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Tabs v(ersu)s Spaces from Silicon Valley S3E6

lucky760 says...

Was just having this discussion the other day.

It's one of the very rare things where a Mike Judge product doesn't make much sense [unintentionally].

It's nonsensical argue for a smaller file size. But on the other side of the coin, it screws everyone else up if you use tabs because then whenever other developers open the file and they [rightly] use spaces, they're screwed.

Anyway, check out that link I included above. The comparison between income of US developer and India developer is shocking.

Pandamonium as a lady just tries to do her job

Payback says...

Pretty sure this is exactly what's supposed to be happening. Otherwise she'd just sweep the leaves under the door and collect them on the other side.

Bernie Sanders shows support for aims of Jeremy Corbyn

dannym3141 says...

The outcome was astonishing, even i couldn't believe it and i've been campaigning for it since 2015. All of this might be out of date 3 hours after i post it, because things are happening fast.

Theresa May has decided to go into government with the DUP propping her up. If you have kept up in the last 6 weeks or so with all the smears about Corbyn/IRA/Sinn Fein and terrorism, then you should understand that the DUP is basically the *other* side of the irish conflict. They are socially conservative and many of their beliefs fall in line with sharia laws; abortion illegal (including for sexual assault or incest cases), homophobia wrong and harmful to society, creationist beliefs, climate change deniers. That list might have less impact to some in the US but in British politics, it's out there on the fringe, quite extreme.

In a month from tomorrow there will be the July marches in Northern Ireland (and elsewhere in UK), and we already saw a march yesterday where unionists (~DUP supporters) trashed a nationalist pub (~Sinn Fein supporters).

So now consider. Nationalists have been dragged through the dirt by Conservative MPs and in the press; accused of being terrorists in order to smear Corbyn to stop him getting power. Whereas unionists are being courted by the Conservative government, and the press turning a blind eye to the DUP and their connections to domestic terrorism.

The northern irish peace process was a great achievement and still stands despite bad feeling on both sides. Part of the good friday agreement that ensures this peace says that the UK and Irish governments must act as neutral mediators in times of disagreement between factions in NI.

So now it becomes clear why Jeremy Corbyn refused to criticise either the unionists or the nationalists in particular - as a true leader with a fucking brain in his head, he understood that to take sides or score points would be to risk Britain's safety and the safety of communities in NI. The reason people were able to smear him as a terrorist sympathiser and danger to this country is *because* he refused to say or do anything that endangered this country.

And it becomes rather worrying that the tories have risked all of that hard work and all of our safety in order to keep power for just a little bit longer. There are already talks of a legal challenge from nationalists.

The good side to this is that it seems doomed to failure. May's credibility is broken, in the UK and in Europe. The alliance with the DUP almost certainly can't happen or last very long. The only alternative leaders to May would make the Conservatives less popular. Polls that saw this surge coming are predicting now that Labour would do even better if another election happened right now. The last time this happened was Ted Heath, whose minority government did not last long, and Labour took over after a few days, and won an election a few months later.

Austerity is well and truly broken as an ideology.

Oh, and all the talk of "the death of social democracy" in europe was actually the death of triangulating centrists who have become completely alienated from ordinary people. Socialism lives.

Bear Breaks Into Colorado Home, Plays Piano

ulysses1904 says...

Many years ago I was up all night reading "The Exorcist". And we had an old piano on other side of the wall behind my headboard. One of our cats leaped onto the piano keys and it made a sound pretty much like the bear made. You can imagine my reaction.

Cop Pepper Spraying Teenage Girl

newtboy says...

Yes, that's where we differ, because she sure didn't seem to be trying to leave to me, just had an inability to stand still under stress, like many 15 year olds. (And as I've said, it's the macing a handcuffed, secured girl that's out of line imo, the manhandling was just more than needed and was certain to escalate problems rather than solve them, so not smart but on the low end of the scale of acceptability, the macing was a pure assault in my eyes, for no good reason beyond sadism. It was not the right way to get her in the car.)

Keep in mind, she gets on her bike and rides (slowly) with ZERO complaint from the officer she's right in front of, he LET her do it, then got pissed off that she did it. WTF?!
Again, this could have been solved with a simple command to sit down, a command they did not give. Also, detained is not under arrest. You are under zero obligation to submit to detention. If they thought she was leaving the scene, they should have arrested her. Instead, they said repeatedly that they were detaining her for 'cooperation of investigation' (not a crime) and a medical release (something they probably need for their own liability purposes, but not something they can arrest a person for as far as I know).

Yes, the little girl was in the wrong...did my saying exactly that confuse you?

Yes, I absolutely think that if an officer pepper sprayed another officer's child for something the first officer screwed up (like failing to put her all the way in the car) the parent would go ballistic and matter how their child had acted. Rude behavior is not a threat, the only legitimate reason to use force. I don't think they would see it like you do if it was their child.
Yes, they would also probably reprimand the child too, but bad manners do not excuse assault with a weapon on a handcuffed detainee.

