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Israeli spokesman gets shut up by CH4 News!

joedirt says...

^ ^ ^ I agree completely. The sad part is that Israel and spokesperson know exactly what they are doing. It purposefully is trying to seem strong, not apologize, and thumb their noses at suffering and the Red Cross.

They want more and more rockets and they really probably want problems in the West Bank.

Unfortunately, Obama is a coward on this one.

Iraqi Journalist Throws Shoes at Bush

Dick Morris Claims Palin Saved GOP From Blowout

Januari says...

>> ^chtierna:
Why are Democrats even complaining about Palin? Palin was like an early christmas present for them. They should be so lucky if she is the republican candidate 2012 !

I've said this a couple of times... but I hope this woman is around, maybe not exclusively representing the GOP... but absoultly the political 'candidate' for the christian right... I can't IMAGINE a better spokesperson... I hope thats the role she takes... and takes it for a long... Long... LONG time...

Those that love her now will worship her... and be politically irrelavent... those that have any objectivity at all will see her for what she is and go looking for something better.

Matt Damon Actually Sounding Smart On Palin

Fade says...

>> ^Trancecoach:
It's always a bad idea for celebrities to become political spokespersons. While I agree with what he says here, I think Damon should stick to "acting" and keep schtum when it comes to politics.

Thats probably the most ignorant thing I've read in a long time. You wanna tell a plumber/taxi driver/waitress/oh I don't know pick anybody with a job that they simply don't have the right to express their own political opinions?

FYI most politicians are actors. Presidents and Govinators were actors.

Matt Damon Actually Sounding Smart On Palin

volumptuous says...

>> ^Trancecoach:
It's always a bad idea for celebrities to become political spokespersons. While I agree with what he says here, I think Damon should stick to "acting" and keep schtum when it comes to politics.

So, depending upon your job dictates whether you can have an active role in politics or not?

No way.

Artists, musicians and actors have been at the forefront of a lot of major, modern-day revolutionary movements. And to think that anyone, whether it's Matt Damon, The Dixie Chicks or Spike Lee should just shut up is a bit absurd.

Dana Perino: Questioned :How many Civilians have we killed?

NetRunner says...

Helen Thomas: "No matter how many more people we kill?"

Dana Perino: "I find it really unfortunate that you use your front row position, bestowed upon you by your colleagues, to make such statements. It is an honor and a priviledge to be in a briefing room, and to suggest that we at the United States are killing innocent people is just absurd and very offensive."

It's not a "privilege" you nazi-fucker, the right to a free press is the goddamned first amendment.

Attempting to dodge a pertinent question about casualties by pretending it's an insult to the country that there was an assumption that in wars innocent people are killed is just deplorable.

If you're uncomfortable talking about civilian deaths during wartime, either don't start the war, or don't take a job as the spokesperson for the leader who's running that war.


Sgt. Matthis Chiroux Refuses to be Deployed to Iraq

Lurch says...

>> ^NetRunner:
>> ^MarineGunrock:
If it's such a "lawful" refusal, then why the hell would you be fearing charges?

Because he will almost certainly be embroiled in a legal battle.
Based on the summary saying he's been honorably discharged, my guess is that he got hit with a "stop loss" letter, telling him that even though he's fulfilled his commitment to the Army, they're extending his contract because they need him.
Technically, refusal to serve would make you AWOL, and I don't know if there's still an opportunity for him to get some sort of conscientious objector status. The Wikipedia article on the topic suggests he won't qualify since he's already served at least 1 tour, therefore he's not opposed to war in general.
I hope he gets and holds the press's attention with this, since it's his only shot of winning this dispute.

Here's a little update on this guy from July. The Army commented on his refusal to redeploy.

"As he put his studies on hold to spend several months speaking to members of Congress in Washington about his plight, Chiroux's second deployment date came and went. Technically, he said, he's not AWOL because he feels he's essentially a civilian, and he's heard nothing from the Army since he failed to report.

