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The Predator | Teaser Trailer

Michelle Wolf at 2018 White House Correspondents' Dinner

newtboy says...

Yes....but the correspondents dinner is historically a light roast of the administration, one they are expected to attend and laugh at. By it's own standards, this year was fairly tame, but still way too much for the baby in chief and his babysitters who simply cannot take 1/10 of the disrespect they dish out.

We can't abandon humor at the right's expense just because they're incredibly thin skinned babies.

ChaosEngine said:

Trump is a fucking disaster at every conceivable level. He's a terrible president, a shitty businessman and a failure on the most basic human levels.

The question is: do we call this a special circumstance and disregard our own standards of civil discourse? Do we NEED to abandon etiquette (and possibly ethics) because the alternative is so much worse?

Or does that just play into his hands? Insulting Trump like this is kinda like playing chess with a pigeon — it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory.

And THAT is his one skill.

Michelle Wolf at 2018 White House Correspondents' Dinner

entr0py says...

Yeah, it turns out the administration is full of humorless thin-skinned assholes. That's the subtle context that tends to go unreported.

L0cky said:

Was avoiding watching this as I was getting hints it was a cringeworthy bomb from the news headlines.

"Number 13" Sci-Fi Short Film - DUST Exclusive Premiere

jmd says... Why is it so hard to write a good script? A story board? A director who has seen a movie or two? Lets CinimaSins this bitch;

1. opening shot is two shots at very wrong focal lengths, or that hole is actually very small.

2. One would think pre rendered special effects would not have issues with limited fill rates, but this comet clearly looks like its using a smoke trail from a video game on minimum graphic settings. You can count the number of particles on one hand.

3. For a desert nomad in a sand storm, she has an amazingly clean face, also, hoods that pull forward?

4. nomad is pointing at the clear as day impact landing of meteor as if it NEEDED to be pointed out.

5. a fairly large amount of simulated camera shake despite flames being so thin they don't smoke.

6. A horribly done transition shot where the boy is surrounded by smoke, fire, and lava, all except in the direction the camera is pointing.

7. Large tank army that no one notices until it passes them.

8. Physics, or lack of. the entire scene. Those 2 bypeds look like they were motioned captured by a two year old playing with his toys.

9. The expression on the boys face of surprise makes no sense for a robot of some sort who has crashed to the surface of a planet of which he had full intention of kicking ass in. The scowl afterwards makes it even more awkward.

10. what then proceeds is what can best be described as live gameplay from a random indie game from the steam store that utilizes a mostly black color pallet to hide the fact that nothing is texture mapped, low polygon models, and something that only slightly passes as a physics engine. (Health Talk Post)

Brandobland says...

.Volidian By the by, be mindful on the off chance that you make a respectable endeavor, this can impel hindering of the pores. Do I have to support the skin around my eyes? The skin around the eyes does not contain fat tissue and, in this way, is thin and helpless against wrinkles. Exceptional creams for the skin around the eyes
[url redacted]

b4rringt0n (Member Profile)

How Star Wars The Last Jedi Should Have Ended

notarobot says...

I think you misunderstand my opinion of TLJ here.

Had this video been used to build a script for TLJ, it would have been better than TLJ because ANYTHING would have been better.

As evidence, we can compare TLJ to a two-hour video of a garbage fire, and indeed, the garbage fire would have had better writing.

The movie was terrible.

If they were going to have vaudevillian humour in the opening scenes with Poe prank-calling Hux---while dozens of star destroyers with hundreds (thousands?) of fighters sit there idle----they may as well have gone full 'Snakes on a Plane' B-movie fan service and let Ackbar do the same thing with an "it's a trap" gag. But that wouldn't do, because that would involve some kind of consistency. And one thing I can't stand is scripts and characters in stories that contradict their own being.

e.g. Luke "I see good in the most evil villain of movie history" Skywalker considering killing his own nephew, because maybe he's too far gone. Darth Vader wasn't too far gone, but somehow the son of Leia and Han was? See how that kinda goes against Luke's character? There are a million ways they could have written the fall of Ben Solo into the dark side that didn't involve violating the essence of existing characters.

A garbage fire wouldn't have done that. A garbage fire would have known better.

TLJ was terrible movie that just happened to have the massive budget for some cool special-effects scenes and some A-list actors wasted on an awful script with a thin, scattered plot.

Now maybe TLJ is your favourite movie, and if so, whatevs. We just have different taste I guess. I'm not going to get into a flame war over a garbage-fire.

ChaosEngine said:

No, it wouldn’t. That’s the joke here. It’s pointing out how cliched and boring that would have been.

Don’t get me wrong, TLJ had its problems, but the obvious fan boy criticisms (Holdo, Luke, etc) are not the right ones.

Granted, this is all subjective.

Why is some racism still ok?

NaMeCaF says...

Woke? Everyone's thin-skinned little bitches now who think no one should ever be "offended" in their entire life. Well I find that offensive, so fuck off

SpaceX Iridium 4 Launch from Alhambra, CA

BSR says...

I lived in Cape Canaveral for 35 years. I watched all but 5 shuttle launches and many Delta, Atlas and other rockets. Each unique in it's own way. This launch was spectacular in that the lighting helped illuminate the plume in a way that normally is unseen in a bright sky or total darkness.

Another cool effect when conditions are right during a launch is when a rocket breaks the sound barrier while penetrating thin clouds. It creates what's known as a Sun Dog. The shock wave creates a ripple effect that resembles ripples going across the surface of water. The effect at night can be illuminated by the rocket's bright plume rather than the sun.

A Good American - Trailer

bobknight33 says...

