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Thunderstruck - Walk off the Earth (AC/DC Cover)

Obama Literally Left A Pandemic Playbook For Trump

Trump Tax Bombshell Reveals How the System Is Rigged

newtboy says...

Um....yeah.....not really.
He filed late, using every possible delay tactic, then when he filed he paid $750, not the millions in estimated tax liability. His income tax WAS $750. I'm guessing the $5.2 million were those estimated taxes which he didn't pay in the end, or payroll taxes, or other taxes, but not income tax. Exactly what your quote says.
His payments wouldn't roll forwards, they would go to pay for the $75 million refund he improperly claimed for losses at Taj Mahal after he was thrown out. That's what he keep calling an audit, he's being sued to return the fraudulent tax refund he took. His total outstanding debt to the federal government is estimated at $100000000.

Edit: What I think you mean is the tax write off credits/capitol losses from his enormous losses carry over. That's different from him making any "payments".

No, they don't reveal NEW connections to Russia, they do however confirm some of the old connections he's denied.

The whole premise is to allow the public to understand who the man is, they did. He's a fraud who's debts likely outweigh his assets.

Chaucer said:

Seth once again proving how big of a moron his is. NYTimes clearly crafted the article to sound like he only paid $750, but those were his tax liability fees.....what people are failing to read is that in the very same smear article, he actually paid $5.2 million.
"Each time, he requested an extension to file his 1040; and each time, he made the required payment to the I.R.S. for income taxes he might owe — $1 million for 2016 and $4.2 million for 2017. But virtually all of that liability was washed away when he eventually filed, and most of the payments were rolled forward to cover potential taxes in future years." - NYTimes.
and at the very end of the NYTimes article indicates "Nor do they reveal any previously unreported connections to Russia"
wasn't the whole premise of releasing his tax returns was because there were ties to russian collusion?

Ku Klux Klan Member interview-Chris

newtboy says...

The right is well aware of this, and are also aware that the black masks "antifa" used can be purchased anywhere, and lucked out when BLM often used them in their rallies too (thanks to Covid) so they were already subconsciously connected. It wasn't difficult for them to buy some black masks and clothing themselves, then commit crimes in the name of antifa at BLM events, so they did, most arrested for shootings and all arrested for bombings were right wing terrorists only dressed as antifa.
They even had manifestos outlining their plan to trigger civil war by instigating riots and committing murders and bombings and blaming their actions on antifa when caught.
That needs to be in the spotlight imo, so people understand the violent mob isn't just leftists, it's also Trumpists in antifa clothing and they're perpetrating (and attempting) the worst violence.

I agree about silencing offensive speech. The right way to handle offensive stupidity is debate it publicly, imo. Does the left at these universities not have access to intelligent knowledgeable people willing to contradict blatant racists or Nazis on stage? Do the universities not have a debate coach willing to moderate? Why not?
Just call Cornel West, he'll do it.

bcglorf said:

Thanks to BSR for having this posted. This is the sort of stuff that needs to get more airtime and eyeballs.

I think that pairs to the worst crime the left has been involved in related to the dumpster fire that is today. The entire notion of de-platforming or silencing 'offensive' speech, and that Universities have if anything been leading the way. Universities need to instead be having guys like the one here getting their views known more broadly, and then point out loudly what is considered bad and dangerous about them. More importantly, to also point out how closely it aligns with Trump and his rallying cries.

When the left could have been discrediting this filth, they have instead been accomplishing the opposite by actively rallying moderates to 'defend' the freedom of speech of these guys.

The passive majority has been watching for a long time as advocates on the left have used force and violence to disrupt speech they don't like. Now, cities are burning and despite it being for entirely other reasons, you have a lot of middle america only seeing the same angry mob of leftists at the same stuff again as before. Demand everyone do things their way or violence will be used. The worst/scariest thing to me is the Dems still seem confused by how people aren't flocking to them in the face of Trumps malice. They somehow can not fathom that there are an awful lot of right leaning people honestly worried that their only choice is between a Trump they loath in most everyway, but on the other side and angry mob of leftists willing to use violence on anyone that doesn't conform. If Trump wins the next election I'll be sickened, but also entirely unsurprised.


newtboy says... delusional fool.
That's not an answer, it's the same fact free nonsense stupidity you started with.

