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Cliven Bundy Shares Some Peculiar Views

newtboy says...

I both agree and disagree.
Cops should try do de-escalate when possible, but also should not allow felonies to continue unabated and/or felons to just walk away from the violent crimes they just committed in front of officers, as they did.

Like you said, if Wesley Snipes had called out the crips and bloods (not to be racist, it's an extreme example) to protect his right to not pay taxes, the cops would almost certainly NOT have 'backed off'...I would like equal treatment across the board. They didn't back down in Waco, or Boston, or Pakistan, or Afghanistan, or Iraq....why start now to 'save lives', especially the lives of admitted traitors to the USA? (if you proclaim your readiness and willingness to fight an armed battle against the federal government that you publicly denounce, and ask others to join your armed insurgency, you ARE a traitor to the USA, period, in my opinion...look up "the whiskey rebellion" for historical context.)
EDIT: I think they should have called the national guard to restore order, since the local officers were so outmatched. A couple of heavy armored vehicles and a few hundred machine guns and/or a few attack helicopters buzzing about would have made them think twice about advancing, unlike the smattering of officers with pistols that backed away and allowed the theft (and killing) of confiscated cattle.

Some human lives need to end. :-) In this situation it's not about putting one person away, it's about upholding the rule of law, which is being publicly broken not only by one jackhole, but by all the armed 'terrorists' that have proclaimed 'war' on the federal government with him, and therefore on the USA.

It does 'blow a hole' in that 'tyrannical state' argument, but that argument was so full of holes to begin with it didn't need another to prove it wrong. He doesn't even believe in the federal 'state', so how can it be tyrannical? :-)

I'm also certain this isn't over, the first time he or his wife go to town without their private army they'll likely be going to the pokey. I also assume their accounts have been frozen (I hope so anyway) and the title to their family land has a federal lien on it. I also hope all federal welfare support for his family has dried up, along with his mail service and any other federal program(s) they take advantage of. He has no right to federal services, he's a tax cheat and felon.

Yogi said:

I see it differently I'm glad the BLM decided to back off and figure this situation out. If this guy and his followers aren't going to be sensible someone should if only to protect human lives. It's something that always bothered me about how Cops operate, there's no reason to go crazy because someone broke a minor law and risk lives. You back off and you figure it out, you don't need to shoot up a street corner and risk the lives of many people to put one away.

It also blows a hole in the side of the argument that the Tyrannical State will stop at nothing to destroy so called Patriots who are fighting for justice. They obviously didn't, they acted rationally in my view. I'm certain this isn't over they're looking at other options and perhaps waiting till they can create a dialog or something. This won't just be set aside forever and they know that.

Cliven Bundy Shares Some Peculiar Views

Yogi says...

Some people are saying now that he's said racist things, people are being unfair and using that to detract from the point of Big Government going after the little guy.

I'm worried about that too, that this racism thing will detract from him being proved to be a Welfare Rancher. He was wrong throughout this entire episode and has surrounded himself with fellow ignorant idiots. Now those in the public eye are getting hammered because he says some racist shit? NO they should be hammered because they wrap themselves in the Flag and then support this moron who is wrong on every avenue.

You have to pay your taxes or you're stealing. You have to pay for the raw materials that keep your business going and profitable. You can't just refuse to be a member of the society, benefit from it and sell your wears to it. Then when the government that represents the people goes and tells you to knock it off threaten to "do what's necessary" and get a ton of Militia members to come protect your tax avoiding ass.