This documentary is about NSA annalist William Binney and his method to look at data. Hind sight connected the dots to 911.
NSA would rather use 911 as a trigger to get money from government for next 15 years than use William Binney Thin Thread program..

Victim Gets Revenge On Bully By Dating His Mom

newtboy says...

If he had called the station, I would agree, but they called him. She made it public.
If his plan worked as he planned it, she would never have known, only her bully of a son would know.
I agree, it's a douchey plan to start with and he's an SOB, but I think you misunderstood what happened. He doesn't seem like he intended her to be hurt, but he's also clearly not sorry about it.

EDIT...but her response about the bullying, "you probably deserved it", leads me to believe she probably protected and excused her bully of a son as a child, saying the same thing when presented with proof of his actions instead of reprimanding him. He's right, that behavior doesn't come out of thin air, it's learned, not that that excuses his douchbaggery.

eric3579 said:

Not ftw, and not a victim anymore imo. Now he's just an asshole. He had to make it public by calling a radio station. Stupid as fuck. I'm guessing karma will bite him in the ass. No one wants someone like that working for them.

Vox: Why America still uses Fahrenheit

TheFreak says...

Maybe there's no logical reason to have different systems but the reasons to have only one system are kind of thin. I am perfectly capable of using more than one system and I find that I prefer different systems for different uses. I can use imperial measurements when I build a shed and metric when I do engineering calculations. When I cook, I might use cups and tablespoons to make chili but I use grams to measure ingredients when I bake bread. And if you prefer one or the other, I can adapt. Humans are good at that. ;-)

Extend the argument and it's not logical for the world to speak more than one language. Translating between languages is a whole lot more work than translating temperature scales. We should all speak Mandarin, because it's the most spoken language in the world. But my best friend's 2 year old speaks Mandarin AND English. I suspect he'll be just fine.

Anyway, long story short, I agree we should all know how to use the metric system. That doesn't mean we all need to use it for everything.

ChaosEngine said:

Nope, she proves it.

"but you can easily convert it!!"

Yeah, but it's a pointless waste of time. It took 10 secs for that conversion in the video. There are 323 million people in the US. If 1% of the population did the conversion once a month, that's still over 100,000 hours wasted every year (and in the real world, the figure is likely several orders of magnitude higher).

There is no good reason whatsoever to use imperial measurements.

Low-Fat Foods Are Making You Fatter - Adam Ruins Everything

transmorpher says...

How ironic that the part where they talk about misrepresenting studies that they reference Gary Taubes, who's made a living misrepresenting science.

It's a common thing to compare fat vs sugar to make carbs look bad. But when you actually eat proper carbs (not sugar) then carbs win every time.

These people who ate 80% carbs, and only 10% fat, and effortlessly lose weight without calorie restriction or exercise:

Also the fat you eat really is the fat you wear. They can radioactively mark it and find it again in your body.

Despite sugar consumption going down, diabetes and heart-disease is rising too.

Regardless of any study. Try eating 80/10/10 for a few weeks, and you'll see the results for yourself. Stuff your face with this food

There's no portion or calorie restriction. Eat yourself thin.

Edit: And yes fat does definitely contribute to weight gain and heart-disease, take it from the only cardiologist to ever reverse heart-disease

Straight is the new gay - Steve Hughes

newtboy says...

Can't argue that. I've been in California so long that the idea of smoking inside a business didn't even occur to me. The 'in private homes with children and apartments or townhouses' part I find draconian and unenforceable...and we have them here.
On a side note, I also find it distasteful that cigars get lumped in with cigarettes. As far as I know, there have been few if any studies on second hand cigar smoke, which has none of the toxic additives most cigarettes have so produce a different smoke. I'm not saying it's good for you, just that it hasn't been proven to be the same kind of toxicity....yet they are now taxed the same here, doubling the price overnight. (If you can't tell, I'm bitter, I can't afford them now)

True, cars have far more utility (except to tobacco farmers) but are also far more damaging in many ways. It's not meant to be a logical argument, it's more about getting people to see that they also pollute the air (a normal complaint I hear about smokers) in a directly more deadly and indirectly disastrous way, and I hope they will consider that before angrily deriding someone for a cigarette. It's a disguised 'people in glass houses' argument.

Sadly, yes, smoking is an easy target today....alcohol could be tomorrow, or marijuana again (just became legal here)....I don't like our governments going after the easy targets heavy handedly just because they can. It's too easy to portray something or someone as an easy target and go after it solely because a small persuasive group finds it distasteful.

To play devils advocate, there are a few positive sides to smoking...smoking tastes good (to smokers), it acts as a stimulant/depressant and appetite suppressor, it supports an industry of farmers and for cigars, hand rollers, and it helps thin out the herd. ;-)

ChaosEngine said:

First, I'm not talking about smoking outdoors. The conversation specifically relates to pubs (and restaurants, I guess). If you want to smoke outdoors, it's not such a big deal.

Second, cars have utility. Whether you think more people should cycle or use public transport or whatever, you can't argue that banning cars wouldn't be a massive shock to the economy, and the way people live. Smoking? Not so much.

Finally, smoking tends to get it in the neck, because it's EASY to regulate. Regulating healthy food is a nightmare, considering there isn't even universal agreement on what constitutes a healthy diet. But there's no positive side to smoking, so it tends to get regulated.

Comey Testifies Under Oath That Trump Lied Repeatedly

bobknight33 says...

Of all the 4 hours of testimony this is what you post.

Really? You boss never lied to you?

Boss tells me I am great. I'm going a great job. I need you ..Your fired.

This never happens to anyone????????

This is a big nothing burger. Comey is either too thin skinned or a BSer.

I know a guy that got a pay raise at noon and laid off at 5 the same day.

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