Every claim, every word is true.
Do you deny Ivanka got a gift of patents worth millions? She did. They bragged about it.
Do you deny Trump owes China money? He does, prove he doesn't.
Do you deny his trade wars cost America tens to hundreds of Billions in losses and tariffs? They did.
Do you deny his trade talks failed? They did.
Do you deny Kevin Bacon was in Footloose? He was.

I can't find a word in it that's untrue, but I expect nothing less from you. You can't factually declare any statements untrue statements with evidence or facts so, like a two year old, you just claim it's all untrue and think you won an argument, but you have lost both the argument and your adulthood.

You still haven't said what's untrue, and claiming it's all untrue is just so stupidly infantile I feel bad for you, but it's the best you've got without direction on how to answer, isn't it?

So sad, Bob. You've got nothing but insist you're the one with everything. You don't bluff well, Bob. Grow up.

I expect you deny Trump's stated lust for Ivanka as a YOUNG girl, I expect you deny his multiple fraud convictions, I suppose you deny his lifetime ban from charities due to charity frauds, or his children. I suppose you deny his having more felons in his cabinet than any two previous administrations, and more convictions while in office than any three combined. I know you deny that tariffs are paid by the country that enacts them, but they are. I expect you deny his trade deal fell through, it did.

That covers weak and corrupt thoroughly.

You have an established pattern of denying facts and spouting lies, so if you agreed with the truth it would instantly come into question. You saying it's 100% un true is a great indicator it's 100% correct.

bobknight33 said:

I did 100% un true

Bull crap

White supremacist Kenosha County Sheriff david beth

newtboy says...

Likely not.

You're saying there's video of him being chased from his gun toting friends by one guy with a pistol? For blocks? And none of his friends helped him at all? That might change my mind completely....but only if they essentially dragged him away, not if he followed along arguing, and if they physically forced him away from his friends, why didn't his friends try to help?

Again, I'll need some evidence of the pepper spray to believe it, because the videos of him running he wasn't acting like a person who had been pepper sprayed, not that it would excuse killing someone else, and I'm assuming the spray came after the first homicide.

(Edit: if the pepper spraying happened, and happened before he shot, then he has zero excuses for any of them. He couldn't see, so had no idea what was happening around him, who threw what, what was thrown, or who he was shooting. You can't see after being pepper sprayed. That makes every shot fired attempted murder of any random person in the area, not self defense. To be self defense, you must know who and what you're defending yourself from. If he was sprayed, he couldn't possibly know, nor could he properly aim.)

A plastic bag mistaken for a Molotov? Not by any American kid, all boys over 7 know what a Molotov looks like from movies and video games, they don't resemble empty plastic bags.

I think you're being biased. I may be too. I'm not excusing any threatening acts by protesters before he killed one, but do excuse any acts committed trying to apprehend him afterwards. (Edit: anything they did at that point would be real self defense, not just in their own minds.)

I can't find any way to excuse him, from going armed looking for trouble to leaving his group where he felt safe to mistaking a harmless object for a deadly one and killing someone out of fear to running away armed to shooting at his pursuers to not reporting it, every act indicates intentional murder and an attempt to escape. He might have had a reason, he may have even feared for his life, but he had no real reason, put himself in the situation that scared him, and opened fire for no GOOD reason.
Children often do things for bad reasons, that's one reason they shouldn't be let loose with firearms unaccompanied, especially not in high stress events like this.
It's not that he had no reason, it's that his reasoning was flawed on all points. He had no legitimate reason, and no legitimate excuse.

Btw, in case you don't recall, I'm not anti gun at all. I am anti armed groups traveling the country intent on killing unarmed people they disagree with, even if those people are being mean and scary, even if they're stealing. If they're committing arson, well maybe, that can be mass murder.

If you find a still live version of him being chased by armed protesters away from his friends, or threatened, I would be interested in seeing them. I find it impossible to envision. It's not that I'm not open to new info, it's only that I've seen none that excuse his killings.

