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Flag Desecration

newtboy says...

Big surprise, @bobknight33 can’t understand what’s anti American even when it’s clearly spelled out in the US code….but you can’t read or write English above a second grade level (proven once again by this barely literate post), so it’s not that surprising.

Being against fascism and for the freedom to do what you want with your own body are VERY American sentiments, buddy. Again, no surprise you don’t understand. You believe we should have Christian Shariah law and no freedom of religion or bodily autonomy, and want to Make America Great Again like you think it hasn’t been since women and non whites got to vote.

Wearing an American flag as clothing, or defacing one to make a political statement is 100% AntiAmerican. I know, MAGA loves to do both of those things, so without putting two brain cells together you just insist that’s wrong, despite it being clearly stated in US law. Truth is that’s the least unAmerican thing MAGA has done…but it’s still actually an anti-American crime that carries a one year sentence.

Supporting an abusive civil servant displaying an anti American terroristic gang symbol of division that’s also undeniably a desecration of the American flag on a police uniform is about as unAmerican as it gets. Derp.

Again, your damaged little brain misfires…I’m hell bent against corrupt abusive cops because I love America, ya ijit.
(Btw- having a bent means having an aptitude, natural ability, capacity, or knack…so thanks for the unintentional compliment when you said I’m good at opposing corrupt cops.)

Enjoy watching MAGA eat itself and the Republican Party with it. Bankrupt in multiple states and physically fighting each other at GOP meetings. Talk about trash people! There is no group more trashy than MAGA, untouchable orphans in India are less trashy. 😂

bobknight33 said:

This if you anti American? -- Grow up
You have such a bent against cops and America, just leave, and go some place that will make you happier.

If you want to see anti Americans just watch ANTIFA and that fruit loop community protesting -- Trash people

Violent brawl at Disneyland

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

Briguy1960 says...

I would disagree on your description of the news media as it stands today.
I refuse to call it unbiased when I see an agenda,
an obvious agenda to discredit Trump at most anything he does.
CNN isn't the only trashy one.
I stick Fox in there as well but both have moments of clarity when they do simply report the news without adding their own bias to it or even editing out certain parts to make it look worse.
As an example I used to hate that Gutfield character on Fox News but anymore I find I agree with him on the insanity going on.
He has made several jabs at Trump as well.
How can you not call CNN fake news when the majority of their programming is all about Trump in a negative light?
The day of the mass shooting of Jews CNN said one minute they needed to try to cool things off with Trump etc and the next I knew they were right back bashing him.
I'd say about half an hour tops they held off the bashing.
If you are insanely jealous of Trumps winning ways than I can see how you may think CNN is legit.
Acosta wasn't even close to being civil.
Watch the original clip again and see how long he grandstanded for.
He does this far too often.
If you are that dense you need Jim Acosta to harass the President to show you what's up then I feel bad for you.
He could be much more effective if he was more professional and probably a much greater thorn in Trumps side.

mentality said:

A journalist's job isn't just to sit there and passively report what Trump says to you - that would be no different than any official party propaganda. Move to North Korea if that's what you want from your reporters. The media IS the conscience of any democracy, and it is their job to hold Trump accountable for his brazen lies.

That is why the first thing any fascist, communist, and/or dictatorship does to consolidate power is to attack the media and end free press. Trump is doing the same, lying to gullible people like you to discredit any news source that doesn't work in his favor. His lies seems to have worked on you because somehow you think CNN is the "trashiest", when there are things like Fox, Sinclair, and Breitbart, which are no longer news but have moved fully into the realm of blatant propaganda.

And it's laughable that Trump supporters are now crying for respect, when they showed no such thing to Obama. Just your every day Republican hypocrisy.

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets | Final Trailer

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Agreed - Lucy was dreck. 5th Element was kind of trashy, but Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman and Chris Tucker made it great.

HenningKO said:

He disappointed me with Lucy, but Fifth Element is my favorite EVER, so... here's hoping... here's hyping.

And yes... I heard Coolio!

The Best of James Randi

ulysses1904 says...

If you can find it check out the book about an Alice Cooper 1973 tour called "Billion Dollar Baby". James Randi was part of the tour as he designed the guillotine and gallows the band used. He's quite the character in the book.

That book is also interesting because it was written by Bob Greene, who became infamous for his own reasons. And the Cooper band members resented him for writing what they felt was a trashy skewed version of his time with them on that tour.

