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Teen Playing the Knockout Game Gets Shot Twice by Victim

iaui says...

This struck me odd as well. It seems so strange that the news still describes it as 'teens playing a game' of sorts (to paraphrase). I feel like they should be saying something straight up like 'teens randomly attacking strangers' or 'teens brutally assaulting people in public'. There doesn't seem to be a reasonable level of gravitas around the reporting of this, which is unsettling.

entr0py said:

Doesn't it seem weird that the news has adopted the perpetrators cutesy euphemism to describe the assaults? It's like seeing a news story on the growing problem of surprise sex.

Russell Brand - Time for a Spiritual Revolution

cosmovitelli says...

I like him. But he's talking about going back to before nationalism gave everyone an easy identity and consumerism something harmless to power to think about (shopping and tv).
He never mentions how the old way used to work out for the majority - straight up hard power rule. Sadly that seems the more likely outcome of his revolution -spiritual or not - rich kids fixing the libor rates or starting oil wars really don't have a crisis to deal with. They think its awesome and if their choice is to become (relatively) poor or go tiananmen square on our asses.. Guess what. Better to rule in hell than serve in heaven they say and they mean it.

Black Range Rover Runs Over Bikers in NYC

Chairman_woo says...

So just to throw it straight out there; I'm a massive biker (though mostly solo so I can't really relate to the gang mindset here). You have no idea what this whole debacle does to my priorities!

So on the one hand provoking the man in the big metal cage (no matter how good the perceived reason) is basically never a good idea if your on a bike. And moreover beating someone to within an inch of his life and cutting him up is very very rarely a good or condonable solution to anything, even if he did just run over a couple of your buddies....

On the other hand......well (and this might only really find any sympathy from fellow motor-bicycleists)..........I can fill in some of the gaps that might explain why one biker felt the need to brake hard in front of him etc. from my own experiences.

Some (very few) drivers go out of their way to fuck with you sometimes over little shit, they get a big head tucked away safely inside their big metal cages and they take it upon themselves to cause you grief in some way or another.
On a regular basis for instance I have car drivers deliverately pull their cars out to try and stop me filtering (lane splitting) despite the fact that A. its totally legal and featured on my fucking licence test! and B. It actually speeds their miserable existence in the traffic flow up as we don't have to take up a car's space (and were fucking gone before most cars are even in gear when the lights change anyway)!

Fortunately I have the perfect solution to this problem, I ride a cheapish looking bike and don't show any signs of stopping for them as they veer over deliberately into my path! You'd be amazed how often they just back off :-D (if not I'm only ever doing 5-10mph so stopping is always an option for that odd psycho)

Not saying I remotely condone the bikers responses, but I do understand how this thing probably escalated. I suspect the bikers had a legit frustration but clearly they dealt with it very poorly. The biker side of the story seems to be that this guy had been deliberately blocking lanes and exchanging insults for a while leading up to when the braking biker escalated things,a situation I've witnessed myself before. Normally prudence makes you leave it alone and back off/accelerate away (or if they are being an extra special twatbag knock off a mirror and accelerate into the distance :-D (never actually done that, but it's seriously crossed my mind a couple of times, Kevlar knuckles are the shit!)). In this case the extra courage that only a 1000 or so fellow kinsmen stood at your side can bring had the usual effect..........Mobs will be the death of us all.

@newtboy is right though, bikers totally killed their own case reacting so aggressively. If they'd followed at a reasonable distance and waited for police to show up things would probably have gone completely the other way legally. Sure the dude that brakes in front of him might get charged but it'd be nothing on attempted vehicular murder/manslaughter running over a handful of bikers. Chasing down and then beating a man half to death in front of his family unfortunately rather overshadows your defence.

Sadly the only sensible conclusion I seem to be able to find is this was ultimately douche nozzles with no self control baiting other douche nozzles with no self control. But I do get it. I also totally get the drivers response once it escalated, I'd have shit bricks and maybe made a run for it through them by that stage too!