(Edit: I'm looking at it like this....If a 17 year old kid wants to do extreme mountain climbing with little to no training, gets on the mountain and gets panicked and, thinking it will make him safer to have two ropes disconnects his partner's harness and they die, he had a reason, but not a legitimate reason, and not an excuse. This kid wanted to do extreme policing totally untrained, he panicked, people died because of his panicked actions. It's really that simple to me.)

Mordhaus said:

We aren't going to agree on this.

Like I said, I can't find all the videos because people are taking them down as fast as they go up, but it wasn't just some random person who fired, it was someone in the crowd that came after him for defending the store. These were not peaceful protesters, they were violent and had already attacked him before he fired, first with pepper spray and then charging and throwing an unidentified object at him that many thought was a molotov cocktail until it was later found to be something else.

If you think I am being deluded, so be it. But I did the best I could to show you as much evidence that I could find that he isn't just a gun vigilante that opened fire for no reason. You can't seem to move from your viewpoint that he is. Sorry.

In my feelings dance, guy crashes into pole

BSR says...

In the start of the video he acknowledged someone in the back seat, probably a safety thing. Since the safety guy didn't jump into the front seat I guess the video was acted out. That said, they did a good job. Double chuckle.

moonsammy said:

If that wasn't added in, then it must have been pretty damned loud to be audible to the camera over the music. Can only imagine how much that must've hurt.

But for me, it was the anguished noise he made while trying to get back in the car that compelled audible laughter.


newtboy says...

It's not official Goodyear policy, not created by Goodyear, and is actually dead wrong in what it claimed.
That makes it a fake in multiple ways. It's maybe a real picture (maybe not) of a fake policy/slide. A picture of a fake purported to be real is a fake, even though it's a real picture. Duh. If I edit Melania's porn photos to have Don Jr draped over her in the nude and fondling her nude breasts, take a picture of that fake and release it as proof they're having an incestuous affair, is that not fake? It's a real picture. Jesusissodisappointedinyou

First, it gained national attention because Trump claimed they singled out his campaign attire, a total lie, and called for a boycott because he's a petulant infant that can't handle any perceived slight without throwing a tantrum. The claims are absolute pure bullshit. It wasn't until that was absolutely undeniable that you glommed onto the "no blue lives matter" part that's also a lie but less obvious.
Second, it's not corporate policy as it claims, it's one person making up their own policy, a person I'm sure is fired or demoted after the damage their unapproved actions caused.

Bullshit. Managers do not make policy. Stop lying. This is at worst a rogue employee, not a policy, liar. Try making new corporate policy down there at TGIFridays as the manager, see how that works out for you.

Goodyear did address it, instantly releasing a statement denouncing it as never their policy and never approved as soon as they heard. Duh. You right wingers are just incapable of learning anything, aren't you.
If the employee who leaked it had sent it to corporate, they would likely have done the same thing but more internally, which is told their employees this isn't the policy and never was, but without the boycotts and death threats from the insane right that will hurt the business if not destroy it over a lie. Now they have to worry about having a job next year and losing their pensions, and America has to worry about losing another international manufacturer, losing more jobs, and losing more GDP.

When one of Trump's underlings commits a felony for him, do you say he is guilty because his manager did it and should go to prison with them? Like decimating the post office, that's Trump, right? Separating families and caging children, all on Trump's shoulders, no response to Covid for months killing tens of thousands, all Trump, talking to the Russians for help in the election, also Trump. Talking to Ukraine for help with the election, Trump. Asking China for help with the election....that's actually directly Trump.
No, you excuse him as the leader with rogue subordinates that committed crimes....subordinates that deserve pardons for their treasonous felonies.


If Corporate hadn't found out, yes, perhaps it would have been policy for that shift at that section of that factory and until they did find out those few employees might believe that Blue Lives Matter attire wouldn't be allowed.
Blue Lives Matter isn't a racial justice or equality movement, they're an anti racial justice and equity movement, so shouldn't be allowed but are because Goodyear does so much business with police they made an exception to allow it, not an exception to exclude them as you claimed in your parroting of the ignoramus in chief.

Oh, so now you like cancel culture, more so when based on complete and willful misunderstanding the facts? So you're not just a liar, you're a proud hypocrite.
Open season on right wing businesses now I guess, make up any lie about them then boycott or burn them out of business. Sounds like a great way t o make America great, doesn't it?

