them, fight hard, get rid of those representatives and Pence, and while they didn't listen to Trump when he said it an hour earlier, they did listen to their political enemies and committed treason on Antifa's direction?

Just don't look at the thousands of posts made by the Trumptards from inside the building during their hunt for elected officials to assassinate, because you might notice a distinct lack of Antifa and a thousand or more stating that they're there because Trump said to go fight, and they want to murder officials and install Trump as dictator for life, not because this black masked hippy said to.

Jesus, you're so fucking stupid and infantile, trying that insanely ridiculous excuse to try to deflect from the FACT that Donny riled them up into a murderous armed mob and sent them to the capitol to "get rid" of the representatives that wouldn't join their insurrection, and the FACT that they went directly there and followed his instructions, telling anyone within shouting distance they were there at Trump's direction because they are listening to the president and are stopping the steal. It makes you look like a spoiled baby who, after telling everyone she is going to have cookies no matter what anyone says and was caught red handed stealing and eating cookies, tries to blame their imaginary friend for shoving those cookies into their mouth.

No one is buying it, even if it were true, and it's absolutely not, it's not an excuse, and it only makes you a brain dead liar willing to say any lie to escape responsibility for your parties actions once again.



bobknight33 said:

Looks like you are searching via google who have washed all evidence.

but if you want some truth.

Nina Simone: Mississippi Goddam

newtboy says...

Sweet Jesus you dishonest brain dead slug. You are either being as dishonest as possible or have severe brain damage....or both.

I’ve never once denied that Democrats WERE once the party of racism and anti civil rights until the 60’s when they decided it was in their interests to support civil rights and oppose racism. When they did that, they became far more popular and Republicans, to have a chance of winning another election, changed their platform to anti civil rights, pro racism in order to gain the southern white racist vote. That was called the southern strategy that you just deny happened despite all evidence proving it did. This is at least the 10th time I’ve pointed this out with references to prove it, and you still act ignorant. Do you have a severe memory problem, or are you just being a dishonest troll starting the same argument for the 11th time because you might get away with it this time?

Yes, the Democratic south WAS the OG of racism and anti civil rights right up till the 60’s when they, like Iced T, changed their thought process and straightened up. Shortly afterwards, Republicans were losing elections and the party was dying, so Goldwater and Nixon courted those abandoned southern white racist voters. Since then, Republicans have been the party of racism and anti civil rights (for non whites). I expect, like at least 10 times before, you’ll take the first 1/2 of the first sentence of this paragraph, remove the word “was”, and pretend I just said Southern racists ARE Democrats because you are nothing but a dishonest bullshit artist (but a horrendously bad one).

Iced T WAS an OG gangster rapper, now he’s a rich actor. Same for Ice Cube, J Z, etc.

I’ve never denied the truth, or history. If Democrats and Republicans had not switched positions I would be Republican and you would be a Democrat...but they did. When are you going to accept the truth? It’s been over 50 years and you still deny it. We aren’t living in the 50’ seem confused about that.

Again, if Republicans aren’t the party of racism, how do you explain the fact that they get 100% of the racist white supremacist vote and well under 10% of the black vote?
So infantile Bob. You just have to deny reality every time to ever make your point.


bobknight33 said:

You saying

" Republicans switched from supporting civil rights to opposing them in order to win the southern white (mostly racist)" ..
So you are saying Republicans became racist to get more racist Democrat votes.

So you are implicating Democrat south as the OG of Racism. Sweet. About time you admit truth.

Nina Simone: Mississippi Goddam

newtboy says...

They did until the early 70’s when the southern strategy reversed the parties rolls, now it’s Republican’s turn to be overtly racist.

You know this well, you dishonest tool. Deny reality all you want, it doesn’t change history, it only makes you a dishonest ignoramus who denies racism exists then blames it on Democrats. Rational people see through your consistently racist lies.

It’s blatantly obvious you don’t care about racism a whit beyond blaming it 100% on your political adversaries and denying any responsibility by Republicans, despite the last 50 years of republicans being the party of racists, despite 100% of the white supremacy vote going to Republicans, despite republicans courting known white supremacists and campaigning with them, and despite not a single civil rights leader being right wing, and not a single anti racism organization being funded or supported by the right (only those fighting reverse racism).

That’s why Republicans are anti BLM, but pro murderous rioting at the capitol....anti kneeling for the anthem but pro beating police with flags....super patriotic and pro American government overthrow....totally pro police until the police try to stop YOUR riots, then it’s instantly fuck the police, kill the pigs, only death can cure them.

Just stop. You only paint republicans as moronic dishonest racists every time you speak out like this.

bobknight33 said:

Democrats really F over our brothers of color.

Great song.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

What's up your ass? Nazi facebook got shunned and grandpa hitler wannabe got kicked off social media?

Hey, look,

I'm sorry you got duped.
But that doesn't give anyone the right to do what they did.
People forced their way into the capitol building through violence. They hung up a noose and when inside the building they were chanting 'FIGHT FOR TRUMP FIGHT FOR TRUMP FIGHT FOR TRUMP' until the president tweeted about Mike Pence's disloyalty, then they started with "WHERE IS PENCE, WHERE IS PENCE?

If you know anyone who was at the rally and stormed the capitol, please contact the FBI
ilding (link is too long)

They are wanted as person's of interest, suspected of terrorism. (link is too long) copy+paste

$50k for anyone associated with the pipe bombs

Look, I believe that you believe what you're saying, okay?