The Army sees it differently, though. "The way he's going about it by not showing up puts him as a deserter and someone who is AWOL," Army spokesperson Major Nathan Banks said. "We won't go after him, but if he applies for a federal grant or school loans, certain jobs or gets a traffic ticket, he will be arrested and processed for being a deserter, and he will probably get a dishonorable discharge. He's digging his own hole." Banks said Chiroux's best bet is to file as a conscientious objector and explain his reasons for not wanting to serve. Quon added that if a soldier wishes to claim conscientious objector status, they must first report to their mobilization site and submit an application, which is then reviewed by a General Court Martial."

This came from the article which was linked through Iraq vets against the war. So, the ultimate outcome of this is that one day it will catch up to him and he will receive a dishonorable discharge (which he can have removed after a specified time limit). He essentially just disqualified himself from veteran's benefits. Thats it. The Army doesn't waste resources chasing after everyone that reneges on their obligations. When he looks for government assistance in the future he will be declined.

Homeworld 2 - The Inspiration for Battle Star Galactica?

Farhad2000 says...

Homeworld has been modded to perfection. Start your journey here. I highly recommend The Complex Mod.

There is even a Battle Star Galactica mod.

Furthermore THQ which owns Relic recently acquired the rights to Homeworld from Vivendi. We might see Homeworld 3 sometime in the future.

"THQ currently owns Relic, which in turn means that we now have the rights to the Homeworld brand, however, at this time we have no comment on any future games from THQ based on Homeworld."
— Eurogamer spokesperson

Rachel Ray donut ad pulled because of right wing blogosphere

twiddles says...

No you're correct Choggie. It does get old. I get tired of people telling me what to think.

A) A spokesperson to hawk doughnuts? Not selling enough fat to Americans?
B) Rachel Ray scares me.

Anti Gay Activist Gets A Pie In The Face

Obama ripostes McCain on Hamas

bellman says...

I always think this is particularly hilarious. McCain thinks Hamas are terrorists, willing to murder thousands of innocent people to weaken or destroy the U.S. and it's ally Israel. But when their "spokesperson" claims to "endorse" Obama we should believe him, because, you know, um . . . lying is a bad.

Al Gore: New Thinking on the Climate Crisis

fissionchips says...

Gore has a laudable history with the climate change issue, but the time is right for someone else to take up the role of head spokesperson. I feel like he would do well to pass the flame to someone else soon, especially if he becomes the climate adviser to the next POTUS.

Queen Rania of Jordan : Rift Between East & West

Pprt says...

She did not even bother to answer the interviewer's first question.

Notice how quickly she turned the subject to the West's "lack of understanding" and the fact that we "have to work on our multiculturalism".

I've often remarked that many Muslims being interviewed on Islam have adopted this tactic of immediately diverting too-precise questions towards Western "faults" in an attempt to guilt non-Muslim audiences. They have understood that to gain one's sympathy you have but to plant a tiny seed of guilt which will then create a malaise that persists for the ensuing statements, making them seem much more sensible... no matter how outlandish. Just plant seeds as you go along and you've got yourself an audience lapping your every word.

For instance, a CAIR spokesperson said that we should sooner lock up all Catholic priests to prevent pedophilia rather than be wary of Muslims. No connection whatsoever, but his statement was so absurd that it took the interviewer off guard and the spokesperson got free reign to spew whatever he wanted without reprisal.

Lebanon peaceloving and modern? Yeah... when they were Druze and Maronite Christian... before the Islamic Palestinians arrived to "diversify" the place. See

About the war in Lebanon, it was indisputably brought on by the Muslim demographic. The "innocent civilians" were Islamic Hezbollah fighters masquerading as victims. See

This woman is simply a front for gullible Western audiences. She could not pull an ounce of clout in a debate.

I'll be sure do downvote it when I get my bronze star.

Commercial for Black Currant Tango Beverage

Crazy Eddie commercials we had to endure

Trancecoach says...

yeah, I remember watching these as a kid.

Then when I grew up, I learned that spooky spokesperson wasn't "Crazy Eddie," and that the "real" Crazy Eddie emigrated to Israel to escape extradition for
fraudulent business practices. He eventually returned to the US in '93, pleaded guilty in '96, and sentenced to eight years in prison & received massive fines.

Ah, to be in the electronics business in NY during the 80s..

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