You think the president calling for a national boycott of an American institution is the best way to handle an internal company policy issue where one employee tried to implement their own policy?!? Of course the same goes for right wing rogues, right?

My Pillow is run by a pedophile crackhead who runs a secret restaurant in the factory that serves baby to Satanists, a crackhead that allows only Maga attire and no social or political statements that don't support Trump in his factories. Go.

Of course, no lies needed for Trump companies. They clearly have the policy being complained about but Biden attire, no BLM, but Maga and blue lives matter is ok. Certainly you're calling for them to be cancelled too, right?


Jesusismypilot said:

More lies, nice try, the image is not a fake, even Snopes confirms it. A manager at GY Topeka created it, managers are representative of leadership and the company (as every leader in a company knows) that the leader was not in compliance with corporate policy doesn't change the responsibility of of GY to address. If this didn't get national attention the unfortunate employees at Topeka GY (and anywhere else this employee presented) would believe their employer has taken a political stand on a hot button and divisive issue. GY is welcome to do this but they are also welcome to lose/gain business as a result.

As far as I'm concerned the process worked as it should and is a wake-up call that cancel-culture cuts both ways.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You mean an editorial opinion piece? Call me when you have something, not when you find a Trumpster who agrees with Trump. I don't have Wall Street Journal account, so I can only read paragraph one.

There's no question in anybody's mind why Trump's unqualified appointee chose now to dismantle the post offices ability to deliver mail, when it's needed most. Any problems the post office has had existed when Trump came into office, some have worsened since (edit:holy shit! They've doubled annual losses under Trump's perfect business acumen, now nearly $9 billion a year loss and skyrocketing!), but they did nothing about it until months before an election ( that is depending on the post office) to make changes, changes that make them less efficient, cost money, and make them incapable of on time delivery (so incapable of handling the election). Not one bit of that is by accident.

The post office cannot raise postage rates without congressional approval, and have other congressionally mandated costs costing them billions ( so the letter side of the business is losing money, the package delivery side Trump complains about has mostly paid the bills for a while now, but they still lose millions/billions as a unit, that's why they asked for I think $23 billion to upgrade to be able to meet historic minimum standards and $3 billion to cover extra costs associated with the election, money Trump says are no go because they'll allow fraudulent voting (the first sitting president ever to go to great lengths to ensure the smallest vote count, btw)...but recently said he would sign a bill including that funding for the post office if Democrats agree to billions more in more tax cuts that mostly benefit people like....wait for it....himself (as if the deficit isn't growing fast enough). If he really thought mail in voting was fraudulent, why would he agree to do it for anything? Isn't that selling out democracy?! Aren't you enraged?!?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You know I won't click on your links since you sent me to that virus hosting site. How about name an instance and I'll investigate myself, I certainly won't trust your sources....especially when it comes from a Trump tweet. Get real, I expect another "professional opinion" like the doctor that supports hydroxy, and alien DNA in medicine, lizard people, and demon sperm as the cause of all gynecologic issues, not facts...he hates facts, they never agree with his uninformed opinion.....but he loves the uneducated, they'll believe his insane bullshit and never check for themselves.

HOLY FUCKING SHEEP SHIT YOU MORON.... I checked first then read doesn't say this was fraud, much less democratic fraud, it makes no mention of political affiliation, but based on recent history chances are great that, if it's fraud, it's Republicans. How long were these few dead people dead before the election? Could they have been alive when the vote was mailed in? Doesn't say. How many cases are considered fraud by the election board? None I could see.

What it did say was many didn't receive their ballot in time to vote, or at all, because Trump and friends hobbled the mail services causing delays that suppressed thousands of votes. It also said most votes that were disqualified had issues with either the signature, something Trump claims isn't being checked, or the section for someone to deliver the ballot for the voter, something else he claimed isn't checked. Kinda blows his claim that fraud is rampant and unchecked when his evidence is the votes that didn't pass the checking they did of them. His solution, suppress tens of millions more votes. Evidence of Republican vote suppression, not democrats vote fraud.
A vote denied is a vote stolen.

This article actually makes the point that any possible vote by mail fraud will be caught, not that it's a problem.

