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Tim Shoots His Thumb Off on Doomsday Preppers Shooting

CaptainObvious says...

The most important thing to have when it hits the fan is a community. No family is going to do well without the help and support of their community no matter how many guns and bullets you have. Gun ownership in America is over 40% I think (or close to that) - so EVERYONE is going to be packing in bad times. Its going to be about trust and community - that's where the true power of defense is going to be.

Guns (and cars) are very unforgiving, you have to have proper training and a uncompromising level of safety when you have them out.

The family in this clip had no business firing those guns - especially the kids - (I saw numerous safety violations) and if you watch several of the other episodes you get to see some pretty horrendous gun handling that would make anyone cringe (def a safety hazard).

That being said, I personally have pulled a gun twice in self defense (once in uniform) and once as a civilian. I would probably not be here now if I had not been carrying.

I don't want to be labelled pro-gun as I see both sides of the issue, and I also have fear of the "idiots" out there, including the ones driving big ass pickup trucks tailgating me inches away while I am driving my entire family.

Idiots are a danger with or without a gun.

Stupidity kills.

Guy Tries to Impress Girl with Homemade Music Video

Man Kills 4-year-old "because he was gay"

PlayhousePals jokingly says...

>> ^Quboid:

>> ^PlayhousePals:
Lemme get this straight ... according the black Hebrew's beliefs, suspected homosexuality is unforgivable but MURDER gets a pass? =oI

DON'T sign me up ... Just say NO to religion!

It's not murder, it's doing God's work. If it's for him, he's cool with it.

Well then, I stand corrected [hope he has a decent employee benefits package consisting of more than eternal salvation] =oD

Man Kills 4-year-old "because he was gay"

Quboid says...

>> ^PlayhousePals:

Lemme get this straight ... according the black Hebrew's beliefs, suspected homosexuality is unforgivable but MURDER gets a pass? =oI

DON'T sign me up ... Just say NO to religion!

It's not murder, it's doing God's work. If it's for him, he's cool with it.

Man Kills 4-year-old "because he was gay"

PlayhousePals says...

Lemme get this straight ... according the black Hebrew's beliefs, suspected homosexuality is unforgivable but MURDER gets a pass? =oI

DON'T sign me up ... Just say NO to religion!

Neil DeGrasse Tyson on Big Think

Sepacore says...

With so many agreeable comments, i taught myself how to quote properly * pats himself on the back *

>> ^ChaosEngine:
If Yahweh showed up tomorrow, I'd start looking to form a resistance.
^ I'm in and have a bunch of analytical minded friends who would be gearing up before they even heard the word 'resistance'.

>> ^ChaosEngine:
pineapple on pizza is an unholy abomination
^ /agree re pineapple. It belongs on my pizza's as much as i belong in churches, it ruins the experience.

>> ^ChaosEngine:

There is another position on this: anti-theist. Most strongly evinced by Christopher Hitchens.

>> ^volumptuous:

Richard Dawkins' approach to this is the term "non-theist".

^ The terms 'Anti-Theist' and 'Non-Theist' are more sensible/respectable than 'Atheist' imo (more so after hearing Dawkins mention Afairyist), but i accept the latter as it requires less side-track debating over terminology.

>> ^Boise_Lib:

I really, really hope that Videosift5 gives the ability to spend a PP on a "super upvote" for comments. (or something similar).
@Sepacore would get mine!! (above)

^ Cheers

>> ^Boise_Lib:
I'm absolutely against anyone, or thing, that shows the pettiness, jealousy, and just plan babyishness of Yahweh having any control over human beings.

^ /agree

>> ^Boise_Lib:
But, what about something (this is why I don't use the word "god"), which is benevolently seeking knowledge through it's extrusions--(that's us)--into this space-time we inhabit.
If we are all part of this thing can it really be abhorrent?

^ .. make duck bills with your fingers, put them to your temples and open them up as you pull your hands away: you're blowing my mind.

>> ^Boise_Lib:
My point is if there is something else out there, we--as a species--have no idea what that might be (all religions are wrong).

^ /agree

>> ^Boise_Lib:
[Sidepoint: The mixture of taste sensations evinced by the salty, savory ham and the sweet, sour pineapple enmeshed in melty cheese is a glorious thing.]

