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C-note (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Your video, Funny Cats | I am Dulo, has made it into the Top 15 New Videos listing. Congratulations on your achievement. For your contribution you have been awarded 1 Power Point.

This achievement has earned you your "Pop Star" Level 99 Badge!

Master Mentalist Lior Suchard

eoe says...

Wow. I am seriously impressed. How the fuck did he do that?

Some parts are guessable. The long scroll of Instagram actors and actresses may have only been like Jessica Biel (though the one right before Jessica Biel was... the Black Hole?).

But wow.

Ghost Serve

mram says...

I must've watched that a few dozen times and am still not sure how that ball is served. I'd love to see how this is actually done from a better perspective maybe.

Amazing New Japanese Hanabi Fireworks

kir_mokum says...

i am deeply ashamed i ever got dragged into this profoundly stupid conversation. clearly i refuse to learn the lesson that the internet is not actually a place to share ideas.

Wet Leg - Chaise Longue

moonsammy says...

What if it comes with a contractual requirement that you personally stop engaging in any activities which might infringe on their exclusive right to worry your mother? Feels like a trap to me.

Why is this tagged NSFW? Am I missing something racy beyond implications in the lyrics?

newtboy said:

I would like you to assign someone to worry my mother, thank you. That’s going to free up some time for me.

36 Quotes from MARK TWAIN

luxintenebris jokingly says...

Normally would let this go but was called on this, here, some time ago, so am now sharing the wealth...

Anger: an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured. – Lucius Annaeus Seneca (Seneca the Younger)

but Twain probably said it too.

My favorite ATTRIBUTED Twain quote...

"The trouble ain’t that there are too many fools, but that the lightning ain’t distributed right."

...and right here is a distribution of Lightnin

Crows are intelligent but just how intelligent are they

BSR says...

That would show a lack of intelligence wouldn't it?

Disclaimer: I am not a expert foul or their foul habits

noims said:

What's to stop the more intelligent crows from just taking up smoking?

Deceiving the brain with the rubber hand illusion

Steven covers the impossibility of teaching monkeys safe sex

noims says...

Damnit, I thought the point of monkey sex ed was to get them to eat the banana.

Not only am I a bad teacher, I am also both stubborn and happy.

Record Jet Suit Mountain Ascent

makach says...

they are still messing around with the equipment. this might have real applicability. I am glad they are experimenting with it.

weather was too bad for helicopter to land, so there might be a use case for this equipment.

eric3579 said:

IMO these videos are basically WOW ads for a super niche item, that may not actually have a real world use outside of recreation. The paramedic response stuff seems pretty ridiculous considering the immense limitations they have. It does look cool though.

The Book of Boba Fett | Breakdown Reel | Image Engine VFX

Pete Buttigieg Perfectly Articulates Republican Behavior

luxintenebris says...

Want answers? Then LISTEN. Stop believing in your false Republican GODS and grant the possibility they don't know any more than the other party.

Saint Reagan once said he'd give up a dozen things to get one thing he thought was needed. Seemly that is now a sin in the eyes of the GOP. That's one major problem in our politics. No compromise or acknowledgment that any solution has to include both parties.

Can't tango if the Red only wants to sit on their asses.* Tell me I am wrong.

Your words are like sour milk. Uttered out, then left to spoil in the light of actuality.

* "It's true hard work never killed anybody, but I figure, why take the chance?" (Gridiron Dinner on April 22, 1987) Also Ronnie, so maybe that's the only message the GOP molasses asses listen to.

bobknight33 said:

G in G out

Pete will never be POTUS - soft-spoken but not leadership material. (had to fix ; spell-check was being belligerent)

He is the stuff of political campaign dreams.

Relatable, great communication skills, common sense answers - there was a BIG reason why a Fox audience gave him a standing ovation. (almost said 'standing O' but didn't want you to lose your gourd over the image - u kinky bug) **

**BTW: there has been over 700 attempts to rid the US of the EC & we almost did

Avatar: The Way of Water | Official Teaser Trailer

mram says...

I feel like I'm the only one who was unimpressed by this.

No story, no hook, no engagement, no emotional resonance, just a NVIDIA/AMD demo reel of graphics.

I did like the first movie. I love all of JC's movies. I still have incredibly high hopes. But just being honest, this played so slow and cold for me. In fact when I watched it the very first time I wasn't sure if this was recap from the first movie or something new.

They are obviously taking the slow burn approach to marketing here... like "hey, memberberries Avatar?"

I am anxiously awaiting something that gives me that "whoa" moment.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bwaaahahahaha. Your tears are so yummy!

Citation needed. I’ve offered you dozens of legitimate proven cases, including the recent nomination of a known brutal murderer, multiple pedophiles, sex abusers, sex traffickers, drug abusers, and plain old morons. Your turn…Prove it.

I know you can’t.
I already have.
Cry to mommy, little Bobby.
Your playing a game of “I’m rubber, you’re glue, whatever I am bounces out of me and onto you”.

bobknight33 said:

Douchebags like you are the problem.

Projection is the stock and trade of the Democrat playbook.

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Beggar's Canyon