This is Trump and friends interfering in the election by your estimation, Bob. If it's fraud because people didn't get their ballots, or they were delivered too late to count, and they didn't get them because the post office is slowing down at Trump's order, that's Trump and co. committing election fraud.

Not true, mail in ballots are exactly the same as absentee. There's never been a distinction made before this election. There are multiple states that have had universal mail in voting for decades.
There is no difference in the processes, despite what Trump and Fox have told you. They're liars, you know it. The only difference is you don't have to lie about your ability to get to a polling place with universal mail in voting. The article Trump had you link to proves it conclusively....those votes were disqualified because they did check signatures and more.
Trump's entire family votes mail in, even though they have no reason to. They're all registered in multiple states too....from what Trump says, that's proof they're committing vote fraud.

Lest you forget, the CDC stated unequivocally that mail in, not in person voting is the ONLY safe way to hold an election this year.
Lest you forget, Trump has said unequivocally that if every eligible voter voted, Republicans would disappear instantly. The ONLY way for Republicans to win is to disenfranchise millions of voters. That is why, when logic and reason say the post office should be expanding operations to prepare for weeks of high mailings, but instead they are cutting hours, removing 10%+ of their sorting capacity and removing an unknown number of mail collection boxes, already creating massive backlogs in normal mail service of weeks to months, making them incapable of fulfilling huge numbers of contracts they have which will cost them package delivery business they desperately need to survive when they should be ramping up. Only a brain dead slug can't see that's intentional, especially when Trump goes on TV and says it is, intentionally done to suppress the Democratic and independent vote because if they vote, he'll lose.

Trump refuses to fund even normal operation at the USPS because it would make delivering ballots easier.
You know he agreed to fund the post office, including money needed to greenlight universal mail in voting, if Democrats give him tens of billions for tax cuts and pet projects for himself, right? So, he's saying he will allow election fraud for a price? Or is it more likely he's willing to give up a dishonest and failing political ploy for a bribe?
You know this is tax payer money meant to fund civil services, right, not some handout? It seems you think funding essential civil services is a gift in your mind, not an obligation. So you'll stand behind Biden if he halts all funding for police and military until they get their act together, right? (Not that he plans any such thing, I'm making a point about your hypocrisy as a defense for intentional election disruption and massive voter suppression as a campaign strategy.)

The international community disagrees. When only 10% of votes are cast this election, the world will declare the election a fraud, so will 90% of Americans. Talk about dividing the nation for one man's gain. That's why we think you're Russian, Americans care more about the nation than their cult leaders.

The check and balance comes at registration, and again when the vote is counted....just like absentee votes. Trump is lying when he claims they aren't validated.

Trump disrupting mail service in any way possible to deny voters a chance to vote safely, also closing thousands of polling places (mostly in democratic leaning areas) from lack of staff IS election rigging....he has said specifically on television it is done to sway the election results by suppressing a majority of votes, leaving only the method he polls best with, unsafe in person voting which the CDC said clearly is a recipe for disaster and will kill people. He doesn't care a whit that hundreds more Americans will die and thousands be disabled because he forces them together to fulfill their civic duties, not his problem because he's mailing his vote in (so he has time to go golfing, watch TV, and tweet all day, not because he can't vote in person btw).

bobknight33 said:

You are wrong

yet another example of voters not getting their voting mail

Least you forget that mail in ballot, the democrats want so badly is not the same as absentee ballot. There is a proper proecess for absentee and none for mass mailing vote by mail.

where the check and balance of the mass mailing?

Also Trump not giving $ for this Democrat push is not election rigging or anything else.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bob o Bob o Bobby bob....
All 3 of those issues are caused by Republicans....Trump specifically.
Not one is technically voter fraud, although the point is to deny as many citizens their right to vote. If you call that cheating, and I agree it is, it's more Republicans cheating, not Democrats.