^ * slumps down in a corner and cries softly while singing Amy Grant's 'Innocence Lost' (Christian music, lol Google FTW) *

I can't relive my life
I can't retrace my tracks
I can't undo what's done
There is no going back

I chased a selfish dream
Did not survey the cost
Illusions disappeared
I've found my innocence lost

Some say it's lessons learned
Some say it's a living life
I say it's choices made
Knowing wrong from right

>> ^ChaosEngine:
What I do have to contend with is mainstream religion (and while we're at it, faulty thinking around astrology, homoeopathy, etc).
^ worked in offices for past 5 years.. don't get me started on astrology and homeopathy. The girls and 1 guy don't care what i say about religions and Gods.. but the moment i open my mouth about those other 2.. (think it's because i kept showing them proofs against the practices)

I see the points you're making, but there's a lot more to an Agnostic position than there is to either of the extremes. For 1, there's room to fluctuate to either end of the extremes without having to make an incredible claim that simply can't be backup in any scientific way as there are always 'trump cards' for this subject.

Better than Physics, Cosmology, Chemistry and Biology, imo Psychology has the greatest chance of proving God doesn't exist, but unfortunately it's not going to be an actual 'proof', at best (and it irritates/pains me to say) it will only be a really good reason to 'believe' or suggest that Gods are most likely figments of our imaginations off of our preferences. Easily ignored when in the face of 'faith'.

Call it 'safe' or even 'fence sitting' if need be, but i call it the result of thinking about the subject and being honest enough to accept 'i, nor anyone, actually knows.. but i think X due to Y'.

I used to think an Atheistic position for scientists was logical off of the point of 'no proof, don't believe'. But the reality is that scientists do believe things without evidence, they work their butts off to prove the idea, and either succeed or prove the opposite, sometimes even discovering things they had no intention of or even an idea that they were close to.. point being there are stages where they have reason to believe but don't have proof and these stages can make getting funding quite difficult.

For a Scientist, publicly and privately resting on an agnostic position somewhere between the 2 ends of the scale is more reasonable/justifiable and less arrogant/distracting.

If you can't honestly state "I know there is no God" in any/every debate/discussion, then technically you're Agnostic (unless stating the complete opposite).. but like me would take up a stance a pin prick away from 1 of the 2 disingenuous and arrogant extremes (specifically the good one, that doesn't 'justify' us not caring about others).

>> ^VoodooV:

Ditto. Agnostic is the only sane choice. Fuck Atheists who want to put agnostics under their "umbrella"

^ If it ever started raining/reigning in the way and with the unforgiving dedications a number of religions have in the past, i hazard the guess you would likely jump under my umbrella quick smart when it was the only place that gave us both the option to state 'i don't know/care' and live to tell about it.

/Agree re the disapproval of Atheists disregarding the line.. but to this day, I've never met an 'Atheist' that definitively stated when pushed 'i know God doesn't exist'.

Paranoid Houston Cop is Paranoid

Jinx says...

Normally I'd be more inclined to defend the Cop...after all its not an easy or especially well payed job and they are still human but in this instance...yeah its pretty unforgivable. I couldn't quite believe it when he pulled out his weapon like that. Unreal.

I still wanna know why they were filming in a WalMart parking lot though. They were about to explain when the Cop so rudely interupted :3

'Noncognitive' Celebrities Push Anti-Gay Agenda -- TYT

Fletch says...

>> ^Trancecoach:

I for one think it's unforgivable.
>> ^Boise_Lib:
>> ^Trancecoach:
it's highly unlikely that what was written down in front of her was any different than what was shown on the screen.>> ^Boise_Lib:
>> ^Trancecoach:
Is it ironic that Ana reads the word "proactively" as the word "provocatively?"
she's so noncognitive.

Actually we don't know what was written down in front of her.

Unlikely or not, my point is that we don't know.
A mistake was made, but we have no evidence of who made it.

Do you also consider yourself glamorous?

'Noncognitive' Celebrities Push Anti-Gay Agenda -- TYT

Trancecoach jokingly says...

I for one think it's unforgivable.

>> ^Boise_Lib:

>> ^Trancecoach:
it's highly unlikely that what was written down in front of her was any different than what was shown on the screen.>> ^Boise_Lib:
>> ^Trancecoach:
Is it ironic that Ana reads the word "proactively" as the word "provocatively?"
she's so noncognitive.

