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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh….Trump says DeSantis is a groomer, posted with pictures of him drinking with his high school students when he was a teacher. Every accusation is an admission, and DeSantis accused teachers of being groomers…and Trump accused DeSantis.
Since it’s WELL documented how many “drink parties” Trump and Epstein held with only underage girls, WELL documented how many times Trump partied at Epstein’s and Epstein partied at Maralago AFTER he was convicted of multiple child rapes…so WELL documented that Trump is a consummate groomer, you are left with a choice of which child molesting groomer is you guy…which is you pick?

Side note- Republicans are so dumb now, 5 have reported having their campaign accounts hacked and stolen last month, one lost over $150000. Maybe they should stop emailing with Russians.

OMG! Conservatives are outraged because ChatGPT won’t use racial slurs. Telling. (Morons).
Progressives don’t care that in the exact same scenario it also refuses to make fun of conservative pundits and billionaires.

High School Senior Takes Book Banners To School

newtboy says...

ROTFLMFAHS!!! Triggered much!?

No, I think it’s disgusting the way Republicans groom and indoctrinate kids with intolerance and intentional ignorance.

As noted above, you do not know what the word “indoctrination” means.

Republicans want to eradicate any diversity in thought or action that doesn’t fit their tiny narrow mindset. Republicans want a world where children are taught early on that only cisgender white men are capable of leadership or honest success, and all others are peons or untouchables. That’s indoctrination.
Removing or hiding any diversity to force one “proper” whitewashed syllabus on all students is indoctrination.
Teaching religion or religious morals and ethics is indoctrination.

Teaching diversity is the opposite of indoctrination.

If you want your children to have most knowledge kept from them, to be indoctrinated with ignorance and intolerance, go ahead and send them to school in Afghanistan where your ideas are accepted, and stop trying to turn America into another failed theocracy.

If your ethics and morals are threatened by diversity, they are weak or non existent.
If your world viewpoint is threatened by knowledge, it is ignorant and immature.

If you want to make a real dent in child molestation, close religious schools and pull all Republican teachers who are more than twice as likely to be abusers than the general population, and keep getting caught doing it WHILE whining incessantly about “groomers”.

One more, who is Mark Foley, bob. Why do you know that name? It’s because he was caught molesting 16 year old male congressional pages for YEARS, with many many witnesses and proof, proof the Republican led congress hid and destroyed to shield him from prosecution for child porn. He is still a big wig in your party, still courted by your leaders (much like Epstein), still accepting massive donations from this serial child molester, still wining and dining him and begging for his support. Why? Because so many of them are also child molesters, more caught every week.
Republicans LOVE child molesters and vote for them constantly, almost never voting them out “just because they touched some children” or just because they “covered up for others touching and penetrating multiple children in their care for years allowing the abuse to escalate to hundreds of young victims.” (Jordan).

Remember, it’s a fact that every accusation you make is an admission….we all see it. Your whining about “indoctrination” is, like every complaint, simply more of your own self loathing. There are better ways to deal with that you might have been taught if only your school had been allowed to teach you.

bobknight33 said:

Indoctrination of kids .. And you approve?

High School Senior Takes Book Banners To School

The Army Needs To Explain

newtboy says...

Perhaps you recall that Japan wasn’t the only enemy in WW2.
I think most would say the US army was the deciding factor in winning most major battles and the war in Europe.
True, they didn’t do it alone, but they did the lions share of successful fighting from my understanding. Of course, my history teachers were biased.

Also, Kuwait….again, with help from other branches.

There are other, less clear cut examples but that should answer the question I hope.

cloudballoon said:

Just curious (as an uninformed Canadian), what war the US Army (not the Navy, not the USAF, the Army) can really claimed it won in a century? Just leave after wrecking a country into ruins is not winning by definition (Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc.), looking for a clear "Mission Accomplished"?

Like, I'd call the USAF dropping of the H Bomb won WWII, it got Japan to surrender, treaty signed, etc. That's Mission Accomplished to me.

BSR (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

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Students Call Teachers By First Name!

cloudballoon says...

Ultimately the teacher's pen it's the mightest revenge of all. Fs all around, boys & girls! Right? But wait until the parents revolt and fire you for a thankless job.

Students Call Teachers By First Name!

WmGn says...

[1] My kids' primary school: first names all 'round - teachers and students. The principal: yes, we've got all the usual problems here, but we think that respect is earned; it's not about the name we use.