Trump and his crony he installed as postmaster have intentionally hobbled the usps, removed sorting machines around the country, and cut overtime to zero among other mail slowdown techniques in preparation for the massive mailings of the election. This is causing a backlog of mail nationwide, and is why so many ballots arrived late in NY....many weren't sent to voters until the day before the election, thousands more simply weren't postmarked at all. Our post office is filling up with undelivered mail NOW because of Trump's scheme to deny votes by deconstructing the mail service....very Trumpian to destroy an essential service for his own personal gain, just like he didn't mind the military wasting tens upon tens of millions per year on foreign fuels and foreign airport fees to stay at his expensive failing hotel in Ireland (Scottland?) instead of American military bases like they did before Trump because it made HIM money.

The post office requested $3 billion for election preparations, Trump refuses to give them a dime, and actually said publicly that he won't so they can't help with mail in voting, because it's bad for Republicans.

Now, wanna try again?
You said you know cases of Democrats committing vote fraud...cheating. This ain't one. These are three articles about how Trump is already cheating this election by denying most Americans a safe way to vote, and since polling places will be largely closed or under staffed, that means the entire election is defunct by Trump's design.
I get why you refused to answer if it's all you could produce after two months, one Republican ploy to deny millions of Americans their right to vote. Jesus Fucking Christ.

bobknight33 said:

For someone who has the answer on all matter you are suddenly dumbfounded in finding such issues.
Gather that fake news does not mention such things. brian stelter and Rachel Maddow are doing you wrong.

Rigging the Election - Video II: Mass Voter Fraud

newtboy says...

So @bobknight33, which party is neck deep in election frauds now?
For all your bluster and accusations, Trump couldn't find ANY evidence of democratic voter fraud after spending unknown millions investigating....not 5 million as Trump claimed, not 3 million as he also claimed, not 3 thousand....indeed, they couldn't find evidence of 3.

However, now dozens of Republican schemes small and large have been uncovered involving thousands if not tens or even hundreds of thousands of votes, from mail men collecting and changing applications for mail in ballots to campaigns collecting them and changing votes, every case discovered has been Republican voter fraud.
Odd Trump's investigation didn't find any of those, isn't it? Probably because the investigation was a fraud, not looking for evidence, only looking to back up Trump, that's why the non Trumpsters on the panel had to sue to see any data, and when they did and won they found there WAS no data.
This has EXPLODED under Trump, more voter fraud now than ever before in my lifetime, all republican frauds.
I'm sure you're so outraged you will turn away from trump and his criminal party of felons, because you aren't a hypocritical blowhard.

Free Speech Considered Support for Nazism

newtboy says...

Don't pretend to be so oblivious.
The gallery is one person making decisions on who to allow to hold private rallies in secret at her establishment, and she chooses Nazis and white power personalities. I thought you support taking individual responsibility.
The Nation of Islam, and I'm no fan at all, is a huge, multinational organization of millions I assume lead by some form of committee and encompassing a wide range of views and opposing extremes....They did not all choose to be associated with that one extremists nor did they all agree with him by far, then or now, only some did. That's similar to the same question but changing "nation of Islam" to "America". Obviously that's comparing apples to the president's drag queen makeup.

I won't comment much on Canada blm because I don't know them and don't choose to take the time needed to sleuth out some truths about them, but assuming what you say is correct it sounds like they have some racism in their midst that they should weed out before they become the monster they wish to destroy.

Brett Stevens, did you read any of the links? Or my quotes from them? Did you visit, his website, or his blog amerika? (i won't) Do you have a clue who he is and the racist mass murderer he celebrates?

They have a right to speak, the crowd has a right to protest and take any civil legal action they choose to remove the soapbox from their neighborhood. I never said different. You must have confused me with the protesters.
They don't have a right to shout or hold their signs emblazoned with their stupid wrong things intended to provoke at a protest and attempt to spark violence, even if they cleverly camouflage it so on the surface their message seems agreeable, which is what I think was his intent. If successful, he would gain more fuel for the argument that the racists and Nazis planning a violent race war aren't the problem, it's the fascist liberal grandma shovers and sign thieves we should really be worried about....just like the boogaloos in America that caused many if not most of the riots, shot cops, and planned multiple mass murders and bombings all of which they intended to pin on blm.

They don't actually need any place to speak today, there's a soapbox in every cellphone.


This facility was holding their alt-right events in secret, hiding their speech itself. They wanted it hidden. You can't bemoan their voices being silenced while also defending their secret rallies which no one who might confront or correct them was told happened, can you?

