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I haven't seen Avatar yet... (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Spoiler #1: It turns out that Jake was dead the whole time, and that the Na'vi were all ghosts.

Spoiler #2: Midway through the film, a quick pan of Neytiri's naked body reveals that she is actually a he.

Spoiler #3: Colonel Miles Quaritch cryptically whispers 'rosebud' in the opening scene of the film, which we eventually learn is actually the name of his childhood sled, symbolically representing the lost innocence of youth he so dearly longed for.

Spoiler #4: After discovering the Statue of Liberty protruding from a Pandoran Lake, Dr. Grace Augustine realizes that they've been on Earth the entire time!

Spoiler #5: Darth Vader reveals that he is in fact James Cameron's father.

10430 km/h World Speed Record

Prank Gone Wrong - Hiding On The Refrigerator

Shepppard says...

>> ^thepinky:
>> ^Shepppard:
>> ^thepinky:
Why do people seem to think that those with southern U.S. accents are all rednecks? It annoys me.

This, This, This, and This. And throw in These for good measure.
I hope that you are explaining to me why people erroneously associate the southern accent with rednecks instead of justifying the attitude with pictures of the Blue Collar Comedy club and King of the Hill.

Nope, just giving examples as to why most of the world sees the south as a bunch of rednecks. Most of the exposure they get to it (Through accents, t.v. shows, etc.) involve the protagonists of sorts being redneck idiots with southern accents.

You could say that Canada is a winter wonderland filled with polar bears and dog sleds if you believed most of the exposure we get from certain t.v. shows and movies.

M. Night Shyamalan's The Last Airbender - Trailer

jmzero says...

#1 The Village, 17th century village living off I-95
#2 The Happening, plants create wind
#3 Signs, aliens invade planet comprised of 70% water, are allergic to water
$4 The Lady in the Water, never seen it, heard its AWFUL
#5 I'm sure one of his other films make a 5th

How about:

#6 Dead guy was like, all crazy for some old sled.

Even if we decide to judge movies by plot synopsis, which is stupid, I really prefer "17th century village living off I95" to "Boy has secret, waits too long to tell it to girl, girl gets mad, then they get back together after a montage of them being sad". Different isn't the only thing that's important, but at least it's something.

Again, I'm not saying M Night's movies are perfect, but on average they're better than at least 50% of movies that get released. I can only say one good thing about "The Happening": the scene where the people all jumped off the roof was kind of visually interesting and vaguely disturbing. It was a bad movie with wooden acting, bad pacing, etc.. But that one good thing is one more good thing than I can say about a lot (or even most) movies.

#3 Signs, aliens invade planet comprised of 70% water, are allergic to water

Yes... "Signs" wasn't realistic or consistent in how the global invasion or whatever played out. I don't think anyone will argue this. But it was entertaining, the character's reactions had a tinge of realism that's scarce in this kind of movie, and it had a few scenes I thought were really great - like the fuzzy "Mexican birthday party" video.

All time great? No. But the 3rd worst movie of all time? Even accounting for a truckload of hyperbole it isn't even close. I'd say it's better than 80% of movies that come out.

I can understand thinking M Night is overrated or egotistical or something... whatever.. but I still don't understand the hate. He's far from the worst director out there.

Edarem (the guy who loves 30 Rock) Conducts Brahms

stumpyjoemcgee says...

He's a sex offender.

"Noticed many had wondered of whereabouts of Ed Muscare. In October 1986, I was in the Navy in San Diego when a local news item was aired on TV. To make a long story short - Uncle Ed was arrested for the molestation of several young boys as well providing them with drugs and alcohol. Story referred to him as "local cult tv star". Story also had video of the actual arrest and it was indeed our Ed. As cops were bringing him out of the house (a rundown little shack in bad part of town), the handcuffed Ed came right up to the camera, bared his teeth and let loose with a loud growl, then laughed to beat all hell. Always the showman that guy. It so happened that a fellow shipmate from KC area was there with me at the time to verify that it was the Ed Muscare I remembered from my youth. Haven't heard a word since the initial report of arrest as I was discharged two weeks later. "

Mythbusters Pancake a Car With 650mph Impact

peggedbea (Member Profile)

rougy says...

No, I'm pretty sure Coulter means most of what she says, though she says it in the most incendiary terms possible.

Her dad was a rich lawyer who specialized in union busting.

She's always been pretty well-off, but never rich enough to hang with the blue bloods, and this is her very selfish attention-whore way of ingratiating herself into their club.

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:

ive always had my hunches, but upon thoroughly inspection of this video i am now 99.99898098% sure these demons are only a parody of their viewers. their motivation? cash. only im not sure if its a relief to be so certain of this or something else to keep me up at night.

what says you capt liberal douchey pants?

Fox News Declares War on Canada

Shepppard says...

I can't stand this. This, is borderline slander of Canada.

Mounties and Police are two different sections of Canadian law enforcement. My father is a cop, my Grandad was a Mountie.

The Mounties do NOT wear the red jacket as standard uniform, they wear it as DRESS clothes, the same way that police officers have dress uniforms.

This can't possibly be real. It can't, they're talking about every Canadian stereotype under the sun, except the fact that we live in Igloo's and ride dog sleds, and even then, the fact that we live in the "Frigid North" implies it. Even though I'm sitting here looking out my window at the sun shining out on my snow-free front lawn, watching motorcycles ride up and down the street because of how nice it is outside.

Christ, Nomino is so right it's absolutely absurd. The Canadian army has so many achievements, even freaking HITLER respected them.

From wiki: "While the German leader had no qualms about destroying culturally significant locations in France including many French war monuments which were torn down by the Nazis, the Vimy memorial carried no messages of Allied triumph over Germany. So it was protected by Hitler, who assigned special units of the Waffen SS to guard the monument from defacement by regular German Wehrmacht soldiers.[10] University of Ottawa historian Serge Durflinger[1] notes that "Hitler admires it immensely, he says so at the time. As a result, the Germans respect[ed] the memorial all through the war."

Respect from potentially one of the most evil bastards that have ever lived, and these assholes can't do anything but make fun of our army?
An army that has suffered casualties at the hand of the united states on multiple occasions? the first few Canadian casualties IN the this fucking war were 9 soldiers that were bombed by U.S. planes.

Jesus, I don't generalize Americans, because I know there are those of you who aren't completely ignorant to the truth, but people like this need to learn some fucking respect and do some research before they decide they want to make fun of an entire nation.

Landing Gear Fails while Pilot pulls up on Runway

13276 says...

You're judging without knowing what the hell is going on in the video.

Dammit, once again my decision not to learn Russian comes back to haunt me. It's too bad, I really would like to know exactly where "pilot skill" comes into play in riding down a runway in a jet powered sled.

Deranged Penguin Heads Toward Certain Death

11969 says...

How cool would it be to get a bit tired of walking, so you flop down on your belly and scoot along like a sled for a bit.

It's obvious that with this ability he was going for the eXtreme downhill penguin belly slide, from the most treacherous peak he could find.

Dog Loves To Sled... On People!

Hey, mom, I'm gonna go slide in the sno*SPLAT*! (6 seconds)

Belligerent Drunk Driver Harasses Seattle Sledders

Belligerent Drunk Driver Harasses Seattle Sledders

What Will Happen To Sarah Palin? (Election Talk Post)

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