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BBC Horizon - Why Do Viruses Kill

Shelby Cross Takes On Public Indecency By Videotaping Teens

RidicuList: Gerard Depardieu (or Anderson Cooper Looses It)

Fail Skate Like a Boss

berticus (Member Profile)

Corvette Burnout - Burns Something Out Allright!

BoneRemake says...

hahahahahaha. if thats a standard, then yea... Goodbye clutch plate.

I do not feel bad for this guy, as he seems one of those people who go out buys an expensive object and has no clue how to use it. When you are doing a brake stand you generally hear squealing etc. from the driven tires. This is just sad that he kept on going with it.

Way to fuck your car up nerd. ( )

** as well he should not have shut the engine off after red lining it like that, haha. the heat just builds up in the core and has no way to dissipate if the engine is not running, S M R T ess em are Tee


Angry Boys: Sneaky Nuts

eric3579 (Member Profile)

The Problem with Jeggings

TYT: Is Boehner Drunk?

Sarah Palin: Paul Revere Warned the British

heropsycho says...

Did you seriously just say Obama's intellect is comparable to Palin's?! SERIOUSLY?!?!?!? Look, gaffes aside, Obama graduated from Harvard Law School with a JD magna cum laude. Palin took six years to get a bachelor's degree in communications bouncing around from school to school to get it!

Dude, if the conservative/libertarian ideology concluded the world is flat, would you spout that crap, too?! In fact, your beloved Ron Paul wouldn't tell Obama he's not smart enough to be president.

Just ridiculous. I get you don't like Obama, but that doesn't mean you should ignore basic fact. And I'm sorry, but she's simply not smart enough to be president. This has nothing to do with her ideology. Plenty of conservative politicians are out there who have the intellectual capacity to be president, but she's not one of them.

>> ^quantumushroom:

Congratulations, you've just described Obama to a tee.
Now you lefties disown him because he didn't close Gitmo and end the wars, but he's not going anywhere for two more torturous years, and his election has resulted in--to put it mildly--negative consequences.
If there's any 'deflection' going on here it's Obama's former and current worshipers, hoping no one notices the emperor wears no clothes.
It's certainly everyone's right to diss and dislike Palin, but c'mon, try to keep some perspective. Paul Revere was just another homophobic sexist racist Dead White Guy.

Sarah Palin: Paul Revere Warned the British

quantumushroom says...

Congratulations, you've just described Obama to a tee.

Now you lefties disown him because he didn't close Gitmo and end the wars, but he's not going anywhere for two more torturous years, and his election has resulted in--to put it mildly--negative consequences.

If there's any 'deflection' going on here it's Obama's former and current worshipers, hoping no one notices the emperor wears no clothes.

It's certainly everyone's right to diss and dislike Palin, but c'mon, try to keep some perspective. Paul Revere was just another homophobic sexist racist Dead White Guy.

"Minor gaffe" my ass. This woman

1) Is ignorant of basic American history (or economics, foreign policy, geography, you name it)

2) Pretends not to be ignorant by making shit up

3) Fails to organize her made up shit into comprehensible sentences

Moreover, she does this frequently. At some point ideology is not enough. Some people are simply not smart enough to be effective leaders. I wish her a long and successful career as a media personality.

Keep Your Eyes on the Bat (unique 10-second clip)

Baseball Bat in Gravity Defying Double You Tee Eff

eric3579 (Member Profile)

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