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pigeon (Member Profile)

Democrats only care about Illegals, not Americans

psycop says...

I honestly don't understand who this is for? This is a website for like, 15 old guys, most of which you already know aren't swayed by this sort of thing.

I suppose it's not much effort really, but it just doesn't seem like an effective way to advance your agenda?

Do you do any offline organizing? Maybe try to meet up with like minded people and try to do something positive in your local area. If people see you are there to solve real problems they will be more likely to pay attention to your point of view.

I feel like you would appreciate some recognition of your position, but I also don't feel like you are very likely to get it here in this way. Maybe it's time to try something different?

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

bobknight33 says...

Hamas took over the Gaza Strip after a brief civil war back in 2006 / 2007 . Before that Fatah was a major Palestinian political party that began in 1965 as the Palestinian National Liberation Movement. Fatah wanted to negotiate back to the 67 boundaries.

Hamas – Does not recognize Israel, but accepts a Palestinian state on 1967 borders
Fatah – Recognizes Israel, wants to build a state on 1967 borders

Israel should stop advancing and leave it to the Palestine to find and and capture Hamas.
To pressure this no aid to Palestine. Their desperation will weed out Hamas.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I’ve been slacking….

176 Darrell Gilyard, Jerry Falwell protege, must really be some preacher, convicted of child molestation, on parole and back in the pulpit. So they ban children from the church

177 Conservative Baptist minister Matt Baker murdered his wife

178 Richmond County Republican Party official Brett Bennie Langham was indicted for child molestation.

179 FOX News Latino VP, Francisco Cortes - sexual harassment

180 Eric Bolling, formerly FOX News - sexual harassment

181 Kimberley Guilfoyle - FOX NEws - sexual harassment

182 David Garland, President of rightwing Baptist Baylor University, covered up rapes, said women willingly became victims.

183 Political hack and professional hypocrite Ken Starr covered up rapes while Chancellor at Baylor

184 Stephen Dalton Baril just got not jail time even though he took a plea for rape, perhaps because his grandfather was John Dalton, a former governor, and his father Steve Baril ran for Attorney General.

185 Greenville County Sheriff Will Lewis, Republican, indicted for rape, stalking, obstruction

186 While Oklahoma Republican representative George Faught did not commit rape and incest (as far as I know) he said it’s all part of God's will, so he joins the list of rape enablers.

187 Connecticut Republican politician Christopher von Keyserling was arrested and charged with sexual assault. Trump’s his role model. He said it, not me.

187 Bob Jones University Blamed Victims, not Abusers

189 Rhode Island state Sen. Nicholas Kettle, a 27-year-old Coventry Republican, of twice coercing a Senate student page to have sex with him

190 Milo Yiannopolous defended pedophilia, saying older men can show younger men who they are

191 Caleb Bailey, Trump delegate - child pornography

192 Paul Travis Williams, former Lumpkin Co GOP Chair, child pornography

193 Bishop Raymond Burke of Missouri said John Kerry should not get communion, excommunicated all sorts of people, but not pedophile priests

194 CJ Maheney covered up sexual abuse in his churches

195 Megachurch pastor Bob Coy raped and molested a girl from age 4 until she was 14 and his Republican pals helped cover it up, sealing his divorce file, not investigating the complaint

196 Baptist Megachurch Pastor Matt Chandler punished a woman for divorcing her pedophile husband. Did not punish the husband.

197 AZ GOP State Sen. Scott Bundegaard - domestic violence, not arrested at the time because cops believed him when he said he had immunity while House was in session

198 WA GOP state Rep. Matt Manweller is accused of sexual misconduct with students and legislative aides.

199 TX GOP state Sen. Charles Schwertner accused of sending sexting grad student, sending dick pic

200 Indiana Republican Attorney General Curtis Hill - groping

Party of debauchery. Waiting for you to post the list of Democrat politicians with similar convictions…it’s going to be short and a one time only thing…I’ve got at least 38 more pages to go listing high power conservative sex abusers just from this one list, and it’s not all inclusive. Who could be surprised? Your leader is a repeated publicly known pedophilic RAPIST and incestous creep.

Bonus’s E Jene Carrol already won her second defamation case against Trump the rapist…it’s going straight to the damages phase just like Giuliani and the poll workers. Wow your team sucks slimy donkey dicks in court, losing completely before you even start defending yourselves repeatedly!


newtboy says...