I wonder if Wesley Snipes thought "Well I'll just get some brothers with guns and hole up in my house, they'll never do anything!" How fast would 20 black people be killed cause they looked like they were threatening officers?

newtboy said:

Didn't we know he was nuts when he claimed to be a patriot, but to not believe in the federal government? Does he not realize that would make him live in the S.A., not the U.S.A.?
I love how fast the rats are deserting the sinking ship though. D'OH!

noam chomsky-anarchy and libertarian socialism

enoch says...

i admit my utter failure in expressing my position and decide to use someone i highly admire who could explain it better.

and in doing so i offend you?
and you respond by offending my sensibilities?

do you REALLY think i cannot think for myself?
are we in some epic battle where there is some abstract "winner"?
i thought i was talking to someone who i am quite fond of and who i also just happen to disagree with on this particular subject.

i want to understand why you choose your flavor of libertarianism.
which i dont because you never address the elephant in the appears to me your style of libertarianism is circa 1790.
even blankfist agreed that corporate power and influence MUST be restructured and possibly returned to temporary partnerships,a privilege given by the people,to be dissolved when the project was concluded.
and blankfist is a die hard libertarian.

or is the corporate tyranny not as evident to you?
maybe reading too many heritage foundation essays?
have any of these articles outlined the flaws in capitalism?
like that the system will ultimately begin to cannibalize itself when growth becomes stagnant?
that unfettered capitalism will lay waste to everything..eventually and eventually everything will become a commodity.
to be sold and traded.

its not like it is a huge secret.
the problems with capitalism are well know and well understood,but i guess you are not one of those people.

and i am not one of those people who are good at conveying things such as these..never have been.
but i have always been respectful with you,even when i disagree.
and yet you assume my intentions.
take offense when i meant none and snipe at me from some imagined superior balcony.

i was never trying to say you were wrong.i just wanted to understand why you believe the things you believe.

and now as i am writing this i am being forced to question.
will he take this sentence wrong?
how will he perceive this word in that context?
and i have to admit..its kinda irritating.

but ya know what?
thats on me.
i made certain assumptions about you based an very little.
he likes floyd..check.
dropped some acid back in the day...check.
is educated and in the psychology field...check.

so every correspondence i have had with you is with that person in my minds eye.
i have written every word to you as if you were sitting right next to me.

i wrote about this before and you ridiculed me then.i should have gotten the message.
you are not the person i gave you credit for.
you are you.
and thats ok.

watch the video if you wish.its pretty informative.
or dont.
it doesnt matter.

i apologize for offending you.
/end transmission

Doug Stanhope - The Oklahoma Atheist

Mordhaus says...

As someone who is pretty much agnostic, I can't help but chuckle at people who follow a religion and the anti-religion folks sniping at one another over beliefs.

I will throw this out there, however, Atheists can be just as preachy as Theists, given a soapbox and an ear or two to bend. Both need to get over themselves, because realistically we still know just the smallest fraction of the way the universe and everything in it works.

Ultimate Deer Hunting Gun Revealed

messenger says...

Or, what's the point of 3 lasers and a bunch of scopes if you're shooting from the hip?

And how is shooting from the hip anything like sniping? You don't take 3 shots at something when you're sniping. You should hit it the first time with confidence especially at such short range.

VoodooV said:

semi or auto doesn't really matter when you have that goofy clip stack, which is the whole point of limiting high capacity magazines.

That gun would surely be fun to fire, but that's the thing. That's all it's good for. In all likelyhood, that gun will never be used for the purpose it was built for. It will just be this fun little oddity to get your jollies at the range.

so that's it...keep them at the range under lock and key...not in the home.

I do have to ask though...what's the point of the three lasers?

Barney The Dino Gets Deflated - Macy's Thanksgiving Parade

Ron Paul's CNN interview on U.S. Interventionism in Syria

enoch says...

i like ron paul.
we dated for a bit because we had so much in common in regards to civil liberties and a non-intervention foreign policy.
i had to dump him due to his free-market corporation obsession.
it had just turned creepy...
he still calls on my birthday though,very sweet.

the american people are against any military action.up to 80% of the population kind of against,but what have we learned over the past 10 yrs?
the american government ignores the population and relies on bobbleheads like blitzer and this other cunt to promote the propaganda.

