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ChairmanDrew says...

it just is.

And the video is not a bold new declaration from the state of Arstotzka informing you of a new law. It is, as rancor said above, just a PSA for defensive driving in NZ.

But I do get Chaosengines point about misallocation of police resources, they do often appear to be more about extorting extra tax, rather than "safer communities together".

Kalle said:

Where does it say that the speed limit is 100 kph??


bcglorf says...

I disagree. It SHOULD be a PSA for defensive driving, but instead it's a scare tactic to try and convince people that driving 7km/h over the speed limit is killing the children of hard working folks.

This PSA puts the emphasis on the speeding as though it's the problem. The real defensive driving lessons people need to prevent such an accident have nothing to do with speed. Obviously the guy driving out in front of the oncoming car should never do that, and that's not a small mistake, that's a kill myself and everyone in the car with me mistake. Lastly, the more important point that lots of drivers could stand to learn is regardless of if you are speeding or not, watch the road ahead for cars that might cut you off, and if it looks like they are start slowing down. If I spot a guy coming in too fast on a stop sign ahead, or rolling up to it, I slow down even though I have right of way, just in case. 9 times out of 10, it turns out it didn't matter, but it has spared me an accident on more than 1 occasion where even a little below the speed limit, there was just no way I was gonna slow down.

And the 7km over IS a ridiculous line for the PSA to draw. Just compare the difference that extra speed makes to your stopping distance and time to the difference in judgment required of the guy pulling out. The guy pulling out is gonna misjudge the oncoming traffic arrival time and distance by more than a second or meter or two.

rancor said:

Jesus, guys, it's just a PSA for defensive driving. Drive more defensively and move on with your life. (And, by the by, continue living.)



sepatown says...

NZ make the best Traffic PSAs even if I completely disagree with the point of this one. Basically it's part of the process of conditioning the populace to be more accepting of penalties for incidental speeding. Demonize the person who drives at 105kmh in a 100 zone and make it seem like they're doing something as stupid or reckless as someone doing 130.


chingalera says...

An American watching this psa there kiwi, one that actually drives his car and pays fucking attention to the road and the creatures on it who could give a fuck about the moment, is that both of these dimwits had they been in the U.S., would have been on their motherfucking cellphones with masturbatory thumbs ushering them into the next world.

Nearly involved in a 4-car-collison today, mid-afternoon here in Texas (Houston has some of the most distracted and retarded drivers on any road) because some dumbshit was on a phone, along with 2 other drivers who barley escaped jacking-off similarly behind the wheel.

This rural situation is a cake-walk here, but dumbasses still manage on unpolluted roads to fly unconscious in a helicopter to hospital.

Legalize GTA-style citizen watches and watch the shit change overnight....


shatterdrose says...

While I agree with your sentiment, I think there's also the issue that what's "perceived" as barely over etc. I've done filming like this for PSA's where we can't actually portray anyone committing an infraction.

But the point the video is making is pretty clear: if someone else makes a mistake, you better be prepared. You may not be at fault, but you're now involved, so do something that'll help minimize the casualties.

Additionally, perceived speed and actual speed can vary greatly. If driver A is used to driving that road at X speed, but driver B drives X+Y, then driver A will overestimate the amount of time they have.

Lastly, 10 MPH in speed makes a huge difference in impact velocities. Used to be pretty standard to say you'll walk away from 50, but carried away at 60.

ChaosEngine said:

Saw this on TV the other day, and it pissed me off immensely.

The guy who's going a whopping 7kph over the limit (about 64mph for non-metric people) is portrayed as the unsafe driver, while the idiot who pulls out onto a main road is portrayed as the victim.


Instead of demonising someone for a very minor infraction (and to be brutally honest 110kph is standard cruising speed in NZ), how about we make an ad of "Mistakes will cost you. Look before you pull out onto a main road, moron"?

Besides, even if the guy was doing 100kph, he'd still have hit him, given the difference in stopping distances is ~8m.


siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'driving, intersection, speed, cars, accident, australia, talk, psa' to 'driving, intersection, speed, cars, accident, New Zealand, talk, psa' - edited by eric3579

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