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Miracle Fruit: How to Trick Your Taste Buds

oritteropo says...

You can get a weaker version of this effect by eating a slice of lemon (or drinking some lemon juice) and then immediately trying something like broccoli that's not normally sweet. I haven't tried tabasco sauce, so I don't know if it works quite as well on that but lemon and tabasco go fairly well anyway so IMHO not a huge deal

eric3579 said:

I want to try this. Anyone have these pills that would be willing to mail me one? Amazon sells 10 for about 15.00 which is a bit much just for shits and giggles. By the way do younger people say shits and giggles or is that mainly and older folks thing?

Camel Flings Man by the Head

newtboy says...

Perhaps SOME farmers kill their animals like this in the US, but certainly not all. My family doesn't, and we've raised cattle, goats, lambs, chickens, turkeys, etc. We shoot the large animals first and knock out the smaller ones....and have done so ourselves for over 40 years, and I have been involved numerous times. People who kill like in this video are uncaring animal abusers. People who condone it are condoning animal abuse.

When you make an assumption you've made an ass out of you and Mption....and what did Mption do to deserve that?

This was not "slashing the carotid artery", this was a near decapitation. Slashing the jugulars can be done with a small knife, it doesn't require a chainsaw. You only need to make 2 small puncture cuts, not a 2-3foot long slice 1/2 decapitating the animal but leaving it conscious. They're doing it wrong.

Anything going through the camel's brain will kill it, they don't need a gun to not abuse this poor animal to death, although it certainly makes it easier on everyone.

SDGundamX said:


Oh, absolutely, the video is poorly titled. I'll give you that.......

Camel Flings Man by the Head

newtboy says...

There, and also we differ in the fact that I would never post a distressing video like that without a strong warning that it starts off with a camel who's just had it's throat sliced open brutally and obviously with no thought for it's pain or fear, and I certainly would never title it in a way that implies you'll see the opposite...a healthy camel almost beheading (really just tossing by the head) a man...that's another place we differ.

When I'm tricked into thinking I'll see a video of a camel assaulting a human, and instead I'm assaulted with images of people being douchebag humans to animals, my patience goes right out the window. It's why the Humane Society will never get a dime from me, even though I think they do good work, they're douchebags that inflict intentional emotional distress in an effort to gain support. I'll rail against that every time I think I see it.

EDIT: How about just add "1/2 butchered" to the beginning of your title, that'll stop any further complaints I think.

Lawdeedaw said:

I noticed. I wouldn't guess you would downvote it for it's content, which is that people who fuck with nature often get fucked back. Of course you could have just said so before casting a permanent vote, as I did just recently when someone posted a video and labeled it incorrectly, but then I guess that is where me and you differ.

Lawdeedaw (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

There, and also we differ in the fact that I would never post a distressing video like that without a strong warning that it starts off with a camel who's just had it's throat sliced open brutally and obviously with no thought for it's pain or fear, and I certainly would never title it in a way that implies you'll see the opposite...a healthy camel almost beheading a man...that's another place we differ.

When I'm tricked into thinking I'll see a video of a camel assaulting a human, and instead I'm assaulted with images of people being douchebag humans to animals, my patience goes right out the window. It's why the Humane Society will never get a dime from me, even though I think they do good work, they're douchebags that inflict intentional emotional distress in an effort to gain support. I'll rail against that every time I think I see it.

EDIT: That's odd, I wonder why it went to your profile page instead of quoting you on the video page. Hmmm. I didn't mean that to happen.

Lawdeedaw said:

I noticed. I wouldn't guess you would downvote it for it's content, which is that people who fuck with nature often get fucked back. Of course you could have just said so before casting a permanent vote, as I did just recently when someone posted a video and labeled it incorrectly, but then I guess that is where me and you differ.

Camel Flings Man by the Head

charliem says...

They are butchering this for some undefined reason.
Check out its lower-neck....yep....they just sliced it open with a giant chefs knife.

That camel is fearing for its life (but its already been killed, it just doesnt realise it yet).

homeless vet vs homeless kid- social experiment

Alton Brown reviews kitchen gadgets

artician says...

