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Toph is Blind

Shepppard says...

One of my favourites is the last episode (so, spoilers)

But in the end, when Sokka and Toph are hanging onto the blimp, hopeless, and finally something good happens (I think suki shows up)

And her reaction of "Did boomerang come back?!"

I miss that boomerang.

Bentley Bentayga vs. Tesla Model X P90D - Ludicrous Speed

Progressive Dems To Clinton: This Race isn't Over

Baristan says...

That video explains exactly why in the end, voting for the lesser of two evils leads to the greater. Without a third party popping up from time to time forcing parties to realign nothing will ever change. The same two parties keep swapping power. The spoiler effect is a necessary sacrifice, required to effect change in a first past the post system.

Ideally our senators would implement voting reform and end first past the post. Not likely to happen if they are all benefiting from the current system.

ChaosEngine said:

Now in a sane political system, I would absolutely advocate voting for your favourite candidate, but the US election system is so fundamentally broken that voting for Bernie would hand Trump the election. That's the reality.

"Voting your conscience and losing to Trump is far better!!! Eventually a third party can form and whittle away at the two sided party. "

No, that doesn't happen. *related=

A third party rises up, splits the vote of it's nearest rival and then disappears over the next couple of election cycles.

Progressive Dems To Clinton: This Race isn't Over

Baristan says...

This is why we are it the predicament we are in today.

If people keep voting for someone who does not share their values just to stop someone who is a bit worse from getting elected this cycle will continue forever. "Spoilers" and "lesser of two evils" are tactics that keep people voting against their best interests.

If you vote for Hillary or Trump just because you think the other is worse, you are voting for a local maximum, and will be stuck with the rigged two party system forever.

Voting your conscience and losing to Trump is far better!!! Eventually a third party can form and whittle away at the two sided party. They can change their positions to stay in power or die off. Either way it gives us the ability to choose what topics being addressed, unlike the current system where year after year we are pitted against each other on the same topics which those in control have little interest in. Wallmart, Comcast et all have little interest in abortion gun control, or gay rights.

BREAK the fucking system. Do not vote for her to prevent Trump. It insures the continuation of the current system. Your voice will forever be inconsequential.

"Voting for the lesser of two evils only paves the way for the greater."

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Vote idealistically if you want– me, I'll be holding my nose trying to fend off the apocalypse.

GOT-Season 6: Episode #2 Clip - Tyrion and the Dragons (HBO)

O'Reilly Can’t Believe Polls: Bernie Crushes Republicans

When You Show Your Girlfriend the Doctor Strange Trailer

Ghost in the Shell VFX Behind-the-Scenes

Sad Affleck thinks about his life

spawnflagger says...

Saw the movie yesterday - it was just all over the place.

The biggest problem I had with it was that a major portion of the "plot" relied on the fact that Batman and Superman both [spoiler] had moms with the first name Martha [/spoiler].

Captain America: Civil War - Official Films Music - FULL VER

radx (Member Profile)

A Super Shit History of Dune - exurb1a

Chairman_woo says...

As a matter of pedantry.....Paul knew full well before the Jihad started, that it would spread to the stars.

This was the least fucked up possible future he saw and even though he knew it involved the death of his love Chani, he chose that future over the "golden path".

*Massive spoilers from later books below*

His second son Leto (yes another one) eventually fulfilled this and basically calls his father a big pussy for avoiding it in the 1st place.

The Golden path being ascent to godhood and becoming the greatest tyrant the human race would ever know. (Worm-man super hybrid)

(The end result being that the human race would finally be free of the fatalism Paul and Leto II were trapped by, by the time his reign ended millennia later.)

The Vatican Isn't Feeling The Force

Kylo Ren Rides BB-8 and Plays Flaming Bagpipes in the Rain

Bad Lip Reading - "BUSHES OF LOVE"

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