Let me make one last red rover talk with you, maybe you'll come on back to reality.

Here's the argument for Georgia, laid out in point by point sections

Do you know any Trump supporters who don't trust the election?

From 2018 so before the current bullshit; though it's worth pointing out that Trump also claims that the 2016 election that he fucking won was a fraud.

"Results from a new Grinnell College National Poll give insights into which citizens lack confidence in the November 2018 election. As it turns out, white conservatives, despite accusations of election fraud from President Trump and several outspoken conservative leaders, are neither the only groups concerned about the accuracy of the 2018 vote count nor the groups most concerned. The poll’s results also uncover how a lack of confidence in the vote count is linked with voter turnout "

I would argue that's contributed to a suppression of turnout. See also # 10 on my list here.


The democrats lost a chunk of seats in the house of reps.
Flip flip flip flip flip flip
All that, all the Democrat plot to steal the election? That's some 7d chess right there. Secret dem plot = elect republicans. (it's the same ticket as the presidential vote) Can't trust people who voted Republican? Is that it? Throw those votes out?

Arguing a that a technicality should disqualify votes doesn't mean that Americans' vote count is inaccurate. And if those votes' certification is invalid, why did Republican senators and Congress people from those states take their offices on Jan 2nd?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>They are voted in on the same ballot that the vote for president is cast on. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
If they genuinely think and believe it was a scam, why did they show up to Washington and take office on the basis of so-called fraudulent ballots? If those ballots are frauds, what are those Republicans doing seated in those congressional seats?

Also, if that rule change is so bad, and absentee ballots are so fraudulent and can't be trusted, why did the Republican party in that state send a absentee ballot to every Republican who voted in the last election? You'd have to throw out ~700,000 republican votes as well. Don't their votes count?


Mitt Romney is an absolute asshole and he supports policy i strongly disagree with, but at least he's honest and seems to speak with an appeal to integrity. I think I saw his outrage at his own party spilling out of his head during the objection hearing.

But he's been an R his whole life? Cant be trusted?

Mitch McConnel is like a RPG character that someone dumped all the skill points into "fuck these rules, I'm getting my way" He will do anything, cast off nearly any rule to advance republican politics. He is against this. No one, only one man can be trusted ???

Mike pence is the most republican motherfucker around, and he does not endorse this, which party are you with?


The senators objecting were right the cases didn't progress to a hearing, and were all "without standing" or were unable to even make a claim, with Rudy going into court and when the judge flatly asks him if he's suing for fraud,
'is this a fraud case ? '

>>>>>>>>>>>>>RUDY - "NO"
"No we do not"
( O_O) ?

The judge explains that maybe he did allege fraud at some point, but not in the paper work he filed currently in front of the judge. (EVEN JUDGE JUDY DON'T ALLOW THAT SHIT)


Finally, after some linguistic dancing, the judge revisits the topic, bookending that clip. ”Does the Amended complaint include fraud with particularity ?"

>>>>>>>>>>>>RUDY - "NO YOUR HONOR"


So all of my
X Y Z cant be trusted?
Add McConnel and Pence


Maybe you are taking trump literally, not seriously? You're supposed to do "seriously, not literally" i've heard. Maybe he seriously won the election...
...but not literally, actually, or in-fact.


So only one man can be trusted? Only one man with the power? He used to hint at not conceding, now he's hinting at no more elections.

is that the way of a democracy or a republic? NO MORE ELECTIONS, THEY CANT BE TRUSTED UNLESS I WIN
???What good are elections? Why would we need those? They're all stolen anyway right ?


The states that made a difference and flipped from red to blue. Red, they were already red. Red as in Republicans won previous elections there and we're in charge of the local government and election boards in each case.


Democrats have been doing the work of flipping Georgia for 30 years, for democrats, that's how they flipped the state.

[The Daily] The Georgia Runoffs, Part 1: ‘We Are Black Diamonds.’ #theDaily via @PodcastAddict

They interview Stacy Abraham's here^ and she speaks at length about the decades long process to flip Georgia, and all the fundraising they did during that time

There is also a sister episode where republican campaign officials are interviewed and they discuss how they are not prepared in Georgia because they thought that state was a lock, still they could have pulled it off, but voter turnout was being suppressed because people were being told it was a fraud. There is a telling moment where the two R senators up for election in Georgia are on stage but the crowd just keeps chanting TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP to the point that they are unable to speak to the crowd
[The Daily] The Georgia Runoffs, Part 2: ‘I Have Zero Confidence in My Vote’ #theDaily via @PodcastAddict

the interviewer tries and tries but can't find a republican who will say they have confidence in their vote at the Georgia rally.

>>>>>>>>>Finally<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>Finally<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>Finally<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>Finally<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>Finally<<<<<<<<<
"To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th."

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 8, 2021


Come on.


It's over.

You're defending people who planted pipe bombs in the capitol building of the United States of America.

It doesn't matter how you cut it, that!


Is NOT right.

Edit: And we're actually a mixture of both a republic and a democracy. There are regular instances on the people voting on laws directly.

Whatever happens, I hope Republicans keep doing what they're doing, because they are losing every election since trump and then some ...shithead.

bobknight33 said:

Hey shit head

We live in a REPUBLIC not a DEMOCRACY

Voter cheated very little
Election fraud was great and led to febel man put in White house.

Poll workers were not allowed to do their job.

Thunderstruck - Walk off the Earth (AC/DC Cover)

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