The ease of cleaning is what makes or breaks a device in my kitchen. Garlic presses are just a messy inconvenience to me (I prefer hand-washing to dishwashers). You don't have to use the flat of your blade; any heavy flat object will do, but only if i don't have time to slice it paper-thin. More pieces with a larger amount of surface area produce the best flavour.
Of course, if you're cooking for a larger group of people than a single family, this all goes out the window in favor of mass-production.

gorillaman said:

The garlic press is generally considered to hold merit.

Star Citizen Alpha 2.0 Gameplay Trailer

Jinx says...

I don't think it's a hoax and I don't think their intention is to take people's money and run.


Their business is predicated entirely on building hype. My feeling is they have to walk an all too fine line between making a game and creating vertical slice type proof of concept demos in order to generate and maintain interest. Essentially my concern is that getting your potential customers to invest in the promise of an amazing game will devolve into selling promises. I'm not convinced it hasn't happened already.

Releasing games is so passe but I'm sure they'll have a version 1.0 at some point with a launch party etc. It'll be interesting to see what the game actually looks like at that point. It would nice to be surprised, but I don't think I will be.

Oh. And pre-orders are the devils work.

VoodooV said:

For's amazingly....existant

It's funny to watch Star Citizen truther trolls claim it doesn't exist when there are hundreds of thousands of people who have played it and the numerous livestreams out there on youtube.

An earlier version is on my computer that I can play right now.

But yeah, keep pretending that it's some grand conspiracy perpetrated by the mustache-twirling Chris Roberts....who would have gotten away with it too..if it weren't for that meddling Derek Smart.

I got my invite to the PTU earlier this week. Sadly, I'm not going to bother with it because 1. my video card is shitty and can barely load the game in it's current state and 2, they're constantly patching it and the patches are huge and I just don't want the hassle.

I'm curious what the next excuse will be when the game is released? @Jinx, @rancor can you enlighten me? Generally the just switch some other trivial gripe instead of admitting they were wrong.

No faith is required @OverLord. The game exists and is playable albeit still in pre-pre-pre-pre alpha. The only difference is that you never hear about regular games until they've had years of development already done. With Star Citizen, we've known about the development right from the very beginning, we've seen the game grow from the basic hangar module that was first released to what it is now...warts and all.

If it were a hoax, it's the most inefficient hoax of all time. Let's waste lots of money hiring A-list actors for the single player campaign that, were it a hoax, we could just run off with the money. And tell me..what is the supposed end game for this hoax? Is Chris and Sandi going to skip town with a suitcase full of money cackling maniacally as they twirl their mustaches? Any damsels tied to the train tracks I should know about that need rescuing?

How to subdue a machete-wielding man without killing him

bremnet says...

Yes, because online videos of policing practices are representative of the whole. Excellent comparison, your degree in statistics serves you well. If the civilian standing in his doorway at 0:15 becomes the target for some reason, and this lunatic goes after him with his knife, then is it ok to shoot him? If this lunatic was in the middle of a mall or on a busy street and pulled this shit, I would hope that they would shoot him instead of trying to wrangle him to the ground with shields and batons... to serve and protect and all that. If he sliced up a civilian during this kinder gentler policing, the populace would be screaming for heads and at the police for more assertive action. Give them a taser, give them some non lethal rounds, give them a fine Calvary Sabre but control the situation immediately and remove the threat. The fact is the cops weren't in control at all.

artician said:

The only difference here seems to be a lack of ego. These guys aren't acting like they're constantly under threat of looking stupid, or need to maintain control via threat of physical violence. They're controlling the guy by letting him think he's in control, while everyone's still safe. Reflecting on what we see of the american police force online, it really makes them look like a one-note cannon when it comes to local civic diplomacy.

World's Fastest Butcher

A Knife For Cutting Through Metal

$1 to $1,000 Pizza in Times Square

100 Years of Hamster Beauty in 60 Seconds

Underwater Sodium - Periodic Table of Videos

MilkmanDan says...

Awesome! Thanks for the link, I had missed that one.

About the only way to improve on that would be if Mythbusters or somebody did a large amount sliced thin to maximize surface area, built a cage sturdy enough to keep it submerged, and then filmed it (underwater) in ultra high-speed...

oritteropo said:

I can, almost, oblige... watch this *related= video. The first barrel is close to what you're after.

Anime in real life

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