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Lumm (Member Profile)

Oil Spokesperson plays "Spin the question!"

longde says...


I think a stronger host or adversary could have tripped her up. Chris Matthews would have had her for lunch. >> ^Mammaltron:

Exactly, that's her job. Question gets asked, she doesn't want to answer so she ignores it and says "what this is really about is..."
Media handling 101. Admittedly it doesn't come off too well here though, hard to dodge a simple and direct question...
>> ^kir_mokum:
she didn't "steer" the conversation, she put the parking brake on.

Oil Spokesperson plays "Spin the question!"

Oil Spokesperson plays "Spin the question!"

Oil Spokesperson plays "Spin the question!"

Mammaltron says...

Exactly, that's her job. Question gets asked, she doesn't want to answer so she ignores it and says "what this is really about is..."

Media handling 101. Admittedly it doesn't come off too well here though, hard to dodge a simple and direct question...

>> ^kir_mokum:
she didn't "steer" the conversation, she put the parking brake on.

Oil Spokesperson plays "Spin the question!"

therealblankman says...

>> ^Drachen_Jager:

For those who care, Christie Clark (Premier of BC) has a new chief of staff. An Enbridge lobbyist.
If she is still in office when the decision is made, the outcome of the hearings is irrelevant. She will greenlight the project.

Tragic. The Government of BC, bought and paid for by the same people who purchased Stephen Harper back in 2004.

Oil Spokesperson plays "Spin the question!"

kir_mokum says...

if repeating the same nonsensical slogan over and over again is "parrying objections" then i'm an intellectual juggernaut. she didn't "steer" the conversation, she put the parking brake on. it was like watching hitchens trying to convince a five year old to put her boots on. she might as well have resorted to saying things like "nuh-ugh", "i don't wanna", "whyyyyyyyy?", and "do we have to?".
>> ^longde:

On the contrary, she parried their objections, obfuscated, and steered the discussion quite well.

Oil Spokesperson plays "Spin the question!"

David Lynch's PBR Advert

'Gone To The Beach' Century III Kia Ad with Gary Busey

Nobody Can Predict The Moment Of Revolution (Occupy Wall St)

dannym3141 says...

Look, i am ALL up for a revolution, but what are they achieving? Are average non-protesting people like you or me going to go and camp out in wall street?

We're primed and ready for an inspiring figure to crop up as a spokesperson for this .. generation unsatisfied. Before that happens, there's no good aim or good goal, no centre of instruction/information/advice.

We're just a lot of people that are unhappy, and we probably can't explain clearly WHY we are unhappy. Everyone's unhappy about something, and everyone thinks it leads back to the government, but until someone links all of our unhappiness together towards a common goal, it's going to be quantity not quality when it comes to protests.

Hurricane Aftermath: New Jersey National Guard dumbasses

longde says...

The five members of a New Jersey National Guard unit who nearly drowned trying to drive underwater are not receiving punishment for what officials described to The Star-Ledger as their "over confidence."

According to a National Guard spokesperson, the two trucks were en route to another part of the state when they were dispatched to Manville. Unaware of the water depth and the 46-inch fording depth of their LMTVs they proceeded deeper and deeper into the water until they were stuck forcing other rescue units to rescue the rescuers.

"The chain of command is taking the incident seriously," the spokesman said. "They know the soldiers went in with the best intentions. They were perhaps a bit too confident."

Can it be a police state if they are wearing shorts?

bareboards2 says...

Excerpt -- email from spokesperson for the parks:

"Slacklining is not prohibited by the Park Code or by any park rule. We see slacklining as an emerging form of recreation that we should accommodate, so Parks is putting together some guidelines for slackliners that will address the issues people have raised, including that of possible damage to park trees. I have emailed Adam Burtle, who has suggested some sensible guidelines for slackliners, and invited him to sit down with us to draft them."

Stephen Fry on God & Gods

shinyblurry says...

He revealed Himself to me because I was seeking him out, because I wanted to know the real truth and not just what men thought and believed. If you don't know Him, I can only preumse it's because you have failed to do that and only concern yourself with the wisdom of the world. I don't deride anyone who doesn't believe me, I just happen to know anyone who isn't interested has become self-satisfied with the worldly understanding..which is worthless.

>> ^Opus_Moderandi:
>> ^shinyblurry:
However, I know God exists; He is as real to me as my own reflection in a mirror. I have plenty of evidence, directly from God. You may not consider it evidence because it personal testimony, but it is clearly evidence to me.

So god has revealed himself to you and not me? Why? Why did he choose you over me? What makes you a better spokesperson for god than me?
Superiority aside, what evidence did you get directly from god? What evidence did god personally contact you, as an individual, to relay? You're saying your evidence is personal testimony and then deriding other people for not believing it.
Random House College Dictionary
hy-poc-ri-sy: a semblance of having desirable or publicly approved attitudes, beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not actually possess.

Stephen Fry on God & Gods

Opus_Moderandi says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

However, I know God exists; He is as real to me as my own reflection in a mirror. I have plenty of evidence, directly from God. You may not consider it evidence because it personal testimony, but it is clearly evidence to me.

So god has revealed himself to you and not me? Why? Why did he choose you over me? What makes you a better spokesperson for god than me?

Superiority aside, what evidence did you get directly from god? What evidence did god personally contact you, as an individual, to relay? You're saying your evidence is personal testimony and then deriding other people for not believing it.

Random House College Dictionary

hy-poc-ri-sy: a semblance of having desirable or publicly approved attitudes, beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not actually possess.

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