There was no reason to use mace, the proper response is to pull her into the car from the other side.

Your analogy only works if the wolf hounds go after the sheep when there's not a wolf in sight.

Hours? Really? Try an extra 10 seconds to avoid 15 minutes of battle and days of court. "Sit down" doesn't take even that. If they don't have the patience to verbalize the instructions they want followed, they should quit. Deescalation is their job, and they absolutely failed, as they often do.

Remember, they repeatedly say they're only detaining her because she may need medical treatment, then they treat her in a way that ensures she needs medical treatment. If they were really trying to help her, they failed so utterly miserably that they all should quit today...but we know that was bullshit lies, right?

I'm guessing you've never had a gun to your head and a knee on your neck face down in a gutter because an officer made a mistake reading your licence plate and had zero patience for the car thief he was taking down, followed by threats of retaliation if you report them. You might give them less cooperation and leeway if you had.

bcglorf said:

We really do see an entirely different world.

Millennial Home Buyer

SDGundamX says...

LOL, East Palo Alto. I volunteered at the Boys and Girls Club there for a year when I lived in Mountain View. Two cops got shot and East Palo Alto had the highest murder rate ever that year. It's utterly insane how on one side of the 101 you have these multi-million dollar mansions and Stanford University and on the other side you have gangland.

Meanwhile, back on topic, when I moved to Mountain View in 2002 my rent was $800 a month for a studio apartment. The rent went up by $100 a year every year until I finally called it quits in 2007 when they wanted to charge me $1300 a month. I gave up ever actually being able to own a home in the Bay Area (let alone rent) and left in 2009.

In Japan now, and things aren't quite as bad as the Bay Area, but we've been house hunting recently and we're shocked at the disparity between what we want versus what we can actually afford, even with both us being full-time professionals. I know that 2nd place he goes to is supposed to be a joke but it's not that far off from the truth, at least as far as our experiences go. While the places we've been shown by the real estate agent are certainly habitable, they aren't particularly nice. So we're going to have to decide whether we want to live someplace not so great with the advantage being the mortgage will be paid off by the time we retire or just rent in a place we're comfortable with and wind up having to really budget hard after retirement since rent will consume a sizable portion of our pensions/social security.

newtboy said:

I stand corrected.

Some of those didn't even look horrible. I just did a quick Zillow search, obviously they don't have every listing, but I thought they were better than that.
I still can't believe what my brother got for his rat nest, but it is under 10 blocks from UT. Location, location, location.

I agree, a bad Austin neighborhood is like a great LA neighborhood. I lived in East Palo Alto for years, so I know bad neighborhoods. ;-)

Pipe Cutting Mistake

Khufu says...

the camera man's little look over to the front-end loader supporting the other side of the cut makes me think he new exactly what was about to happen.

Destroying A Classic Morgan

eric3579 says...

I think that he took just a glance and saw the car being far away. The problem being a glance doesn't allow you to figure out how fast a car is going (closing on your position). You need to stop and take a good look for you to figure the closing speed and distance. I notice this constantly when im riding my bike and (illegally) crossing a particular major road in my area. As im crossing the first three lanes i glance to traffic coming on the other side (opposite direction) and have often seen a car pretty far away but when i stop in the island I realize that the car was going so fast i would never had made it although my brain had figured it had been far enough away when i took that first glance. If that makes sense.

entr0py said:

I think that Morgan driver just didn't even take a glance at oncoming traffic. He didn't think, "well, I've got enough pickup to get in front of that car 2 seconds away"

Epic Anti-texting rant

scheherazade says...

Serious question :

How does he know why someone [he could not see prior to the accident, given that they came from oncoming traffic on the other side of a wide median] lost control?

I mean, it's cool and all to bash texting... but was that the case here, or is it just internet circle jerking?


Roger Stone: Trump's Albino Assassin

Rex Murphy | Free speech on campus

Imagoamin says...

I never claimed to or would say I speak for all of any group. Congrats on assuming.

I fail to see how fighting against equal protection for trans people under hate crime laws isn't transphobic. And his flimsy defense of "it will force me to call someone something i dont want to" isn't true of the bill in the slightest if you read the thing and mostly a smoke screen for his distaste for trans acceptance. The place where Peterson works adopted almost identical protection for trans individuals in 2014. But he hasn't noticed or been effected... because it doesn't do what he thinks.

And your analogy is stupid and reductive. Someone being upset they can't call people "faggot" anymore because of PC nonsense doesn't put you on the same level of marginalized groups fighting for basic rights anymore than his refusal to accept that trans people get to self identify / get equal protection puts him anywhere close to the trans and gay people fighting at Stonewall for the right to exist.