I really really really wish I could hear what was actually said between them oh well, back to the fence I go!

EDIT: I just wanted to come back and make it absolutely clear that I also acknowledge that bikes in groups (especially sports bikes and supermoto's as featured here) are just as capable of acting like power drunk fucknuts too. It's entirely possible the bikers started it a way's back and the driver was essentially an innocent man driven to extreme lengths by fear (though I'm still going with straight up hot douche on douche action for now)

Going to the Doctor in America

Bruti79 says...

That's straight up crazy talk.

You can't show any physical proof or tests to show that it works. Yet you say it does, because of what proof or evidence? If you say it happens, show the examples. Let them be put up for inspection and debate.

As for "spiritual elements" like love and fear, they aren't spiritual. They are a series of chemicals in our brain going off. I remember a joke a friend of mine said once, when someone once said: "You can't measure happiness." To which he replied, sure you can, just measure the amount of dopamine they've got going through their head.

We're a series of hormones, fluids and matter. All of it can be measure and calculated. If someone had their cancer or Type I diabetes cured by faith, why would that not make the news? Why would that not be the most promoted thing in the medical industry?

Faith can help your mental state and make you feel better. Feeling happier and better about yourself does have an effect on your general health, but it is not a cure for disease.

Sniper007 said:

By 'proper science' I'm assuming you mean something which is entirely, 100% empirical, physical, and explicitly non-spiritual. I can't show you anything in that regard. What I'm referring to is exactly spiritual. It's a man's belief (wholly non-physical, not just brain synapses firing) which I'm referring to.

You're asking me to show you something wholly physical, presupposing a priori the non-existance of the spiritual, which then can somehow prove the existence of the spititual. I can't do it, sorry. You can't perform double blind experiments on spiritual elements like love, fear, hate, jealousy, etc. But those things do exist, and their effects and affects are profound.

Now I know, I made some ostensibly outrageous claims as to the power of belief. I can understand the outrage. I'm not really upset about that. I do hope to open up some new areas of thought for those who are medically minded to a religious extent.

See the book, Science Set Free by Rupert Sheldrake.

Highly Biased Child Protective Services Interview

Buck says...

wow missed the fun...I haven't watched the vid yet just read comments.

So at work today one woman told me about her husbands experience with the courts.

He had another child before meeting my co-worker. That mother (when they broke up after two months (they think she was trying to get preggers) said he couldn't see his kid.

well like I woulda done he took it to court. Apperently his laywer said straight up "you have no rights".

Judge agreed. Not only is he not allowed to see his kid but the step dad legally adopted the kid, not sure if the kid even knows.

anyway that quote from the laywer is how I related to all the comments.

watching vid now....EDIT only made 7:30ish can't do it. The mom doesn't have to tell the dad (who has her sundays) what meds shes on? That woman is not acting proffessionally, I don't care if everything she says is true there are ways to act in those settings.Gona read those links now.

Stuff They Don't Want You to Know - DMT

shagen454 says...

Well said,

It could be that the very existence of the future of evolution is already "installed" genetically in human brains. Taking this substance might be exposing these neural networks that seem like our technological transcendence into the Universe.

The Status Quo would not want anyone to know and would deny it exists, and as I have found by talking about it - people will straight up make fun of you. Until they do it, and then they apologize profusely!

chingalera said:

...roughly as can be kirmokum, given the language with which to describe the experience filtered through the individual perceptive apparatus. I like to think that the architect left these chemical triggers in the species with a view towards our acclimation to higher brain function and adaptation to chaotic internal and external stimuli, as well as a catalyst for the species continuing evolution.
After having experienced DMT as well as several other psychoactive substances, the very idea that a government, religion, or any such construct of human societies would seek to imprison someone for the personal use of the same should be an indicator to anyone who values free will and basic human rights as to the nefarious ends of that construct.
First, eliminate the constructs....then we find the contractors and hunt THEM down!