"so let me just say,that after being briefed the gas attacks took place" listening,please continue.
"and that the assad administration is responsible"
the assad situation is responsible?
really? are you sure? because as far as i can tell there is not one shred of evidence.
well,thats not quite true.isreali intelligence says the assad regime is responsible.
and if the isreali intelligence says its assad then it MUST be true right? they wouldnt,,you know..lie.

whoa whoa whoa mr quigley.
am i correct in assuming that your entire argument is basically "trust us"?

you sir,are a whore who would sell his integrity to the highest have lost any right to speak on this situation or for any of your constituents to show you any form of respect.
i revoke your right to participate in human affairs and i bid you good day.

i said good day!

and look at our little slut blitzer trying to snipe from the bleachers.
oh blitz...
you sold your soul a looong time ago.
nobody listens to you anymore.
they are just transfixed by the beard.

to imply that military force is a righteous and just course of action due to 100,000 people dying ignores the fact that america has used chemical weapons.

so when THEY use chemical weapons it is a crime against humanity but when WE use them it is justified?
nice logic captain propaganda.

and if we are to take your argument to have any validity.then i am forced to ask this question:
"if the united states has the right to invade another country for crimes against humanity.that the invasion is for humanitarian reasons (as if bombing and killing is humanitarian),then explain to me why so many countries were NEVER invaded by the united states,even when THEIR crimes against humanity were far more egregious?"
see:east timor
the list is NOT short.

cant answer?
then i submit that your argument is no argument at all.
because if you were a true journalist you would have asked "where is the diplomatic solution?"
"why are we we going in to drop a limited sorte of bombs?"
"in what reality could that produce positive results for the region?"
"where is the international political pressure to bring these factions to the negotiation table?"
"where is the evidence that assad's regime is responsible?"
"why is the obama administration ignoring the military commanders advice of non-intervention?"

i could do this all day.

there is a bright spot in this otherwise dreary and dystopian picture.
the american people are not as politically gullible as they were 10 yrs ago.
we SEE whats going on.
the world SEES whats going on.

welcome citizen to the united states of empire.
please have a seat.
be quiet and obey.
your government is in control.

Guy films juvenile kestrel in the backyard when suddenly...

enoch says...

let me first start by apologizing to @pumkinandstorm for derailing her thread.i always seem to do it to her posts.poor thing must hate me.

as for @carnivorous, i usual dont respond to any other posts after i rant (unless its shinyblurry) but i feel you are worth the time.i have read many of your comments and i sense you are a decent sort.

and though i am loath to do it i shall form my response in bullet form,more for expedience than laziness.(bullet responses are a lazy form of argument in my opinion). comment was not directed at you specifically,hence my generalizations and the use of the open-ended pronoun of "you".though you were certainly included in that use of "you".if i had issue with YOU i would have formed my comment in that manner addressing YOU..specifically.

my problem with some of the comments was not with a moral conflict but rather:presumption and ignorance.your commentary displayed both.

this is not an attack on you nor is it a reflection of how i feel/think/react to you.
it is just a statement based on your commentary.
i was hoping that my rant would possibly illuminate that fact for you (and others).

please reread your commentary in regards to @shang.
notice anything?
you presumed to know and understand @shang 's intentions,even when he stated the opposite.
or decide.because your whole premise is based on how YOU feel/think about a certain activity and you projected that morality onto @shang and found him lacking.
because @shang participates in something you find abhorrent,it appears by your commentary this gave you the right to chastise and judge him,based on YOUR morality.

2.i do not think you are a bully.i think you were being presumptuous and your commentary.

3.your rebuttal was no rebuttal at all but rather a conflation.the family you used as your example as "hunters"were not hunters.we have a name for people like that "sadistic psychopaths".appears they made it a family affair.
but to conflate those sick individuals and hunters is obscene and reveals an utter lack of understanding in regards to actual hunters.