The context isn’t missing. You just don’t like it.
He was bragging and defending himself against accusations that he wanted to invade Iran by showing the secret plans and saying "Well, with Milley -- uh, let me see that, I'll show you an example. He said that I wanted to attack Iran. Isn't that amazing? I have a big pile of papers, this thing just came up. Look. This was him. They presented me this -- this is off the record, but -- they presented me this. This was him. This was the Defense Department and him, We looked at some. This was him. This wasn't done by me, this was him. All sorts of stuff -- pages long, look. Wait a minute, let’s see here. I just found, isn’t that amazing? This totally wins my case, you know. Except it is like, highly confidential. Secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this. This was done by the military and given to me."
This recording is from summer 2021 when Trump spoke to a team who was researching a book written by Mark Meadows and some of his own staff, none of which had clearance. This is the same document he said he could have declassified but didn’t, so it’s still top secret. Look!
The transcript is part of the now public indictment. You won’t hear about it on right wing propaganda outlets, because it’s all unthinkably treasonous.
The photos are also from that indictment, and some are reported to show party goers posing with the boxes full of stolen classified documents (faces blurred to protect the innocent party goers).

Pretty hilarious the insane convoluted theories you’re willing to accept without a shred of evidence just because some random guy on the internet said it was true once, but when presented with a sworn indictment containing direct audio tape and testimonial evidence of Trump sharing what he admitted were highly classified state secrets with random people with no security clearance and evidence he stored classified state secrets in ball rooms he rented out with them on stage complete with photos you need more context. 🤦‍♂️

Edit: Be honest with yourself if you can…we know the truth you don’t have to say it….if the charges were against Biden with the same evidence you would be screaming for the firing squad, wouldn’t you. (I would just insist on a trial first)

bobknight33 said:

Totally missing context.

That being said If he actually let the other look at the doc contents then that could be a big problem.

For now this is just shock headlines for gullible people, like newtboy

Car commercial that may make you choke up just a bit

eric3579 says...

Was there really a commercial in Japan that ran for more than 3 minutes on TV? I'm used to seeing shorter 15-30 second videos in the States. The car commercials that I usually see are unappealing and never have a any sort of positive impact on me. In fact many make me dislike the company for how they are attempting to manipulate the viewer. Not saying i'd be more inclined to buy a Toyota after watching this but i payed attention and i enjoyed it. So i guess they succeeded with me in some way.

Baby Fresh Out Moms Womb

moonsammy says...

That's fucking *wild* the kid can already do that. Normally it takes at least one month to even hold their head up a little bit, this sort of extended looking around I'd not expect to see for at least 2-3 months. Little dude's got some ludicrous muscles for his age!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Why not, if you had gotten away with it for decades by “buying politicians” ?

The truth here is his taxes prove his shady dealings by what’s missing…like a $15 million “gift” from China he didn’t report (among others). Also by devaluations property he over valued for loans. That’s bank fraud.
He thought he kept the foreign bribes off his taxes, like the $15 million handout from China he didn’t pay taxes on anywhere. The problem is fewer and fewer people are willing to take the hit for him, and it’s all coming home to roost.
Remember, he immediately installed his people in the treasury and IRS, people who bent and broke long standing rules and laws to HIDE his taxes from everyone including congress while not doing the required audits he falsely claimed were ongoing.

There’s so much there there that multiple officers in his businesses pleaded guilty to multiple frauds on his behalf. If you think he was close to honest with his taxes, you’re blatantly lying to yourself now.

I attempt to sway people to be pro-fact. That just happens to always mean anti-trump because he is anti-fact.

Those FBI troll taht were on Twitter? I see you’ve bought more delusional lies without looking at facts…if I decipher the pigeon correctly. I assume you’re referencing the exaggeration about the “Twitter files” that claim some such nonsense despite the report saying nothing of the sort….but you wouldn’t read it, you might learn something (don’t worry, it’s highly unlikely based on your past).

More projection, more baseless accusations that are in reality blatant admissions. You’ve lost all credibility to the point where it’s more than reasonable to reply to any accusation with gratitude for the admission of your own guilt. It’s obvious who is the fool, who is the troll, and who offers verifiable fact with references as arguments, I have zero fear that even a few agree with you (that aren’t your sock puppets).

bobknight33 said:

If I were to do shady illegal deals I would not want it on my Taxes.

So Again no there here.
Net are you 1 of those FBI troll taht were on Twitter ? You sure do you best to sway people. to be Anti Trump.

OR are you just a fooled troll?

Raccoons attacks little girl

luxintenebris says...

not judging but am more amazed than amused.

the poise of the woman to get her daughter into the house, while handling a rabid animal biting her - THEN stopping in mid-toss to warn a neighbor BEFORE she tossed it (not a bad toss either) - found it similar awe-inspiring.

not to say folks might not rib her for a few days afterward...

"jack's been looking for a bouncer, why not give him a call?"

"suddenly, around 7 AM every morning, we're having all sorts of small animals running by the house like they're afraid of something. isn't that the time you take your kid to school?"

