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Formula 1 car vs. Normal cars

Payback says...

Similar power? Fine. Similar weight? Probably not.

A freight train has thousands of horsepower (6000-7000) and immense torque, but because it's 60+ ton, it can't do squat.

If you do race, it's probably not in a lead sled like the E50.

Ejection Seats in Slow Motion.

Reporter Owned By Tube

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'reporter, sled, flip, poise, innertube, snow' to 'reporter, sled, flip, poise, innertube, series of tubes, snow' - edited by calvados

Left to Die - National Geographic

dw1117 says...

Imagined if someone built a sled for him and just pushed him down. There still would be a remote chance he would survive and hey, just think about it, that would be one hell of a ride.

One persistant little dog trying to go up the wrong way

Reporter Owned By Tube

Krupo says...

Definitely *actionpack. And *Canada!

>> ^cheesemoo:
I suspect that the broadcast ended when he did his "sign off" and rolled over, but the camera kept running, so the footage was available somewhere.
Or this may have been for an internet news agency, or some B-roll footage, or something that wasn't aired live.

I was going to write something, but it was all answered below.

>> ^Xax:
LMAO... usually this happens to idiot children on America's Funniest Videos, but this moron's looking right at the tube coming toward him and does nothing. Love it!
Global is a Canadian TV network.

Reporter Owned By Tube

Guardian-X says...

>> ^silvercord:
This is what I found. He is a Toronto reporter named Rob Leth. He works for Global Television Network. He is rumored to have cracked his tail bone and punctured his spleen. It's still awesome. And a point for noticing the tuber screaming!

Ouch! I was hoping he got off without a scratch, as it looked like he was very close to snapping his neck. Not a soft powder day I guess.

Reporter Owned By Tube

Line Rider: Transcendental

Line Rider: Transcendental

Japanese Massage House Pranks

Arvana's Got a Diamond! (Sift Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

For 1000 star points, Dag will fly to your town on a sled guided by a magic camel he calls "Cornelius". He will then break into your home by means of the toilet in the middle of the night and spoon you while you sleep. On top of that you must leave a plate of carne asada and a glass of jenkem out for him. He's like a creepy Santa Claus.

Is this what people call snow? (Blog Entry by swampgirl)

swampgirl says...

Thanks Weather channel says it's 33 here. 12 degrees MGR! I suppose we'll get some cold like that here later. When we heard the snow was coming, I ran out and got them snow boots, sleds and snow shovels. The kids are out now shoveling driveways for cash.
I didn't think to get myself some boots though!

Lucky, you're on the southern west coast?

I had some pics w/ Sam in the snow I was going to post instead. Maybe I will anyhow.. Spam up the blog w/ my dog heheh

What a MarineGunrock actually does

8451 says...

Easy Guns, I meant no disrespect... The sled, or tray, is not needed for anything smaller than DPICM (which is at 125lbs) An HE is 92 to 105lbs. Smoke is less. Cannoneer #1 can handle the round and load it, lip it, then ram it. And by gunner I meant gunner #2, the guy that sets the elevation. Handling of primer from one hand to the other increases the chance of dropping it. And, BTW, the chief should not be jumping from one rail to the other; it's not ballet. Also, I bet SOPs vary between services quite a bit.

What a MarineGunrock actually does

8451 says...

Sloppy work, MarineGunrock. They can save time by not using the sled and switching the location of the powder on the other side of the truck. And the gunner shouldn't touch the primer...
Still, thanks for the post; it took me back a few years.

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