Independence Day 2 Resurgence: Trailer

poolcleaner says...

There's nothing quite like a trashy scifi with some money and some history behind it. Also, didn't you know, if you take a shitty scifi script all you need to do is add some Jeff Goldblum and now it's a cult classic. This recipe has been around for as long as Jeff Goldblum has acted.

artician said:

Looks so terrible. Look at that obvious set @ 0:23s; though not quite as bad as their technology design. The assault rifles look horrible. Unless they blow up Earth, this is going to be a trainwreck.

killer clown pranks-episodes from vegas

lucky760 says...

Fuck them. Down-vote with a vengeance.

I can't stand people terrorizing innocent strangers to get their jollies, nor can I stand that there are so many people who enjoy this trashy smut.

Not at all entertaining or humorous, especially when the sound of the genuine dread in that girl's screams are echoing what's becoming more and more commonplace in real life.

Uwe Boll Takes His Ball and Goes Home

JustSaying says...

That's the interesting thing, the less his movies have to do with games, the better they get. Postal itself is a game with barely a story, so there's less to fuck up. It's also a game whose main goal is to be offensive, exactly what Uwe does best. That's why Postal is his best videogame adaption.
Sure, he's always trashy but it's evident that he does the game adaptions for money and uses that to fund projects that interest him. Now, this doesn't work anymore and Uwe has the choice to continue being delusional or embrace his status as a western Godfrey Ho.

wax66 said:

I've also cheered for his retirement from the movie making world, especially due to the German tax laws he exploited. However, as a friend pointed out, he's really good at being really bad at making movies.

For a good example, my favorite movie of his is Postal. It is so absolutely horrible that I actually enjoyed it. Don't pay for it, though, he doesn't deserve any residuals. The whole movie is on YouTube, strangely enough. If you watch it and feel like you should pay, just send money directly to Dave Foley.

White girls Caribana !

Jon Stewart's 19 Tough Questions for Libertarians!

enoch says...


i would be totally on board with a massive re-structuring of the corporate charter.

might i suggest we return the clause "for the good of the people"?
and force responsibility financial and otherwise when a corporation causes damage to either the enviroment or society at large.

adam smith said"only with absolute liberty can a free market truly exist".
we do not have absolute liberty nor a free market.
we have a protectionist government which serves the needs of the corporate elite.
and those needs simply translate to :less competition...for them.

which is the point i think you were trying to make and on that note i agree.
but i think the leviathan is a far larger beast and will not be dismissed so easily.

power begets power and seeks only to retain its power.

we have to get money out of politics.
money should never equal free speech,yet sadly that is where we find ourselves to day.

corporations spend billions towards influencing legislation favorable to their bottom line.i read somewhere that for every dollar spent they receive 22,000 from the beneficial legislation.

so not only is out government bought and paid for...they are more trashy than the 10 dollar crack whore.

the only thing that has ever worked to change things...ever.
is the people.
social movements.
we need to starve the beast.

in my opinion the very first step to even BEGIN to make that move forward is we need to fix our fourth estate,or at the very least ridicule and dismiss the fucking circus that we know as corporate media news.
its not news.
its propaganda.

i really think that most people would agree to an extent on what your saying blankie but the reality does not reflect the dream and may be why some people dismiss the notion as silly.

@JiggaJonson brought up a good point and is actually a great way to start to starve the beast.
civil disobedience in the form of refusal to participate in the system.
dont file your taxes.
dont buy car insurance or register your vehicle.
cut up your credit cards and dont pay them.
buy local,from family owned establishments (so your money stays local).

but in my experience most americans do not like being uncomfortable nor afraid and doing these things will bring both to your doorstep.

i always said the american revolution will commence the moment they take away their cable tv.

Brawl at Pride Fest in Seattle

chingalera says...

Looks like the bored angry fat guys' a prick regardless of his sexual orientation, politics, or religious affiliation/lack thereof-A pricks' a pricks' a prick. And looky-there's his pitchforked-pal trashy Betty trailer-park in her striped-shirt with her bitch-torch!! Pricks and bitches roll together.

Hansel & Gretel Get Baked Official Trailer #1 (2013) - Molly

Fuel thieves fail

She can cook AND shake her ass like a pro

TYT - Romney Gets Two HUGE Endorsements

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