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How People Make a Living by Cleaning Up Crime Scenes

BSR says...

I don't do "clean up". I've done pick up and transport for 11 years. I've never felt a "presence" on any scene where I did a body removal other than inspectors, police or a pet. Flies and maggots don't count.

City of Akron responding to the shooting of Jayland Wlaker

PILLOW FIGHT PRANK - Assault with a bedly weapon

Black Adam – Official Trailer 1

Amazing New Japanese Hanabi Fireworks

kir_mokum says...

"CGI can alter the color and intensity of light, changing the appearance of an actor’s face or body in a shot."

this means building a digi double of an actor's face or body, match moving/rotomating it, relighting it with scene lights, then a shit ton of work in comp. NOT a colour correct or a shitty filter. it's a huge amount of work.

Hayes: NRA "Good Guy With A Gun" Theory Failed In Real Time

newtboy says...

Yep…not true at Parkland, wasn’t true here. There were DOZENS of “good guys with guns” milling around outside, and 19 inside, not one even tried to help, some assaulted students, parents, and teachers, but not the shooter.

Edit: 19 officers were inside, on the other side of the door while children were being shot to death for 45 minutes…during which time they heard the screams of children being shot to death, they received multiple calls from inside the classroom explaining that there were multiple dead kids, multiple still living children, and more being shot with every call, yet they did absolutely nothing but wait. They claim today that they decided he was a barricaded suspect and there was no time pressure to stop him despite being able to hear children being murdered just feet away from where they stood with their thumbs up their asses.
It now seems, according to today’s story from police (a story that changes with every telling) even the tactical team from border police was on scene almost 40 minutes before they went in.

*doublepromote *quality debunking of another of the right’s idiotic talking points.

I think 21 officers from that force need to be executed on the spot by grieving parents, with no charges for the shooters, and the rest fired and banned from being even unarmed security guards for life, with prison if they even attempt another job in law enforcement. This was undeniable proof that police aren’t heroes, aren’t there to protect the public, and are in reality just cowardly thugs with guns and authority that don’t step up when needed.

Beto interrupts dog and pony show

newtboy says...

I heard “I can’t believe you’re a sick son of a bitch that would come to our political PR event to make a political stance on a political issue! “

Aren’t these the people who have made a mission out of standing up in school, town, and county board meetings and scream ranting at them, often in large numbers, often making threats, until the meetings are ended? Now the same snowflakes are outraged someone does the same to them in an effort to make a better suggestion to protect children than the Republican suggestion, which today is arm every adult and lock all the fire exits, because having armed guards worked out so well in Florida.

Edit: it now sounds like Uvaldi police waited quite some time (1:15) before entering the school, with videos of parents pleading with them to do something and dozens of armed police on scene, during which time the murderer shot down 19 children and two teachers. So much for armed security being the solution…that only works if they act, which is rare.

LA STORY - opening

Wikipedia's Bias

newtboy says...

Poor bob. A wonderful libertarian information clearinghouse hasn’t become a home for right wing nonsense, lies, and propaganda. Tragic!

Still talking about Hunter Biden, eh? You still have nothing better? Another Benghazi nothing burger with fries….something fake to keep you mad at the right person. There’s zero credible evidence on that laptop, no evidence it ever belonged to Hunter, at best there’s evidence someone who hacked his email account at the same time the Russians hacked Clinton and the DNC created it, adding tons of fake information, photoshopped photos, fake and doctored emails, etc. Because the right had possession of it, and tampered with the contents for 9 months before “turning it over” (to Giuliani?), it’s nothing. Like a piece of evidence allegedly taken from a crime scene, washed, dipped in blood, exposed to close range gun fire, wiped with dna, tested at a filthy unaccredited lab with zero anti-cross contamination protocols, then handed to police and expecting a conviction. Just so stupid.

They don’t “vouch” for the emails….they say there are indications some of them are real….not all. Liars.

So family is fair game….now….but not Trump’s criminal family that undeniably took BILLIONS in bribes from horrific murderous dictators and Trump covered for them, directed his DOJ to not investigate or to just exonerate people like Mohammed bin Salman, even bragging he saved Mohammed’s ass from consequences for the live dismemberment of an American. Far from the only KNOWN bribe, Melania…..Don Jr, Eric, Jared, likely Barron too. Better investigate since this kind of stuff outrages you….but it doesn’t really, now does it? It’s just a crutch you cling to like an emotional support blanket, propaganda.

Oh wow! Right wing media isn’t reliable!? Who knew!? (EVERYBODY KNEW, YOU DUMB SHIT…for decades)

Whine some more, snowflakes. Why not create your own? (Because it would be chock full of insanity from day one, with zero real information or usefulness and you know it).

Racing Drone Tours Tesla's New Berlin Gigafactory

SFOGuy says...

OK; I had funny flashback to the scene in Galaxy Quest where they run through the gigantic "mashers" that have no point at all when the metal press scene came up lol

Chemist Breaks Down 22 Chemistry Scenes From Movies & TV

Buttle says...

That Martian hydrazine scene bugged me too, having received a number of hydrazine safety lessons. "Don't breathe anything green" is good advice. My rule is to just not breathe anything you can see.

Back to the BBS - The Return to being online (Playlist)

Trump’s Loyalties

surfingyt says...

trump salute NK generals like a cuck. putin emboldened by watching cuck trump. republicants can cuck on this: Biden has completely outsmarted putin. undercut every pretext putin had to justify an invasion, leaving the world, and especially russian people, without any plausible explanation for invasion AND biden unified democratic allies to support ukraine’s defense and russia sanctions.

putin started playing checkers and biden turned it into a game of chess. this wont end well for putin and, unfortunately, russian population.

the scenes from ukraine are heartbreaking

newtboy said:

Responded to the invasion with a training exercise nearby. I forgot what a strong military response Trump had, showed real strength. Putin must have been terrified.

An even bigger response than when the report on Malaysia flight 17 came out in 2018 proving Russian military used a Russian missile to shoot down a commercial airliner. Trump-*crickets*

Jordan Klepper Takes On Canadian Truckers | The Daily Show

Pilot has close call with a train

newtboy says...

I don’t KNOW, but reports I’ve seen said the police were extremely close, reacted instantly, rushed to the scene, and barely managed to pull him out before impact. Maybe there was more time, but the reports implied there wasn’t.

Khufu said:

well we just saw the end of the event, I'm assuming they had more time than the length of the video.. but maybe not.

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