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Marijuana Intoxication and Driving

Marriage Proposal - Thug Life

ChaosEngine says...

This has been a PSA from the Society for Prevention of Public Wedding Proposals.

Public proposals: they're cheap, tacky, and attention-seeking. Allow your partner to turn you down with some dignity. Now you know!

brycewi19 (Member Profile)

"I Can Put My Arm Back On...

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'astar, canada, war, amps, robot, planet, danger, vintage' to 'astar, canada, war amps, planet danger, vintage, Canada psa, psa' - edited by BoneRemake

This Girl Can

Stu says...

I agree if it was changed how bare said and drop the hot comment. But that's not the point. This is just another fat PSA with that shit in there.

Cars on ski slopes, 2 WD, 4 WD, and 4x4 snow tires rule

AeroMechanical says...

Granted of course specialized is always better, but that's a lot of money. Where I live (Milwaukee, USA) you're actually hard pressed to find someone who even carries winter tires. On the other hand, I suppose if you figured they last so many miles, it probably evens out except for the cost of having them swapped out.

More PSAs are good things. The times I've lived in places where it rarely snowed, when it did it was a nightmare. It wasn't that bad from my perspective except for the other drivers who didn't know the true secret, which is: regardless of what you're driving, to drive it really, really slowly. That's what people weren't doing and why I ended up with a surprising number of cars on my front lawn.

Payback said:

Winter tires are still better under 7deg C.

All weather tires wear more during summer. You're actually wasting money.

Cars on ski slopes, 2 WD, 4 WD, and 4x4 snow tires rule

spawnflagger says...

slight nitpick about the video. the technology and the performance is different between All-Wheel-Drive (AWD) and 4-Wheel-Drive (4x4). These guys use the terms interchangeably, but that Ford is AWD, not 4x4.

It would also be a nice PSA if they did the same comparison on ice - where all of them would fail hard. This might teach dumb SUV owners that nothing works on ice and they should slow the fuck down when it's freezing rain followed by heavy snow.

Useless, Dangerous Toilet Paper Machine

bareboards2 says...

Have you not been following the efforts of sewer maintenance departments around the globe to educate folks on what can be put into a toilet? Moist towelettes are not something one should flush.

Paper, folks. Poo and paper is the only thing that should go into sewers.

We are wasting millions of dollars every year in maintenance because non-degradable stuff is getting flushed.

This PSA brought to you by Flush Away Safely.

poolcleaner said:

At a certain age you really should be using moist towelettes. Healthy buttholes, people.

How do you celebrate a 50 year decrease in drunk driving?

I Love Helmets

Obesity PSA - Obesity doesn't happen overnight

lucky760 says...

This is a very effective PSA. It really made me have a visceral reaction at the end.

I'm so happy my kids have never tasted juice or candy or chocolate or ice cream before (and I plan on keeping it that way for a very long time). I really hope that just like the habit of bad eating may be dictated by diet during infancy and toddlerhood, good habits can also be ingrained in our children and help guide their food choices for the rest of their lives.

Anti-racism ad from Australia

lucky760 says...

I love a PSA that says "No one should be made to feel like crap."

Way to dumb down your language for the slow-witted racists of Australia.

Women's Gun Advocate's Hilariously Hypocritical Testimony

Doctor Disobeys Gun Free Zone -- Saves Lives Because of It

Trancecoach says...

Cross posted from my other video: "If the majority of Americans were anti-gun ownership, then the 2nd amendment would have already been disposed of (as has happened with most of the other amendments on the Bill of Rights).

So folks here can complain all they want, but there's never going to be any progress on the (out-of-touch) anti-gun effort in the United States. That's where most Americans seem to draw the line: "The state can do whatever (e.g., surveil its people, drone foreigners indiscriminately, devastate the dollar, etc.), but don't touch the guns." In this, it's the anti-gun contingency that remains in the minority in the U.S. Even Joe Biden campaigned on his gun ownership.

Alas, most of the (conservative, rural state and Southern state liberals, inner city minorities, or NRA-supporting, and anti-NRA) gun-owners are not among the "progressive" (pseudo-)intellectuals on Videosift."

gwiz665 said:


Anti-Gun PSA Makes the Case for Women With Guns

sixshot says...

No matter how you look at it, this is one terrible PSA/ad campaign for "anti-gun". There are pro's and con's to owning a firearm. And whether or not it is right to have one, to not have one, to open carry, to conceal carry, it's all subjective opinion. I can't argue for or against for any of them...

Because frankly, I don't give a damn.

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