Elections are a sham? Two Party System a con job?

artician says...

I really believe that was Obama's main problem. I hate the guy now for his track-record, but I feel like he was really a naive idealist. I think once an individual becomes president, they're sat down in a little room and told how shit really works, and I think there's such scary shit in there that:
A) it's clear there's nothing they can do to change it
B) if they try to change it there will be a unified front that will effectively smear them
C) if they try to call out the unified front and how things "really work", the unified front will effectively smear them
D) (not likely, but): they're told straight up from the "real authority" in the US that if they have X% of influence on Y# of specific topics, and if they contradict the authoritative interests they'll be outright disposed of.
Don't feel like "D" is realistic, but at this point I wouldn't put anything past the people who've clearly had an iron grip on the US for some time now.

notarobot said:

I wonder if American presidential nominees are ever surprised to discover how little they are actually able to accomplish once in office?


10 Tragedies Caught on Film

Shepppard says...

As mentioned, these are basically all historical footage of transportation accidents, and famous ones at that. There are definitely a couple in here that are straight up snuff by sift guidelines, but the entire piece as a whole is more of a documentary.

It's not just "Hey look, this guy got shot and now he's bleeding out, lets watch", it's more "This is a look at some of the most terrible accidents mankind has had, each with a backstory as to why it happened, and is generally part of a larger event."

I actually read up on practically every one of these incidents, and to my surprise each one I looked up had detailed information of events that happened up to 100 years ago. The first clip being of a man who wanted to test his parachute idea, so he convinced french authorities to let him test it by having it go over the side of the Eiffel Tower. What he didn't tell them until the day of, however, was that he wasn't going to use a dummy, he was going to test it himself. In a sense, it's the first ever Darwin award caught on film.

Each clip has history to it, and a timestamp / title allowing research into what they are, and is in a sense educational on the broader sense. Again, not just "Hey, this guy was flying too low at an airshow, so lets watch him crash."

Januari said:

Its an interesting discussion... i didn't watch... really i just don't want to watch people die. My instinct tells me this is not 'snuff'... at least as i think of it.

My question would be this... What if these videos were all HD, or from a few years ago.

Rhubarb Hubbub

Jon Stewart's 19 Tough Questions for Libertarians!

enoch says...

fair enough my man.
seems i misinterpreted your comment in regards to people who have a certain belief system.
and i am totally with ya on thoreau,the man was brilliant.

but why didnt you straight up say that to him?
it would explain the tone of your comments and may have led to a much richer and fuller dialogue with blankie concerning his views on libertarianism.

my problems with libertarianism are two-fold:
1.@RFlagg already addressed
2.the term libertarian here in america is a bastardized version from the to even BEGIN to have a decent conversation on the matter is already twisted from the get-go.

i consider myself a libertarian-socialist with anarchist leanings,but try to talk to a corpoare-media-fed american about that and they spend the entire time trying to stop their head from exploding.
because it is the MEANINGS of the words they do not understand and what they have been told are propagandized versions.

how can we ever expect to talk about these vital issues if the very meanings of the words have been twisted and contorted?

in my opinion THIS is the real problem.

"Annie" Got Her Guns

robbersdog49 says...

How do they know if she's from out of state if they don't see her ID?

I wish all you Americans could see this from our point of view in the UK. I'm not looking for a fight here, I'm just explaining why all this seems so fucked up to me/ most other people from the UK.

In the UK we don't have guns. Or at least very, very few people do. They aren't an everyday item. Our police don't carry guns as a matter of course. Going to an airport is strange because the police there do carry guns. In the UK a gun in public will belong to a criminal. Simple as that. They're something that is to be feared in public.

Most Americans imagine that a person with a gun in the UK could walk around like a god, the boss of everyone. But this doesn't happen, because we have armed response police units and they deal with the situation. But as a rule criminals don't carry guns. Obviously if you try hard enough it's possible to get hold of one, but it's not easy or cheap, and you don't need them. You're not going to immediately go up against people with guns here, so no need to carry one yourself.

