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Electromagnetic Railgun Firing Hypervelocity Projectile

Hail From Hell

Moment When US Border Closed

Metallica feat. Los del Rio - Master of Macarena

Metallica feat. Los del Rio - Master of Macarena

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shinyblurry (Member Profile)

shinyblurry says...

Even if no one served the Lord, it doesn't change the fact that the Lord loves you and wants you to turn back to Him. You're speaking of others conviction; I am here doing the Lord's will and telling you that He is calling you; do you have any conviction about that? I pray that you do.

Jesus spoke about these times:

Matthew 24:10-12

And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold

Paul also spoke about these times:

2 Timothy 3

But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith; but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was

So what you're seeing and what you're angry about are the signs which confirm we are in the last days. Our reaction to that should be humility, not anger. These are the last days and the Lord is coming back to judge the Earth. The Lord will cleanse His church like He cleansed the temple; judgment begins at the house of the Lord. Our response to these things should be personal repentance and a determination to take on the responsibility of carrying the message of redemption to all people.

You must take your eyes off of men and put them back on the Lord, because that is the only place you will find clarity. God is calling you back to Himself.

RFlagg said:

Fuck the Lord. I'd rather me and my children burn in Hell for all eternity than be around his people for all eternity. People who'd rather help the rich than help the needy and poor. People who'd rather see my child with Asthma die than have their tax money or insurance premiums go up so that he could be covered. People who are so full of hate they favor Nazis over black people. Because none of them have any convection in their heart over any of that. They voted for a guy like Trump, thinking that is what Jesus would do. Fuck his people, and fuck him if he won't convict them over their anti-christ ways... which is what the whole Republican party is, the anti-christ... if there were such a thing.

THE TURING TEST Trailer (2016)

ForgedReality says...

It reminded me of Half-Life 1 when they did that face reveal. All that build-up and I was expecting something amazing. Then, bam! That unholy abomination. It's hardly even recognizable as humanoid. Holy shit, how is this considered a finished product?

Yeah I get it. Graphics don't make the game. But they do help you to get more immersed in the world and lose yourself in the lore. Something this dated coming out in 2016 just feels rushed and lazy.

Prior to that face, the walking animation was really bugging me especially with the way the legs moved once the feet hit the ground. Just totally unnatural.

ToastyBuffoon said:

I don't know about 2001, but there are some seriously low res textures in there and stiff animation. It certainly doesn't look much better than a modified version of the source engine.

Burning Wind Turbine Makes Smoke Vortex

SFOGuy says...

Same fail point, I bet; overspeed condition with no ability to automatically stop the blades and turn them into the wind so that they don't turn too quickly and burn up (no auto feather, or auto feather parameters exceeded).

Could have been either a software failure or a hardware failure---or perhaps an unholy combination of both.

skinnydaddy1 said:

Ummm So why are there TWO of them burning? Did they both fail?

Priest Blesses Children By Hitting And Shaking Their Heads

Star Wars Battlefront : Official Trailer

ChaosEngine says...

Oh god yeah, plus it's EA so you'll probably start out with no weapons and have to buy everything with microtransactions.

BUT... this flips a switch in me marked "playing with my snowspeeder against AT-ATs on xmas day as a kid", and I love it for that.

@ant and @Ashenkase, I would pay an unholy amount of money for a new X-Wing/TIE Fighter game. Throw in oculus support and I'd probably sell my house to pay for it.

HugeJerk said:

It's DICE... so wait a year for the patch that fixes some of the major release bugs and then introduces a slew of new ones.

Duck Dynasty Is Fake!

bcglorf says...

Two things in all this stand out as really worrisome to me. First off, the hateful quote was almost a paraphrasing of the bible. And not the old testament parts that Christianity will dismiss as being supplanted/fulfilled by the coming of Christ, but the new testament. First Timothy 9 and 10 are:

We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine...

It's not hating on gays or comparing them to murderers, it is just listing off a laundry list of behaviors deemed sinful and thus contrary to God's will. Even getting drunk and swearing count, so it's no more hateful against gays than it's hateful against any other non believers choices and lifestyles.

I am worried by our society as a majority looking upon that and either classing it as hatred, or worse still, using it to justify their hatred.

My next beef is the entire liberal side of the country that state like the guy in the video, freedom of speech doesn't mean A&E isn't also free to fire the guy for what he says. I don't disagree with that though. My problem is that if that same hillbilly came out and spoke about his abiding support for same-sex marriage and then A&E exercised their 'freedom' to fire him for his speech, those same Liberals would be up in arms at the injustice. That rankles me something fierce.

...signs of the coming Apocalypse

chingalera says...

Dude, how could you not have made it to this!?
I feel bummed for you and don't even have a kitty to stroke...
Next year may be too late, the unholy one grows nearer ☠☻☠

moonsammy said:

I live in the area, and am bummed I missed both of them. Schedule conflicts both times. Next year, for sure.

Ricky Gervais on His "Pathological Atheism"

poolcleaner says...

You know what really annoys me? So-called theists that trample over the idea that "we don't know what happens when we die", as if it were something never before considered in western philosophy. Shadows on a wall. That's all any human can know. Oh, but the voices (or "feeling" of a holy/unholy spirit) of "god" in your head confirmed that they're real because they said so..!? K...

Does anyone else not see the inherent security risk here? How does a god truly interface with a human mind and authenticate its validity beyond all shadows of doubt? Oh, you just know right? As if you're the expert on human perception. If the concept of demons or Satan be real, perhaps there is only that. Have you considered? Of course not, devout theist, the clause exists for a reason -- do not tempt. Never question. Does this sound like freedom... or tyranny at work?

Maybe the voice of "good" is in reality bad. Perhaps all voices from other realms (should you wish to believe such a concept) are the voices and feelings from another world bent on conquering our own. You don't know and you're better off ignoring ALL of this bullshit. One man's god is another man's demon and thus it's safe to just assume they're all demons, should you even fucking ignorantly consider believing this nonsense.

It's the only rational conclusion that I can imagine which takes into account the inherent security risks between potential "linked" worlds, and in which relinquishes fearful self interest and acquisition of "treasures" in the after life (afterlife class war much?). It's like clicking on an insane URL in an email from Sender: "God" h__p:/!YOURMINDSASLAVENOW. Would you seriously do that? You have no idea and you didn't even consider that belief could lead to damnation. It's just too easy. And what do we say about things that are too easy? I know what that means in this life, thank you very much.

Now you're hacked. Idiot. And you call unbelievers stupid and sad. For fuck's sake you can't even control your own mind's will to sync with the known patterns of security that we use for survival in this world. You think you're going to be safe in the next? You're ensnared and if you have an eternal soul, I HAVE PITY FOR YOU.

All we really know is that we don't know. It's not a revolutionary idea and in my honest opinion, if there is a life after death, then facing the ultimate fear of your own mortality is a challenge for true fulfillment of an undeserving eternity.

To believe in an after life without question is not to admit ones mortality. Admitting your mortality is a sobering and freeing concept. Again, I continue to feel pity for those whose minds are not free to process this.

Game of Thrones Season 3: Inside the Red Wedding

shang says...

Zombie Catelyn is badass though... I loved her loyalty test of Briene and the unholy vengeance coming to the Frey's!!!

awesome books, but the author sure loves killing off all the Starks one by one... Although Bran's training to take control of the dragon has already been hinted out with him being told the 3 eyed crow will teach him to fly and him being able to warg into animal and human... With all the abilities the Starks are turning into the Adam's family... a zombie for a mom, a facechanger for a sis and a warg for a bro

can't wait to see where he's going with it though.

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