Actually we don't know what was written down in front of her.

Unlikely or not, my point is that we don't know.
A mistake was made, but we have no evidence of who made it.

Christianity's "Good News" Summed Up Perfectly

shinyblurry says...

So, after reading this nonsense, I had to respond.

1) If you "know JC" and "believe in Him", going out and murdering a
few dozen people should not allow access to Heaven. So, by not
murdering said people, you are in fact "earning" your way in by acting
within the guidelines of said religion which also include "knowing JC"
and "believing in Him". The notion that someone who is of sound mind
and practices a religion that can then go out and break all the
guidelines set by it and still get in via grace is no place I would
want to exist for eternity.

Matthew 7:21-23

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’

And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

Hebrews 10:26-27

For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries.

Being a Christian isn't a free pass to sin. Anyone who is doing something like you described will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

2) If following God prevents mental illness (depression is a mental
illness), why does reading all of your commentary depress me so?
Shouldn't I feel better simply by reading all this nonsense? Plus I
think you should poll your fellow church goers to see how many are on
mood stabilizers or hit the bottle hard in the evenings. I don't
think strength = heavy drinking or pills.....or counseling or
therapy...or any other coping mechanism for that matter. I think
you'll find your list of people walking with the Lord is very small,
and that seems like they are forsaking him by their actions and
therefore would be denied entry into Heaven. It just doesn't make
sense for people to have to rely on external factors to stave off
depression if walking with Him prevents
mental illness, so the only
other explanation is they are faking it.

1 Corinthians 1:18

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

2 Timothy 1:7

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

No one is perfect and everyone has their speciai challenges but if someone is abusing medication and alcohol, they are definitely not following the Lord. Often times people have many areas in their life that they will not turn over to the Lord and they end up in situations like you're describing because of it. When you step out from under Gods protection you invite spiritual oppression into your life.

Atheists have a higher suicide rate. I argue this is because they
don't have the guidelines of a religion stating that suicide is a
unforgivable sin and that they are not fearful of missing out on
heaven/virgins/whatever. It's far too simple an answer to explain
away suicide as the forsaking of faith. But it's rather depressing to
know that your life has to remain shit because religious people hold
sway in many decisions that are contrary to scientific
evidence....preventing others from alleviating suffering. Stem cells,
certain drugs, scientific research, etc.

The problem is the evil that dwells in the hearts of men, which is universal and trancends all borders, boundaries, religions, creeds, races, and other human demarcations. To blame religion for all the evil in the world is to be looking at the symptom and not the cause.

It strikes me as supremely arrogant to assume that your will and wish
is the will of your deity, and that free will of others should be
suppressed because they aren't in lockstep with your beliefs.

It's not for my benefit that I tell you any of this, it is because I care about you and because the Lord commanded me to do so. I am telling you what Gods word says, not what I say.

I am not quoting you because you asked me to, although I think its pretty ridiculous to talk to someone you're ignoring and then tell them not to talk to you.

Christianity's "Good News" Summed Up Perfectly

Porksandwich says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

You can't earn your way into Heaven. We are saved by grace, which is unmerited favor. So, even if you did better works than 10 Mother Teresas, if you don't know Jesus Christ, you are still dead in your sins. It's only through Him that we are redeemed, and not by our works, but only our faith in Him is what justifies us.
If you're walking with the Lord then you are not going to commit suicide. The salvation of anyone doing so is in doubt. God gives us the strength to overcome, but when you walk away from Him you open yourself to spiritual oppression, which is where feelings of depression and suicide come from. So, anyone getting to that point had probably been walking away for awhile.

>> ^Porksandwich:
I wouldn't say Im an atheist, but I certainly don't follow any organized religions. I generally like logical answers, atheism usually has those when it comes to religion vs science discussions......but I also don't like people who say that all religions are 100% wrong. I like to think that all of them have a bit of truth to them, and people are too focused on the rest of the crap associated with it that the overall message is lost. Think of them as exaggerated stories, fairy tales, mythology.....just general stories that pass on a code of conduct and some lessons.
Now with that said. I have always wondered if the idea of suicide being a mortal sin is what keeps many religious followers from killing themselves as soon as they find the religion that gives them the best "deal". It's how terrorists operate, it's what nut jobs on the news use as an excuse to kill their kids and "save" them. I mean you are basically living your life by a set of commandments/codes/whatever and doing things to "earn" your way in. You live this life, for an eternal one.....but it seems like too many just look at the destination and ignore the journey. Kind of a, it sucks now and we can't do anything about it (we're being tested, it's a trial, it's our punishment, it's whatever), but eventually we'll get to <insert "heaven" equivalent here>.

