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Eye Opening Facts About Vaginas

TheGenk (Member Profile)

Eye Opening Facts About Vaginas

Eye Opening Facts About Vaginas

Eye Opening Facts About Vaginas

Eye Opening Facts About Vaginas

chingalera says...

Dude...You gotta read Philip José Farmer's (Riverworld Series), 'Image of the Beast (1968)'

Vaginas......with snakes that have human heads on the end with piranha teeth comin-all-outta vampire-alien bitch's snatches...(who head major business cartels 'n shit)
Twisted sci-fi erotica squared, creep-ya-tha-FUCK-out-kinna vaginnies with teeth kinna shit!! Oh, and the little vagina-snakes with man-heads are like some tiny-alien-demons they lured then trapped-off they pusssies' n shit....YOW!

That Philip José Farmer was one fuuucked-up cat!

Brilliant story-teller.

TheGenk said:

What do sharks and vaginas have in common?
Oh god, it's teeth, isn't it?!

Eye Opening Facts About Vaginas

Eye Opening Facts About Vaginas

Real Actors Read Christian Forums : Monkey People

chingalera says...

Nah, more likely a personal problem between yourself and the latest cabal of you and your fan boys. My suggestion for the pain you may be experiencing is to follow the lead of newtboy and utilize the 'ignore' feature. You sell the rest of the place short with your assumptions as well, 'to the amusement of no-one but your own ego.'

Was that 'incoherent' or 'nonsensical' enough for the sandy vagina contingent?

I thought it rather lucid and direct myself but hey, I'm a simply a fucking dumbass who is only here for my own amusement, right??

ChaosEngine said:

Nah, more likely they believe you posted more incoherent nonsensical crap to the amusement of no-one but you.

***Censored*** 11 year old Aidan Fisher with Steel Panther

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Lars Von Trier's 'Nymphomaniac' - Trailer

Science Vlogger reads her comments

chingalera says...

One person is NEVER responsible for another person's emotional state or reaction to stimuli. It is not YOUR fault that an entire nation of emotionally damaged, abused, affected, incapable, ineffectual, developmentally-disabled human beings are now covering the landscape like a fungus...HOWEVER:
Self-preservation, species advancement, psycho-spiritual evolution, and the innate sensibilities that afford humanity a chance to get the goddamn molecule off-planet being the prime directive, one should when given the opportunity assist said molecule so much as is does not cause undue stress or fatigue to one's body, mind, or soul.

YouTube comments mean jack and or shit, as does most of the prattle filling servers faster than they can be manufactured. Get over it Missy, yer sexy to some, ugly to some, stay on task, make yer magnet videos, eat, shit, fuck, sleep, and die like the rest of us so the planet can produce more coal, fishes, coffee and mosquitoes, life goes on.

Sexism, racism, ism ism motherfucking isms, get the fuck over yourselves you bunch of self-satisfied, privileged, whining cake-hole stuffing fucks, and BIG HUGS for everyone with sandy vaginas, hashtag, smiley-face, fuck-off.

Oh yeah, and TROLLS??? That's YOUR emotion state telling the molecule to be un-molecular. Everyone commenting on the internet is a goddamn troll, in case you haven't figured that shit out yet, get a clue.

Lars Von Trier's 'Nymphomaniac' - Trailer

Shepppard says...

Before we get the authorities involved in this, may I ask why you seem to be an expert on 12 year olds vaginas?

In serious, though, apparently this trailer was shown to an entire movie theatre of kids in Florida, who were waiting to see the new disney movie "Frozen".

Best comment about it was a parent saying "It seemed like forever when you're trying to, you know, cover a little guy's eyes," one parent said. "I didn't have enough hands to cover his ears too and he got the sound down real good."

chingalera said:

Uhhhh....I have a frozen, framed, unshorn vagina on my monitor...looks like it belongs to a twelve-year-old. Child-porn on the Videosift??
Reporting this to the proper authorities

Lars Von Trier's 'Nymphomaniac' - Trailer

chingalera says...

Uhhhh....I have a frozen, framed, unshorn vagina on my monitor...looks like it belongs to a twelve-year-old. Child-porn on the Videosift??
Reporting this to the proper authorities

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