And side note
The government isn't stopping them, so it's not censorship before that idea crops up.

Again, your bar for crying violence in this instance is subterranean. No one would ever be prosecuted for the level of violence without injury that he suffered, nor compensated for his miniscule loss of cardboard. Do you see him hit, kicked, punched, shoved hard, anything? Time stamp please. I'll change my tune if he was actually injured, I didn't see it anywhere, just his sign yanked after being slowly shoved away from one specific spot.

Could you honestly say ANY right wing event, especially any alt-right event infiltrated by a fairly quiet blm activist with a sign bemoaning police corruption would be as gentle and non violent? Edit: I doubt it.

The point of this video as presented is to pretend that's the case, that the shove from grandma is societies downfall, a direct attack on freedom not a rejection of a defender and facilitator of racists and Nazis (if he's not one himself). The Nazis and racists resurfacing and arming themselves (happening here in America) are nothing to be upset about or oppose....they're good people, not like disgusting anti free speech granny and those other freedom haters.
I'm astonished I'm apparently the only one willing to object to that long ago debbunked distortion of reality.

Police Slashing Tires At Protests

bobknight33 says...

racist police????

Projecting you own thoughts on the men in blue.

What they did was wrong. Or were they drumming up local tire business for a community that has been terrorized and shut down by thugs?

newtboy said:

Cop logic: If you are near a march against abusive racist police you hate all police and we hate you....and since we have masks on and immunity for our actions, we're going to fuck up your life in every way we can and blame protesters....
....because we're the good guys.


newtboy says...

Nice editing there. Tons of audio missing and multiple skips....what did they edit out? Discussions of how to frame them? Bribes?

We've seen multiple instances of stops exactly like this that ended in police gunfire....just as cordial and friendly until the citizen tells police they have a gun, or a camera, then the police lose their shit and start shooting.
The Press at protest marches were all 100% friendly, cordial, had open dialog asking politely where police wanted them to move to, totally legal, and complied with every request FROM officers, and still got shot point blank in the eyes with rubber bullets, tear gas canisters fired so close they can kill, pepper sprayed, were beaten, and arrested. Multiple times, on camera, over and over and over and over and over and over.
You claim 'look, it worked once, that means it will work every time, just put your life and freedom on the line and check, and don't consider the hundreds of times it ended in prison or death.'

He didn't actually comply legally, legally if you have a concealed firearm in your glove compartment, you MUST inform officers IMMEDIATELY....They didn't, and tried to hide it by bringing up his registration on his phone instead of retrieving the paper copy from his glove compartment. Many MANY cases just like this end in tragedy. This one just ended in a full vehicle search without a warrant.

Comply with officers requests, eh? So let them violate your rights and you'll be fine....except when you aren't. So American, comrade. Perhaps, since you likely live where you have no rights, you don't understand them. If you don't exercise your rights, you don't have any.

This isn't the narrative because it's not the norm, and even if it was, that's besides the point. The daily violations and murders of unarmed, mostly black men, is the point you wish to ignore. Pablo Escobar was a nice guy if you did what he said, were polite and compliant, and never hinted at crossing him. He's not a good guy or good apple, he was a violent criminal thug...just like police.

When Trump called for the death penalty for the innocent Central Park 5, were all those times they didn't rape women (including the time they were falsely accused) the point, or was the singular, false accusation about the one time they did rape someone his only point? Hint-it's the second one.

Edit : Now, are you ever going to produce these "known instances" of massive democratic voter fraud, or can you admit that was just one more thing you made up? It's not going away, I plan on asking until you have the testicular fortitude to answer.

bobknight33 said:


Sorry NEWT no brother was harmed. Nothing to see here. I realize ALL you post is bad cop vids because of your derange mind is to intolerant to accept that not all cops are bad.

Take solace newt, you will find something to bitch about this.

This is the example of the social compact between society and its law enforcement.

Funny when one is cordial, open dialog, legal, and complies with request form officers things go pretty well.

However this is NOT the narrative that FAKE news pushes day in day out, sowing the seeds of discontent just for the up coming election. If Dems win then race issue pushed to the back burner again.

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