"bet now when you tell your daughter to clean her room or your husband to pick up his socks - THEY LISTEN!"

"gonna call you the next time one of those missionaries stops by the house. would be worth money to see someone hammer-toss a mormon."

of course, she might be like...

Khufu said:

I have a small daughter and live in nature so this is scary but... am I the only one that can't stop laughing?

Train Plows Through Trees After Snowstorm

moonsammy says...

The older voice seems calm, the younger one is poorly covering some real fear. I was feeling like the latter the whole time, some of those were terrifying. I had no idea trains could power through that sort of abuse!

Chevron Ad

WmGn says...

Professional economist here (hence, perceived as right wing) who began studying economics due to concern about climate change (hence, perceived as left wing).

[1] The classic statement of when markets 'work' is the 'first fundamental theorem of welfare economics'.

[2] 'work' in this sense means 'leads to a Pareto-optimal outcome', which means an outcome in which no one can be made better off without making someone worse off. This is a low standard: an outcome in which I have everything is Pareto-optimal.

[3] the conditions for the welfare theorems are generally not satisfied in practice. Here, as alluded to in the ad, carbon emissions are 'externalities': if an oil company sells you gas, which you then use, both of you are better off, because you're assumed to have taken into account the effects of your exchange, and decided to proceed; other parties have not, so may be worse off.

[4] in general, failure of the welfare theorem conditions isn't enough to make the case for government intervention: the outcome may still be 'constrained' efficient - meaning that, given the inherent constraints in the problem (e.g. asymmetric information), the market outcome is Pareto efficient.

[5] again, even if it is, you may not like the particular constrained efficient outcome the market yields (e.g. I get everything).

[6] in the case of externalities, the theory is pretty well established - if we want efficient outcomes, we need to align the private and social costs. There are two basic market-based tools for doing that: quantity tools (e.g. carbon permits) and price tools (e.g. carbon taxes). Which performs better depends on the sort of market imperfections.

[7] obviously, we will never have a perfect estimate of the efficient price or quantity of carbon to emit in a given year. Equally obviously, to me at least, this is a classic case of an externality with a well developed body of theory pointing in the direction of some level of controls.

[8] in my experience: people familiar with the economic theory tend not to be 'pro-market' or 'anti-market': they tend to want to understand how the market can be used to deliver societal objectives and, when it can't, how to correct its imperfections.

Viral transmission not tested in Pfizer trials

spawnflagger says...

Just because transmissibility-reduction-effectiveness wasn't studied before the (emergency use authorization) release of the vaccine doesn't mean that it wasn't also (somewhat) effective at doing that, but just became known after-the-fact because of a much larger "study" (the general population).
The point of the pre-release studies was to determine how effective it was at preventing severe-disease and hospitalization, and those were the numbers evaluated for the EUA decision (at least in USA)
I don't know who this politician is, but seems to be trying hard to create scandal and controversy. And sure, he did uncover a lie by government officials, sort of (preventing yourself from getting sick to the point of shedding less virus does help others around you too), if they made those statements and marketing materials before such data existed to back it up.
Maybe pfizer did make those claims before the EU rollout? That wasn't shown or discussed in this video, even though it would have helped his argument by presenting that.

Certainly I agree that the phrase "speed of science" is content-less, because the scientific method doesn't define speed. The time-to-marketable-solution might be a better measurement, and that largely depends on how much money you throw at a problem.

Queen Elizabeth II Lighter Moments

cloudballoon says...

But isn't it kind of ironic that it's probably Americans (or at least its media) that's MORE enamored of royalty than people of countries that actually do have ceremonial monarchies?

You have your Queen B, GOATs real or imaginary, all the Yas Queens that Americans in general treat BETTER than actual royalty. Yes I know, the difference is talent instead of hereditary. But it's still a sort of human worship. The MAGA crowd elevate Trump to God-like level of royalty in terms of devotion for whatever f**k they believe.

There's not much a difference to me in terms of rationality.

Besides, the British monarch as a net money maker for the government. Bringing over 1 billion BP per "normal" (read: non-Covid lockdowns) year while costing a little over 100 millions supporting the Monarchy per year on average, from merch & tourism dollars the Firm brings into the government's coffer. It's more a Win to keep them than abolish the Firm... still. After Queen Elizabeth II's death... we'll see.

Yogi said:

She seems like a nice lady but in my opinion the idea of Monarchy should die with her. I'm just a stupid American, but I would like to see this concept die completely, even if it's just ceremonial. No more Kings, no more Queens.

Grave Diggers “Can Hardly Keep Up With Demand"

Unused Exploding Head Test for Ron Howard's Apollo 13

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