4.i respect a man who stands up for what he believes in and i would never ask you to apologize but thats not what my commentary was addressing.

i was addressing the presumptions you were making about @shang based on pretty much nothing.
and while he was responding in a decent fashion you kept sniping at him from the bleachers.

its all trumpets and parades for standing up for what you believe in but how about a little bit of respect and appreciation for someone taking the time to respond to your questions?
especially in regards to something you obviously know next to nothing about?

you cant demand respect for your morals and beliefs and then turn around and deny anothers right for the very same thing.

i mean,think about it man.
you missed out on an opportunity to understand the mindset,motivations or passion for an activity that is alien to you.

your understanding has not moved an inch because of a pre-conceived notion based on what?
a childhood memory?
a few anecdotal experiences?

what a wasted opportunity.
would you have still disagreed?
yeah..most likely.
but at least you would have understood more.
and this practice is also known as empathy.

ah well...
i hope you read this is the context it was written.
with humanity and not an attack on you.

Full auto Gauss machine gun firing slugs into a laptop.

Jerykk says...

Ideally, a railgun would eliminate recoil, muzzle flash and noise, making it more effective for sniping.

The problem is that getting the railgun to fire bullets faster than combustion-based weapons requires a lot of electricity.

Ron Funches' Guide to Black Cosplay

Drilling A Water Well Just Goes From Bad To Worse.

MilkmanDan says...

I "got" it, except not in exactly the way you meant. Here's how I qualified:

1. I'm the right age -- 1981. *edit* ahh, the commercial is from 1981. So nope, I probably wasn't comprehending TV beer commercials just yet.
2. Nope, Kansas.
3. Nope.
4. While watching the video, I remembered my college Geology 101 "Rocks for Jocks" class and learning about>artesian aquifers. Kansas has conditions that are good for those in some locations due to water in our local aquifer system flowing down from the Rockies (all subterranean, but still down). I'm betting that isn't what you were referring to?
5. Is the joke that Olympia Brewing used an artesian well, and he plays it like "Artesian" sounds like a nationality or ethnic group? Or is it a Pacific Northwest region/group? Wikipedia disambiguation refers to an Artesian South Dakota, but I don't think that's it.

Anyway, I've honestly enjoyed this little snipe hunt I embarked on due to your comment mentioning "artesian" which was my first thought when watching the video, but now I'm coming up empty trying to nail down your actual reference (and therefore the reference of the video you linked also). But it's been fun!

Payback said:

To "get" this reference, you will need:
1. to be old, like me (beer, circa 1981),
2. to be from the Pacific Northwest,
3. to know who Richard Farnsworth is,
4. to know what an Artesian is,
5. this link:

Physicist Sean Carroll refutes supernatural beliefs

shinyblurry says...

Hey friend..I miss when you talked to me rather than snipe at me.

I've always told you that only God can prove Himself. I couldn't prove to you what God has revealed to me, but He could reveal it to you, and would, if you wanted Him to. What you have said many times is that you don't want Him to and you don't care. Well, God is giving you exactly what you want isn't He? Even still He'll be knocking on your door and I hope one day you will answer it.

messenger said:


The only evidence SB will ever provide here for the certainty of his faith is his own experience in direct communication with Yahweh. Even while repeatedly proclaiming that all humans are flawed, he claims that his own human perception allows him to 100% reliably identify his perceived experience with Yahweh as 1) not imagined, and 2) Yahweh himself, a "perfect" entity. The impossibility of a human making this claim doesn't phase him.

As Carroll says, when you hear a claim like that, you can just, "tune them out without listening to the details". You're talking to someone who doesn't understand the scope and real implications of what they're proposing.

The Tallest Manmade Structure Ever Felled ByUsing Explosives

Dyson Vacuum sucks up fire!

Chris Draws a Cartoon

Payback says...

Not unlike a Snipe Hunt.

rychan said:

This is an awesome premise.

There must be a tvtropes section for this premise, but I can't really think of an analogous situation where a designer gives intentionally ridiculous specifications for a creative project to try and frustrate a director / artist / engineer.

Edit: the closest trope I've found: Reassigned to Antarctica. Not a perfect fit, though:

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