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Thank you 81 million, thank you!

bobknight33 says...

anti American,??? Think again.

Democrat party are the party of the Anti American.
I dont see the commie flag at RNC rallies. That your side.

What administration...
is letting tens of thousands of illegals across the boarder.
ended our energy independence
is doing ZERO to curb inflation, ( actually making it worse will more spending)
Doing too little to unload all those ships off our coasts.

Our government is spending money we don't have on shit we don't need.

These problems are from the current administration.
Their policies are anti American.

And your stupid ass voted for it.
You paying 20$ more for a tank of gas. That hurts millions of people.

I use a tank a week - but its a company car so I am blessed.
I do however feeling the pain at the stores.

With all of Biden administrations failures you think mid turns will be be a total ass kicking of Democrats?

newtboy said:

Says the anti American, anti democracy liar and clown. No answer to being called out on the ridiculously edited nonsense video? Lol. There’s a joke here, buddy, but it’s in your mirror. Everyone can see it, even you.

Such a racist sexist infantile cop out. What right wing delusion are you rambling about? She’s a black woman, so couldn’t possibly earn her position? Who did she sleep with? Biden? All Democratic voters? You don’t have a clue. Sounds about your speed….but you think insanity like 1% growth per year is more than 5.7% growth per year, and Putin would never invade Ukraine with Trump as president even though he did.

So sad, there are legitimate gripes to have about her past, but all you can come up with is babbling idiotic fantasy. Stop proving yourself a moron, Bob. Let us just think it for a while.

BTW, Bob…you’re using urinals wrong.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Keep your “I can see absolutely no racism besides reverse racism” dishonest idiocy to yourself.

Almost every killing was Boogaloo boys committing racially motivated false flag operations, but the morons are so stupid they carried their manifesto with them when committing terrorist acts, outing the false flag operation the first time one got caught. Morons.

Well over half the burning and looting was found to be non BLM related,(and many if not most that were attributed to BLM were abandoned buildings). The true terrorists of 2020 were Trump’s Proud and boogaloo boys caught repeatedly causing mayhem to blame on BLM, shooting into crowds, starting fires, planting bombs, breaking into stores, shooting cops, etc. You know this well, you bold faced liar. You pretend you don’t know it because then you think you can get away with being a racist tool and blaming black people for everything, IMO, but we all know you know it.

Many were caught, prosecuted, and convicted (those they didn’t shoot to death in the process of being bomb planting cop shooting fake BLM terrorists that is) and the damage done was 1/10 what the idiot truckers cost.
The people with those truckers are many of the same people….with the same mindset.

Blacks protesting being shot=Thugs.
Whites protesting getting a shot=Freedom fighters.

Not everything is racist, but right wing terrorists waiving confederate and Nazi flags are. White supremacists who commit false flag terrorism to try to blame on black people and their anti-racist-murder-at-police-hands protests are racists.
The people standing with and behind them are racists….tell me the company you keep and I will tell you what you are.-S.P.
People who intentionally hide those facts and knowingly lie to blame the known racist false flag operations on BLM are racists….looking directly at you.

You support the side of racist white supremacists, racist nazis, and racist policy EVERY SINGLE TIME….but suddenly get the vapors and declare your innocence whenever it’s pointed out.

Edit: And let’s not lose sight of the issues, BLM protested blacks being murdered by police regularly with no recourse at all, absolutely none. Truckers are protesting not getting the privilege of getting to choose to travel internationally without the minor inconvenience of being vaccinated against a raging pandemic. I know, you think the latter far more important than the former, thereby excusing that the truckers have cost more, done more damage to local businesses and home owners, and, by being super spreaders, have killed more people.

bobknight33 said:

BLM were burning looting killing These truckers and fucking nuns compared to BLM.

Keep your foolish everything is racist shit to yourself.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yeah…it keeps getting better.
The national archives found out Trump had stolen documents and informed him and his staff that was criminal and had been referred to the DOJ. Eventually they returned over 15 boxes of documents pilfered from the whitehouse illegally, (no telling how many they still have, how many they burned (but some), and how many were shredded and flushed down his golden toilet (definitely some more)) including multiple classified documents that had been stored in totally unsecured locations.

