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therealblankman (Member Profile)

Sledding behind a commuter train = EIA.

1998 Ford Expedition Sled-Rollover Crash Test

castles says...

I think they build the cars to crumple up like that and absorb the impact instead of coming to a complete and instant halt - and flinging the passengers even further. >> ^zeoverlord:

>> ^radx:
Do they build the A-pillar on the passenger side out of pudding or why does it collapse this easily? Might be preferable to not wear a seatbelt and be ejected from this death trap after all ...

it could be that the entire car is coming down on it, but if you take a looksie again you will notice that it didn't completely collapse, in fact if you take a look at the clips from inside the card you will see that it's not that bad, save for the whole ejecting of the passengers due to them not having seat belts.

1998 Ford Expedition Sled-Rollover Crash Test

zeoverlord says...

>> ^radx:

Do they build the A-pillar on the passenger side out of pudding or why does it collapse this easily? Might be preferable to not wear a seatbelt and be ejected from this death trap after all ...

it could be that the entire car is coming down on it, but if you take a looksie again you will notice that it didn't completely collapse, in fact if you take a look at the clips from inside the card you will see that it's not that bad, save for the whole ejecting of the passengers due to them not having seat belts.

1998 Ford Expedition Sled-Rollover Crash Test

jimnms says...

>> ^Xax:

It boggles the fuck out of my mind whenever I see someone not wearing a seatbelt. People are so goddamned stupid.

I always wear mine, but I don't think they should be required by law. We need to thin some stupid out of the gene pool. I also always notice in TV and movies when actors aren't wearing theirs. That bothers me too, it might be a subliminal thing for people to think it's cool to not wear them.

1998 Ford Expedition Sled-Rollover Crash Test

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Raven hooks straight wire to reach food

srd says...

A raven is a type of crow. Crows in general are pretty amazing birds, from the Jackdaw that can be taught to "speak" like a parrot to crows in Wales that go sledding in winter for fun. In cities, I'd rather have crows around than pigeons.

Throbbin (Member Profile)

poolcleaner says...

That's an extremely morbid use of the catsanddogs tag -- I like it!

In reply to this comment by Throbbin:
*canada *nature *eco *catsanddogs

Yeah, try making a sled from the ribcage of a cat. Dogs 1, Cats 0.

Also, most Inuit did not see the British as Gods. Instead, white folks were (and still are) referred to as 'kablunaaks' - Kabluqs = eyebrows (because they found the white folks had big, bushy eyebrows), and Naak = Stomach (because they had big stomachs). Inuit on Baffin island were amazed at the technology the Europeans brought with them, but Inuit on eastern Baffin island had also heard stories from Greenland Inuit who had clashed with and run-out-of-town the Vikings sometime before, and were well aware of the existence and mortality of Europeans.

The Ingenuity of the Inuit - Making a Knife from Shit

Throbbin says...

*canada *nature *eco *catsanddogs

Yeah, try making a sled from the ribcage of a cat. Dogs 1, Cats 0.

Also, most Inuit did not see the British as Gods. Instead, white folks were (and still are) referred to as 'kablunaaks' - Kabluqs = eyebrows (because they found the white folks had big, bushy eyebrows), and Naak = Stomach (because they had big stomachs). Inuit on Baffin island were amazed at the technology the Europeans brought with them, but Inuit on eastern Baffin island had also heard stories from Greenland Inuit who had clashed with and run-out-of-town the Vikings sometime before, and were well aware of the existence and mortality of Europeans.

The Ingenuity of the Inuit - Making a Knife from Shit

criticalthud says...

i tried making a shitknife and stabbing my roomate to death with it. it didn't work so well. i wanted to make a sled out of her too. guess i'll have to downvote.
ok, now someone please chime in with the global warming is a myth thing.

Labradors go sledding!

Projection animation on a MACK TRUCK!

BoneRemake says...

Why is this Titled "Mac" truck ? Looks more like a Western Star to me, BUT that is my point, you cant tell unless you personally know a lot about Tractors. Do you know a lot about tractors like that or is this "mac" truck just a generic stereotypical word for a " big rig" its like calling a sled a ski-doo. Wicked computer animation in the video though, I thought it was really neat with the windows/wipers

Urban Skiing

Sketch says...

Dear Youtubers who attempt to pull people on sleds, wagons, boogie boards, Big Wheel's, shopping carts, planks of wood, nothing at all, or anything else your demented little devolved brains can think of:
Notice how the skis give the person being pulled some CONTROL over their own movement! Also, note that at no time does the driver "gun it"!

Now go off and ignore all of those things so that you can give us more fail videos to sift and eliminate your space in the gene pool.

Female Bobsledder Splits Her Bodysuit

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