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Girlfriend picked up from work compilation

surfingyt (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yes, I see that.
My point being the training masks don't do a thing for covid beyond training the body to operate with air resistance. It's a big issue, people who don't care about safety ignoring reality to "comply" with mask mandates by wearing fishnet masks or other non filtered front discharge masks, then pretending they don't understand the difference.

I doubt these kids had trained with them anyway, they're more for high level athletes, so in this case they were not especially prepared to compete wearing effective covid masks....but likely neither had their competitors.

surfingyt said:

this mask isnt for stopping the spread of infection. its for training in low oxygen environments or at altitude, so you perform better when surrounded by more oxygen.

Magic Laser Cube

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Clearly you cannot read. The article is clear. The objective of the bipartisan group was not to win votes for either side, only to ensure a free and fair election in the face of the Trump administration's efforts to interfere and illegally sway results through lies, lawsuits, disinformation, voter suppression, and simple denial of reality and fact.

"There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs. Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans. The pact was formalized in a terse, little-noticed joint statement of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO published on Election Day. Both sides would come to see it as a sort of implicit bargain–inspired by the summer’s massive, sometimes destructive racial-justice protests–in which the forces of labor came together with the forces of capital to keep the peace and oppose Trump’s assault on democracy.

The handshake between business and labor was just one component of a vast, cross-partisan campaign to protect the election–an extraordinary shadow effort dedicated not to winning the vote but to ensuring it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted. "

You are both dumb to try this lie, and a bold faced liar. You actually pointed us to your source that clearly says the exact opposite of what you claim. I'm pretty certain you didn't read it, because it's clear, and it calls you a liar too.

bobknight33 said:

The left subverted the election and admitted it in the article.

They colluded with the media, big tech, local and state governments with the sole purpose to sway voters and block opposition on a national scale.

I can read but can you take you blinders off?

We Still Don’t Know How Bicycles Work

newtboy says...

I must disagree.

First, it's precession, not procession, paired with the "caster effect" and static friction. It's a self correcting system that only works when in forward motion.
This nonsense with counter rotating wheels countering the gyroscopic effect ignores the fact that only the forward rotating wheels are using friction to direct the path of the bicycle based on their angles. It's not JUST the gyroscopic effect, that only determines the resistance to angular change, it's friction directed by gyroscopic precession and the self correcting caster effect. Come on.

Nobody knows how we ride bikes?! (A different claim from we don't know why they can remain upright when ghost ridden) Nonsense, it's balance plain and simple. If you don't keep the center of gravity exactly above the contact points with the ground, you tilt. When the centrifugal force exceeds static friction of the tires you slide out or when gravity exceeds the opposing centrifugal force caused by turning, you fall. Try turning your bike but staying exactly upright, no lean. Now, when you heal, try leaning without turning, lock the wheel straight, you'll fall again. It's multiple forces in concert.

I think a decent physics teacher would wipe the floor with this. It ignores so much to make these "we just don't know" claims.

Mini Horse Makes Off With Hat || ViralHog

A Reporter’s Footage from Inside the Capitol Siege

cloudballoon says...

No one is dismissing 75 million Americans, it is the Trump cult that's dismissing the 80+ millions' collective voice/vote by not understanding basic math, being delusional and can't handle losing an election. Snowflakes.

Ah... America. To be a Patriot is to never own up to its mistakes/actions, am I right, Bob? Just point to some Bogeymen and blame them! Besides, if the Trump cult is so cool-headed and oh so "Jenius!", why would they fall into Antifa's "incitement" ALL. THE. F-ING. TIME? Guest them Trump nuts never had much mental faculty to resist any violent persuasions to begin with huh?

Oh, please ID me ONE Antifa in the footage. If there are seditious Antifa in their midst, arrest them! It's what they deserve.

MAGA nuts have been going off all on their own without anyone's help.

bobknight33 said:

When you dismiss 75 Million Americans a few are going to off.

Didn't help that ANTIFA was there as Trump supporters inciting action.

Congress Under Armed Attack Live Stream

greatgooglymoogly says...

