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Why Atheism is Not a Religion (A Ham-fisted Explanation)

shuac says...

>> ^A10anis:

>> ^shuac:
>> ^A10anis:
Why does the title say; "A Ham-fisted Explanation?" I found the analogy spot on. Oh, and I would add that saying Atheism is a religion, is like saying abstinence is a sexual position..

I think it might be considered ham-fisted to an atheist (of which Videosift is mostly comprised), who already understands the subtitles involved.

Sorry, your argument is a non-sequitur. I am an atheist and the video makes perfect sense to me!

Then you misunderstand what "ham-fisted" means.

Why Atheism is Not a Religion (A Ham-fisted Explanation)

A10anis says...

>> ^shuac:

>> ^A10anis:
Why does the title say; "A Ham-fisted Explanation?" I found the analogy spot on. Oh, and I would add that saying Atheism is a religion, is like saying abstinence is a sexual position..

I think it might be considered ham-fisted to an atheist (of which Videosift is mostly comprised), who already understands the subtitles involved.

Sorry, your argument is a non-sequitur. I am an atheist and the video makes perfect sense to me!

Why Atheism is Not a Religion (A Ham-fisted Explanation)

shuac says...

>> ^A10anis:

Why does the title say; "A Ham-fisted Explanation?" I found the analogy spot on. Oh, and I would add that saying Atheism is a religion, is like saying abstinence is a sexual position..

I think it might be considered ham-fisted to an atheist (of which Videosift is mostly comprised), who already understands the subtitles involved.

Join the Klingon Military Today!

Epic Bus Ad from Denmark - Midttrafik commercial: The Bus

Epic Bus Ad from Denmark

Epic Bus Ad from Denmark

Klingon Style (Star Trek Parody of PSY - Gangnam Style)

ant says...

>> ^spawnflagger:

anyone speak Klingon on the sift?
are the subtitles accurate?
If so, then this is absolute genius!
"baby, baby, planet, warpdrive, pickle, galaxy, planet"
Tribbles ftw.

I wasn't sure if they were tribbles or a wig.

Klingon Style (Star Trek Parody of PSY - Gangnam Style)

braschlosan (Member Profile)

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by braschlosan:
I feel that most people could benefit greatly from even a single experience with LSD. I agree with you entirely except for people who are already mentally unstable (which is only a portion of the population)

Someone else in that thread however is very upset by what I said heh

In reply to this comment by enoch:
for those who may be a tad uptight hallucinagenics should be mandatory.
if only once in your lifetime.

dont sweat it my man.
reality is a subjective animal and everybody has their own take.people who have never imbibed may have a viewpoint that is contrary to those who have.
sucks for them...they have no idea what they are missing.

enoch (Member Profile)

braschlosan says...

I feel that most people could benefit greatly from even a single experience with LSD. I agree with you entirely except for people who are already mentally unstable (which is only a portion of the population)

Someone else in that thread however is very upset by what I said heh

In reply to this comment by enoch:
for those who may be a tad uptight hallucinagenics should be mandatory.
if only once in your lifetime.

LSD and Magic Mushroom Drugtest. English Subtitles

braschlosan says...

I wasn't sure if you were serious or not, but I'll bite -

Everyone was a slacker at some point. When you were a young child you did very little to help the family. When you did start to have responsibility you didn't understand why at first and only did the things because you were told to.
Its a gradual change into a person who understands that certain things have to be taken care of for, your own sake and, the sake of your family. To think someones life is automatically fucked up because they are a slacker is disgenuine.

Are you implying that between say 13-23 you didn't too stupid irresponsible things that would make others worry about you for your own selfish pleasure? I doubt anyone could deny they were more selfish than not during part of their life.

I am not saying drugs are required to make drastic realizations. If your daily routine has little or no changes you will always think in the same basic pattern and it takes some external event to change this. It could be a new job, a new love, a death etc. Taking certain drugs lets you control when these changes in perception occur rather than being a slave to fate.

No where in my original reply did I say anyone (myself or others) had to depend on drugs to make decisions. I stated two basic ideas - drugs can help you to make changes and that everyone should experience them at least once in their life. I also didn't say that the single time the person did them would create some epic change.

Something happened to you that caused a strong sensitivity to what I said. Maybe it was me telling you what to do, maybe someone you knew used drugs and became a loser, maybe my speech pattern reminds you of someone bad. I can't say what it is but if your strong reaction is genuine then I am sorry to dig up such anger.