But Biden made cold soup….look out.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

“People who have nothing to hide, don’t bleach their emails, or destroy evidence to keep it from being publicly archived as required under federal law.”
D J Trump


Absolutely incontrovertible that he absolutely knew with no doubt that stealing these publicly owned documents was undeniably criminal. It was a main talking point of his campaign.
If there’s no prosecution and sentence for this blatant violation of exactly the laws he claimed disqualified Clinton for 1% of what he’s been caught red handed with, expect absolutely zero record of Biden’s administration, nothing. If burning any and all records you want hidden isn’t violating clear law, isn’t worth prosecution, anything goes.
Waiting to hear from Republicans….will they want prosecution, or will they do Olympic level mental gymnastics to pretend burning unscanned, uncopied original official documents and stealing others including classified documents then storing them in an unsecured closet is fine, but having a digital copy is treason. Forewarning, “he was the president and could do whatever he wanted” 1) isn’t true in America, all Americans know that and 2) let’s Biden do whatever he wants, fuck your feelings.

bcglorf (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your comment on The simple tool that can open most US stores has just received enough votes from the community to earn you 1 Power Point. Thank you for your quality contribution to VideoSift.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Right? A bit too close to accomplice for my taste.

I think the same way about slim Jims. Only tow truck drivers and cops have a legitimate use for that tool, and I’m pretty certain people have been charged for having them (possibly in conjunction with getting caught in the act of breaking into cars though).

I’m pretty sure a tool specifically designed for breaking locks open and useless for anything else would satisfy the “intent” portion. A good prosecutor could successfully argue that point. A screwdriver might be carried for any number of uses, this is only for opening locked stores (the only places with those kinds of locks that I can think of). It’s certainly enough for arrest if not conviction.

eric3579 said:

He's not selling "burglary tools" anymore than Home Depot is, but i know what you're saying. It sure doesn't feel right for him to sell what he does.

By California law it's no more a burglary tool then a screwdriver is. Intent to break in must be proven for the tool to be deemed illegal to be in possession of. California Penal Code 466

Mission Crabpossible

GET LAMP: The Text Adventure Documentary

StukaFox says...


It would require a fairly intensive refactor to get it to work. The hardest part would be figuring out how to shoehorn GOTO into a modern BASIC interpreter since that command was taken out back and shot in the head -- and for good reason -- but with the memory and processor restrictions of computers at the time, GOTO was necessary because GOSUB required 4 bytes of stored information and a bit more processing power. There's also a number of functions that are exclusive to TRS-DOS BASIC and the Model III in particular.

At one point, I thought about moving the code from BASIC to Z-80 Assembler, but by then the first PC Jr. clones were out (I had a TRS Model 1000 and it was GREAT!) and it no longer made sense to continue doing anything on the Model III.

The worst loss is the database data, which was all the room and pathing descriptions, as well as part of the warm storage for the games. That's the part that breaks my heart to have lost.

That said, the sound over an acoustic coupler of an analog modem making a 300 bps connection is still makes me smile.

ant said:

Do you still have them? If so, then revive for the Internet!

Taiwan: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

I found out where you are getting the “empty shelves” nonsense. Bob, Fox had to do a retraction because the pictures they showed you of empty shelves turned out to be from last summer! Trump DID cause it. Aaaaaaahahahaha! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaaaa!

Better, during their retraction they tried to say “but it is really a problem, we just used the wrong photos” (exactly like their fake coverage of Portland last summer when they used footage from numerous other cities and times to pretend Portland was on fire) then showed new photos that actually were mostly from early this spring when they said the shelves were empty because of a labor shortage, and a few more from last year….the few that were actually current, real pictures of grocery store shelves showed 1 or 2 items out of stock on otherwise full shelves, not empty by any measure. Duh.

Watching nothing but fake news has made you a laughing stock, regurgitating their brain numbingly stupid nonsense without even caring if any of it is true. It’s not a good look.

bobknight33 said:

Empty shelfs.

Trump caused it?

San Francisco Leaders Question Reasons Behind Store Closure

newtboy says...