"Who said protests have to be peaceful?"
-Chris Cuomo

The acts of Jan 6 were a little predictable given the police and public responses to riots the last 6 months. People tried to burn down the federal courthouse in Portland, and the worst they got was teargas. Same with burning the church just blocks away from the capitol. No bullets fired at any point. I don't think there was any expectation of getting shot by anyone going in unarmed, the cops seemed satisfied to resist with a shoving match in many cases, even those carrying full-auto assault rifles were remarkably restrained. I think they recovered 5 guns total by people inside?

It looks like there were enough cops to hold the crowd back if they concentrated at the doors, they made a mistake trying to have a large perimeter, which is why we have videos of them taking barriers down because they were just gone around and useless, not because cops were letting them in. There were about 50 full on riot cops with shields who seemed to hold the rear of the building just fine.

DESPERATE Restaurant Owner BLOCKADES Inspector's Car

newtboy says...

By that assessment, every drug dealer, thief, and Nigerian prince should have the same right to “protest” by physically trapping police in their place and blocking traffic without repercussions.
He could not legally be open, so he was being a criminal to get the money to pay these people and bills, just like a heroin dealer.
He was being stopped from breaking the law and causing a deadly public health hazard. His reaction, break more laws and fight police. My question is, why didn’t they throw him to the ground when he refused to comply and argued and then taze or shoot him when he resisted? Sadly, I only see one reason, he’s a white guy. I think if he were black 1. Bob would no longer see this as a hero standing up for his rights but a thug flaunting the law and “fighting” police and 2. The police would react quite differently.

BSR said:

Actually I saw a man protesting and arguing with police, not complying, because he was going to be stopped from paying his staff and his bills and his truck payment. Something he may be facing for the first time in his life.

I make no judgment about the rest of your analogy. I'm not very good cynic.

VLDL: Getting a USB in first time - USB

Khufu says...

It is interesting that it SHOULD be 50% chance but it's more like 1% for some reason. probably because any bit of resistance from a wrong angle, rotation, wrong port, can feel like it's because you have it backwards, so you turn it around, then it IS backward... just a poor design that is enduring.

Judge Barrett isn't worth considering

Mordhaus says...

This has nothing to do with her capability. It never has been. It has to do with people pissed because there is a nominee during this time.

News flash, it doesn't matter if Trump wins or loses. He can nominate someone even after he loses. Until he is replaced, he is THE President of the United States.

No judge is required to have a photographic memory of the Constitution. I bet you could ask SITTING judges on the Supreme Court and have them miss a question. That is what clerks and research people are for.

What this comes down to is two basic things.

1. Merrick Garland never made it onto the court. People are still bitterly pissed off that he didn't. But what they forget is that he WAS nominated and did not get through the process due to a Republican majority. It was perfectly legal and was allowed. It sucks if you wanted him, but that is the way the game works.

2. People are STILL scared that Roe v Wade is going to go bye bye or the ACA is going to get kneecapped. News flash, SCOTUS has been majority Conservative leaning judges for YEARS. When Gorsuch was picked, all I recall hearing was OMG OMG, THE SKY IS FALLING, ROE V WADE IS DEAD! Same thing as when Kavanaugh was picked; although they were pissed about his supposed rape as well, every news site was repeating the mantra about Roe V Wade now dead.

It isn't going to happen. Not at a Federal level. It would be suicide for years. Conservatives, by and large, do not give a fuck about abortion. It's only the squirrelly ultra right wing pricks that care and Republicans sadly have to cater to them verbally to keep their votes. States, yeah, some will pass laws and then those will get turned away from SCOTUS like they have been for a while. The appellate courts will set the precedent on those rulings and they solidly rule for Roe v Wade.

Same thing for the ACA, although personally I wish that would die a fucking quick death. As I've said before many times, that little gem has fucked the value of my family insurance from work into the ground. I didn't get to keep my doctor unless I wanted to pay 2k+ per person per year, because he and a shit ton of other doctors went to Concierge fees to cover the money they were losing under the ACA. Now I have to go to either:

A. Doctor's who have horrible ratings for their practice, ie ones that suck or just don't care.

B. A clinic setup where I 'technically' have a 'family doctor' but in reality I can be bumped to others on staff or, most likely, a PA. There is no feeling that I know my doctor because, even if I do get to see him, they just run me through as fast as possible so they can get another patient in.