[2] separately (not at my kids' school) beginning to suspect that 'cool' (first names...) male teachers may be more at risk of 'dating' students.

Students Call Teachers By First Name!

Students Call Teachers By First Name!

BSR says...

Had an English teacher in High School (the same one that gave me an A grade for picking a lock on a cabinet she needed to get into) that always addressed the students as Mr. or Miss. along with their last name.

Students Call Teachers By First Name!

newtboy says...

Respect is a two way street. I seriously doubt any of these teachers think twice about using student’s first names. Turnabout is fair play….that’s why I insisted on calling my gym teacher “Cheney”…he called us by last name, but with no Mr., so I returned the favor. He hated that. He tried to get me in trouble for it. The principal set him straight.

BSR (Member Profile)

We almost died…

luxintenebris says...

dun blow'd real gud!


shop teacher use to yell at us for horsing around the acetylene torch tanks. told us how dangerous they were. then relayed a story about how he and friend(s) would put oxygen tanks out in the middle of nowhere and get far far away from it and do what these knobs just did in the video. hit it just right and it'd take off like a rocket. the shot should be part of the fun.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Like the Bible….and now dictionaries in Florida….

…just like math books (no bob, they didn’t contain CRT, what they showed you when making that claim was a separate worksheet from another state that had been discontinued years earlier), science books (because they mention biology and gender), history (95% of history needs redacting to your ilk because you’re ashamed of your history).

The right has abandoned knowledge because it makes you snowflakes uncomfortable to have reality taught to your children. It’s going to make red states have a race to the bottom. Texas and Florida are already importing foreign teachers as fast as they can because American teachers won’t abuse their students by teaching them under these insane right wing snowflake rules. Soon those parents will pull their kids from school completely because they ain’t havin’ little Johnny lurnt no librul facts by no imgrant.

Damn lurnin is just fer leftists… facts, figures, history, and reality.
Seems Jesus is just for leftists too, no surprise, Jesus was a MAJOR leftist by today’s standards. You would insist he be cancelled immediately.

bobknight33 said:

Banning leftest gender bending bullshit book is a good idea

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Now the far right’s war against education expands, with book banning, CRT banning (even though they don’t know what that is), banning any references to gender, blaming teachers for their children being able to think for themselves, for “indoctrination” (into what?), turning them trans, etc…. Just pure insanity one has to go through point by point proving every statement 100% wrong before you assholes admit you’re just exaggerating for effect….then you start all over the next time as if you didn’t just admit you’re liars.

Today, in Tennessee, The Diary of Anne Frank is banned…for containing CRT. Hilariously, so is the Bible (which should already be banned as indoctrination into cults is not supposed to be allowed in public schools). Even the golden rule, “treat others as you would have them treat you” is CRT….imagine, saying you should treat “inner city thugs”, immigrants, and poor people like you think they should treat upstanding white folk….disgusting CRT! 🤦‍♂️

The red states like Florida and Texas that started this war on education already have massive teacher shortages and the teachers left are packing to leave.
It’s going to be funny when red states have to beg states like California for some competent educated workers because they have no education system left. They won’t get them. Educated people don’t want to live where they do this.

Why GM Says Its Ultium Batteries Will Lead To EV Dominance

newtboy says...

Um…My last math class (besides taking statistics as an elective) was advanced placement B-C calculus, where I excelled. How about you?
And when do you think I said I’m a math teacher? Another delusion.
I told you for approximately the 29th time my work resume just days ago, and already you know absolutely nothing about it. Just wow. Exactly what I said would happen. I won’t say you have the memory of a gnat….that would be insulting gnats and giving you too much credit.
I’ve never been a teacher, I did edit the teachers edition of a third grade math book when I was 13…is that what you’re misremembering?

Elon himself said publicly he plans a 10% reduction in salaried workers including line workers with only 3 exceptions for battery builders, Solar installers, and car builders….but including thousands of maintenance, construction, design, quality control, new line manufacturing, etc, not just white collar, and rehiring hundreds as hourly no benefits workers, not increasing his workforce. Also announced a hiring freeze worldwide.

bobknight33 said:

Maybe you dont know math that well -- And your a math teacher? So you say. Seems like you are doing a disservice to you students.

10% reduction of force of white collar jobs but hires hundred of workers for the auto lines.

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