Democrat’s policies created the insanely great economic opportunities that made Walgreen think it was worth opening 22 extra stores in a small city. Now, high rent (because SF is an insanely popular place to live) and over saturation are obviously more costly than a minor increase in petty shoplifting.

Be clear, Walgreens isn’t closing all their SF locations…which they would if it was just about shoplifting. There are still 20 open locations in the city. 42 was just insane.

This reminds me of Texan politicians calling California an economically failed state, when Texas barely broke even in 2020, lost money in 2019, and California had a $36 billion surplus and supplies services.

You Are Made Of Stupid

cloudballoon says...

Acknowledging you're 99.9% stupid already makes you 499.9% smarter than those who tell people "I'm a genius"... e.g. those who work at and/or love to hang around "Genius Bars" at Apple stores.

eric3579 said:

I am 99.9% stupid on all the things, and have a minimal understanding of a couple things. Thankfully the internet has made it so that that number isn't exponentially larger So much potential knowledge and such little time.

Misinformation: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

JiggaJonson says...

*quality *doublepromote

And if you haven't seen it

Coincidentally, this is one of the sites i used to regular prior to social media and widespread smartphone use. I think taht's why I keep it on my regular loaded tabs. Can't find all of my comments because of siftpocalypse or siftmageddon or whatever we called it when the servers went poof~! Ive lost a hard drive or two in my day. Rough stuff.

Speaking of which, we should make an effort to revive this site and get some more sifters sifting. We do have something unique here, something I miss from record stores and Blockbuster, actual human curators of content.

actual human curators of content
^ we don't have algorythms, we have voting
We don't have bots, we have people

I, for one, am sick of over-monetized-bullshit that all sounds the same constantly being shoved in my face, so i end up here. Maybe some of us are still affected by the crazy propaganda bug, +cough cough+ but the debates look closer to an actual townhall than one infected with too much nonsense for its own good.

Perhaps this would be better in a sift talk post. :-p

How Much Solar Energy is Needed to Power Earth?

drradon says...

why is it that all these renewable energy prosthelytizers can never articulate a coherent solution/end game? He is right, the number of pv cells needed to generate the required electrical energy is irrelevant - that is only a part - and possibly only a small part - of the problem. He gets us to all the required PV panels, but glosses over the question of storage, hydrogen, how hydrogen can be stored, air transport, etc. etc. etc. What's the point of a video like this? Waste of time and electrons...

TX law & tattoos

newtboy says...

Texas still has "blue laws" restricting the sale of not just alcohol but other non necessities on Sundays. Enacted in 1961 and largely repealed in the 80's, you still cannot buy liquor at a store on Sundays, and car dealerships must close one weekend day. This was their way of forcing the Southern Baptist religious beliefs of the ruling class on everyone.

Edit: I grew up there in the 70’s when you could only buy food or medicine on Sundays, and some groceries and pharmacies closed.

Texas has a LONG history of legislating religious "morality", from it's inception through today. They love to talk about their freedoms, but you really only have the freedom to follow their narrow definition of morality. These morality laws always effect the poor far more than the wealthy, often completely exempting the well off....for example, you can buy an expensive mixed drink to go from a bar, restaurant, or hotel...they even have drive through bars...on Sunday morning in Texas, but you cannot buy a cheap bottle in a liquor store to pour your own. This is typical.

America really flew the U-2 spy plane off aircraft carriers

newtboy says...

Why would they try to land on an aircraft carrier, breaking the plane every single time by scraping the wingtips off on the deck? In air refueling means it would never be required, and a total lack of stealth makes it just stupid, landing strip width makes it incredibly difficult to land a plane over 3 times the wingspan of an F16, especially one as in precise and hard to fly as a u2….and impossible to store off the deck, making the carrier useless until the U2 was removed.

On land they had chase cars that drove under the wings at landing, installing the wheels and/or keeping the tips off the ground.

Not trusting this internet source…beware unknown sources.
There’s a reason there wasn’t one shot of a successful landing, the best they had was a 3 point landing with the wing as point 3. At best this was a failed test, not a functional program.

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