I normally have you ignored, but apparently the site still sends emails when an ignored person quotes or mentions you (consider this a bug report to whomever I am supposed to report these to) and it also includes their text.

So, after reading this nonsense, I had to respond.

1) If you "know JC" and "believe in Him", going out and murdering a few dozen people should not allow access to Heaven. So, by not murdering said people, you are in fact "earning" your way in by acting within the guidelines of said religion which also include "knowing JC" and "believing in Him". The notion that someone who is of sound mind and practices a religion that can then go out and break all the guidelines set by it and still get in via grace is no place I would want to exist for eternity.

2) If following God prevents mental illness (depression is a mental illness), why does reading all of your commentary depress me so? Shouldn't I feel better simply by reading all this nonsense? Plus I think you should poll your fellow church goers to see how many are on mood stabilizers or hit the bottle hard in the evenings. I don't think strength = heavy drinking or pills.....or counseling or therapy...or any other coping mechanism for that matter. I think you'll find your list of people walking with the Lord is very small, and that seems like they are forsaking him by their actions and therefore would be denied entry into Heaven. It just doesn't make sense for people to have to rely on external factors to stave off depression if walking with Him prevents mental illness, so the only other explanation is they are faking it.

Atheists have a higher suicide rate. I argue this is because they don't have the guidelines of a religion stating that suicide is a unforgivable sin and that they are not fearful of missing out on heaven/virgins/whatever. It's far too simple an answer to explain away suicide as the forsaking of faith. But it's rather depressing to know that your life has to remain shit because religious people hold sway in many decisions that are contrary to scientific evidence....preventing others from alleviating suffering. Stem cells, certain drugs, scientific research, etc.

It strikes me as supremely arrogant to assume that your will and wish is the will of your deity, and that free will of others should be suppressed because they aren't in lockstep with your beliefs.

Please don't quote me or tag me if you respond to this, hopefully they'll fix the ignore function a little better in the future.

The Amazing Spider-Man - Trailer

MadSentinel says...

Regardless of whether the actual film sucks or not, this trailer has unforgivably bad music mixing going on. Zero punch whatsoever. The E.S. Posthumus mix from the original Sam Raimi film's first big trailer makes this sound like a kindergarten kazoopalooza.

Actually, the kindergarten kazoopalooza would have sounded better. It would at least have scored points for bravery.

And exactly who is supposed to fill the enormous galoshes left by J K Simmons as J Jonah Jameson? Probably a very hard-working, well-intentioned actor with no shortage of talent, but I feel for him, whoever he may be, without even having seen his face or heard his voice. Clearly the studio saw fit not to include him in this trailer.

I want to believe this won't be a bad film. It will be a very long time before a real-life President lives up to the fictional model created by Martin Sheen. I have zero beef with Denis Leary as Captain Stacey, nor with Rhys Ifans as Curt Connors, even as badly as I wanted to see Dylan Baker do it under Raimi's skilled hand. I want to give people a fair shot at doing good work. But the leadup to this film ain't making it easy.

[EDIT] -- Just to prove the point, it's a poor quality link, but THIS is how you mix a trailer:

I miss Sam Raimi mixing with Marvel, but I have reasonably high hopes for Joss Whedon.

original everquest is not hard-part 1

rychan says...

Everquest was pretty hard. Or maybe unforgiving is the better word. It was easy to lose hours of experience.

I started playing on PvP servers. People could loot your equipment. Unless you had it in a container. So if you thought you would die you'd start bagging all of your equipment.

Also, it's hard to believe that this is what EQ looks like after graphical upgrades.

original everquest is not hard-part 1

Watch Rick Perry's Campaign End Before Your Eyes

ponceleon says...

Frankly I don't see it as that bad in the grand scheme of things. Like a lot of people have said: even the best of us have a brain fart here and there.

Still, the presidential race is an unforgiving one. Remember how Dean lost his chance just because of an excited yell at a rally?

A meme can be the death of a candidate's chances...

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