Regardless of all of that, I wasn't talking to you and I was offering someone who seemed genuinely interested in the other side some view of that side. I'm not interested in the vitriol from some rando on the internet who has made being "anti-sjw/anti-feminist" an identity.

Asmo said:

1. You don't speak for all trans/POC/gays etc, so you can only describe your personal experience. There are a number of documented trans people who agree with Peterson and don't want the state strong arming people in to mouthing the words...

2. Peterson does not promote transphobia, he resists being forced to speak certain words. They are not synonymous. If the fuckwits yelling their heads off spent the time to listen, they'd understand that.

3. Peterson was fine with the idiots at the event chucking a trantrum because it showed them up to be the intolerant idiots, not him. He was calm and reasonable, and if they had listened to him then put questions to him, they may have advanced whatever cause they claim to represent. Instead they came across as a pack of morons. /shrug

4. You talk about drawing lines around things, lines that should not be crossed, but without people daring to propose going outside those lines, gay rights would not be a thing... You see? It takes a brave person to step outside the lines and propose something that may be offensive to some. Same with women rights, transgender folk etc.

5. You have the right to be offended. You do not have the right to not be offended.

6. Mobs strongarming people in to silence has far more to do with Nazi ideology than resisting being forced to speak certain words. It's okay to punch Nazi's right?? \= )

Mark Levin Provides Proof Obama Admin Wiretapped Trump Tower

bobknight33 says...

I did nothing of the wort.

I posted what seems to be the author ( loosely used ) that started all this mess this weekend. All Mark did is pointed to 3 or 4 news articles. I was just documenting where this all started. No more no less. There press articles were all biased left and indicated that Obama is implicated. Why wold Left wing Obama fanboys new papers write such lies?

You and the other Leftest sifters voted this video off the site...Typical of your kind.. Can't listen to the other side... Oh Fuck no... Can't have fail and balance.

Then again this is about as much proof as the Democrats and main stream media has on any Trump / Russian collusion. Isn't it?

Granted NSA records everything. They even have Hillary's missing 33 thousand missing emails.

This does not give any government person the right to leak such data. That would be subversion.

You and the media have said that this Trump evidence/intelligence WAS gathered before Trump took office, lets see it. There are plenty of anti TRUMP on both sides for this to come out.

Government works so slowly there will never be proof. There are allies on both sides. Proof will never see the light of day.

Democrats just use false stories to keep Trump off balanced and hopes he falls. Trump just playing their game.

newtboy said:

YET.....but note the left isn't claiming there's publicly available proof, but you just posted some lies and called it proof. There is more evidence daily that indicates they almost certainly colluded with Russia from day one as a group, but I agree, no undeniable proof....yet.

And the fact that proof has yet to be made public actually makes it sad this red herring is more, now admitted, bullshit. If only it were true we would have that proof of collusion....but no worries. We record all telephone conversations the ambassador has in America, and clearly Trump's people were unaware of that, having already repeatedly been caught lying about conversations that are on tape, so eventually the recordings will be leaked by an intelligence agent that's a true patriot. That's why they rushed to secure that evidence/intelligence before Trump took office, it was clear he would just destroy it.

School's Out

enoch says...

how the holy FUCK did you see this as a democrat fucking over blacks issue?

this is about classism,this is about racism,this is about rich vs poor.

now 50 or 60 years ago,maybe you could have made that case..ah..who am i kidding,republicans were racist as FUCK back than,and they had no shame about it!

though they do like to trot out lincoln,and the little party that could,that DID pass some legislation that any american can look back and go "yeah,remember when republicans were principled and fought for individual rights".

but come on,let's have a little bit of honesty here shall we?

trying to claim republicans are the party of lincoln NOW,is like me saying that i am part of the german nobility,because my great great great ../takes a breath..great grandfather was a baron.

70 years ago,around the time of this mans childhood,if you were a southern were most likely a racist,and if you were a southern republican?
you were most likely a racist.

have,and ARE the democrats fucking over the black folk?
yes..yes they are.
have,and ARE the republicans fucking over the black folk?
yes..yes they are.

because you see bob,and i don't think you have fully comprehended the shift that has been going on in america for the past 40 years,but the american people are starting to understand...the reality has slowly crept into their psyche..and they are starting to "get it".took some time,but they are finally beginning to understand.

we saw the first rumblings with the tea party.
then we saw a nation become swept up in obama's 'hope and change" to only get "more of the same".
we saw it with the occupy movement.
and we saw it with the election of this countries most talented used car saleman,who can weave bullshit into gold.

you see bob,
back in the day,when we were younger,black folk were the poor and lived on the other side of town.
and while liberals would do their hand-wringing over the plight of the black folk,they sure didn't want those black folk in their neighborhood.
and conservatives would complain that the black man was lazy,and needed to get a job..but NOT no can get your work,you know..over there.