I can't imagine living somewhere where guns are commonplace. It straight up scares the shit out of me. I understand that carrying a gun could make you feel safer, but I'd be far happier without a gun in a place where no-one else has a gun. I don't know why so many Americans are so happy having guns everywhere. I'll never understand it and I never will.

Can't you see that guns are killing your people?

drdysonsphere said:

You cannot do this in all states. CA, NY, NJ, CN, etc requires ID and waiting period.
The majority of states require ID and cannot sell to out of state people. Lots of CA residents have tried (and failed) to go to NV to get guns and come back, doesn't work.

Yasiin Bey (Mos Def) force-fed under standard Gitmo procedur

MichaelL says...

The use of the garb, camera focus, camera angles, etc was distracting and called attention to itself as a film PRODUCTION.
Would have been more powerful if he simply described the sensation in straight up documentary form as it was happening rather than the whimpering and crying which came off as scripted.

Animation dance done right

bareboards2 says...

When he danced for his life in Vegas, I couldn't believe that he actually topped this audition.

@song77 -- did you watch the video? I can't tell from your comment. Are you watching on full screen? It would help if this were HD -- the subtleties of his movement might be hard to see in this fuzzy vid.

@quality, straight up down the line quality.

glenn greenwald takes morning joe to task

Fletch says...

"Make the United States safer". Oh, ffs. Anyone else immediately think of Ben Franklin when you hear this bullshit line? I'll trade a 9/11 and a Boston bombing every decade for the governement staying the hell out of my phone and my computer. (Omg, am I starting to sound like goptea'er?). This crap that Obama spewed the other night, roughly "you can't have both 100% security and 100% privacy", is the ol' statue-of-liberty play. He's implying that these programs provide 100% security. You can dismiss everything he says after that because his premise is FALSE. You can dismiss everything he said before that as well, but that's another rant.

And Mika, you can't demand a "yes or no" answer when you just don't want to hear the explanation. There is a very good reason why you weren't paid as much as Joe, and you should thank your lucky stars they still let you read the intros. And stop with the huffing and tsk'ing and eyerolls. You're starting to look and sound llike one of those shrill FOX "analysts".

Willie, what a dumb question. Of course there is a difference between state secrets that do not inpinge on our freedoms and rights of privacy and those that do, you knob. Some would even say the ultimate purpose of maintaining state secrets is to assist in protecting the very American freedoms and rights that are being grossly abused by these programs. The difference between Manning and Snowden is that Manning exposed warcrimes and other abuses being committed on brown people, and Snowden exposed an invasive, Orwellian-level spying and data-mining infrastructure being used on Americans by our own government. So yeah, a little different. So what? Both heroes. And it infuriates me when our government goes after them and tries to paint them as treasonists. They have committed no crimes against America because the government is not America. It's straight-up self-preservation, and has nothing to do with protecting the citizens of this country and the tenets on which this country was founded. What Manning and Snowden did, however, does.

There was once a time when democracies around the world, whether imminent, new, or struggling, could look to the US for inspiration. Now, we could learn much today from a country like Turkey. They get it. It took a few whacks with police batons, and lots and lots of tear-gas, but they get it now. They get beat down, and get smarter and angrier. We just get dumber and dumber no matter what this government says or does.

“The IQ and the life expectancy of the average American recently passed each other in opposite directions.”
― George Carlin

“Go back to bed, America. Your government has figured out how it all transpired. Go back to bed, America. Your government is in control again. Here. Here's American Gladiators. Watch this, shut up. Go back to bed, America. Here is American Gladiators. Here is 56 channels of it! Watch these pituitary retards bang their fucking skulls together and congratulate you on living in the land of freedom. Here you go, America! You are free to do what we tell you! You are free to do what we tell you!”
― Bill Hicks

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