I have pre-existing conditions, so I empathize with those who are on the ACA. But the act itself is fucked up beyond repair. It needs to die and get replaced with a true national insurance. If not that, something that lets me go back to feeling like I have a real doctor and not just whoever is johnny on the spot at that moment.

It isn't going to be killed at SCOTUS though, they don't want to legislate. They will let it survive and if you think otherwise you are drinking the liberal koolaid that they are serving to round up voters.

I like the Youtuber and do agree with his other videos. I do not agree with this. I can diagnose a Macbook Pro right now if I had to, even after being away from Apple for around 8 years. But I might need to pull up a damn schematic or reference manual to know how much resistance I should be looking for on the PPbus if it isn't present when trying to power the thing on. If I and everyone else had photographic memories, we wouldn't have reference material. Wikipedia wouldn't exist. This is simply a nitpick because people are worried and still pissed.

HOA Karen does NOT approve of the Biden signs

luxintenebris says...

Another out-of-context video. Tired of the 'Karen' campaign. Without context, it's knee-jerk judgment. Already have people that making bad judgements about others without enough data.

That said...appears there was a man at the edge of the walkway - why didn't she address him? Sounded like he said...

"I'll talk to Cory. He's on the town board."

Doubt that political signage would be a violation (or enforceable) as it treads too close to the 1st amendment.

Have seen ramp walkways and handicapped ramps on homes. Those would look great with a "install your own President resistant walkway today!" sign beside them.

NOTE: don't let 🦜 bob fool you. he sent me a link to him and his band...

Fox News Confirms Trump Called Vets "Suckers" and "Losers"

newtboy says...

He was elected, but not democratically. The electoral college is not democratic. (Edit: my understanding is it was seen as a safeguard against democracy, because the founders didn't trust the uneducated masses to resist voting for a snake oil salesman that only serves his own interests instead of the national interest. Unfortunately it has served to put at least one in power without even winning the vote instead of stopping one who had.)

Trump is both a symptom and a cause. There are many, but bombastic, vitriolic, divisive, prejudiced people in public life and even leadership positions are a cause....just not THE cause.

Drachen_Jager said:

The political system is what it is, and technically it is still a democracy, so yes, he was elected.

The system is broken.

America is broken.

Trump is a symptom and ultimately not the cause of America's problems. Like many symptoms, he is problematic, but to assume he is the disease is a huge mistake.

Corporations and the ultra-wealthy now run the country. Wealth disparity is at an all-time high. Employers weaponize the medical system to force fealty from employees.

The truth is, America has long been an Oligarchy and is rapidly slipping into Fascism. Trump may have accelerated the process, but it was there all along.

What are you going to do about it?

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

More of a police action at this point I thought, but yeah, we didn't "win" yet, no mission accomplished, and now bounties on their heads. That said, we are in control of most areas aren't we? So the guerrilla fighters aren't winning either, they're losing territory but holding out.

None of my guns are sniper capable, my best bet at accomplishing anything would be my shotgun, and I doubt I could pump it fast enough to shoot twice, old and broken as I am, so I would be out quick too. Not what I would call a successful resistance.

I think if the military is part of a government takeover/crackdown, we don't have the slightest chance. The best we could do is identify ourselves as dissidents in need of quick execution.

But that's just like, my opinion, man. :-)

Mordhaus said:

Yet we are still at war in Afghanistan and policing other middle eastern countries. Sometimes all it takes is a few people with the will to not submit.

I know I would not live long in such a fight, I'm too old and I am disabled. But as long as we have the right to own semi automatic rifles with high capacity clips, we still can pay lip service to an armed public that can dismantle a tyrannical government. Take that away and you basically remove even the slightest chance that we as a people can challenge the government.

Mark 38 Machine Gun Hits Small Boat Targets

Mordhaus says...

To be fair, that assumes that elements of the military or guard do not also join the rebellion. Additionally, guerrilla forces can at least make it too costly for a military to continue, e.g. Vietnam and Afghanistan.

As long as the public has access to rifles that are at least close to the level the basic infantryman has, there is a chance (albeit a small one) that the people could resist a government that turned it's back on the Constitution.

newtboy said:

This is why the argument that the second amendment protects us from tyrannical government is ridiculous. They have weapons that can put 500 30mm grenades in your head before you hear the first shot, from miles away.

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