and now here we are in 2017,and the people of america who have been told for decades that they are the middle class.they are the heart that beats the blood of this nation,the backbone by which america attains her know....white people.

but these very same americans,who are patriotic,and love their country.they have believed in the ideals of america all their lives.well...they started to really examine their lives and their supposed place as the "middle class",and they realized that they weren't middle class.

they were poor.
working poor,but still poor.

and they finally understood something the black folk have known for pretty much our entire history.

it was never black vs white.
nor republican vs democrat.
it wasn't even liberal vs conservative.

it was rich vs poor,and those hard working,blue collar workers,people of modest means,finally realized that they had gotten their clock cleaned by an ultra rich elite,and they never even saw it coming.

too busy watching american idol,and keeping up with the kardashians,and dazzled by their new Iphone,while playing farmville on facebook.

you want to still delude yourself that this is the land of opportunity?
have it man...doesn't make it true.
you want to still believe that the middle class in this country are the backbone of this nation?
go ahead,some still believe as you do,but the rest of us?
we finally realized the middle class is dead.they are gone.
you want to believe that rich folk respect you for your hard work,and tenacity to forge a life for yourself?

i worked for multi-millionaires,and i can tell you what they think of you.
to them you are an idiot.
you are not worth their time,nor attention and most certainly not worth giving any respect,but they will demand respect from you.

because in their mind bob,they are better than you,they will ALWAYS be better than you.

and many americans finally got that very important lesson.

the people who own,and run pretty much everything that has any actual not give a FUCK about you.

but they won't actually come out and say that,and they certainly do not want americans talking about inequality,class or elitism.

which is why they pay their little shill whores handsomely to divert the conversation away from classism,and focus on things like:racism,republican vs democrat,or liberal vs conservative.

but the real issue is classism.
your basic feudalism going back to the dark ages.
at least the black folk KNEW they were slaves,peasants but people like you bob?
you thought you were part of the club didn't ya?

it really is impressive just how long america's poltical and wealthy elite were able to convince such a large portion of the population (mostly white of course,gullible fucks that we are) that somehow they mattered,they were part of the club,and when things got a little squirelly?

well,they just blamed the immigrants,of course.

but the simple,and hard truth is this bob.
you are part of the peasant class,just like the rest of us.

and the sooner you come to this very simple truth,the sooner you can stop cheerleading for rich,billionaire motherfuckers who do not give a rats ass about you,or your family bob.

welcome to the family bob.
and i am sorry for your loss.

Every vehicle in the President's motorcade, explained

fuzzyundies says...

When I was working at NASA/Ames on Moffett Field in California, Clinton came to give a speech in Mountain View. Being the closest military airfield, Air Force One landed there. We expected a motorcade to close the base down but he ended up taking a helicopter. Just like in the video, two Blackhawks (which were a common sight on Moffett, but not usually green) lifted off and flew really fast and low away towards Mountain View.

AF1 stayed overnight, and had floodlights positioned all around it so that nobody could sneak up unnoticed. We were on the other side of a chain link fence near the blimp hanger, but we got within a few hundred meters of the plane. Really neat.

The Bizarre Far-Right Billionaire Behind Trump's Presidency

newtboy says...

Oh no, sir. I KNOW he lied repeatedly, he wrote a book about how to get ahead by lying.
On the other side, as you put it (and you missed me screaming for months that there aren't only two horrendous choices) was a normal, underhanded, misdirecting politician.

Email cover-up? Really? What crime was she covering, now that we have seen them all....none. Was she transparent about it, no, but as evidence that Trump is at least as bad on that front if not returns is all I need say.
Pay for play, after Devos blatantly bought a cabinet position you would actually blindly make that claim with no evidence? Let me guess, you're afraid of the fish people Alex Jones told you about too. Is she corrupt, yes, is she corrupt compared to a man that's screwed over every business partner he's ever had and the taxpayer by intentionally bankrupting his companies repeatedly by hiring and massively overpaying other Trump companies, using that method to steal all funds and assets and build up massive debt, then declaring bankruptcy, stiffing his partners and creditors, and walking away (or in a few cases doing it over before being forced to leave), no. By comparison she's above reproach. Clinton may fit the definition of corrupt, but the word barely covers the insane backstabbing, admitted and repeated bribery (remember he claimed to have bought numerous politicians by bribing them, he thinks it's how government works), and theft from his partners that Trump is proud of.

So yes, tissue paper thin glass snow globe......

worm said:

So you are really basing this all off of the notion you THINK Trump lied to get elected. Lets just assume for a second he did, not that I do or don't think so, but lets just ASSUME he did...

What was on the other side of the ballot? Pure-as-the-driven-snow candidate HRC? Madam email cover-up? The Queen of Pay-for-Play? The DEFINITION of currupt politicians?

So yes, Glass Houses...

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