Not all drugs are created equally. I would like you to view this chart Notice that LSD has a lower dependency than pretty much everything, including nicotine and caffeine.
Secondly the average dosage is between 60 and 180 MICROgrams. Do you understand how small that is? It is essentially impossible for it to be adulterated. You could mix it with drain cleaner and and the amount you are ingesting would not cause damage.
The industry accepted lethal dose is 15,000 micrograms, which would be FIFTEEN PAGES of paper you would have to ingest. I don't think you could fit that all in your mouth

I am not convincing you personally to take it but be aware that a significant scientific breakthroughs in business/technology/science have taken place while the person was on some form of drugs. You should also be aware that most artists (both audio and physical) use drugs to create the inspiration for the works you enjoy.
One time I figured out why fire on the head of a match is the shape that it is and how the flame is constructed. Months later I explained how I perceived it to someone qualified and they said even though I lacked the proper technical terms I had gotten it right. I was very happy about that.

Like I said previously, not all drugs are created equally. LSD does not make you feel anything extra, it only enhances what you are already seeing or feeling. It gives you the ability to super focus on details you overlooked previously or zoom out and take a large amount of data in at once then process it.

I think my reply will be lost on you but hopefully someone else is reading this and will gain something from it. If it means anything to you I have taken acid only twice in the last two years.

>> ^schlub:

Since when is not deciding to being a slacker a revelation? Your life/lives must be pretty fucked up if you depend on hallucinogenics to make your life decisions for you. This notion that drugs expand your mind or make you see things more clearly is complete and utter bullshit.
>> ^braschlosan:
Because of LSD my little brother had the revelation to start doing well in his final year of high school and try to make his parents life easier.
Then while in his first year of college he had the revelation about many parts of life and decided to study hard and play hard too. Now he has fun on the weekends and is getting great grades. The combination of the two has given him infinite self esteem.
During the summer break after his first year of college he had another LSD revelation about taking drugs. Now he rarely takes them (in high school he was a big pothead and E-Tard), when he does take them its planned out ahead of time for a special event. He's not even 20 yet and has a "wise" outlook on just about everything.
I have had similar life altering changes because of LSD that I'd rather not share here,
I agree with Enoch.
>> ^enoch:
for those who may be a tad uptight hallucinagenics should be mandatory.
if only once in your lifetime.

LSD and Magic Mushroom Drugtest. English Subtitles

schlub says...

Since when is not deciding to being a slacker a revelation? Your life/lives must be pretty fucked up if you depend on hallucinogenics to make your life decisions for you. This notion that drugs expand your mind or make you see things more clearly is complete and utter bullshit.
>> ^braschlosan:

Because of LSD my little brother had the revelation to start doing well in his final year of high school and try to make his parents life easier.
Then while in his first year of college he had the revelation about many parts of life and decided to study hard and play hard too. Now he has fun on the weekends and is getting great grades. The combination of the two has given him infinite self esteem.
During the summer break after his first year of college he had another LSD revelation about taking drugs. Now he rarely takes them (in high school he was a big pothead and E-Tard), when he does take them its planned out ahead of time for a special event. He's not even 20 yet and has a "wise" outlook on just about everything.
I have had similar life altering changes because of LSD that I'd rather not share here,
I agree with Enoch.
>> ^enoch:
for those who may be a tad uptight hallucinagenics should be mandatory.
if only once in your lifetime.

LSD and Magic Mushroom Drugtest. English Subtitles

braschlosan says...

Because of LSD my little brother had the revelation to start doing well in his final year of high school and try to make his parents life easier.

Then while in his first year of college he had the revelation about many parts of life and decided to study hard and play hard too. Now he has fun on the weekends and is getting great grades. The combination of the two has given him infinite self esteem.

During the summer break after his first year of college he had another LSD revelation about taking drugs. Now he rarely takes them (in high school he was a big pothead and E-Tard), when he does take them its planned out ahead of time for a special event. He's not even 20 yet and has a "wise" outlook on just about everything.

I have had similar life altering changes because of LSD that I'd rather not share here,

I agree with Enoch.

>> ^enoch:

for those who may be a tad uptight hallucinagenics should be mandatory.
if only once in your lifetime.

LSD and Magic Mushroom Drugtest. English Subtitles

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